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5 years ago

LOL.  Haillary has retained her sense of humor, making a pretty funny comment about Assange and SFB.

The moderator wondered whether Hillary Clinton might have thoughts on Julian Assange’s arrest — noting that Clinton has “some familiarity” with the WikiLeaks founder’s work.
“I do, I do,” she replied, laughing, three years after WikiLeaks published leaked emails from her campaign chairman, along with a trove of emails sent to and from her private server.
Following Assange’s arrest in London on an unrelated U.S. hacking charge, Clinton said that he should be held responsible.
“The bottom line is he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it’s been charged,” she said on a stage in New York.
Then she joked: “I do think it’s a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner that this administration would welcome to the United States.”

Oh, and it’s supposed to rain here this weekend.  The sky is filling…

5 years ago

April 15th here is supposed to be raining like hell.  But if you live in Massachusetts, it’s a holiday… Patriots Day…  the Boston Marathon.  So their taxes aren’t due until Tuesday the 16th.

5 years ago

Everyone loves running in the pouring rain, and dealing with the additional traffic in Boston the Marathon brings right?

5 years ago

Had nothing else to do so I listened again to “Revolution #9″……it’s still strange, after all these years.

5 years ago

Thanks for asking, Ms Pat. It snowed here. After weeks without it, a few hundred of us forgot how to drive in the stuff and had car accidents. However, this wasn’t a monster. Yet. 

5 years ago

How much snow did you get XR, and was the “us” in your comment globally describing Minnesotans or personal?

5 years ago

Sturg, some things don’t improve with time – not sure about Revolution #9 – but I’m in your camp – still strange.  I didn’t quite get it back then and still don’t.  Must be art.

5 years ago

The most calming thing I’m doing today is my taxes.
I have the soul of a CPA. Just put me over in the corner and let me crunch the numbers. Why do you have to be old before you realize what you were destined to be
love you all

5 years ago

Revolution # 9
ooooh let me get that on the list
It is appropriate for a memorial service right?

ok maybe if I make a trip to Colorado for brownies

5 years ago

I just read yesterdays thread, even the parrot who usually wants to bite a chunk out of my hand wants to comfort me. 
yes I am tearing up. and thankyou seems so limited.
Sherry’s passion was her neighborhood and we set up a 501c3 several years ago to collect donations and grants. McCoy friends Y amigos. It is tax deductible check it out.  Be sure to leave me your contact information so I can verify your contribution
The website
scroll down until you find the paypal donate button

5 years ago

was thinking about music for Mrs jacks memorial service. As she was a Beatles fan and she has the whole box set…..
Which album should I choose?

5 years ago

Rev 9 is really interesting–it never made it onto Armed Forces Radio so this is the first time I’ve heard it. I’ll see if I can get it to do its thing in surround sound in the media room.

5 years ago

Jack, that’s a decision only you can make. I suspect as you go through the cuts on the albums you’ll come across ones that will break your heart, and others that will bring forth incredibly joyful memories. For a memorial service, I think one of the goals is allowing the participants to be uplifted in the Celebration of Life. I would let that guide my selection. And, that would give me something to talk about mingling after the service. Flatus

5 years ago

Mr Pogo,
We got about 4″ of snow yesterday, and another 2 or 3″ today. People are yakking about ‘dirty Texas snow’. 

It looks like the sun is trying to peek through right now – 2pm CDT.

5 years ago

Because we make oodles of phone calls to Canada, and a few to Mexico, it was a surprise to discover that our phone service does not stretch to Europe.
I want to make a dozen or two phone calls, up to 15 mins in length each, to Britain and W. Europe. Does anyone have any suggestions for a 1. cheap, 2. easy for an old not-so-techie guy to access, 3. cancel anytime service ?

5 years ago

XR, when can you plant things outside? All of our flowers are set and I have our tomatoes ready to go outside tomorrow. Down here, the normal guideline is to wait until Easter which, in a normal year, would already have been celebrated.

5 years ago

A friend of ours who has multiple special needs is going to be traveling around in Europe for a week or so. Sweetie and I want to make sure that he can get to planes, trains, cabs, hotels, conferences, eateries and bathrooms, safely and on time. It’ll mean calling airports and hotels in particular. Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted.

5 years ago

XR, I have a carrier, viatalk.com, that runs over my excellent hi-speed internet connection and goes everywhere. It’s what Ma Bell could and should have been. I have full-featured old-fashioned phones all over the house.

5 years ago

Mr Flatus, here in St Paul we can safely plant on May 15th. In the Mississippi Valley south from Lake Pepin, one can safely plant a week or two earlier. Outside of the Metro high pressure cell, the safe date is probably May 20th. There are places in the northern part of the state that aren’t safe until the first week of June. 
Sweetie has been to Charleston, but my experiences of SC have only been in the far north, around the ill-named Clemson University. 

5 years ago

With the added detail you provided, if he has a premium credit card, he may be able to shift much of the burden to their travel service.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Do a google search independent travel for the special needs traveler and add the issues and what you want to do  there are a few travel agencies that specialize in this type of thing and they may already have the framework in place.

5 years ago

“Two of us”
“In my Life”
Come to mind right off

5 years ago

Here there and everywhere
All you need is love
Happy just to dance with you
Let it be
Because (the world is round)

5 years ago

We talked to the dottir in Europa just the other day, but since the other part of “we” isn’t in the Aries right now, I haven’t a clue about how it was done.

5 years ago

That helps, right?

The long and winding road

5 years ago

Jack, there’s not much I could add to Sturg’s suggestions.  
Although, the Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/ The End medley is a good one – depending upon the tone you are trying to set for the memorial.  

5 years ago

XR, if you get a good answer to your cheap euro telephone conundrum, share it please.  AT&T looks like it’s trying to raise money to put its kid through college with its rates – $10/day per device.  I’m betting you can get a prepaid phone there for less.  Try browsing this.

5 years ago

..,. oh, and there’s this.

5 years ago

Thanks Everyone !