The “We Was Drunk” Defense

If Brett Kavanaugh was simply accused of drinking too much in school who’d care? But if this testimonial from his college roommate rings true then he got so drunk it might explain why the judge claims he doesn’t remember those parties. We really don’t need a mean drunk on the Supreme Court. Somebody could get hurt.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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6 years ago

profound words of genius from our very own whsky jack:  all he has to do is admit that he was a  drunken obnoxious little shit in highschool and college and they would hold the confirmation vote tomorrow


and sturge, thanks for alerting us to Rachel’s chat with Michael the avenging angel last night. here’s a portion of it

6 years ago

NY Times:
Best of Late Night

Colbert Digs Through the Latest Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh


“Obviously, this is a disturbing allegation that has to be investigated. You don’t want to confirm a perv to a job where you get to wear a robe every day.” — STEPHEN COLBERT
Colbert imagined how confusing the recent news must be for President Trump.

“It’s not fair that he had just three accusations and he might not get the gig! I had 19 accusations, and they gave me the launch codes.” — STEPHEN COLBERT, impersonating Trump


6 years ago

scripture for the day –

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

6 years ago

I always marvel at how the reporters back in the days that the Bible was being written got the extended interviews with God.

Now it may be that O’Kavanagh won’t tell us that when he was young and stupid he was young and stupid. To show easy that is, When I was young and stupid I was young and stupid. Then I grew up and I became old and stupid.

6 years ago

I’m almost jealous.  I didn’t get to be young and stupid until I was 30.

6 years ago

One of Florida’s “beautiful couples” is hard at work in anticipation of twins.


6 years ago

I hope everyone gets up and walks out today, leaving Trump to bloviate to an empty room at the UN.

Is the KavaNope/bartender story based on recent activity?  If so, there should be security cam video somewhere.


6 years ago

All scripture is meant to be internal.   Those outward signs that get you to believe the lie are just things observed by your five senses that keep you from following your heart’s desire or what you know in your heart to be true.  When read as a psychological work, the Bible makes sense.

6 years ago

You are getting very sleepy…


6 years ago

shades of Bridey Murphy

but then, judge Jeanie, you guys on fox are real pros at cryptomnesia  with your seemingly hypnotized faux fans.

6 years ago

Read “judge” Pirro’s Wiki page.  She and her hubby are good examples of what it means to be Republican…tax evasion, etc.

6 years ago

pogo & Jamie,  one upping you, i’m even older and stupid-er.  obviously growing more so with every passing day as I wake to more and more how much I really do not know.

6 years ago

Bethany Beach, Del. — Mark Judge has been conspicuously absent for more than a week: Named as the only witness to an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh, he has not been seen and has said little beyond a statement released by a lawyer saying he recalled no such incident.
A high school friend of Kavanaugh’s, Judge has been absent from his Maryland residence for days as Democratic lawmakers and accuser Christine Blasey Ford have demanded that Republicans summon him before the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions under oath.
On Monday, a Washington Post reporter found Judge holed up in the house of a longtime friend in Bethany Beach, nearly three hours away. A car in the driveway contained piles of clothing, a collection of Superman comics and a package addressed to Judge at the Potomac home where he lived three years ago.
“How’d you find me?” he said.
The reporter gestured to the car packed with belongings. Judge declined to comment further.
Barbara “Biz” VanGelder, Judge’s lawyer, said she instructed him to leave the D.C. area last week because of an onslaught of criticism and media questions. At the time, the conservative blogger’s life and writings were beginning to come under scrutiny, leading to charges of misogyny and worse.
“I told him to leave town. He is being hounded. He is a recovering alcoholic and is under unbelievable stress,” she said. “He needed for his own health to get out of this toxic environment and take care of himself.”
VanGelder said Judge waited to leave town until after the hearing date and witnesses were announced.
Judge, 54, has chronicled the debauchery of his 1980s high school years as a student at Georgetown Prep, where he and Kavanaugh were self-proclaimed members of the “100 Kegs or Bust” club.
In his 1997 memoir, “Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk,” he wrote of high school “masturbation class,” said he “lusted after girls” at Catholic schools and referenced a passed-out “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who drank too much and once threw up in a car.

On Sept. 16, The Post published an article in which Ford identified herself publicly for the first time and detailed her claim that, in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and groped her at a high school party as Judge looked on. By her account, no one else was in the room.
Kavanaugh has denied the allegation.
While negotiating her possible appearance before the Judiciary Committee, Ford’s legal team has urged the panel to compel Judge to testify, while Republicans have insisted that the hearing be limited to Ford and Kavanaugh.

6 years ago

The bartender I saw was John Heilman, who tended bar when he first got to DC……he was speaking about Mark Judge, who was a customer at that time,  and said Judge  was a belligerent, slovenly, abusive and obnoxious drunk.

That was on The Last Word with LO……

6 years ago


My slogan in life is that it is never too late for a happy childhood.  Like Merlin and Benjamin Button, I’m steadily “youthening”.

Make me a child again
Just for today
Foolish and Wild again
Just for today
Make me unwise again
Teach me surprise again
See through young eyes again
Just for today

Wisdom desert me
Folly Return
Brain of my Youth
Wrinkled by Truth
Unlearn, unlearn, unlearn

6 years ago

Saul of Tarsus…….Foooie on him.    Creepacus.

6 years ago

Well, blue, Mrs. P is Catholic, and in every church service, whether Saturday, Sunday, Christmas, Easter, wedding, funeral, etc. related to her family in the past 25 years after every one of the 3 readings, the priest and congregation says “The Word of God.”  The good Catholics aren’t taking the words of the scripture as some sort of psychological message – but then they believe…

6 years ago

The only problem I see with McSally is that she says that she’s “…a big fan of Donald Trump.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I guess you do not support abortion rights.  Not so hot on health care in general.

6 years ago

Kind of like having “Vote for me……I’m a creep” for a campaign slogan.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Jeeze  Kasich and now McSally   -Flatus is a Republican

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I don’t think the “drunk” defense works anymore.

Too many Law and Order episodes

6 years ago

KGC I _do_ support abortion rights while believing it sucks as a method of birth control. Kasich, like each and every human being, has his faults; I think that, after a period of determined self-examination, he would declare himself a Democrat.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I don’t think so.  Kasich only looks good because he is not Trump but he supports all Republican policies

He is nowhere near being a Democrat.  I cannot imagine what it is you see in him that makes you think that

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Jack is wrong about Avenatti   he is not like Trump

He is also successful- Michael Cohen is squealing like a pig because of him.

I don’t think he should run for president but he is a smart political guy with a lot of experience

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

No one thinks abortion is birth control but access to abortion should be an option.   Casually supporting people who are opposed to abortion rights when you say you support that right  what is that about?

Kasisch is anti-abortion and so is McSalley

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

This Administration is refusing Green Cards to anyone who has used social services for food or medical care or housing.

6 years ago

McSally is running for Senate – Kasich is running for  – what – TBD?  President in 2020? He’sa nonfactor right now. McSally is a Repug – control of the Senate is critical.  Anyone with an (R) after their name on tv graphics if elected allows continued control of the Senate by McConnell. If Kyrsten Sinema can defeat her, aside from adding a Dem to the senate roster it would serve as a great note of irony for John McCain’s replacement – McCain, unlike McSally, was not a big fan of Trump.  

6 years ago

Give me your not-so-poor and not-so-hungry…


pogo – I am a Christian and I do believe the Bible is the word of God, but my interpretation (which is not in conflict with science) is most likely considered heretical by the standards of organized religion.


6 years ago

After reading all the back and forth about whether Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not…  I gotta go with Jack.  Hope I’m wrong…  but it does look like the Repubs are willing to sacrifice anything and everything to get his ass on the SC.

As for Collins, Flake, Corker, and Murkowski…  I see only the latter, Murkowski, as the potential holdout.  The other 3 talk a great game, but in the end, always fall in goose-step line.

I’m always amazed that every time Collins says “maybe”, the left gets really excited.  IMO, she does this only to get noticed… to say to the voters of Maine…  “look at the fuss they are making because I’m important”.    Geez… stop….  falling…  for…. it.

6 years ago

RR is right about Collins.   We all know what “maybe” means.

Republicans still don’t think there will be any real, lasting blowback from siding with Trump.   They are very, very wrong. The young ones are coming for ya.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I’m still going with just say no to Kavanaugh and he never gets a vote

The Avenatti clients will be the final final for the icky judge

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

He must have been drunk 99% of the time


Kavanaugh’s Yearbook Page Is ‘Horrible, Hurtful’ to a Woman It Named

Judge Kavanaugh and some of his high school friends described themselves in a yearbook as “Renate” alumni.
The woman, Renate Schroeder Dolphin, was unaware of these references when she signed a letter defending the judge’s character this month.


Sept. 24

6 years ago

Disparage McSally if you wish. But, look at her life story in any of the objective Bios. Besides being a brilliant scholar and an outstanding combat leader, she has been a champion for women’s rights throughout her military career. I cannot get into her Arizonan mind on her politics–I just see one special woman.

6 years ago

kgc,  here’s some more from that ny times story you mentioned above:

The word “Renate” appears at least 14 times in Georgetown Preparatory School’s 1983 yearbook, on individuals’ pages and in a group photo of nine football players, including Judge Kavanaugh, who were described as the “Renate Alumni.” It is a reference to Renate Schroeder, then a student at a nearby Catholic girls’ school.
Two of Judge Kavanaugh’s classmates say the mentions of Renate were part of the football players’ unsubstantiated boasting about their conquests.
“They were very disrespectful, at least verbally, with Renate,” said Sean Hagan, a Georgetown Prep student at the time, referring to Judge Kavanaugh and his teammates. “I can’t express how disgusted I am with them, then and now.”
This month, Renate Schroeder Dolphin joined 64 other women who, saying they knew Judge Kavanaugh during their high school years, signed a letter to the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is weighing Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. The letter stated that “he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect.”
When Ms. Dolphin signed the Sept. 14 letter, she wasn’t aware of the “Renate” yearbook references on the pages of Judge Kavanaugh and his football teammates.
“I learned about these yearbook pages only a few days ago,” Ms. Dolphin said in a statement to The New York Times. “I don’t know what ‘Renate Alumnus’ actually means. I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue. I pray their daughters are never treated this way. I will have no further comment.”
Alexandra Walsh, a lawyer for Judge Kavanaugh, said in a statement: “Judge Kavanaugh was friends with Renate Dolphin in high school. He admired her very much then, and he admires her to this day.
“Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Dolphin attended one high school event together and shared a brief kiss good night following that event,” the statement continued. “They had no other such encounter. The language from Judge Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook refers to the fact that he and Ms. Dolphin attended that one high school event together and nothing else.”
Ms. Dolphin said she had never kissed Judge Kavanaugh. “I think Brett must have me confused with someone else, because I never kissed him,” she said through her lawyer.
Four of the men who were pictured with Judge Kavanaugh in a photo captioned “Renate Alumni” said it was simply a reference to their dating or going to dances with Ms. Dolphin.
[…long article continues…]


6 years ago

We have legitimized locker room talk in the White House, the next logical step would be to legitimize past bad acts on the Supreme Court

Republicans will confirm this judge even though in so doing they will be thumbing their noses at a large segment of the population and three female Supreme Court justices who no doubt have their own opinions and life experiences which their position on the court precludes them from talking about. Oh to be a republican and have this albatross hung around my neck just before Election Day. The smart money would pull the plug on this nomination ASAP but no one ever accused Republicans of being smart.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

One can have a wonderful life story and still be unacceptable for public office.
I don’t think discussing a member of congresss’s voting record is disparaging them

6 years ago

Bill Cosby gets three to ten for crimes committed thirty years ago. Brett Kavanaugh gets a life time appointment. Go figure.


6 years ago

As a newly minted Arizonan, I’ve been getting up to speed on the candidates and issues for this election. Regarding Ms McSally, Politics that Work has a mathematical representation of the results of her voting record in the House. According to a summary of her voting record, Ms McSally…

…opposes taxing businesses, consumer protection, environmental protection, financial sector regulation, gun control, humane immigration policy, labor rights and wages, racial equality, increasing revenues, taxing the wealthy, countering Russian interference, and women’s rights.

…supports big business, hawkish foreign policy, taxing the middle class, avoiding default, poverty amelioration, higher spending, and domestic surveillance.

She is also in favor of building a wall on the border. Her voting record favors the wealthy 81% of the time and narrow civil rights 70% of the time.

Make of that what you will.

6 years ago

what i took flatus to say was even if we don’t like or don’t want to vote for a person, we can at least respect their humanity and whatever good they have done in the past.   i know i know old timey civility is sooo passe`

and it seems beto also agrees with the being civil concept according to abcnews:
After Texas Sen. Ted Cruz became the latest high-profile Republican to be confronted by protesters while dining at a Washington, D.C. restaurant, his Democratic opponent came to his defense, saying that Cruz should be “treated with respect.”
Cruz and his wife Heidi were dining at Fiola, an Italian restaurant in downtown Washington Monday evening, when a group of protesters surrounded his table, chanting, “We believe survivors,” in apparent reference to the allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.
Video of the incident posted by the Twitter account @SmashRacismDC, a self-described liberal, anti-fascist group, shows the Cruzes collecting their belongings and attempting to exit the restaurant as the protesters continue to chant.
Tuesday morning, Cruz’s Senate opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, responded to the incident in a tweet of his own, expressing disappointment with the situation.
“Not right that Senator Cruz and his wife Heidi were surrounded and forced to leave a restaurant last night because of protesters,” O’Rourke tweeted. “The Cruz family should be treated with respect.”

6 years ago

so too the avenging angel according to bloomberg:

Avenatti Says Democrats Won’t Win by Shaming Trump Voters

6 years ago

McSally is just another run of the mill Republican. Be it social security, financial regulation, voter rightes etc etc. if the issue is of critical national importance and will benefit citizens for years to come, Republicans may talk a good game but when it is time to vote they almost invariably revert to form and vote self service over public service. In short they simply can not be trusted to act in the best interests of the country. This is not new and it is not a case of both sides do it. It belongs to Republicans.


6 years ago

Jace…   so good to see you commenting again!

And I want to be associated with your 3:02 comment.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

No one was being uncivil we are discussing her voting record

6 years ago

Thanks RR?

6 years ago

Thank you, Pat

6 years ago

With all respect to Ms McSally’s military service, I won’t be voting for her.

6 years ago

Have Republicans  even considered the possibility that Kavanaugh could be the gift that keeps on giving? What if these stories continue after his confirmation? Not saying they will, but the tip of the iceberg is becoming ever more visible with each passing day and each additional accusation. It’s not the legacy I would want, but then I’m a Democrat and as such legacy means something to me.

Whats a poor compromised republican to do? Decisions decisions. Trust the GOP to make the wrong one.

6 years ago

Abortion Rates Fall When Birth Control Is Free
By Salynn Boyles

From the WebMD Archives

Oct. 4, 2012 — Abortions and unplanned pregnancies dropped dramatically in a new study when women and teenaged girls were provided birth control at no cost.

The women and girls were also more likely to choose IUDs or contraceptive implants when cost was not an issue.

6 years ago

Don’t worry about Kavanaugh, Jace. At the worst, he can be Thomas’ drinking buddy.

6 years ago


was thinking the same thing. They can exchange locker room talk.

Just boys being boys.

6 years ago


Avenatti may be worse than Trump, hug him at your own risk. If he knocked on my door we talk outside on the porch, no way I’m inviting him in.


6 years ago

Of the Republicans on the committee: 7 law degrees, 2 SCOTUS clerks, 9th circuit clerk, Air Force judge advocate, state Atty Gen, adjunct law professor, and assoc DAG at DOJ. But the only way to get “respectful and professional” handling was hiring a “female assistant.”

6 years ago

chickens? cowards? gutless wimps?

6 years ago


from hollywoodlife:

Trump Humiliated After He’s Laughed At By UN Assembly After He Brags About His Administration

Awkward! Donald Trump’s declaration that his administration is the best the US has ever had made the entire UN assembly burst out laughing! You have to see this cringe-worthy moment and his pained reaction.

Trump said it himself; this was not the reaction he was expecting from his fellow world leaders. President Donald Trump‘s address during the United Nations General Assembly on September 25 elicited laughs when he bragged about the good his administration has done in the past two years for the United States, much to his chagrin. “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any other administration in the history of our country. So true,” Trump said, as the delegates at the UN failed to hold back their laughter.


Trump used “the world is laughing at us” on the 2016 campaign trail to slam former President Barack Obama, so this is clearly his worst nightmare. “The world is laughing at us,” he said at a rally in October 2016. “We don’t win at the borders. We don’t win with taking care of our vets. We don’t win with anything. We don’t win anymore. We will start winning again like you’ve never seen before.” He’s used “the world is laughing at us” as a talking point while in office, as well. As The Atlantic pointed out, Trump has tweeted the word “laughing” dozens of times since 2011.


6 years ago


6 years ago

Language Warning.  Buddy Hackett tells Trump joke decades ago.  We should have paid attention to the punch line.

6 years ago

The ex half-gov of Alaska’s grandson is going to dance on the junior version of Dancing with the ~Stars~ next month.  Nope.

6 years ago

They started laughing when Trump promised that Mexico would pay for a wall, they haven’t stopped yet. Perhaps they will stop laughing when Mexico starts paying for that wall. Don’t hold your breath.

6 years ago

America doesn’t know wheather to laugh or cry. In the absence of any decision we simply stumble blindly along.apparently we created this laughingstock under the illusion that there could be a do over if Trump actually won. Talk about an uninformed electorate. A do over was never an option. Publically the world is laughing privately they are wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth. Not a good situation.

6 years ago

So, I just watched part of IMPOTUS’ UN address. WTF?  And we thought we wouldn’t survive Shrub. If we were asking how much worse could it get back then , well, we have our answer.