2020 Dems On Court Vacancy

One of the subplots in the battle ahead over Anthony Kennedy’s replacement will be watching how Democratic presidential hopefuls vie for the attention of 2020 primary voters.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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6 years ago

also want to hear from folkettes like sally yates and amy klobachar.  lest we forget there are other stars in our sky.

speaking of what ms yates has been up to lately and to mn, from the star tribune:
Former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates will lead an independent investigation into whether Minneapolis police officers crossed a line and urged paramedics to inject members of the public with ketamine, a powerful sedative.
“The people of Minneapolis have spoken and we’ve heard their message loud and clear, which is, we need to get to the bottom of what happened and we need to do it in a transparent and accountable way completely free from any interference from officials in the city,” Mayor Jacob Frey said Friday.
Yates was the Justice Department’s second-in-command at the end of the Obama administration and acting attorney general under President Donald Trump until he fired her for refusing to defend the travel ban executive order in late January 2017. Last month, she announced she was returning to her old law firm to help conduct investigations.
“She’s got a record that’s beyond reproach,” Frey said. “It speaks for itself. Just a long history of commitment to unearthing the truth and delivering justice, and that’s exactly what we need now.”

6 years ago

I don’t know what rules are available to the Dems to slow, stop consideration on the floor of a nominee. I’m guessing that there are none that will be effective. I hope I am wrong. Remember that the one real tool – the filibuster- isn’t available any longer.

6 years ago

Migration ‘make or break’ issue for Europe — Merkel https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/28/europe/eu-summit-migration-merkel-intl/index.html

6 years ago

China will not give up ‘any inch of territory’ in the Pacific, Xi tells Mattis https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/27/asia/mattis-china-xi-meeting-intl/index.html

6 years ago

Milky Way is full of ‘space grease,’ study finds https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/28/australia/space-grease-intl/index.html

Maybe Trumpsky’s separate but equal, Space Force, can space-drill for oil.

6 years ago

How many does Bobby III have to roll up with Trumpsky to get a better SC pick?

6 years ago

Instead of more droning ineffectuals, Democrats might be better served by cultivating their own Donald Segretti. Right now Democrats are the equivalent of white noise in the background. Republicans are wearing Dems’ balls around their necks. A little mischief behind the scenes, deliberately planting kudzu in the Republican landscape is proactive & turns the tables for the GOP to become reactive. Media loves crap if it steals the headlines. Nothing puts a speed bump in the middle of an agenda faster than breaking news.

It isn’t a lie … if you believe it.



6 years ago

drip drip drip…

Federal court documents unsealed Wednesday reveal that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had much closer ties to a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin than had been previously disclosed.
A company jointly owned by Manafort and his wife received a $10 million loan in 2010 from the oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, according to the documents, which also alleged that the Russian billionaire provided financial backing for Manafort’s consulting work in Ukraine as far back as 2005.
That information came from a source whose name was redacted in the documents, suggesting that one of Manafort’s former associates has cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s wide-ranging investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election.
“Obviously this is another tie between Manafort and Russian intelligence,” Asha Rangappa, a former FBI counterintelligence agent, said of the new disclosures, citing Deripaska’s deep ties to Putin and the Kremlin.

6 years ago

 candidates should be running to represent their district, certainly NOT running to represent either nancy or Bernie or the twit.

I thought this statement intelligent enough to be repeated…

6 years ago

Fight. Tooth and nail…….it’s the only way now.  Risk not being elected again, but fight.  The Garland vote was stolen.  Civility is dead.

6 years ago

Poobah,  I was aware of Mitch being to blame for nuking the filibuster on SCOTUS nominees – he did that to get Gorsuch through. The inaccurate info on that is coming from RWers.  And I agree with your approach – head on questiosn about Roe, Obergefell, hell, throw in Brown to combat drip, drip drip -with the RW outcry led by SFB against illegal brown people in the US that is a field that has yet to be plowed.

Was glad to see the SFB backed build the wall and throw a crumb or two to dreamers did not pass the House – at least I think I’m glad.  I didn’t get into the weed re: the bill so I’m not sure what was actually offered that Dems wanted.

6 years ago

Remember when these were making the rounds?

Three Days in the Saddle, by Charlie Redass

Under the Grandstand, by Seymore Butz

Three Tracks in the Snow, by Wun Hung Lo

Spots on the Wall, by Hu Flung Dung

Tiger’s Revenge, by Claude Bawlz


6 years ago

We’re going to get the right wing hack job that they pick for the narcissist to nominate.  Perhaps the Democrats need to be cautious in how they approach this lest they end up looking like spoiled brat children right before the mid terms.

It’s a lot easier to be a conservative than it is to be a liberal.  Hate and racism is easy – doesn’t require a lot of thought.  Liberal thought has to include tolerance and understanding – something that requires effort.

There are lessons to be learned by the Ocasio-Cortez election in New York.  But the midwest isn’t New York.  This should be about the economy, jobs, lost jobs, etc.  The progressive can score big in November – but they’re going to have to fight like hell to do it.  Not sure if we have that in us.

6 years ago

Saw this in a comment thread at WaPo and though it was worth citing here.


12 minutes ago

wapo1024“Thanks to the Russians, former FBI director James B. Comey and fewer than 80,000 voters in three key states, the fabric of American life could be radically altered.”You forgot to thank the non-voter, Jennifer.

green-flag 7 minutes ago

Comey and the Russians influenced non-voting.

actualintent 8 minutes ago

And the Bernie-or-bust short-sighted morons who voted for Trump because they hate Clinton.

6 years ago

you deserve what you get when you don’t vote

6 years ago

One of the things we have heah is the Confederate tail trying to wag the American dog.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Might feel called upon to do a little Budminiscing as this funkyass day wears on.   It’s not a fit country out for man nor beast.

6 years ago

Robin Williams was ahead of his time.

6 years ago

I was born about 20 minutes ahead of my time.

—Roger Miller

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Nothing like trolling the Dems to make people feel better about their own lack of initiative or guilt for doing things that helped elect SFB

To Craig’s rundown on the election – important to add that Wisconsin actively blocked people from voting some estimates in the hundreds of thousands.   Penn also has a more restrictive voter ID law.

6 years ago

Remember this…  way back at the end of May.

Ireland votes resoundingly to repeat abortion ban

Yeah… Ireland…  more progressive than the USA.

6 years ago

Instead of invoking the “McConnell rule”, why aren’t the Democrats arguing that Trump has a clear conflict of interest in Supreme Court nomination? That’s the much stronger case than McConnell stealing Garland’s seat. No Supreme Court nominee should be considered until Mueller has finished/issued a report or as long as Trump is under investigation while he’s president. Highly likely that the Supreme Court will have to rule on something related to Mueller investigation.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I was an adult while abortion was illegal.  That policy ruined the lives of many people not too mention endangering people who pursued the illegal procedure.

Well f–k the millenials and their smug co-generations – let them see what it is like. They stayed home and did not vote  — hope they have air fare to Ireland.

We are the only country currently marching backwards.  It is why people voted for SFB

6 years ago

Where the ragged people go.

6 years ago

KGC…  what I find astounding is all the calls for Dem politicians to stick together to make them super…  or to show us some balls…   yet… the same doesn’t seem to apply to the electorate.   A lot of Republican voters held their noses and voted from trump anyways because he had an “R” after his name.  We said they sold their souls…  but yesterday showed us exactly why they did it.

I wonder if being “progressive” means….  asking other people to do stuff that one doesn’t want or will do themselves.

6 years ago

My particular choice for female Prez candidate:

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell says he wants a vote on a new Justice this fall. He is getting pushback from Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar, who said in a statement that Kennedy, “should be replaced by someone who will see both sides of the issues and make a decision based on legal precedent, not someone who will vote solely on the basis of ideology.”

6 years ago

My choice for president in 2020 will be whomever wins the Democratic nomination…  be they male/female…  black/white/red/purple/green… gay/straight/trans/bi/other…  loves Pelosi/hates Pelosi…  loves Bernie/hates Bernie…    etc….  etc.

6 years ago

And Amy needs to be the last person Trump talks to before he nominated someone for the vacant position of Kennedy

6 years ago

What RR said

6 years ago

Who will be moving into the empty Toys ‘R’ Us stores http://money.cnn.com/2018/06/27/news/companies/toys-r-us-closed-stores-new-tenants/index.html

Detention centers?

6 years ago

If only we could get verifiable evidence that one of Trump’s affairs resulted in a pregnancy and abortion…and that he wanted & paid for it.

6 years ago

Also, Hillary did poor job of addressing the concerns of a large groups of folks, some of whom were in those, three states.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Hillary did not do a poor job of stating her goals.   The oafs who didnt vote for her did a poor job of risk assessment and cognitive acuity.

6 years ago

And if those same people do it again, guess what……it gets even  worse., on the fast track.to hell on earth. (Unless you’re rich, of course.)

6 years ago

what sturge just said about oafs

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Clinton would have  had to yell I’m a racist/misogynist and I’m really a man before any Trump voter would have even looked at her.

Put the blame where it  belongs – voters who went with Trump want the white America of the 1950’s ..probably would be even happier with the 1850’s

6 years ago

heddy,   an inspiring idea! No Supreme Court nominee should be considered until Mueller has finished/issued a report or as long as Trump is under investigation while he’s president.  

[one problem tho’, we might end up with a 4-4 tie at appeal time]

6 years ago

dilemma of today’s democrat reflected in dialogue from “man of la mancha”


And all he reads oppresses him…

              fills him with indignation…

              at man’s murderous ways towards man.

              He ponders the problem… how to make better a world…

              where evil brings profit and virtue none at all.

              Where fraud, deceit, and malice…

              are mingled with truth and sincerity.

              He broods and broods and broods and broods…

              and broods and finally his brains dry up.

              He lays down the melancholy burden of sanity…

              and conceives the strangest project ever imagined…

              to become a knight-errant, and sally forth…

off to fight wind mills

6 years ago


6 years ago

They must have dirt on Kennedy.

6 years ago

Kennedy is a conservative- appointed by Reagan, waited out the entirety of a Democratic presidency, made a few more conservative rulings, and then retired when he realized a conservative majority was assured.  Landmark LGBT and abortion rulings?  What good is a position obtained that can’t be defended?

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

The Dems have to find a way to break the normalization of SFB and the equivalency which the media is doing.  Until they do that any message is going to be “the Dems need a message”.

I hope Mueller is following the Russian money trail to Mitch, Ryan, Nunes, Rorhabacher, and the other greedy old perverts.  It would be fun watching him spread indictments soon.

6 years ago

 “break the normalization of SFB and the equivalency which the media is doing“

…too late.  My news feeds are already littered with thinly-veiled GOP propaganda, daily.

6 years ago

Progs, Libs, Dems- they all fail to grasp how stupid the average voter is.  The GOP understands exactly how stupid they are- they helped make them that way.  Whenever a savvy Dem comes along and tries to game the system, self-righteous left-wing simpletons, like Blue, for an easy example, will undermine them out of principle because they’re just too dumb to see the bigger picture.  Obama pulled it off, but we see now, if we hadn’t before, that he’s an empty suit.

They’ll suit up for war when they could have just pulled a lever, but that would be too easy- people have to learn the hard way: it’s why we’re doomed as a species.

6 years ago

bink, have noticed that too about the ” thinly-veiled GOP propaganda.”
am also experiencing trouble with news reports that deal with anything negative about the twit and his foreign financial deals and some of the stories of various targets in mueller probe seem to trigger nasty malware invasions.   have had to clear history, shut down and reboot more often than usual.

6 years ago

With all of our technological advancements, do you realize we haven’t had a viable governmental innovation, globally, in like, 300 years?  It’s been almost 400 years since the most recent viable economic innovation.  Now, how smart do you think we are?

6 years ago

Media companies are businesses, businesses are profit-motivated.  We elected a fascist who has made clear he will seek retribution against any critical of him, businesses included, and the managers of big media can read the writing on the wall.  The more solid our head-fascist’s grip on power, the more right-wing propaganda you’ll see until there’s nary a peep from the left on those platforms and networks, but luckily we still have the internet.


Oh wait, big media owns all the transmission networks for that.  There’s always HAM radio, i guess.

6 years ago

Former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a frequent critic of President Trump, takes fresh aim at his fellow Republican in a new video in which he mocks Trump’s efforts to save the coal industry, [….].
The three-minute video opens with Schwarzenegger, an actor well known for his time-traveling title role in “The Terminator” movie series, lecturing a Trump bobblehead.
“So President Trump, I know you really want to be an action hero, right?” Schwarzenegger says. “So take it from the Terminator, you’re only supposed to go back in time to protect future generations. But your administration attempts to go back in time to rescue the coal industry, which is actually a threat to future generations.”
“It is foolish to bring back laughable, outdated technology to suit your political agenda,” Schwarzenegger continues. “I mean, what are you going to bring back next? Floppy disks? Fax machines? Beanie Babies? Beepers? Or Blockbuster? Think about it. What if you tried to save Blockbuster?”

6 years ago

There are two similar pieces at WaPor e: Rosenstein being grilled by Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy.  One’s by Jennifer Rubin, and one’s by Devlin Barrett, et al.  The utter hypocrisy of Trey (3 years and millions to investigate Benghazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi) Gowdy to hurry up and have Mueller finish his investigation is just stunning. And teh questionning apparently got pretty personal.

At the hearing, Jordan peppered Rosenstein with accusations, asking, “Why are you keeping information from Congress?”

Rosenstein denied doing so.

“I don’t agree with you, congressman,” he said. “That is not accurate, sir.”

Jordan also accused the deputy attorney general of redacting documents to hide information embarrassing to the FBI.

“Mr. Jordan, I am the deputy attorney general of the United States. I’m not the person doing the redacting,” Rosenstein answered.

As Jordan peppered him with questions, Rosenstein snapped back: “Your use of this to attack me personally is deeply wrong. … I’m not trying to hide anything.”

Jordan responded: “It’s not personal,” as the two continued to argue and Democrats on the panel attempted to interject in Rosenstein’s defense.

Not personal – right.

6 years ago

Chris Hayes had Cortez on his show.  I heard that normal turnout for off-year elections is 10%, but due to Cortez’ actual door-knocking campaign , she drummed up a whopping 2% more voters for herself, enough to oust the incumbent in the shocker from Queens.  I would hope that slackers would become aware of this, that if you are even a little passionate about a cause, and you can convince another one or two slackers to shed that label and get out and vote, the world can be altered.  { I have been a lurker lately…I’m OK and well and all that}

6 years ago

Dex, good to hear that.  Thanks for dispelling all the rumors and speculation.  🙂


Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Given how things ended up for Donald Segretti – in jail and disbarred I don’t think you will get too many takers.

On the other hand  …another Dick Tuck would be a good thing.



Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Shooting at the Annapolis Capital Gazette offices in Annapolis.  I immediately blame SFB.  When it is proven that the killer was not a cult member then, and only then, will I accept a different version.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I’d like to know more about the primaries in NY — why congress is on  a separate day from the state races  no wonder there is low turnout

6 years ago

When I used to work elections…  I’d always get excited for any upcoming voting day except the state primary…   it was so slow from low turn-out… it bored the crap out of me.  I know my fellow election workers felt the same way.   And yet we here in NH are noted for our better than average turnout.  I can only imagine how low the turn-out must be in other states.

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Finally my first laugh in several days.  I have my own hate troll on Twitter.  The Russians finally are getting around to attack me there. #WakeUpPamennett  Somehow the grind through the software does not have the same result as if it was a real American attacking me.

6 years ago

SFB can get that stopped when he goes to Finland. Just mail him a request to that effect.

6 years ago

We had our runoffs on Tuesday. I showed-up around noon–I was number 31 on the Democratic list of voters. I brought the ladies a bag of snacks. They didn’t pay a bit of attention to it. Instead, they are all competing for my everlasting affection. The nice warm hugs do feel nice.

6 years ago

Mr Flatus, were those hugs for coming in to vote, for voting as a Dem, or for being the dashing and Hollywood-handsome guy that you are ?
Driving up in the Rolls might have helped. Maybe.