The Art Of Deflection

Tucker Carlson tries to change the subject:

You think any of these people care about family separation? If they did, they’d be upset about the collapse of the American family, which is measurable and real. They’re not. They welcome that collapse, because strong families are an impediment to their political power. That’s why they’re always lecturing you about the patriarchy and the evil of the nuclear family. Millions and millions of American kids are growing up with one parent at home thanks to their policies. That’s fine with them.

The Science Of Stupidity

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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6 years ago

hmmm, could the tesla saboteur also be a distraction planned by the trumpsters?  and was the spontaneous combustion yesterday part of the sabotage?

from bbc:
In an email to staff, Mr Musk said an unnamed employee made unspecified coding changes to its manufacturing operating system and sent sensitive data to unnamed third parties.
The company did not comment and the allegations have not been verified.
The matter will be investigated, Mr Musk said.
“The full extent of his actions are not yet clear, but what he has admitted so far is pretty bad,” he said in the email.
“His stated motivation is that he wanted a promotion that he did not receive.
“As you know there are a long list of organisations that want Tesla to die,” he added, citing Wall Street short-sellers, oil and gas companies and rival car makers as being among them.

6 years ago

from Bloomberg:

“I do not believe Special Counsel Mueller is on a witch hunt,” Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday, repeating his formulation before the same panel almost a year ago, as the politically riven committee reviewed a 500-page report issued last week by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

But no Republican called directly for Mueller to be fired or restricted in his investigation, and Wray said he didn’t think the report “speaks to the special counsel’s investigation.”
“I believe that the question of Russian interference with our election is something that needs to be taken very seriously and the investigative work that’s being done in that regard needs to be completed,” Wray added later.
Wray, who Trump named to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation after firing Comey, told the Senate panel that the inspector general’s report identified “errors of judgment, violations of or disregard for policy and decisions” that in hindsight were wrong. He said “we are going to hold accountable any employee for potential misconduct.”

6 years ago

laura bush was right about the incarceration and separation of immigrant children is comparable to the internment of Japanese families.  

except in that case they didn’t separate the kids from the moms & dads

6 years ago

Totally. Great point, Tucker. For you guys marriage is between a man, his mistress, his lawyer, his Russian oligarch, 16 sexual assault victims, his ex-wife, his other ex-wife, a wadded up magazine…and his (future ex) wife. 

—mikel jollet

6 years ago

L.A. Times is under local ownership for the first time in nearly 20 years

6 years ago

Opinion: Trump presides over a global sunset to democracy

6 years ago

Dear Fluffy Carlson,

It is Republicans who do not truly care about the family.

A family is made up of people who will need food, shelter, an education, gainful employment, and, affordable healthcare.

These are all things that Republicans are intent on continually edging out most people.

Ripping a child away from a parent is not “family values.”

If it does not break your heart to hear or see a crying human being— if it does not break your heart to see children lying on the floor of an old Wal-Mart in cages, wrapped up in thermal blankets like baked potatoes in tinfoil—  if it does not break your heart to know that children are being separated from their parents and shipped like cattle to the other side of the country,  then you have no heart.

Jeff Sessions is a tiny man, but he is not so small that he can hide behind the Bible.

Donald J. Trump is a sociopathic liar.

Those who continue to give him cover and  promote his agenda are killing democracy.

WWJD?   Certainly, nothing that the Trump administration has carried out, which is nothing less than a full-out assault on human beings, and by extension, the family.

You will find yourself in the wrong side of history, just like followers of Hitler and Mussolini.

You should look at yourself in the mirror and see if you can say, out loud, that the Trump policy (and it is his his policy) of having our government kidnap and traumatize children as a negotiating tool is in the best interest of those families.  If you can, you should go seek help because you are as sick in the mind as Trump.

6 years ago

 sessions: “because in Nazi Germany, they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country!”

bless your shriveled little heart, jeff, you’re right. the Nazi’s did keep the jews from leaving germany so that they could gas them to death to make sure they wouldn’t return.

6 years ago

Amen, BiD.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

A beautiful morning glory to the trail.  sessions frowns on comparison with nazis over border kidnapping of children (maybe this is the real pizzagate!) 
Patd already commented on this —

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday defended the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the country’s border with Mexico, claiming that comparisons made with Nazi concentration camps were “exaggerated” since during the Holocaust, “they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country.

6 years ago

BW, perhaps sessions is subtlety suggesting that, as the Nazis did, we should send these little ones on to the showers as a permanent solution.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

trump’s true legacy — the rich get richer.

Maybe putie and xi will give trump the employee of the month award for this progress.

Meanwhile, xi and kim are together again.  Perhaps kim will snag the award instead of trump.

6 years ago

Harking back to the previous thread: Pogo and Xrep, you missed the whole point of my comment, which really had less to do with Dante and Dobson (an obscene juxtaposition, but anyway) than with the fact that a criminal administration is denying babies, toddlers, and even older kids comforts as crucial to their emotional, psychological and spiritual development as food, clothing, and shelter.  . .such as that is.

Yeesh, guys. I’m just not intellectually sophisticated enough for present company.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

sessions like the rest of the trumpence junta is rewriting history, spreading artificial stupidity and racism throughout the land.  In reality?  Most of Europe sent their Jewish populations to Germany, willingly.  Just like the rest of the Americas…sending humans to the border for processing.  trump forgets we are a part of the Americas.  Now trump is killing our American relationships while he cavorts with the dictators of the rest of the world.


6 years ago

Jill Abramson has an interesting op-ed in the Guardian today, where she likens this child separation debacle to Trumps Katrina moment.

6 years ago

LF,  You had 3 paragraphs in that post – each worthy of comment.  I commented about the last one – as I read the comment it reflects the consequences of the first two.  While I’m not immune to the suffering of the children I am happy to see trump planning what I hope to be his own downfall.  When he starts to lose part of the hypocritical evangelical base it seems to me he’s on a fast track to retirement, at least I hope so. (And don’t underestimate yourself or overestimate present company). I tend to riff off comments.  gets me to a happy place sometimes.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

trump is creating a future angry demographic to topple the US of AA.  Just like putie and xi want it.

Citizens are so flummoxed over these mostly evil men they are unable to stop the crap these guys are spewing.  kelly’s gf, nielson?   When trump appointed her as the top Homeland Security chief?  He threw her a welcome party of lobbyists and charged the Homeland with the party cost.  She is a paid shill and mouthpiece without any power, just like haley.

A $8,000 White House nomination party for Nielsen also alarmed some in the department, because lobbyists were invited, and because the White House sent DHS the bill. The House’s homeland security committee, has asked the DHS’s inspector general to investigate the costs.

6 years ago

“Yeesh, guys. I’m just not intellectually sophisticated enough for present company.”

LadyeFaire, you calling pogo & X-R sophisticated?  they’ll take umbrage at such slander.  intelligent maybe, but sophisticated?

your insights are always welcome to  join the rest of us hicks & yokels dragging our knuckles here on the trail. 


6 years ago

The one well known constant for a healthy child is structure, something they can count on from day to day with people they know.  It can be liberal.  It can be strict.  It can be made up of just about any combination of parents/caregivers from a traditional nuclear family to a group home.  It just needs to be stable and non-violent.  Violate that stability/structure and you injure the child to one degree or another.  Lose a parent and there needs to be adjustment until someone or something else fills in the blank.  Fail to fill in the blank, and there will be consequences.  Even benign neglect can be okay as long as it can be relied upon.  War, violence, separation, even conditions that change constantly such as frequent home changes, messes with that structure unless there is a trusted adult there to say, “I care.  I will try to keep you safe.”

There are 1.7 billion people on the planet.  There are not enough resources for them all.  Many areas of the world are in a state of war, starvation, political unrest, and disease.  Children all over the world are suffering from a host of horrors.  These children on our borders are only the latest in the news of the world.  The disgusting part is that they were with a caregiver.  As hard as their lives were, they were among the lucky ones who had someone who cared enough to try to protect them and their current condition is the result of a whim by a racist, multi-married slob who only likes one of his children and none of his wives.

Everyone in the world can’t come here.  Nations should have controlled borders.  There needs to be laws to handle these migrations from danger to perceived safety/work.  The children shouldn’t be left sobbing, with no one to hold them who cares.  The developed, politically stable nations are under extreme pressure from all those fleeing horrendous conditions or driven by political/religious unrest.  That requires long term planning, cooperation, and an agreed upon ethical standard for the treatment of others.

In the meantime, government shouldn’t be making it worse than it is and that is what can be fixed today.



6 years ago


Blonde Wino
6 years ago

On a personal note, the winos received a notice from fordmoco last week stating we are no longer able to drive our takata-infested car.  Instead they are providing us an unsafe subcompact rental car at their cost as our russian roulette game with the airbags is over.  We are alive and awaiting the new and improved bags.   It reminds me of nader book, Unsafe at Any Speed.

Hubby also is in a play, the Laramie Project.  I have been running lines with him and they play runs in August.   The Shepard murder was 20 years ago and the same religious ugliness toward the LGBT community persists.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Jamie…the worldly population is

7.6 billion

The current world population is 7.6 billion as of June 2018 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometers.

6 years ago

excerpt from an editorial board op ed in ny times titled “When Did Caging Kids Become the Art of the Deal? “:


Lawmakers should not negotiate with the president until he puts a stop to this “zero tolerance” insanity. Even if Republican members can’t be swayed by the immorality of the practice, they should look at this situation in terms of preserving their own power: If they let Mr. Trump roll them by using innocent children as hostages, he will learn the lesson that brutality is the key to getting what he wants.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Patd…as I have commented on the last post, trump and his isis cages now recycled on our southern border.  I sure hope sessions starts working on our northern border to keep those nasty Trudeau-lovers on their side of the border!

Tylenol? Send us your children!

6 years ago

The goal for an infant / toddler is to leave that stage with an attachment to parent (s). The goal for an adolescent is to leave that stage with a positive self image.  What’s happening to these children now will be psychologically damaging and reduce their concept of self-worth (at a minimum).

I think what we also need to pay homage to is the fact that this is being done, not to infants, toddlers and children; but rather to BROWN infants, toddlers and children.  Basic racism at its worst.

One last thought – we also need to acknowledge the trauma this is causing to the parents, who have travelled a great distance to leave often dangerous situations to seek asylum.

6 years ago


6 years ago

patd’s right.  Sophisticated is one thing I can’t recall being accused of.  Oh, that reminds me – I need to take the suit I wore last week to the laundry to clean the olive oil I slopped on my pants at lunch.

6 years ago


Transposing numbers off the top of my head.  Fixed now.

6 years ago

Jamie, all credit goes to BW.

1 billion. 7 billion. by any count, it’s still too many

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

yesterday I spent 5 hours at the DMV because I had to renew my license.  I watched people get licenses who could not read the eye chart.    The whole process was a total Rube Goldberg operation which consisted of standing in about 4 different lines have the people behind the desk repeat the same action over and over.  I was thumb printed three times  WTF

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Ugly and divisive…just the way xi and putie like it.  The silk road continues and we are dropping fast in the worldly order.  trump or kim?  Who is the better employee of emperor xi and his strongman putie?  The alacrity of change is unnerving and shocking to most citizens.  The bad breath of hell coming from the mouths of the trumpence junta…out-doing each other in preposterous claims and actions to please the boss.  And NO inspector general is going to get us out-of-this mess.  Only Mr. Mueller might have the power to keep locking these crooks up!

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

KGC…welcome to the real ID.  NM has also introduced the real ID driver’s license.  When I went in January to renew my license?  Many turned away and sent to DHS for ID problems.  The amount of paperwork, etc. has nothing to do with certifying safe drivers, seeing drivers…it is all about the paperwork…getting your papers in order for the police…a true nazi move by the gop government from the bushie years.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

I can’t even imagine what 7.6 billion hungry mouths look like…it would take a lifetime to count them.

6 years ago

dv, spot on.

Michael Gerson has a good piece at WaPo today that puts the biblical support fantasy for the SFB and Ernie Man’s Inhumanity to Children policy into biblical perspective. NOw I’m not religious, but let me sign on to support Geron on this one.

The Bible, a rich and sprawling book, offers another angle on these matters. At one point in the New Testament, Jesus calls a child over and says, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Sometimes those who invoke God’s justice would do better to fear it.

SFB, Ernie, have a nice swim.

6 years ago

Patd BW

My apologies.  Cats had me up most of night.  Still not compos mentis

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Who knew the gop ‘trickle down from reaganomics’ and the ‘shock and awe’ from last century would finally show-up under trump?

If you want to see fast moving things?  Time for the National Debt Clock.  Since trump is in office and the gop is running things?  Dizzying!  How much is this guy costing us?

Jamie…just glad you are still kicking!

6 years ago

As usual, the dems are reacting to a given situation.  But better late then never i guess.  Whey do they have to  over intellectualize, wait it out and see how the public is going to react to any new actions taken by this evil regime….

Right after Sessions announced a while back that their new policy was 0-tollerance….the dems should have been all over the place asking questions, and not letting them get this policy out of the gate….I did!  I saw it coming.  I took them a while to start screaming about this…….just like Fox feeds trump…..the other news outlets told the Ds (showed) that it was time to start barking at the RS……

Sure going to be glad when we dont get any news at all from the corporations……all the give us is what they want us to hear anyway……both the left and the right are owned by corps………and thanks to Bill Clinton….he passed..if i dont remember the exact name of this ….i think the communications act…..that finally allowed for a t and t to merge with warner… the will push …one of the corps that paid a lot of money to Cohen… way or another they will get their way…just wait it out……i have a t and t……and will see what else is out there…..mmmm maybe B  Clinton passed that bill….just cos he was a media darling…….right now i wish that he would just shut the f up……..

The DNC needs to start answering each and every lie……going to be to late later……….later going on a long bike ride at bull frog lake……

I have some of those plastic ties……if i see some racist giving someone any shit….i will make a  citizens arrest…….

Another think…….not that i want anything to happen to others…..but why doesn’t any Dem…or others…..point out t hat we also have other illegals……Polish, Irish, etc, etc, that have overstayed their school, work, etc etc visas…… i said ….i dont want them hurt…but…


I dont want Trump or any one from that herd to come down to my home in dantes inferno……we just call it that to scare people away………let him enter the kingdom of his gods………hell if only for us diablitos……

The end of organized religion is the end of wars…..all types of evils that are let upon the world……and specially reasons to hide behind….oh and the end of wars

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

trump’s feckless stunt (thank you Bill Maher) of sending the troops to the border?   More waste and cost.  I never knew ‘babysitting’ was part of military training (even in the nanny state.)

6 years ago

Almost made it to the door.  If I were a dem in congress, or the senate, or in the dnc…..i would find out exactly how the money is spent for housing, feeding….specially the feeding of all of these people that are jailed in the wallmarts and anywhere else………bet trump or one of his close friends are making a lot of dinero feeding that slop the the caged children….by the time they even get interested in doing this…….it will be t o late…..

Anything that comes out of this admins….mouth should be looked at in this fashion……they dont fart unless they can make some cash out of it…….later

6 years ago

Today’s favorite tweet and it isn’t even 7:30 yet.

“I’m not saying I hate Donald Trump, but I would unplug his life support to charge my cell phone.”


Blonde Wino
6 years ago

It looks like comey will have his tumble in the barrel as he is still under investigation for ironically, mishandling of classified info.  He was lucky to have his book and sanctimonious tour to help rehab his image.  He accused clinton of being sloppy and he IS the one who was played by the ruskies and giuliani’s NY fbi office.

6 years ago

the hill via msn:
More than 600 members of the United Methodist Church signed onto a letter Monday condemning Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant parents and children at the U.S. border.
In the letter, the group of churchgoers, including clergy and church leadership, accuse Sessions of child abuse, immorality, racial discrimination and dissemination of doctrines contrary to the standards of the doctrine of the United Methodist Church.
They note in the letter that Sessions is a member of Ashland Place United Methodist Church, in Mobile, Ala.
“While other individuals and areas of the federal government are implicated in each of these examples, Mr. Sessions – as a long-term United Methodist in a tremendously powerful, public position – is particularly accountable to us, his church,” the letter reads. “He is ours, and we are his. As his denomination, we have an ethical obligation to speak boldly when one of our members is engaged in causing significant harm in matters contrary to the Discipline on the global stage.”


6 years ago

Jamie…  great comment on your 8:51.

LadyFaire…  I’ve always enjoyed your comments.

Solar…  the Dems have pointed to white people who are here illegally.. the Repubs don’t care.  Remember trump’s comment about shithole countries and why can’t we get more Swedes or Finns.  IMO, DV is correct that this is basic racism at it’s worst.

6 years ago


buckle your seat belts.  bumpy ride ahead
the guardian:
US stock markets fall sharply amid fears of global trade war

Markets dropped across the world after Trump threatened to impose $200bn more in levies on Chinese goods


6 years ago

from above link:
Donald Trump threatened to impose an additional $200bn in levies on Chinese goods on Monday evening, days after the US announced $50bn in tariffs aimed at punishing what the US administration sees as unfair trade practices. China has already said it will retaliate for last week’s move and said it would escalate its response if further tariffs were imposed.
Monday night’s move sent global stock markets sharply lower and the Dow followed suit when it opened, dropping over 340 points (1.37%) in early trading. The S&P 500 and tech-heavy Nasdaq also fell close to 1%.
Some of the US’s biggest exporters were among those most affected. Boeing dropped 3% and construction and mining equipment maker Caterpillar shed 2.7%. Tech companies, too, felt the pinch with Apple down 1.5%.
US officials will hold a press conference on the decision to impose further tariffs on China this morning. And investors across the world will be hoping for signs that the US will de-escalate the dispute.
China has threatened “qualitative” as well as “quantitative” moves if the dispute worsens, meaning it could use inspections of goods, visa applications and other regulatory measures to make life more difficult for US companies doing business in China.
“Trump appears to be employing a similar tactic he used with North Korea, by blustering first in order to gain an advantage in negotiations,” said Kota Hirayama, senior emerging markets economist at SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo.
“The problem is, such a tactic is unlikely to work with China.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago


and I wasn’t even trying to get a real ID.  Although I was not a happy camper at least I came away with what I had endured for…a guy sitting next to me had lost his wallet and he had his passport a photo copy of his license and a bunch of other stuff but he didn’t have some piece of paper — he had been there almost as long as me when he found that out – he was pretty calm about it — that would have been the last straw for me.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

SFB re China

He’s just pissed he wasn’t invited to the current party with Xi and Lil’ Rocket Man

I noticed with the advent of the child concentration camps the talk of his Nobel Peace Prize has gone away.

6 years ago

So here’s where the narcissists mental illness will screw him (and maybe the Republican Party) straight into other ground.

Trump is incapable of admitting he’s anything other than perfect.  He’s demanding congress bail him out of this mess so he can save face.  I’m not sure if congress is willing to do that.  They’re going to have to have some democratic votes to pass anything in the senate – and I just don’t think they have the stones to step up with a bi-partisan bill.

If this continues as an issue, and the economy keeps falling because of his ridiculous trade war; it’s up to the Democrats to step up and take the advantage.

Ahhh there’s the rub.  Spineless, cowardly flinching Democrats stepping up to the plate.  We’ll see.

6 years ago

The child wailing “I promise I’ll behave” just broke my heart.  Echo of my childhood and making lists of how to be helpful with each new house change.   It took almost 40 years to come to terms with the need to constantly prove my right to be accepted.  But I still tear up for that baby and the damage being done.


6 years ago

I dunno – I’ve been wrong before – but as horrible as the situation at the border is, it is taking all the press coverage air in the room and leaving coverage of the falling Dow (800 points yesterday and today so far) and the lack of anything substantive from the NK talks with little presence. I’d like to see all of this covered vigorously.

6 years ago

pogo,  won’t a spotlight on the falling mkt just cause more to pull out… frantic & frenzy… a run on banks so to speak?

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

it is the news  – trying to manage the outcome is not the responsibility of the media covering actual news is the job

6 years ago

chaos in the mkt just another twit deflection?

he knows mueller is closing in, breathing down his neck

6 years ago

twit’s ultimate deflection may be starting a war

a real one and  not with shooting off his mouth or threatening  tariffs

6 years ago



That is exactly my point.  The Dems need to appoint someone, or many congress, senators to let the public know somehow.  When the go on an interview for the subject at hand that is taking up all of the oxygen ….they need to either let the interviewer know that they will be addressing another important topic….or just to say something along the lines….that what they are discussion is very important….but dont forget that…..and keep it up….everyone on the same page..

They are not looking out for us…just letting things happen then reacting to what ever they should have been trying to prevent, or letting us know what is coming down the road…..

Example:  I believe that we are heading for another financial crrises where the  too big to fail is going to be responsible for again.  There are a lot of people that have been getting home loans just like they did before.  They  are called non bank loans or something like that?….anyway, people dont have to have any down payment, t hey can use up or more than 50% of their monthly pay to pay for this loan….they are defaulting at a fast pace now……….and guess who backs-up no bank loans……yes the Big BAnks….and we will be the ones to bail them out again……t he Rs along with the Ds (40 of them) deleted, rubbed out, or deregulated some of Frank Dodd ……

They need to have people that can keep up with all of this…..I listen to Elizabeth Warren all of the time….she is a great warrior… is a cpl of other including Sanders latley….but that is not enough…….That flea-head (that i like a lot) Franken, should not have resigned he was doing a great job….find out where the RS buy their  thick skin……and graft it on themselves…….better get mean right now….or forget about it all…….

Renee,   Hi spidey…say hello to what his name for me… yours and rick, ricks front  yard……

I get most of my news from u-tube….lots of new channels like the turks to tell it like it is….and some Internet sites like Anti-war .com……Asia times, and other around the world…they keep me balanced it think in that department……later…..the ds need to take advantage of this …..most of the worlds organizations are completely against trump and his crime syndicate……just so much out there to club them over the head with that if they dont take both the house and senate….they dont deserve the potus either……I think that its t ime for another Perrot to make himself known……Im going to look for someone…..

Blue in dallas…….Champ is right  …….linking nothing but cnn…get old fast!

HEY, PURPLE.  You would think that once in a while someone would mention Campaign Finance Reform huh?  I will vote for whomever promises this along with t erm limits…..dont care who it is….this is the root of all politcal sickness to me…..just like Religion is the rood of all evil……..later

6 years ago

Last  one….I did not post for a long time due to my head/mind never being in a  quiet state….mostly bs chatter about politics….

Example dos: Trump stated that…due to immigrants…Germanys crime rate was way way up.  I listened to yesterdays press confrence with that lying bitch Sanders…..some one told her that he had the statistics of Germanys crine rate going down.  Then he…by crime category read how they had actually went down…sited the % they they went down by……and asked her where did the Potus get his information from….she deflected as usual….said that she was not aware of the report….how would she….that is GErmany not the us…….he should have followed up with…..he a fkn lier… reason that some dem couldn’t…….ok back to lurking….later

6 years ago

OH,  Jace, thanks for all of the Music…….I sincerely hope that your health is fine now….

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

That poor woman at Homeland Security must wonder why SFB hates her so much

6 years ago

Solar, If u don’t like my links, don’t read ‘em.  We all have a scroll function.  So, here is one more…

Trump ramps up rhetoric: Dems want ‘illegal immigrants’ to ‘infest our country’

We are not being “infested” and the way he characterizes Dems’ view of immigrants is also, surprise, a lie.

If any place could use the Orkin Man right now, it’s the WH.

Dems aren’t exactly making an across-the-board ruckus about this, either.   Now is not the time to hide from the spotlight politicians loves so much.

6 years ago

Hopefully, Trump’s arrogance will cause him to say something indictable, since Republicans seem to be comfortable having an old-school Nazi as the leader of their party.

jamie- I’m so sorry you went through that. I feel ya. For anyone to say our government isn’t being abusive to these children is clueless. I really hate it when folks say, kids are resilient. Kids are humans and though they may survive, they will not be undamaged by the things being done to them.

6 years ago

patd, reporting the fall in the Dow could have that effect.  It’s dropped 7.4% since february – it has dropped 2.6% since June 11.  Most of the decline has been in response to SFB’s tariff talk.

6 years ago

George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents


6 years ago

I lied again…….I think that the way to bring Trump and his family down is through the “Trump charities”…..the whole country can understand that type of thing….he used a 501c3 to collect money from suckers and spent these monies on his hotels, golf course …….the ds have to hammer this one day in and day out…….bet they wait to see how the wind blows…..instead of making the wind blow the Trump crime family away………

6 years ago


Millions upon millions of children have it much worse.  Even with 21 schools in 12 years and never being in the same house two years in a row with constantly changing adults, I was never abused in any way.  There was always someplace to be and a fairly comfortable lifestyle.  It just made forming trusting relationships difficult for a long time until I dealt with the ghosts.

6 years ago

Bid, it’s not that I don’t like …any

..links to cnn.   I ts just that …if you..just my opinion… I will read almost all links, but cnn news is almost always old news….

GIve news about something interesting… look up a guy named STephan MIller.   I believe that he is the one that  Trump listens to on immigration policies…

Another name to look up…maj gen. Eaton….I like him for potus maybe.

He was against the bush Iraq war…he stalks Trump and calls him out often.  All he has to do..even if it’s lie….is to say that he is anti abortion. For strong immigration policies…maybe with an democratic house and Senate…he can get us back on track……that’s my advise,..every body lie about it..and then make up some B’s later on . Just posting about this idiot is not enough..what’s the cure?


6 years ago

Ms LadyeFaire, I completely agreed with your comment. My post was meant to be a mere tangent to yours.

However, it is always best to keep an eye on me and jerk me back into line when I stray.

Like Mr Pogo, I’ve never been accused of being sophisticated before. So thank you, you made my day.

However, I have been called a sophister – which doesn’t sound quite as elegant.

6 years ago

These people whom the trump junta is mistreating are Indians. Indigenous peoples, whose ancestors have been here 30,000 years. How the hell does the grandson of a criminous German brothel owner/disease spreader, a man married to an immigrant who worked here illegally before she got a green card, a man who imported undocumented workers, himself – how does he have any right to torture Indian children ?

He doesn’t.

Lock him up. Then, deport him.

6 years ago

These republican concentration camps are the start of further genocide against Indians.

6 years ago

X-REP – They’re not Indians, but rather BPWO!  This has two meaning, it stands for either “Brown People Without Oil” or “Black People Without Oil”.

Hence the positive way we interact, and hold hands, and kiss, and suck up to the BPWithO in Saudi Arabia.  As we allow Boko Haram to kidnap and rape a generations of young women.  Hence how we turn our heads to countries like Rwanda and Darfor – as the BPWO commit genocide and kill millions.

No wonder we’re, as I type, in the process of withdrawing from the UN Commission on Human Rights.  The only thing I’m ashamed of right now is that I didn’t move my family to Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada or some other place in Europe when I was younger and had the chance.

6 years ago

Xr, U r sophisticated….all Ninos patrons are.


This is how to tear it up, tear them down.  Should be done on each and every subject…..very simple, to the point, and in terms that even i could understand……impressive:

6 years ago

a twit twofer –  1. fires the AG,  proclaiming the immigrant mess was jeff’s fault and therefore it’s now fixed

2. gets new AG, probably Pruitt (since already confirmed) or rudy who in turn fires rosenstein and mueller



Trump’s Campaign Manager Urges Him to Fire Sessions, End Mueller Probe

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Looks like a good day on the trail.  Going to work at 0545 makes a big difference in the first posts of the day.

The basic issue is that SFB and his mini-pence, the “I am not a Nazi’ sessions, declared that seeking asylum in the U.S. is a crime.  Then misreading a statute they then do the Nazi thing (Godwin’s Law, which he said does not apply in this situation as it is Nazi like) and steal children from their parents and throw them in a concentration camp to live in animal cages.

There is a great problem with America if this is not corrected soon.


6 years ago

“These people whom the trump junta is mistreating are Indians. Indigenous peoples, whose ancestors have been here 30,000 year”

X-R, amen to that.

far far from sophistry with that argument… but you forgot to throw in the extended family of his immigrant wife who had no problem getting processed in front of others.

6 years ago

Solar – we need more Dems like him in the Congress.  He read the report – or was thoroughly briefed on it by someone who read it thoroughly – and knew exactly what buttons to push with the IG.

6 years ago

vanity fair:
Michael Cohen, Holding His Cards Close to the Vest, Has Hired a New Lawyer
The president’s former attorney, who parted with his lawyers last week, has now hired Guy Petrillo, who served as the chief of the criminal division in the S.D.N.Y. from 2008 to 2009.
Cohen, according to two people with knowledge of the situation, has now hired Guy Petrillo to represent him in the ongoing criminal investigation of his business dealings in the Southern District of New York. Petrillo, a New York attorney who works with clients in criminal and civil matters prosecuted by the government, served as the chief of the criminal division in the S.D.N.Y. from 2008 to 2009. According to his Web site, Petrillo handles cases involving money laundering and fraud, along with congressional and special investigations. Neither he nor Cohen immediately responded to requests for comment.
News of Cohen’s legal shake-up has inevitably fanned speculation about whether he would flip. The conjecture appeared to weigh on Donald Trump, who distanced himself from his former personal attorney when asked by reporters outside the White House last week if he thought Cohen would cooperate with the government. “I always liked Michael,” he told reporters.
The use of the past tense was not lost on those close to Cohen. These people say that Trump has been foolishly careless with how he has publicly talked about Cohen, who they believe holds all the cards in the situation. “That one line had to be the dumbest thing [Trump’s] ever said,” one person familiar with his thinking told me. And that, indeed, would be quite an accomplishment.

Blue Bronc
6 years ago


Today is National Martini Day

America needs its gin

6 years ago

I’ll settle for a Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante. And, Spaghetti from Nino’s. Prosit !

6 years ago

We are withdrawing from Human Rights. This will facilitate the gassing the children of the DPW/OO (Indigenous American tribe).

Seize barron, deport melania, & LOCK HIM UP !

6 years ago

Watch out for a remake of the Brazilian tragedy of decades ago where the leadership ‘tolerated’ kidnappings of refugee children for the ‘benefit’ of well connected families. This would have been in the middle-late 1970s. And the refugees would have been from the former European colonies to the north of Brazil. As things developed, our country took remedial action under Pres Carter.

6 years ago

Perhaps it’s time for Brazil to reciprocate?

6 years ago

As a practicing witch, himself, the old false teacher & Prince of Lies knows a witch hunt when he sees it in his magic cauldron/iphone.

6 years ago

Donald J Trump hugged the American flag.   The American flag is suing Trump for assault. (Well, it would if it could.)

jamie – I was both uprooted and abused. I worry not only about these kids being separated from their families, but also that there will be something more than the emotional abuse they are already enduring. One of the guys who quit and spilled the beans about these kid-jails said that they are only given a week of training. Beyond that, is their any oversight? When they won’t even allow our elected officials in without time to tidy up…it could be really bad. A woman is suing Trump for taking her son.

6 years ago

The Brazilian junta also tolerated ‘Big Game’ hunting of Indians in Amazonia and of orphaned (brown) juveniles in Sao Paolo and Rio De Janeiro.

6 years ago

When I found out that what I’d thought was sophistication was actually sophomoric I gave up the quest…….besides, I’d rather be a king in Sophomoria than a peasant in Sophisticatia.

6 years ago

The deacons from the Catholic Church are visiting a facility where girls and infants are being held against their will.  The children run, crying to the deacons, but they are not allowed to hug the children.

The local news had authorities called on them twice.  And they, clearly, can’t get inside.

Donald J. Trump: Nazi or monster?

6 years ago


6 years ago

US leaving UN Human Rights Council — ‘a cesspool of political bias’

Nikki Hayley had managed to keep some of Trump’s stench off of her…but she is rolling in his sh/+ now. Her political career is over; it goes away with Trump.

6 years ago

Sometimes an asshole will become a nazi, sometimes an asshole will become a communist,  sometimes an asshole becomes the weirdest thing you can imagine…….like Torquemada, or Savanarola, or PaT Robertson, or Ted Bundy.   Sometimes an asshole becomes president….   They will always do whatever they can get away with, and decent people have to keep going into the graveyard driving silver stakes.  As Don Carlos, the painter from Colombia, always says: ” No termina.”

6 years ago

By the way, what happens when the storm hits the gulf, or, when there’s another disaster?

6 years ago

Look at em all……..Dylan Roof, Timothy McVeigh, Jack the Ripper, hell, rattle off all their names……….


The best you can do is try not to be an asshole.

6 years ago

MF Trump, didn’t your feet really hurt when you embraced/disgraced the flag that I and so many others spent our lives protecting?

6 years ago

Negotiating with Trump is negotiating with a terrorist.

Donald J. Trump, the Terrorist-In-Chief.

Everyone who is advancing his insane and cruel agenda, everyone who continues to give him cover, will be thought of the way we think of Hitler, Goebbels, etc.  Stop enabling him!

6 years ago

Oops…………….the best thing you can do, and perhaps the only thing… teach your children to not be assholes.

6 years ago

And if you don’t have children, teach someone else’s children.

6 years ago

I once had this Ca-razy 12th grade English teacher who was absolutely enthralled by what he called “initiation journey motif” stories…….

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Sturgeone – teach the children to care and help each other.  Although I had a severe Catholic upbringing, I learned to love others and to help them.  Due to my position in life (transgender female) I have been through a lot and try to make sure that the oppressed in America have at least one person to care.

What SFB has done is beyond anything America stands for.  He must be taken down as he cannot be a dictator in this country.

6 years ago

NY to sue Trump admin for family separations

sj – At least one thing to like about Cuomo.

6 years ago

I think CATCHER IN THE RYE was a great initiation journey motif story where the kid just didn’t have a mentor figure and was just  doing it on his own…..kind of the way I did…….

Salinger was the Catcher’s meow.

6 years ago

McCain and Coons call on Pompeo to withdraw immigration nominee

6 years ago

Harry S Truman, “The Buck Stops Here”

Donald J Trump, “No Es Mi Trabajo”

6 years ago

I guess if it was one of their stupid songs I’d have to pick as my favorite this would have to be it………buncha goobers.

6 years ago

Sturgeone, can we call him an “narcissistic asshole”?

6 years ago

I think you have to be narcissistic to be an asshole so what the hell…’s not for me to say……..

6 years ago

Heros can be assholes too.   Nellie Fox was an asshole.

6 years ago

At least he was ……..that day.

6 years ago

How long will the Donald J. Trump War on Children last?

6 years ago

Just fa ol time, eh?

6 years ago

Once more I’ll post this.  It is so important to understand the psychopathy of what we’re dealing with here.

6 years ago

People have “Life Work” I suppose ……..I realized early on that my life work consisted of teaching one little girl. I’d have to salute and say mission accomplished, sir if they axed me.

i knew the moment we had to lay her in the motel window for the jaundice that my life’s curtain had dropped and her’s was going up… was thrilling and I never let up from that mission. She made it…..she’s now a full fledged human being, in the Cheyenne sense.

6 years ago

Wonkette set aside the usual snark today and just wrote as a human being.

America Is The Wire Mother

6 years ago

I hope someone with dirt on Trump is so outraged by his policy of kidnapping and traumatizing children that they give info to Bobby III, and, that it will be enough to stop this horror show.

6 years ago

I guess the US is leaving the UN Human Rights Council because the current administration doesn’t believe in human rights.

6 years ago

It sure was fun.

6 years ago

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

for a friend’s birthday we had a picnic lunch at the Luther Burbank Experimental Farm right outside Sebastopol, Ca.  In his life he had two goals – to produce food better so no one was going hungry and to make the world a prettier place.  And he was married three times.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

A little about Luther Burbank

Just sayin’  everyone is doing a happy dance over someone local buying the LA Times and the first thing he did was move the offices to El Segundo.

6 years ago

Dershowitz accused the perv in chief of breaking US laws regarding due process, human rights, and child protection, besides violating the Constitution. That sounds like impeachable offenses to me.

6 years ago


It was gratifying and uplifting to read your idealistic rants today. Thanks.

6 years ago

OK. I surrender. I’m ready for president pence. So, bring the creepy bastard on.

I wonder if ‘mother’ pence will be attending the Nat Security briefings to prevent hanky panky.

mikey always has ‘mother’ along when he has to endure female company. Obviously, he’s into threesomes.

6 years ago

X-R,  pence was Manafort’s piece of work.

according to these dailykos stories from last year:  Manafort made Pence the VP, they talked regularly during the transition


A Pence-Manafort-Russia connection before Trump?


6 years ago

pence a  Medvedev kind of stand-in for the real boss?