End Of The Beginning

Bobby Three Sticks (Robert Mueller III’s nickname among aides) made his move. What have we learned? Trump’s bullshit has hit the fan. Take cover.

The final sentence of Mueller’s plea agreement with George Papadopoulos says it all:

“Following his arrest” Defendant “met with the Government on numerous occasions to provide information and answer questions.”

Papadopoulos says in this agreement his statement “does not include all the facts known to me regarding this offense.”

Also, in court on Monday a Mueller prosecutor said about the Papadopoulos matter, “there’s a large-scale ongoing investigation of which this case is a small part.”

In other words, you’ve got no idea what all I know Mr. President, or who I’m getting it from.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

bravo! encore! encore!

7 years ago

as keitho said yesterday:

We have indictments!  Has Christmas come early?

7 years ago

and Stephen Colbert:

‘Tis the Season For Treason: A Very Mueller Christmas!

“o manafort, o manafort, you’re just the first of many…”

7 years ago

never too early to celebrate thanksgiving either.

it’s indeed turkey time…. and hopefully praying these first tarred and defeathered turkeys are not the last to give thanks for and feast upon

7 years ago


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Holy smokes…woke-up to smoke (open window) and fire trucks as a house to the north was burning down.  The fire glow and smoke is very Halloween.   The fire is out, but not in DC.   Thanks for the vid, patd.   Made my morning.

Happy Halloween, trumpence junta.  You deserve it.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

kelly fills the barrel with more fake bullshit, artificial stupidity.   The trumpence junta continues to rewrite history.  Mueller will shoot straight throw your barrel, kelly.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

House of Cards has been cancelled.   This is significant, not because of sexual abuse, hidden creeps in our lives, but because the ruskies are losing their show!
Russian trolls watched ‘House of Cards’ to learn about US politics

7 years ago

It ain’t over till its over

7 years ago


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Craig, sent you an email.

7 years ago


7 years ago

bw, thank trail friend and guru Jamie for that terrific vid. she posted it last night for us.  made my morning too.  it deserved a repost.


craig, papadopoulos is mentioned as a “proactive cooperator” and according to toobin on cnn that might mean he wore a wire among other helpful things.  imagine how that news sends chills to some.

7 years ago

That Kelly statement probably goes a long way to explaining why he won’t apologize to Rep. Wilson for lying about her.  I guess you don’t “compromise” with 3/5 of a person.  Here’s your sheet general.



7 years ago

The head Twit is tweeting again this morning.  Donny Daycare hasn’t reported for duty yet.


7 years ago

ratings down even lower, time for twit to cancel the unreality show.

excerpt from today’s wapo:

On Sunday evening, a poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal indicated that Trump’s approval rating had hit a new low, sinking to 38 percent. More worrisome for the president? Since September, the drop was biggest among independents, whites and whites without a college degree — key components of the coalition that won Trump the White House. NBC and the Journal also reported that the 38 percent rating was lower than any other president had seen at a similar point in their first terms in the modern era.

On Monday, new data from Gallup reiterated that same message. In Gallup’s daily tracking poll, which looks at three days of national polling, Trump’s approval rating hit a new low of 33 percent and his disapproval a new high of 62 percent. The net approval — those who approve minus those who disapprove — hit a new low at minus-29.

At 33 percent, Trump’s low is now lower than any approval measured for Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. There have been two days on which Gallup found more people approving of Trump than disapproving — both during his first week in office

7 years ago

also in wapoUpstairs at home, with the TV on, Trump fumes over Russia indictments

7 years ago

excerpt from an op ed by Richard wolffe in the guardian:

Even more than making America great again, Trump talked endlessly about his corrupt opponent. He trashed Clinton at every turn for her emails, warning gravely that her presidency would be crippled by FBI investigations, especially in the closing days of the contest.


“Lock her up” was the rallying cry of his entire general election, based on this supposedly serious FBI inquiry.

Only now, the shackles are on the other foot. We always knew that Trump accused others of his own failings. Even Lyin’ Ted Cruz, in a rare moment of honesty, accurately described Trump as a pathological liar and a serial philanderer.

Now Trump can serve out the remainder of this presidency living the life he predicted for Hillary Clinton. Making his final case to the voters before his election, Trump said the FBI investigations would trigger “an unprecedented and protracted constitutional crisis” because of “a criminal massive enterprise and cover-ups like probably nobody ever before.”

He’s rarely been so right and so wrong at the same time.

7 years ago

Are we approaching the time when Trump comes out and gives a ‘I am not a crook speech’?

7 years ago

The only thing more pathetic than Ron Ziegler trying to defend Nixon, is Huckabee Sanders trying to defend Trump. The bar is really set low.

7 years ago

Papadopoulos’ importance starts to become apparent through the emails he sent.

Lewandowski (who is dumb enough to claim he doesn’t recall whether he got emails from GP) Sam Clovis, national campaign co-chair, Paul Manafort (who said something to the effect of let’s keep this on the down low) and Rick Gates.  I see this as pretty funny – email chains trying to set up meetings that sound a whole lot like the one Don Jr. and Jared attended looking for dirt on Hillary – the noose is tightening while the target field is expanding.

7 years ago

Scottish Prayer:

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Will Melanoma be wearing a cloth coat — she remains the worst

7 years ago

Jace, Ron was a prettier face. (He ducks and runs for cover)

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

peanut sessions and trump running ruskie strategy meeting with non-existent human, p-los.

I just cast my early vote in the municipal election.  One judge and one council member.  I voted for the dems.

7 years ago

pogo & jace, not so sure that with a little lipstick, mascara and frilly dress, he might give her some competition there.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Unlike many things in DC, we are getting our money’s worth with ‘bobby three sticks.’  His sense of timing and intrigue?  Best in entertainment and highest ratings, the drama, suspense and surprise unsurpassed.

I did receive a Halloween card stating there is a ‘monster in the WH.’  Best card of the season.

7 years ago


twitter fun:

Keith Olbermann‏Verified account @KeithOlbermann 2h2 hours ago

George Papadopoulos was wearing a wire, . You’re Meat

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

That’s not mascara patd, that’s coal on those eyes!

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

trump advisor claims p-los was just a coffee boy.

Finally, we now know what , covfefe means!   Coffee cover-up of russian collusion.

7 years ago

Here’s to the day!

7 years ago

“JUST” a coffee boy?!?

7 years ago

John Dean was 35 or so……..

7 years ago

Papadop again

7 years ago

A happy little song by American recording artist, Gary Paxton……check out those horn tooters…. He released “Alley-Oop” as the “Hollywood Argyles” and was a force behind “The Monster Mash” by Bobby “Boris” Pickett, and then turned to gospel and gospel recording…..he recorded all of Tammy Faye’s albums……

7 years ago

excerpt from vox:
Papadopoulos might be working against the president
Mueller’s team describes Papadopoulos as a “proactive cooperator.” That’s a big deal.
Here’s why: Mueller purposely sealed the indictment and kept the arrest secret so that others wouldn’t know Papadopoulos was working with his team — because the probe might be using Papadopoulos to obtain even more information on possible Trump-Russia collusion.
The Toronto Star’s Daniel Dale reports that when prosecutors consider someone to be a “proactive cooperator,” it could signal that that person was wearing a wire. And if that’s true, that means Papadopoulos might’ve talked to Trump campaign officials with a wire on. That’s still speculative, of course, but it could pose a serious problem for Trump if officials with secrets to keep unknowingly divulged information to a wired-up Papadopoulos.

7 years ago

Gary, while I was in Nashville down the street a ways, almost got assassinated one night……In ’81…..these two yahoos knock on his door and say their van’s broke down and etc.  Later the paper quotes Gary, “The Lord spoke to me on the way to the door and I slipped my .38 into my pocket” So anyway the assassination attempt went awry and Gary was shot once and shot one of them and they made off in the van but the police caught up with them trying to get emergency medical care….it was two dipsticks from down in Ga in their own van but somehow the story faded

it was rumored to be something involving Tammy Faye’s recording and whatnot.

7 years ago

But that boy was a recording and musical genius……

Alley-Oop, boys and girls……more bedlam in manhattan

7 years ago

The Hollywood Argyles, a short-lived studio band, recorded the song in 1960, and it reached #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #3 on the US R&B chart.[1] It also went to #24 on the UK chart. It was produced by Gary Paxton, who also sang lead vocals. At the time, Paxton was under contract to Brent Records, where he recorded as Flip of Skip & Flip.[2]

7 years ago

Skip and Flip, with Carlin’s favorite tune

7 years ago

Ok, I’ll bite….why they call him 3 Sticks?


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Cuz he’s Bobby the third III

7 years ago

Doesn’t seem to carry quite the same cachet as “Mad Dog”‘, does it…….

7 years ago


Robert Mueller III

As in The Third

Three Sticks


7 years ago

7 years ago

Oops just saw KGC beat me to the three sticks explanation


7 years ago


7 years ago

1 Another crazy in NYC. What a waste. Creeps.

2 I just hope that papadopoulos spoke to miller, who him got a lunch date with sessions, who got him a lunch date with pence, who got him a lunch date with the orange deadbeat bedwetter. I hope. I Hope. I HOPE !

Lock ’em all up !


7 years ago

Stamp Out Time Again

On November 1, 1765, the Stamp Act was enacted and the colonies reacted according to This Day in History:

Passed without debate by Parliament in March 1765, the Stamp Act was designed to force colonists to use special stamped paper in the printing of newspapers, pamphlets, almanacs, and playing cards, and to have a stamp embossed on all commercial and legal papers. The stamp itself displayed an image of a Tudor rose framed by the word “America” and the French phrase Honi soit qui mal y pense—”Shame to him who thinks evil of it.”

Outrage was immediate. Massachusetts politician Samuel Adams organized the secret Sons of Liberty organization to plan protests against the measure, and the Virginia legislature and other colonial assemblies passed resolutions opposing the act. In October, nine colonies sent representatives to New York to attend a Stamp Act Congress, where resolutions of “rights and grievances” were framed and sent to Parliament and King George III. Despite this opposition, the Stamp Act was enacted on November 1, 1765.

The colonists greeted the arrival of the stamps with violence and economic retaliation. A general boycott of British goods began, and the Sons of Liberty staged attacks on the customhouses and homes of tax collectors in Boston. After months of protest and economic turmoil, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act in March 1766. However, the same day, Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies.

The red coats currently in power in Critterville without debate plan to pass reforms of taxation without proper  presentation.  How will we react this time: give them a stamp of approval or stamp them out?

7 years ago

craig, wakey wakey, check the dashboard.

you have a thread suggestion pending from jack called “draining the swamp” …


and my comment above is also offered as subtext and in conjunction with his if suitable.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Holy perjury!!

The little man over at justice says —

“I have never met with or had any conversation with any Russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States,” Sessions told the Senate Intelligence Committee in the opening statement of his second testimony on June 13. “Further, I have no knowledge of any such conversations by anyone connected to the Trump campaign.”

from documents

The documents revealed that former adviser George Papadopoulos attended a “national security meeting in Washington D.C.,” on March 31, 2016, along with Trump, Sessions and others. In that meeting, Papadopoulos “introduced himself,” and explicitly stated “in sum and substance, that he had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate Trump and [Russian] President Putin.”

7 years ago

wapoHillary Clinton on the conservative media: ‘It appears they don’t know I’m not president’


“If you watch Fox News these days, they’re treating Hillary Clinton as if she won the election,” said former Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon. He called the media outlet a White House “propaganda arm” that focuses on Clinton while downplaying the recent criminal allegations arising from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into possible Russian influence in the presidential election. “Fox News is certainly buying that alternative narrative and they’re trying to peddle it, but Bob Mueller is not going to fall for that.”

Fox News did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The media outlet also had aired segments that included references to the nonexistent “Clinton administration” and “President Clinton.”

“The speculation is so insane right now. What we should be focusing on are the continued lies of the Clinton administration, the continued fallacies that they perpetuate,” former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said on Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” on Saturday, as news of an indictment loomed over Washington.

And here’s Sean Hannity, one of the leading purveyors of White House talking points, in his Monday night monologue, which focused on Clinton, the uranium deal and the dossier:

“What did Hil — what did President Clinton, uh or, President Clinton wannabe, President Obama and key members of the Obama administration, what did they know about the Uranium One scandal?”


7 years ago

The ugly Twitter in Chief is up and being racist.  He’s trying to blame Chuck Schumer for a 1990 program passed under G. W. Bush.  When a bill was later proposed to eliminate it, GOP office holders including Jeff Sessions voted against doing so.

Uzbekistan is not on the the ban list.  Its second largest population is Russian due to being under Russian control until independence.   The NY terrorist has been here for six years and apparently radicalized on line.

Just a few facts you might need today.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

IMHO, flynn and his son will eventually be indicted and not so much for russian interference in our election, but crimes involving turkey, erdogan and putie.

flynn sat-on high level security briefings for months.   Meanwhile, the strong arm and his goons come over to the US to beat-on citizens, where is the outrage??

Since the boston bombings?  look to russia and it’s import of terrrorists from former soviet satellite countries.  Why no travel ban from the former soviet countries?  puite’s muslim problem spilling onto the US.   A cheap way to bring down freedom.  Villains of democracy.


7 years ago

listening to  morning news, lol

Manafort wearing an ankle bracelet and under house arrest,

Why because he is a flight risk, They found 3 different passports linked to him, can we say international criminal?


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

All roads lead to putie.

7 years ago

Special counsel webpage to keep track of indictments


7 years ago

Ya know, If the head of an international criminal enterprise can become a presidential campaign manager then all Trump people have to be suspect, the Russian’s could have agents all through the Trump administration and in sensitive positions on senate and congressional staffs. If you are a Republican leader you really have to start looking at your recent hires especially if they have any connections to Trump.

This is starting to become serious in a national security way.


7 years ago

Hmm, are we continuing yesterday’s thread–’tis okay with me. Mueller should simply be M^3, pronounced M cubed. Which moniker projects greater strength M^3 or T-junior. Obviously M^3 which is as it should be.

The Hallowe’en kids were numerous and wonderfully polite and well costumed.

7 years ago


So right. Trump and his cronies put national security at risk in return for a possible leg up in the election. The current charges deal with conspiracy which to my way of thinking is undercharging. Treason would be far more appropriate.

7 years ago

Since Craig asked for something.  I’m going to read over the pending and publish it.  He can always take it down if it doesn’t make him happy.

7 years ago

Sorry folks.  Craig seems to have changed my permissions.  I can’t post the two pending articles.


7 years ago

Jack and Jace, I have walking around the house mumbling “Traitors!” for months. It’s looking as though Dolt*45 and team were selling out the country to Putin in order to ransack and destroy it. That’s not treason?

Forty-five* should cozy up to Mueller. After all, he has a nickname, is a war hero who didn’t get captured, isn’t a Dem, isn’t a “bad dude,” isn’t from Mexico and is in law enforcement. What’s for *45 not to like?

7 years ago

flatus & Jamie, fearless leader must have had a humdinger of a Halloween and is sleeping in, hungover, od’d on candied appletinis or all the above.

7 years ago

and it is Día de Muertos you know