Restrict Trump Use Of Nuclear Codes

After what we know about Donald Trump as president do we want him to be able to say the word and launch nuclear missiles in four minutes that hit their targets in 30 minutes?

This is a White House completely unhinged. The latest is communications director Anthony Scaramucci accusing chief of staff Reince Priebus of possibly criminal leaks. This came after the president shocked the Pentagon with a tweeted policy change banning transgender military personnel.

Put the soap operas aside and consider a very big picture. This is not just a clown car. This is a president with the power to destroy the planet.

It’s very important that we change policy to make sure that first-use nuclear attack orders must be cleared with the National Security Council, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs, or perhaps only under the authority of a declaration of war.

Congress needs to look into this now. No one person should have this power unless we are under attack.

When Nixon was drunk every night in the final days of Watergate reportedly his military chiefs were on notice to clear any nuclear attack orders from the White House through his top aides. We should not rely on such imprecise safeguards.

Trump’s erratic behavior shows that our current policy of granting the president unilateral power to launch nuclear missiles is a danger to our national security, and indeed a threat to the entire world’s safety.

This needs serious attention: Dems tie nuclear first-strike bill to concerns about Trump

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

query:  is a nuclear attack order delivered by tweet [or a ban of a certain class, race, religion, gender id etc] sufficient and meet protocol required for execution of the order?

if so, couldn’t a hacker usurping the prez twitter handle do all sorts of damage?  with no formal signature or otherwise accepted identifier (voice, thumbprint, dna) how do the troops know it comes from the cic?

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

A reporter noted that when questioning a source at DoD regarding the purge of Transgender Airmen, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Coasties, a comment was “we are now receiving orders via Twitter”.

An important question is who is next?  This man has no regard for our Constitution or statutes.  Regulations and rules mean nothing to SFB.  He is homophobic, transphobic, a mysoginist and appears to hate Muslim and Jewish people.  Will he purge the military of them too?  Will he purge the federal government of LGBTQ people?  Why not cancel passports so we cannot travel?

When will the republicans see they are next?  Oh wait, they are mostly rich white guys so they are safe.

7 years ago

From the AirForce Times

The military spends more on giving retirees erections than on transgender troops

By: Jeff Schogol   16 hours ago

The Defense Department spends 10 times as much money on Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medications than it spends on healthcare services for transgender troops.

President Trump tweeted on Wednesday that transgender service members could be forcibly separated because the Defense Department cannot “be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.”

But Trump’s concerns about cost were met Wednesday with a wave of articles citing previous Military Times reporting and comparing treatment of transgender troops to erectile dysfunction.

The reports noted that the estimated $8 million per year that the Defense Department will spend on health care for about 7,000 transgender troops is minuscule compared to how much the military spends to treat sexual dysfunction in men.

Military Times first reported in 2015 that the Defense Health Agency the year before spent $84.2 million on erectile dysfunction medications for active-duty troops, eligible family members and retirees.

Moreover, the military health system had filled nearly 1.18 million prescriptions for erectile dysfunction medications since 2014 and spent a total of $294 million on those drugs since 2011.

Juxtaposing the costs of ED drugs with medical costs for transgender service members may not be an apples-to-apples comparison, but the numbers, at least, are hard.”

7 years ago

Wondering if the meeting with the Prayer Group last week (& the laying of hands) had something to do with this latest order. Shoring up the base, throwing a bone to the loyalists. The reshuffling of his staff & the remarks against Sessions make it clear he’s sorting out those with him from those against him. The pro folks are getting the treats.

Will note #45 has been blocking prominent critics on his twitter feed, which leads to the question about access to information, especially if tweeted as President. If intentionally restricted, is this legal? DJT can tweet stuff as a private citizen but @POTUS is a different matter.

Where do the lines blur?

7 years ago

so what happens if the next tweet is to declare martial law?  do the media and military fall in line as they seem to be doing in the tweeted ban on transgender service, does the congress step up to their responsibilities in this case or do we ignore and consider the source i.e. megalomaniacal wannabe dictator?

remember the twit sent feds to Chicago via tweet 6/30/17  [see wapo ]

the following is a discussion on the declaring of martial law from

… is often argued that only Congress can declare martial law, because Congress alone is granted the power to suspend the writ. The President, however, is commander-in-chief of the military, and it has been argued that the President can take it upon himself to declare martial law. In these times, Congress may decide not to act, effectively accepting martial law by failing to stop it; Congress may agree to the declaration, putting the official stamp of approval on the declaration; or it can reject the President’s imposition of martial law, which could set up a power struggle between the Congress and the Executive that only the Judiciary would be able to resolve.
In the United States, there is precedent for martial law. Several times in the course of our history, martial law of varying degrees has been declared. The most obvious and often-cited example was when President Lincoln declared martial law during the Civil War. This instance provides us with most of the rules for martial law that we would use today, should the need arise.   [….read on for legal arguments…]

7 years ago

sjwny,  media say it began with a personal complaint to prez by rep hartzler*…. supposedly she only called for denying medical treatment not banning service.

*Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, R-Mich., has led the charge in the House of Representatives, even adding an amendment to the annual defense policy bill that would have barred the military from spending money for medical treatments related to medical treatments.

The measure was shot down 214-209 on July 13, with 24 Republican members of Congress joining forces with Democrats in opposition.   [nbc news]

7 years ago

sjwny, another report on above from cnn

Conservatives lobbied White House on transgender policy but total ban wasn’t what they asked for

7 years ago


#45’s favorite President is Lincoln.

Flatus ( & others who served in the military ):

Knowing all you do about this President, would you follow his orders?

7 years ago

I think there is little to worry about Trump and his codes–they are there to ratify actions proposed by others that would be channeled through the National Military Command Center. I believe unilateral actions by any nut at the top would be rejected out of hand. People with physical access to the codes are subject to the strictest levels of the DoD Personnel Reliability Program–that would be the guy with the suitcase. He’s obliged to protect them from enemies foreign or domestic.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A beautiful morning glory to the trail.  SJ, you hit the nail on the head,  LGBT slap away is for the conservative, religious right.   Shoring-up that support while they put blinders on this corrupt, sham of a presidency.  trump is not well.

Meanwhile, the fight continues in NM, zinke visits the area to rip-away the people’s land…but he was invited by pearce, who is running for gov.  Let us see if putin wants to let us keep our monument.  The fast talking, carpet baggers of the trumpence junta…ripping-out anything and everything Mr. Obama did during his tenure. Burn out the black!  This monument designation was in the works for over 10 years — during the bush years, however. Details, details — no time for details.  More of our rights, privileges and responsibilities gone under this illegitimate prez.

7 years ago

excerpt from discussion last night on pbs newshour

JUDY WOODRUFF: The White House indicated today that the military will take the lead on deciding what becomes of transgender people already serving.

Our own William Brangham has reported on transgender people serving in the military. He joins me now to further explain today’s move by the president.

So, William, first, something about the term. We are talking about people who are transgender. The term transition or transitioning is also used. Help us understand the distinction.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: I understand this can be confusing for a lot of people.

Just basic facts. To be transgender just means that your gender identity doesn’t match your birth certificate. So, you’re born as female, but you do not feel you’re female. You feel like you’re a male.

To transition can mean a whole spectrum of things. It can mean — it’s not just the surgery people tend to think of, and certainly not every transgender person has that surgery. It can simply mean taking hormones. It can just mean changing your clothes, changing your name.

So, transitioning can be an entire spectrum from things, from medical technologies to just changing your personality a little.

JUDY WOODRUFF: So, we heard the president — the press secretary at the White House, Sarah Sanders, citing the president’s concerns, and he tweeted about this.

He says it’s expensive, the cost, the disruption. She talked about readiness, unit cohesion.

Are those factors that the Pentagon is concerned about?

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: As far as we know, there’s no good evidence that the Pentagon has ever been concerned about those two things. On the issue of disruption, the RAND study that you cited in your report, they did a study that looked at whether or not having trans service members would cause this disruption.

And they surveyed 18 different countries around the world, including the U.K., Australia, Israel, all of whom have trans service members, and those countries reported no disruptions whatsoever, no need to change their policies.

On the issue of cost, the president said this is — I think he’s implying that somehow this is going to cost a fortune for the budget. Again, this RAND study indicated that the rough costs per year are about $2 million to $8 million. That’s not a lot in a $600 billion Pentagon budget.

And just for point of comparison, let’s say those RAND numbers are totally wrong and it’s even more. The Pentagon right now spends 10 times that amount on Cialis and Viagra, so just as a point of comparison.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

A few days ago, trump let loose the new plan…momentum….even mcconnell used it to describe his captivating health care undoing legislation.  Yes, the rush to the gates of hell…trump cannot get there fast enough. Momentum…pushing the corruption through at record speed so no one will notice or stop the hellbound train.    I sure hope the resistance continues against this minority prez.

7 years ago

Orders from superiors are presumed to be proper and enforceable. That said, subordinates obey improper orders at their own peril; the Nuremberg Defense holds no water. If the President were to order, “Get my personal car!” in the middle of the night, one had better get his car. If one believes the President is impaired, also get his driver.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

state dept. and brownbeck, another bone for the conservative, religious right.  Another Obama undoing. The perceived purge of this state dept. branch — from 2012 — the religious right comes first.
muslim ban justification.

7 years ago


Twitter has a moral imperative to do so.

7 years ago

Even the Founding Fathers, in all their prescient brilliance, could not envision a scenario where we, the people, handed our government to the stooge of a foreign enemy.  The Constitution, and our entire system of government, is irreparably broken.

7 years ago

Craig, I don’t think you are gonna get it unless Mattis decides to say “I’m in charge in the White House.”

7 years ago

One positive consequence- we finally have a definitive answer to that age-old question:

“…the men make the times”.

7 years ago

Edward Drongout

Answered Dec 18, 2016

“Hard times make great men, who make good times. Good times make not-so-great men. Not-so-great men make hard times.”

7 years ago

” …. the men make the times …”

Remembering the classic Peter Cook line from Bedazzled: You fill me with inertia.

Why the lack of standing up? Where are the men of quality? Seems the ladies are more inclined to show defiance (though some sadly fold like their male counterparts.) This is systemic, cultural, the norm. Save yourself; avert your eyes to the plight of others. (A legacy of the Reagan years? Air Traffic Controllers -?)

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Meanwhile, where is flynn?  Certainly not flipped.    Flynn in RI while he continues as the resilient patriot.



Blonde Wino
7 years ago

jeff sessions met with the ruskies in the capacity of the campaign and can claim no moral high ground here.   I hope they all eventually lose their jobs as the current admin is not legitimate…putin made sure of that.  Let them all fall.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I’d like to see PG restricted in every way

Oh boy first the transgender folks up next…./
Justice Dept. Says Rights Law Doesn’t Protect Gays
By ALAN FEUER 31 minutes ago
The Department of Justice has argued that a major federal civil rights law does not protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

“The sole question here is whether, as a matter of law, Title VII reaches sexual orientation discrimination,” the department’s brief said. “It does not, as has been settled for decades. Any efforts to amend Title VII’s scope should be directed to Congress rather than the courts.”

sessions’ DOJ steps into fray of Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act.


7 years ago

looks like after they erase all trace of Obama, they’ll start on lbj’s civil rights laws.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

next up martial law

who knew charles blow and I think alike

7 years ago

now for a few moments of due disrespect

Published on Jul 26, 2017

Now that Sean Spicer is gone, our normally restrained President is finally free to express his feelings.

7 years ago


I would support such legislation. Question is, are there enough republicans looking for the off ramp to get it introduced much less passed?

All evidence to date suggests no willingness on the part of republicans to shackle Trump in any meaningful way, and Dems. can’t do it alone.

7 years ago

ms bee above noted at around 4:15 minutes in, after the “f**k you”,

“…we don’t make bullsh*t discriminatory laws on twitter. that’s what congress does”

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

patd says –looks like after they erase all trace of Obama, they’ll start on lbj’s civil rights laws.


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Well when your goal is the 1950’s  …backwards is all you have

7 years ago

Sen. Lindsey Graham stepped up his loud protest of President Trump’s treatment of Jeff Sessions, saying that it wasn’t “going over well in the Senate” and that “there will be holy hell to pay” if the attorney general is fired.

[….usatoday cites cnn and full quote of which is this excerpt….]

…. The chairman of the Judiciary Committee sent a pretty chilling tweet yesterday. There will be no confirmation for a new attorney general in 2017. If Jeff Sessions is fired, there will be holy hell to pay. Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency, unless Mueller did something wrong.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

They aren’t waiting — the attacks on the Voting Rights legislation and certainly the denial of issues in the criminal justice system that are unfair and discriminatory are part of the Goopers asshole racial hatred–they can’t say in public but their policy choices say everything

7 years ago

The people who made the mess aren’t going to clean it up.  Until everyone is ready and willing to make real sacrifices, the status quo will endure, and the status quo is fascism.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Trump can’t fire Noregard so he thinks he can do what he has done in the past –only it turns out Noregard actually has friends who like him more than PG

7 years ago

also from usatoday today: Navy: Transgender sailors can still serve and get medical treatment until further notice

The Navy will not immediately discharge transgender sailors and will continue to provide them with medical treatment despite the tweets fired off by President Trump on Wednesday, according to an email obtained by USA TODAY.
The email from Vice Adm. Robert Burke also acknowledges that Trump’s announcement is “causing concern for some of our sailors and that they likely have questions.”

What’s more, it indicates that the Trump’s tweets that the U.S. military will not accept transgender troops into its ranks or allow them to serve in any capacity caught military brass unawares.

His email represents the military’s first known steps to deal with the tumult unleashed by Trump’s tweets.

Burke notes that the office of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is “working to quickly discern the President’s intent.”

Mattis was on vacation when Trump made his announcement.

Meanwhile, Burke said that no transgender sailors – nor likely troops from other services – will be discharged until there is clear guidance from the White House.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

What do you suggest Bink?

7 years ago

worthy of repeat from above navy story

Burke notes that the office of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is “working to quickly discern the President’s intent.”

7 years ago

mutiny on the bounty, mr queeg?

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure it’s illegal for me to recommend anything other than peaceful protest, so that.

Problem for me is I don’t trust the judgment of anyone enough to want to hitch my wagons to them. Look at where everyone elses’ judgment has gotten us, so far.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

at least the dems are ready for any recess appointments…I imagine they will do what Jim Webb did for us years ago…stay in town to open and close the Senate.  Things are moving fast on all fronts…just as trump intends…momentum until the cops can take him down.  He will destroy and damage as much as he is able.

I see putie and the EU are bummed about the sanctions bill…EU companies hit, too.  Complicit Europeans like WWII when they sent their Jewish citizens to hitler.   When putie’s rebels blew-up the Malaysian plane over Ukraine with a Norwegian passenger list?  They let him get away with it as winter was approaching and they wanted putie’s gas.   Where is the moral high ground in Europe?

7 years ago

“Where is the moral high ground in Europe?”


They’re all scared shitless of Putin and likely relied on the strength implied by alliance with the U.S.


Whoops- they won’t make that mistake, again.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


What did you mean by ‘real sacrifices?’

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

All that hand holding with macron, for naught.  Or maybe not!  macron drops in polls.


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Macaroon got trumped

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

This is exactly what today’s post is about —

Nuclear strike


7 years ago

“real sacrifices”

…career, living-standard, reputation.  I’m a pacifist and condemn violence, in any form, to be clear, with no equivocation.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I’m looking for suggestions – I’m spending my time on money-bail issues and donating to some candidates.

Mr. C has decided to spend his time on gun control and gives regularly to Gabby Giffords.

We have marched although mostly around the living room because Mr. C is almost 90

Mr C is a pacifist and I am sort of



Blonde Wino
7 years ago

KGC…support candidates who want to define cyber war and ready us for attacks.  We need to bring the cyber wars to the sunlight and let the citizens get involved in the fight.  This dark, shadow war is just that…expose it and make it a war like a war on terrorism we were all made aware of during this century.  Not a war with boundaries or country’s borders, it is a ubiquitous and existential threat to us and a takeover of the internets and media is bad news.

I know I am asking a pacifist to support war, KGC.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


we are in coastal Northern Cal so we are looking for candidates outside of Cal

any suggestions of cyber warriors?

The Cracker family Pac is tiny but carries hope with it.  In 2016 we gave most of it to Russ Feingold we still haven’t recovered from that loss.

7 years ago

I don’t see how funneling money to impotent thieves solves anything, KGC.  If I were to donate money to anybody, with the aim of fostering a just and egalitarian society, I’d give it to those people attempting to educate children, doing so without a political agenda.

I suppose the implication of that is that I’ve given up on every generation now at adulthood.  Best to start preserving civilization for the next generation that actually wants it, like the monks of the “dark ages” did.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


What about medicaid funding?


We disagree on participation in the political process

7 years ago


The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Joseph Dunford, said in a written message on Thursday to military leaders that there has been no change yet to the military’s policy on transgender personnel, despite plans for a ban announced by President Donald Trump.

“There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President’s direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance,” Dunford, said in the written message to service chiefs, commanders and senior enlisted leaders, first reported by Reuters.

“In the meantime, we will continue to treat all of our personnel with respect. As importantly, given the current fight and the challenges we face, we will all remain focused on accomplishing our assigned missions.”

7 years ago

hint hint, twit, from comments by Lindsey to those of dunford, better retire now while you still can salvage your tower and golf clubs.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Noregard should not resign but Rancid should

7 years ago

“People with physical access to the codes are subject to the strictest levels of the DoD Personnel Reliability Program–that would be the guy with the suitcase. He’s obliged to protect them from enemies foreign or domestic.”

flatus, to what extent is “the guy with the suitcase….obliged to protect”?  run like hell with it? throw it like a hail mary out the oval room window?  or simply a well placed knock on the noggin?

7 years ago

I don’t need no stinkin suitcase.  you’re too late.  have twitter, already tweeted.  kaboom!

7 years ago


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Good one patd

only they should have had Pence behind the elephant with a shovel

During the campaign some groups that rates threats to further world wide destruction listed Trump #6 I think people thought it was a joke – wonder what those folks are thinking now

7 years ago

Craig, such legislation assumes that the only weapon of mass destruction that threatens our and treaty allies’ forces are nuclear weapons and that it would be irrational for a nuclear armed adversary to make moves to attack us first thereby inviting a preemptive strike. That is similar to the scenario in Korea. Has their been a sense of the Congress about how to handle that mess?

A very realistic situation from Europe is the first-use of weapons of mass destruction in the form of chemical weapons by Eastern European forces. Our doctrine has been over the years to counter such force with our own weapons of mass destruction–tactical nuclear weapons. Because of the potential number of casualties involved in chemical attacks, time is of the essence.

Call in Congress from Thanksgiving recess? I recognize the desire to do so, but we do the next best thing–justify the missions of our armed forces and pay for them on an annual basis.

7 years ago

Making the rounds:  Reince & Scary in face off.  Feel free to provide captions, everyone else is.  In honor of Scaramucci’s “alpha male” pose, mine was:

Itty Bitty Teeny Weeny This is Where I put my penie.


7 years ago

You can tell that Mooch, Mouth of the Beast, Regurgitator of Lies and Malice, is already picking out new curtains for the Oval Office.


Reince looks like he wishes he didn’t open the door for a pack of wolves.

7 years ago

Is the deadbeat pussypincher so far gone that he will take the entire earth with him when he goes down ?

Iow, is he a solipsist sociopath psychopath ?

I’ve got a right to know. I own a share in this planet.

7 years ago

Looks like a scene from Goodfellas or maybe Dexter. I hope it’s the latter ‘cuz no one got to start life fresh in Dexter.

7 years ago

Maybe I am the only one who noticed Trump’s use of possession in the transgender tweet when he wrote, “in consultation with MY Generals…”.  Does he have key military Generals and Admirals in his cabal?  This reminds me of the book, Seven Days in May, where a cabal of military leaders were ready to lead a coup against the president. Could this be in reverse and a cabal led by the president would lead a coup by declaring martial law and carried out by these top military leaders?  What would the troops do?  Many active duty personnel voted for Trump to be their commander in chief. Just asking!

7 years ago

“Maybe I am the only one who noticed Trump’s use of possession in the transgender tweet when he wrote, ‘in consultation with MY Generals…’. ”

I noticed, too, and found it as terrifying as you obviously do.  How long should we wait on Meuller before this administration inflicts great tragedy, on a massive scale?!

This is the risk in giving people arms and the authority to use them. It seems that my fellow Americans are under the delusion that bad things can’t happen in America and everyone in a position of authority puts country above self. If we weren’t before, we’re plaing the same game as every other poor schmuck in the world, and that’s our penalty for taking things for granted.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

PG says “my generals”  a lot
Trump Brags On ‘My Generals’ From ‘Central Casting’ (VIDEO …

Jan 20, 2017 – President Donald Trump boasted that “my generals” are from “central casting” as he recognized two of his cabinet nominees shortly after being ..

7 years ago

“How long should we wait on Meuller before this administration inflicts great tragedy, on a massive scale?!”

bink, just what specifically do you propose be done in lieu of waiting on Mueller?  many are suing on many different fronts. many are protesting in the streets, in various locales, on the air and internet.   books are being written and expose’s filmed.   campaigns are being funded, but elections are a way off.   so are you suggesting unlawful actions? Gandhi style nonviolent sacrificing, hunger strikes, self-immolations, labor cessations?  what do you want us (including you) to do exactly other than verbally piss, moan and whine?

7 years ago

Crazier and crazier. How much Valium does the deadbeat take and how often ?
How many years has he been on the drug ?

7 years ago


The U.S. Education Department has not approved any applications for student-loan forgiveness in cases of possible fraud since President Donald Trump took office, according to records sent to an Illinois senator.

Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin released those records Wednesday and blasted the department for its inaction and for a June decision to delay and rewrite Obama-era rules that would have made it easier for students to get loans forgiven if they were deceived by their schools.

“This response shows that while the Department of Education has illegally delayed the new borrower defense rule, it has also stopped processing federal student loan relief under current regulations for tens of thousands of defrauded borrowers,” Durbin said in a statement. “The department can’t ignore these borrowers any longer.”

7 years ago

from ny times: Justice Dept. Says Rights Law Doesn’t Protect Gays
The Department of Justice has filed court papers arguing that a major federal civil rights law does not protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation, taking a stand against a decision reached under former President Barack Obama.
The department’s move to insert itself into the New York case was an uncommon example of top officials in Washington opining directly in the courts on what is an important but essentially private dispute between a worker and his boss over gay rights issues. Civil rights advocates immediately criticized the filing not only for the arguments it advanced, but also for having been made on the same day that President Trump announced on Twitter that transgender people would be banned from serving in the military.
Under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department has now stepped into the fray, as BuzzFeed reported on Wednesday night. In its court brief, the department noted that every Congress since 1974 has declined to add a sexual-orientation provision to Title VII, despite what it called “notable changes in societal and cultural attitudes.” The brief also claimed that the federal government, as the largest employer in the country, has a “substantial and unique interest” in the proper interpretation of Title VII.

“The sole question here is whether, as a matter of law, Title VII reaches sexual orientation discrimination,” the brief said. “It does not, as has been settled for decades. Any efforts to amend Title VII’s scope should be directed to Congress rather than the courts.”
In 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, under Mr.Obama, issued a very different ruling, deciding on a vote of three Democrats to two Republicans that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was illegal. That ruling, which was reviewed by the Obama administration’s Justice Department, did not formally bind the federal courts, although courts often defer to federal agencies when they interpret laws that come under their jurisdiction.
But in its brief, the Trump administration’s Justice Department said that the E.E.O.C., which has also filed court papers supporting Mr. Zarda, was “not speaking for the United States.”
[…article continues…]

7 years ago

the hill via msn:

The top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee is calling for a probe into whether President Trump’s Interior secretary threatened to retaliate against an Alaska senator for opposing the GOP healthcare measure this week.


Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) said in a statement Thursday that he plans to request a formal investigation into whether the Trump administration threatened the Alaska lawmakers, pointing out that he believes Zinke is serving Trump’s “political vendetta” over the public interest.
“Running a department of the federal government means you serve the American people as a protector of their rights and freedoms,” Grijalva said. “It doesn’t mean you serve the president as a bag man for his political vendettas.”
He went on to say that using “political blackmail” is an action that one could expect from the Kremlin, not a government agency.
“Secretary Zinke’s willingness to deliver these threats speaks volumes about his ethical standards and demonstrates that Interior’s policy positions are up for political grabs, rather than based on science or the public interest.”

7 years ago

from miles archer… since it has a smiley face, might not have happened…. could be a spoof
WASHINGTON DC – A shouting match ensued early Thursday in the White House Press Briefing Room between President Trump’s new Comminications Director Anthony Scaramucci and New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush.

Thrush has just asked Scaramucci about rapidly escalating rumors that the President intended to fire both Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Special Counsel Robert Mueller during the August recess, filling the vacancies with recess appointments.

Scaramucci, clearly agitated, replied “GEEZ Glenn, you’re breakin’ my balls up here.”

Thrush snickered and replied “If I was busting your balls, I’d send you home for your shine box.”

Scaramucci glared at the reporter as Thrush continued. “You remember Tony’s shines? The kid was great. He made mirrors.”

Scaramucci threw down his notepad and yelled “No more shines, Glenn.”

Thrush continued laughing and looked around the room, savoring the restrained glee on the faces of his fellow reporters. He then told Scaramucci “Come ooonnn. Toneeee. We’re only kidding. You can’t take a joke? Come ooonn.”

Scaramucci appeared to nod in agreement as a faint smile appeared on his face, before Thrush demanded “Now get the hell home and get your shine box.”

Scaramucci was restrained by Secret Service agents as he advanced across the room in Thrush’s direction with clenched fists. Thrush lowered his pants, turned his back to Scaramucci, and slapped his bare buttocks while making “raspberry” noises. This only angered Scaramucci further.

In a prepared statement following the contentious meeting, Scaramucci wrote “Starting today, shine boxes will no longer be allowed in the White House Briefing Room, nor the mention of shine boxes. Futhermore, all male reporters are required to wear underwear at all times…be it boxers or briefs…and their pants are to remain zipped, buttoned, and belted.”

Glenn Thrush could not be reached for comment.

7 years ago


Have to love it.  We are being trolled by Canada … lol

7 years ago

 “…what do you want us (including you) to do exactly other than verbally piss, moan and whine?” -patd

Hearts and minds, patd.  Have you spoken to a conservative, today?

7 years ago

“from miles archer… since it has a smiley face, might not have happened…. could be a spoof”

It’s a parody of a scene in “Goodfellas”. #fakenews

7 years ago

‘Shoeshine’ Tony . . . .

I like it.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

They really only want to repeal…no replace

7 years ago

Jeff Bezoz might fix some of our problems dispensing healthcare in a more economical fashion.

Amazon IS looking into it…and I hope the soulless, financial engineers at the major insurance companies are sh/++ing themselves just thinking about it.


7 years ago

Tax cuts for upper crust

7 years ago

Healthcare is only 6% of GDP because of all the price gouging done by pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and, excessive billing done by medical facilities and doctors so they can write off what the insurance companies won’t pay as a loss on their taxes.

It’s all such a scam.  People are suffering.

Sturge – I hope the 1%  choke on their tax cuts.  Death to the 99% by a thousand tax cuts.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Death to the 99% by a thousand tax cuts.   BID

very very good

7 years ago

Poobah, Why should the GOP bother to admit what their  actions make evident?

7 years ago

jamie – The only thing missing from that pissing contest pic of mini-the-moocher & RP is Kelleyanne kneeling on the sofa.

7 years ago

Caption for the Priebus-Scarimucci pic:

OK, will it be pistols at ten paces or do we go out into the Rose Garden and settle this like men?

And blue, I love the KelLIARanne twist. Absolutely inspired.

7 years ago

“Tax cuts for upper crust” – Mr Sturgeone

“Scum rises to the top, solidifies its position, and forms the upper crust” – Mr Stuart Goldbarg

“Tax cuts for the upper scum” – Xrepublican’s proposed compromise.

7 years ago

Smooch of death will slice 5% off of the deadbeat pussypincher’s approval ratings in no time.

Imagine cabinet level admin employees bringing suit in Federal Court over bullying and the hostile work environment in the West Wing.

7 years ago

“Hearts and minds, patd.  Have you spoken to a conservative, today?”

bink, as a matter of fact, yes.  some of my best neighbors are conservatives who graciously endured listening to and  being seen with a liberal in a Hillary tee shirt.