Trump Under Oath? Danger

Perhaps the most dangerous possibility our president faces now is giving sworn testimony. James Comey confirmed today to the Senate that Independent Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating obstruction of justice.

If that’s the case at least two consequences emerge: that Trump will be called to testify and that his hinted-about tapes of the Comey conversations will be subpoenaed.

Can Trump tell the truth under oath? The risk of perjury, given his nature, is so great that I can imagine his team doing everything possible to avoid it.

Do the tapes exist? Mueller can certainly call his bluff with a subpoena. Either they must be produced, refused to supply, or Trump acknowledges his tweet hint was bullshit — or, even worse for Trump, they were destroyed. None of these outcomes go well for him.

As things stand, Comey and Mueller are all over Trump’s ass. Wouldn’t want to be there.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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Blue Bronc
7 years ago

It would be interesting to see SFB requested to testify under oath.  I do not believe he would care if he were under oath or not.  Due to his brain matter he lives in his own world, a world of the moment.  Nothing previous matters, nothing in the future matters.  It is only the fraction of a second that flashes through his matter that is “real”.

Would his “associates” prevent him from taking the hot seat?  I think they would try, but he would overrule them and do it on his own.  He knows better than every person about everything, ” “I’m, like, a smart person”.

Would the show be worth the price of admission?  That depends a lot on how seriously deteriorated his matter is in by time a hearing would occur.  It is quite possible he will be wearing diapers and babbling to himself in another year.  If he could hold his current lost in space point, it would be a great show.  He would be reduced to a super red face loon.  If he is ready for his final years in an assisted living apartment, it would be a waste of time.

7 years ago

Blue just beat me to the punch re: Trump doesn’t know reality from fiction in his everything is in the moment testimony.  The question now is how the hell do we get out this mess. Reactionaries (Republicans) are not willing to step up and say enough is enough. Even Barry Goldwater, the first reactionary, knew when the gig was over for Nixon. Resist!

7 years ago

I guess we are all going to be reading Shakespeare tonight after the reference to Henry II today.

7 years ago

House Passes Bill Rolling Back Wall Street Rules – The Wall Street Journal

“….and repeal the Volcker rule restricting banks from speculative trading.”

While You Were Paying Attention To Comey, House Republicans Voted For Everything Big Banks Want – HuffPost


Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Yay for the Bard!  You never know what will pop up in hearings.

Of interest is that son in law has been asked to appear before the SSCI sometime soon. That should bring about his defense as a youngster too stupid to know any better than to work with Russian spies to set up a “back channel” from the Russian Embassy to Putin.

7 years ago

This Whole Trump-Russia Thing Is A Complete Mess, So We Made It Easy For You – HuffPost



7 years ago

Trump took an oath once – he’s not doing so well with that one so far.  And an oath to tell the truth?  He wouldn’t know it if it bit him in his fleshy ass.

Tapes?  Does anyone other than Dave Groll even have tapes anymore?

7 years ago

abuse of power rather than obstruction of justice would be the easier charge to make & prove for impeachment and dethronement purposes.  too bad we don’t hear more about it from the pols and pundits.

good panel on pbs newshour tonight.  listen especially to terwilliger’s arguments as they will no doubt be proffered by trump team:

There were several things that former FBI Director James Comey said he couldn’t publicly answer in a hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Judy Woodruff gets analysis from John Carlin, Carrie Cordero, Greg Craig and George Terwilliger, four people with extensive experience in government and the law.

7 years ago

After reading Jack Kingston’s (idiot? Moron?  Ok, both) premortem at Wapo today and Ed Rogers’ postmortem I expect the contortions are pretty spectacular.

7 years ago

And while all of this is distracting us, the Senate is passing banking laws to benefit billionaires and about to pass a health care bill that won’t keep anyone healthy unless they are rich.

To top it off, Speaker Ryan says the reason Trump makes mistakes is because he is “New”.  Apparently this is the current definition of “incompetent” and “dangerous” since it threatened the lives of more than 10,000 service people in Qatar.

7 years ago

So while I missed the testimony I think I’m fairly caught up after the news and this forum.  So my question is, what’s next?

7 years ago


British Elections result.  May could have trouble forming a coalition.  Why oh why did we ever give up a parliamentary system?  (I know but in a crowded US, it is nice to contemplate).

7 years ago

 “what’s next?”

Good question.  No one knows.  It would be easier to answer if more Republicans were willing to do their duty, but noooooo, so you have to wait for some weird and unprecedented series of indictments which may never come.  Of course, anyone convicted could just be pardoned by the “President”.

7 years ago

There are some jokes on Twitter that make you happy simply because you understand them.

Let’s all have a moment of silence for the poor soul who this morning will have to explain “hung parliament” to Trump

7 years ago

and now for the real recaps

7 years ago

So, you should understand that if and when DOPUS is made the subject of a criminal investigation, it would disincent him from stepping down and making himself vulnerable to prosecution.  Any normal office holder with party loyalty or a sense of shame or a compassion for the citizenry would resign but I doubt this man has any of those.


I don’t want to draw Caesar comparisons, but that fucking Roman Senate brought down the whole goddamned Republic with a similar tactic (unintentionally).

7 years ago

If you think a constitutional crisis or civil war is out of the question, i envy your disposition.  This is a man who has incited riots and called for political violence before, i see no reason why he wouldn’t when backed into a corner.

7 years ago

bink, I tend to agree with you about his inclination to incite violence. yesterday’s “we are under siege” is the most recent attempt.

7 years ago

…the royal “we”.

womp womp

7 years ago

pogo, I was impressed this morning with your senator’s response on mojo to the question of who do you believe comey or trump lawyer.  manchin very clearly and carefully explained that comey was under oath and has an extensive background as a lawman so knows the ramifications of lying under oath particularly to a senate committee. he went on to point out trump’s lawyer was not under oath. ergo…. he the good senator believes the man under oath to be telling the truth….

but would welcome hearing said lawyer to come testify under oath to the committee.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Heckuva exit interview, comey!

The corruption goes to the top of the RNC…these repugs stick together to get a reversal on the past eight years of Obama.   Meanwhile, the DNC is in shambles.   Personality wins over party and that is a problem.   Dems have no glue, no clue.   If you had stuck together instead of supporting dead ends?  The dems have won the popular vote 5 out of the last 6 elections and still lose.   Not much to figure out here except a digital takeover…prez putin wins.

Tower Trash Go Home!!!  The sign in my head never changes.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Been catching-up on the comments and posts…some great lines!   Craig, some one can put some powdered alcohol in trump’s late night meatloaf sandwich which he munches-on in his bathrobe while tweeting and roaming the WH hallways.   He is no fun when his tweeter is turned-off.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

trump legs from the ’90’s.   I doubt we will see the commander-in-thief in shorts at the WH this summer.


7 years ago

Theresa gets a little help from her (sort of) friends

from the guardian:

The DUP’s “price” for propping up a new Tory government will include a promise that there will be no post-Brexit special status for Northern Ireland, the party’s leader in Westminster has confirmed.

Nigel Dodds, re-elected as MP for Belfast North, said that among the DUP’s conditions would be an insistence that there be no separate deal that keeps the region with one foot still in the EU.

The DUP fears that special status after Brexit – a key demand of Sinn Féin – would de-couple Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I guess the lesson is don’t pick a fight with the spooks

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Wow the rural white gooper members of Congress are incredibly stupid

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

KGC – you are so right.  SFB started out the gate attacking the IC and has not let up.  These are the people who do know what you are doing and not only electronically.  And, they have the training to use it.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

as far as the IC community…this regarding rogers and nunes from last year…coats eventually go the job, nunes not such a good secret agent anymore.  Will the public ever get the answer from coats or rogers whether trump asked them to get rid of the russia thing?

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

from the article Craig referenced —

“The concerns were, ‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen,’”

I guess the ‘Mexico will pay for it’ line doesn’t work for DC, but his supporters (all 77,000 of them and the entire RNC) still believe in trump. Comey is the liar, not trump…lies over truth.  The upside down world of the lazy, uneducated and stupid coalition of the supporter class…most of them shown sitting and waiting for trump to ‘make America great again deals’ while donnie the drain continues.    The non-supporter class continues to stand and work for a better future…keep waiting trumpites…your federal funds are being diminished.

7 years ago

Craig, IMO England would have German as its official language if it weren’t for Elizabeth’s father, the young lady herself, and of course Winston. The royal pair set the standard for personal courage by sharing the blitz with commoners, mourning with them, and encouraging them to carry-on. Later, when she could reach the pedals of a lorry, she donned a uniform and drove for her military. She personified British courage in war.

And now, in her 90s, she is there — as the visible symbol of her kingdom at its greatest. Understand, I write this as a proud descendant of the patriots who fought against an earlier monarch. But, having lived there for years, the monarchy fits them.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

craig, what about pompeo?   He was supposedly in the room when trump asked coats that nixon-type phrase…’stop comey and the ruskie flynn investigation.’


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

From April…spook meeting in New Zealand…comey and pompeo attend…leakers beware.   Now comey is the leaker per trump.

Did comey and pompeo travel together and did comey have some face time to discuss the inappropriate trump?

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

I did not see or hear all of the Comey knee to the chestnuts hearing so there is one very big question I wanted to hear being asked, ” did any of the WH staff or outside staff ask you to stop the Flynn investigation or to pledge loyalty to trmpf?”.

7 years ago

is trump’s latest tweet re comey grounds for libel?

from malialitman’s  Comey vs. Trump: A Civil Suit for Defamation 

While the President of the United States may be immune from civil liability for acts taken as part of his job as the President, Courts have ruled that he may be subject to civil liability for anything he does when not conducting business as the President.

Thus, James Comey couldn’t sue Trump successfully for firing him as Director of the FBI.  That was clearly done as part of his job as President.  However the more compelling case may be a civil suit for defamation.


While the country is contemplating whether the President will be impeached for obstructing justice, the more immediate concern for Donald Trump may be whether he will be sued personally for defamation.

in an nbc story back in march titled “Analysis: Does Obama Have Grounds to Sue Trump for Libel?” it was noted

It’s difficult for public figures to win libel cases. Most courts rule against them because the assumption is that they have chosen to make their lives an open book, which means people will talk about them. But past Supreme Court cases have created a basic standard that seeks to answer two legal questions:

Was the statement false?
Did the person know it was false or was he or she reckless about whether it was false?

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Headline on google news — What would it take for the republican base to stop trusting donald trump?

Only an amendment for the popular vote to takeover the electoral college will end this election madness and the crevice created by the political divide of the rigged system vs. actual numbers.  It pits the majority against the minority and we waste time and money intended for public safety and welfare.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

patd, the only one suing for libel is mel.  She is one successful lawsuit queen.  A mannequin with a good lawyer, best FLOTUS ever!

7 years ago

“I think Winston, FDR and Ike could have achieved the same result without monarch photo-ops. Although maybe not if the nazi sympathizer hadn’t abdicated.”


…coming from a guy who espoused the fascist idiocracy this past election.  Don’t forget Stalinist Russia, by the way, or could the Allies have done just fine without them, too?

7 years ago

Ah, more American-style bravado from a guy who never served.  “WWII was easy”, got it.

7 years ago

There’s that royal “we”, again!  You had nothing to do with it, and once again, in our lifetime’s most crucial hour, you were advocating appeasement of xenophobic far-right factions in our country, while villifying the educated class.  Humility may be a virtue, but it’s a goddamned imperative after what “we” did, last year.

7 years ago


Any additions of changes for the Belmont?


7 years ago

Just have to remind everyone that a lot of the good ol’ boys aren’t ignorant rubes

7 years ago

nancy’s best line toward the end got a big laugh when she said re trump voters standard: “any mammal will do”

7 years ago

politico also noted more from Pelosi on mojo this morning:

What would House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s advice be for President Donald Trump? First, get some rest.

“Well, what I have advised him to do: Go to sleep,” Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” in response to a question about what she would tell the president if he were to come to her seeking advice on how to escape the near constant churn of controversy that has enveloped his White House almost from Day One. “Get some sleep. Bring yourself to a place where the synapses are working.”


Pelosi was quick to clarify that she does not actually know the president’s sleep habits, and asked if she was concerned about Trump’s health, she replied that “I think his family should be concerned about his health.” She continued to say that “the fact is is that this is hopefully not reparable. He is the president of the United States,” a comment that prompted host Joe Scarborough to weigh in and correct her by saying, “you mean you hope it is reparable.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah,” Pelosi said, realizing that she had meant to say “irreparable” and then joking that “maybe I was right” the first time. “Maybe it was Freudian.”

7 years ago

Oh, my apologies to the all virtuous white working class cry-babies who blame politicians for all their problems- I’m so ashamed of my condescension towards people who don’t respect others because of the color of their skin or because they speak a different language or dress funny, while they espouse a megalomaniac that rules by fiat and wants to undermine all of our institutions out of personal vanity.  I’m  such a dick.

7 years ago

I see this cartoon in 2 panes – first pane is Comey, hand up, taking the oath to testify truthfully in front of Congress. Second pane is trump tweeting, hiding behind his lawyer reading a prepared statement to the press.

7 years ago

also at the press conf:

President Trump on Friday chided Qatar for funding terrorism, remarks that could complicate U.S. efforts to ease the diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf. 

“The nation of Qatar has unfortunately been a funder of terrorism, and at a very high level,” Trump said during a press conference at the White House. 

The comments came just hours after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called for all sides to de-escalate the conflict, and for other Arab nations to end a blockade against Qatar. 


whaa happened?  thought they found that funding charge was hacker created and that everything was going to settle down….  also tho’t the Saudis were accused of doing most of the terrorist funding.

7 years ago

Hmm. I’m part of the educated class. And the enlisted class. I went to basic training at Fort Knox, Ky and five years later went to Vietnam in support of the 1st Air Cav and the 4th Inf Div. And when I moved that bagged stiff a foot so that his remains would get back into the shade of a Caribou, I couldn’t tell whether it was officer, enlisted or some civilian that traveled along with us. War is the great equalizer beyond the wire.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Trump under oath..what’s the point?

7 years ago

kgc, perhaps he’ll slip up bigly dawg like and declare under oath he never had sex with that lie.  presidential perjury seems to be the only way to get republicans to come to the impeachment table.

7 years ago

If Trump suggesting no tapes, next question: Were they destroyed?

easy, they don’t use tapes anymore. they should ask him about the existence of other means of memorializing the meetings in question.   in the cloud maybe?  in the kremlin? Jared’s back channel?

7 years ago

Poobah,  we know that a sitting president can be forced to testify in a deposition in a civil case (read Bill Clinton here), but can a sitting president be required to testify in an investigation conducted by a special counsel?  Gotta do a little research on that one.

btw, what patd said about tapes – BUT – if el so-called presidente can be compelled to testify, ask the question, citing tapes, and make clear it refers to tapes in the sense that el so-called presidente used the term in his tweet.

7 years ago

“…but can a sitting president be required to testify in an investigation conducted by a special counsel?  Gotta do a little research on that one.” -pogo


No one is sure, hence the “Constitutional crisis”.  Mussoweenie is entitled to 5th Amendment protections like everyone else, no?

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Seems SFB volunteered to sit in the hot seat, under oath.  That will be a show all on its own.  I can just see the headlines as he stomps out refusing to answer the questions.  Perjury anyone?  Recording devices? Maybe one or two?  Just to make sure history knows the floaters side of the lie?

I hope he enjoys sitting in the same crappy chair they made Comey sit in.

7 years ago

Our cowardly conservative Congress can circumvent a Constitutional crisis by conjuring the courage to compell impeachment.  That is the surest and most alliterative course, at this time.


I’ve said enough- have a willfully ignorant weekend!

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Irish War Cry – my Irish side is telling me this is a winner.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Open question – if SFB is impeached and out of office do we have continue paying for he and his spawn Secret Service coverage?

7 years ago

Looks to me like under US v. Nixon if there are “tapes” he’d have to cough them up, but the larger question of making so-called testify is a more tenuous stretch.

7 years ago

Bink, yes impeachment is the most certain path to hold drumpf accountable – if only Congress could find a spine to borrow.

7 years ago


If he resigns before impeachment (i.e. Nixon) the goodies continue.

If impeached but not convicted and remaining in office (i.e. Clinton) the goodies continue.

If impeached, convicted and removed from office, no benefits.


7 years ago


I have your entry.

7 years ago

My, my, my.  SFB is setting new personal best (well, worst) records – his average approval rating at RCP is 39% – his lowest yet, and average disapproval is at 55.3% – a new high – the disapproval margin of 16.3% is pretty impressive. His Quinnipiac rating of 34% is truly spectacular.  I thought 36% would be the floor.  I guess I underestimated him.

7 years ago

That’s President SFB.  Have some respect for the office. 🙂

7 years ago

Senate Republicans Are Trying To Keep You In The Dark About Obamacare Repeal – HuffPost


“… We’re not even gonna have a hearing on a bill that impacts one-sixth of our economy. We’re not gonna have an opportunity to offer a single amendment.”

It’s because it impacts such a big portion of our economy that they’re holed up in their den.  It’s not about HEALTHCARE at all, it’s about money.


7 years ago

N.Y. AG Schneiderman examining Eric Trump Foundation – POLITICO


“Allegations of financial wrongdoing are facing Eric Trump after costs associated with his foundation’s charity to benefit children with cancer at St. Jude’s Hospital were payed off by a $100,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation. The event was held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York.”

7 years ago

If The Comey Memos Involved Other Pop Culture Villains – HuffPost

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

out of court big fat liar

in court no so much

I’ve seen tapes of his court appearances —

7 years ago

Im pretty sure Sturgeone should be king…….

7 years ago

What Jeremy Corbyn And The UK Election Should Teach Hillary Clinton — And Democrats – HuffPost


“People lose their jobs and homes through no fault of their own. Even working families who survived the 2008 crash relatively unscathed did not do so without having to confront new psychological strains. Millions of people who kept their jobs had to come to the aid of family members who did not. The prospect of economic ruin was always right around the corner.”

” Campaigning to boost the minimum wage? Good. Insisting that a $12 minimum wage was much more responsible than a $15 minimum wage, then waffling and saying maybe $15 was fine, then trying to talk about something else? That was pretty bad. Getting paid millions of dollars to give private speeches to Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms? That was catastrophic.”

“There’s a lesson there for the Democratic Party. It can be the party of the Good Aristocrats, or it can be the Anti-Authoritarian Party. But it can’t be both.”