You Gotta Have Heart

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

“Here, everything, pretty much everything you do in government involves heart, whereas in business most things don’t involve heart,” Trump told The Associated Press. “In fact, in business you’re actually better off without it.”

Too bad he didn’t think of that when he picked all those business men for his cabinet posts and his top how-to advisors.

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7 years ago

I don’t buy his notion that the business world must be heartless.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I’m waiting for the day that The Orange Horror gets his Twitter and Tinder accounts mixed up.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Tell that to United, Craig!  Hop on board this disaster — United kills another living pet.   Giant bunny dies.  Disturbing on many levels especially the celebrity big bunny exchange.  The mind wonders (or wanders, in my case),

7 years ago

No, heart doesn’t have to be absent for business to thrive – but it tends to be in short supply when it stands in the way of maximizing profit.

7 years ago

You gotta have Heart?? Forget him—Garry is gone.

7 years ago

N’yah, n’yah.  U.S. District Judge William H. Orrick sez the drumpfian/Sessionian threat to cut off federal funds if cities don’t lock ’em up without warrants doesn’t pass muster.

“When a long list of comments from President Trump, his surrogates and his spokespersons shows up in a federal court ruling, it’s fair to say it can only mean one thing: a constitutionally questionable executive order is about to get a judicial smackdown.

“That was true in March, when federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland suspended Trump’s travel ban, saying the administration had showed a clear animus toward Muslims, despite government lawyers’ claims to the contrary.

“And it was true on Tuesday, when U.S. District Judge William H. Orrick of California temporarily froze Trump’s executive order on sanctuary cities, ruling that a case could be made that it violated the Constitution.

“Trump’s order, signed Jan. 25, threatens to cut off funding from local governments that refuse to cooperate with immigration authorities. Santa Clara County and the city of San Francisco challenged the order arguing, among other things, that the president doesn’t have the power to withhold federal money. Orrick found the plaintiffs were likely to succeed on all their claims, as The Washington Post reported.”

“The ruling continued: “The statements of the President, his press secretary and the Attorney General belie the Government’s argument in the briefing that the Order does not change the law. They have repeatedly indicated an intent to defund sanctuary jurisdictions in compliance with the Executive Order.”

“If all that sounds familiar, it’s because other federal judges reached similar conclusions about the administration’s credibility in lawsuits challenging Trump’s travel ban.”

These guys….morons.

7 years ago

I’ll always have a fond spot for United. When I returned from Vietnam just before Thanksgiving in ’66, Kumcho was meeting me at the airport in Cleveland. They escorted her out on the Tarmac, had me get off the aircraft first amid clapping by the other passengers. to be rushed by my tear-streaked bride. All done without even asking me my name.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

because it was united personnel who ordered people off the plan and called the thug posing as police to brutalize the passenger and then it was united personnel who spread rumors nd tried to defame the doctor.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

and yet

The Real Reason a Man Was Dragged Off That United Flight, and ……/real-reason-man-dragged-off-united-flight-sto…

Apr 11, 2017 – This didn’t happen because United sold too many tickets. … violent outcome here wasn’t expected and the United Express gate agent had no authority to do more. … The passenger who should have gotten off the plane when ordered to do so. … Lessons from United Airlines Incident, Dr. David Dao, Thomas …

United Airlines Calls Cops Who Aggressively Remove Doctor Off …

Apr 10, 2017 – A passenger on a United Airlines flight was savagely yanked off by airport police Sunday night at O’Hare International because he refused to …

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

nited Airlines had a right to remove that flier. But should it have?…/100287338/

Apr 10, 2017 – United Airlines found itself at the center of controversy Monday after a video posted … to Louisville was operated by United Express affiliate Republic Airlines

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

it wasn’t republic employees who were given seats on the flight — it was united employees

a little late for upscale united employees to be pretending that they aren’t aware of company policies

at least the president of the company is taking responsibility what a pile of poop united is

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

I guess the joke is on  us…ever since citizens united, we treat corporations like they have a heart, bowels and a spirit.  More marketing bs…these guys just want to take your money no matter how much you want to be cared about and experience mammalian love.

The incident on United was about police force and not about restoring order.  They should have picked on an old woman instead.

7 years ago

For all the rotten employees that exist in every position, there are far more people who do their jobs competently & in good humor. Unfortunately the aberrations get the publicity.

Countdown had a Best Persons In The World segment once upon a time. I liked it better than Worst Persons In The World; apparently I was in the minority, as focus groups preferred WPITW. I do know that as someone who works in retail being positive & respectful, no matter how challenging, is always the right course. Will say that when a customer says Thank You or brings in a small Christmas gift, etc, it makes the day. Somebody noticed & somebody cared. Working with the public is not an easy job. I get upset with bad service too but then think maybe that person had a really bad day, surly customers, etc. Or, yes, perhaps that person is truly an a-hole. Probably more the former than the latter though. Solidarity 😉





7 years ago

Flatus, those were different days.  I was particularly fond of the “Fly United” poster of two geese.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

For me, flying changed after 9/11.  I remember how close to bankruptcy many airlines were when the planes hit the twin towers.   The airport concourses were filled with armed military personnel. Passenger and carry-on screenings were intrusive.   And the local airport police were mostly hassling drunken women as they sat in bars waiting for their flights.  I watched one drunk lady taken into custody that September and I felt for the woman.  Pretty abusive time.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

From 2001, does anyone remember those hospital-type screens off to the side of the boarding area?  Where lucky winners of the pat down, groping contest got to be humiliated behind a pretend curtain.  Where non-criminals got the feeling of being a threat.  Things sure changed from when I used to be able to order a special meal on my flight for free and find a clean bathroom.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

the president of united seems to think this was a united flight and united personnel

Sorry the pilots union have their panties in a twist — and by he way they are the same union that sold out entry level employees and other unions at united
still cya


7 years ago

Business does not have heart.  None.  That’s capitalism.  Sure, there’a a few mega-billionaires who spread some money around – but in a true capitalistic system – businesses are cut-throat bastards.  When they get too far out of line we put people in charge of this country who will clip their wings (Roosevelt, Taft, Roosevelt, etc.)

We just put the chief bastard of business people in charge of our government.  Art of the deal my ass!  We’re about to get a royal screwing – and all the Trump supporters can ask is why are there still so many brown people walking around.

We deserve this!

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Donnie the Drain just unprotected all the public land Obama protected..Oh Boy Trump Towers on every piece of undeveloped wilderness in the US

7 years ago

Mr 3000,

Not me ! The Usurper-in-Chief is NOT my president.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

mybad  not a Trump Tower  Trump Drilling and pipeline

7 years ago

Around 1960, I bought a Civil War era US Cavalry saber in NYC. I then carried it onto my Northwest Orient Airlines flight home to St Paul. Two years later, my cousin, who lived across the hall from Johnny Mathis, found a scimitar in an antique shop, bought it for me, and flew to St Paul with it.

I carried a knife with me my entire adult life, and always flew with them in my pockets – until 9/11. Things haven’t been the same since then, although I’ve sensed less airport hassle after President Obama was re-elected.

7 years ago

I just read (well, scanned) Orrick’s opinion issuing the injunction against Sessions and Kelly from enforcing Trump’s EO 13768 re: withholding funding from sanctuary cities.  Seems well reasoned to me.  If I wuz a bettin man, I’d bet it’d be upheld.

7 years ago

many thanks to those who have posted threads this week. more welcome as always.

7 years ago

At various times in the past 20 years  American, Delta and United have operated out of PGH.  For each of them for regional flights Republic operated the routes – primarily using Embraer 170 & 175 jets.  I’ve never seen a Republic branded plane or a Republic uniform on the flight crews.  If I didn’t see the graphic when I got onto the plane or hear the captain’s welcome and the Republic branding on the emergency instructions, I would never know I was flying Republic.

7 years ago

I was in coast guard aviation 68, 69, 70, and flew around a bit…….also was prone to flying home and back from Memphis,    (where Janis Joplin passed by me in the airport oncet ) and from Elizabeth City……from 70 to 77 just happened to not do anything which required boarding a plane, but then after my last flight Charleston to Newark in 77 made a simple decision to not fly any more, haven’t since, and it has not once bothered me in any way……even when I had to spend Christmas Day in a motel halfway between here and Detroit to make it to Detroit the day after Christmas rather than fly it and then after 2 days in Big D leave to drive back spending a night in a West Va motel on the way back……not a problem.   I love this country and love to drive thru it.

trains go there which is my first choice of travel, but they have become like Greyhound…….excruciating.   Thanks to Ike, it was a nice trip.

7 years ago

Trashing trump is not only ineffectual…….it’s COUNTER-effectual.

his followers LOVE IT and holler, “More! More! More!”

7 years ago

We saw her coming and stopped to gawk as she went by, her scarlet feather boa trailing behind as she led a phalanx of hangers-on at a merry pace to wherever she was going…….

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Sturgone – for a number of years I would fly 20,000+ miles in the first six to eight weeks of the year (about 2500 miles per week or cross country and back), and not as crew or in the military.  I got tired of flying, in fact I reached one of those points of looking at the odds of flying and landing with wheels down vs wheels up and nose first.

The grifter and kin folk seem to be wearing out their welcome, world-wide.

Why start a trade war with Canada?  Not over milk, spilled or tanked.  Over timber/lumber, commonly called SPF (spruce-pine-fir).  It makes no sense until you know who called for it.  Secretary Ross, Cyprus banker to Drumpf’s people and Putin/Russia.  What is the most active action Putin wants?  To disrupt trade and countries.  Link of Putin to Ross to Trump!  Once again it is time to announce another pile of sugar, this time “tax reform for the ultra rich”.  What will the media focus on?  The idiocy of “tax reform” and they fail to dig into Ross and the floater.

7 years ago

If healthcare differs by state, then members of Congress should be bound to the same rules/policies as their constituents.


7 years ago

Nothing untowards ever happened to cause me to react against flying…… I really thought and think that it’s just a really fast train—-coach, of course—–I know hi-jackings to Cuber were in the news back then, but I don’t think that was it…..I think I just grew weary after realizing that while in the air I was suspended from being Captain of My Soul and all that by one or three peoples up there in the cockpit……..( The Cockpit ).   Just rubbed me the wrong way.  And also there is the actual timeline of what happens while an airplane  is crashing.     I don’t like agony, and strive to remain in lack-of-agony status.

i really hate, howeverly, that a poor goop who had paid for his transit in good faith was brutally de-planed thru no fault of his own.

7 years ago

Trump close to notifying Canada, Mexico of intent to withdraw from NAFTA – The Washington Post


7 years ago

It could be any one of us who paid for a ticket to ride and was then yanked.      I’ve had to be places where it was imperative that I make the connection, and the sense of the urgency of Getting There Now was strong upon me……..where they could have offered me TEN thousand to get off and No Dice.  I paid for my ticket.  I gotta GET there, Jim……….( Insert Lenny’s opening comments during The Carnegie Hall concert in ’62 )

everybody’s ass is up for grabs.



7 years ago

US feared for safety of Russian money-laundering witness – CNN

“American investigators are preparing for a trial in May that will examine how stolen Russian cash allegedly made its way into New York City real estate…”

7 years ago


7 years ago

The last time I was supposed to go on vacation, I spent the day (7 or 8 hours) at the airport being sent from gate to gate.    Finally, some decent airline employee told me I wasn’t getting on a plane until the next day.  Maybe there was a backlog from weather or something, but I never got an explanation nor an apology, and, I had to fight to get re-imbursed  because I chose not to fly a damned day later.   I was still out the money for accommodations, ground transportation to and from the airport and wasted a vacation day.    It was going to be a 3-day trip, including travel, so I didn’t get to go.   Then, I had health issues and haven’t been able to travel since.     ~Thanks, American.  Thanks.~

7 years ago

Whaddyakiddin’ me? The business world is Mr Potter.

7 years ago

Or the neighbors vs Elvis in “Follow that Dream”.

7 years ago

So the steel and coal barons build a little park in your neighborhood……….Hey, these guys really have a heart!


7 years ago

The only reason they build a park is they got caught with their willy in a vice.

7 years ago

Don’t know much about Andrew Carnegie……know he built a hall and a whole bunch of libraries……Did he have a heart?   Or was he just giving back?  Or, what?

he built a lot of libraries, I understand…….

which led, of course, to The Music Man which I first saw in the middle of the Pacific.

every song Imus played today was from ’65….,,,nice that that was a pivotal year for someone besides my esteemed self…….steamed, I mean…..steamed…….

7 years ago

It was always ~fun~ when I (always) paid for a direct flight & they would try to move me to a flight that connected somewhere & had a  layover.   I refused to get on anything except a direct flight, because it always got me to my destination quicker than the connecting flight, even if it left a little later.

Airlines are masters of the bait & switch.

7 years ago

Imus talked about being in the studio in 65 when Bobby Hatfield and  Bill Medley were recording “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling”  to the pre-recorded track supplied by Phil Spector out in California……..track playing, Bobby and Bill in a darkened studio with just pin-spots on them…….

They killed it.

7 years ago

Rye-joes Brotters

7 years ago

They had to lip-sync it cause there was no way to reproduce that perfection  on tv at the time….

7 years ago

And the tv people wanted perfection……..hey, play the tape, they can fake that, can’t they?!  Who are these people, anyway?

just act like you’re singin’ Christ, is everything a freakin’ crisis?