User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
One Last Time With Feeling
Here’s our final 2016 Presidential debate thread. Show starts at 9pm ET.
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
Any chance that Chris Wallace might remember that he is a news man and actually try to hold the debaters to the issues? debt and entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots, and fitness to be president,
I hope the issues a paramount.. Forces Trump to just repeat his nonsense over and over.. I myself almost don’t want to watch after the last one.. I despise the man and really never want to hear him speak again..
Once again I’m watching on Sky News (Roku) for no distractions. Watched the “pre game show” and they were all very careful but it’s obvious to me that they had very little to say about Trump. That included a woman on the panel…missed her name who once worked for Bush the younger but had nothing complimentary to say about Trump and was not terrible in her comments about Hillary. I’ll try to follow along with your comments as best I can but probably won’t comment myself till later.
Apparently there is a dry run for Trump TV happening live on Facebook right now. Jan Brewer is one of the hosts. Somehow the concept of Breitbart crossed with World Net Daily crossed with Stormfront and security provided by the KKK comes to mind.
MJ, Jace — proud to say Mike M remains a great friend I speak with often. Perfect example of someone who dwelled in Washington without EVER letting it dwell in him.
Craig, didn’t I go to a Jesse rally in Atlanta with you and some of the other Mondale campaign staffers? That was the first time I used a mobile phone. I called my dad. It was the size of a desk computer.
I enjoyed watching The Great Pumpkin for the umpteenth time. I’ll leave it to you guys to watch The Great Trumpkin v The Devil.
By the way, the thought of Hillary has even Repugs who are disgusted by Trump more determined than ever to make sure she would have a horrendous time in office and vote Republican for other offices. But since her true stance on issues/true constituency is not Dem, that won’t do much. She’s for TPP. She’s in favor of fracking.
Pointing the finger at Russia for the hacks is just an attempt to divert the sunlight shining on her shady dealings.
The vp debate was the only one that interested me. I would be comfortable with Pence, but not with that weird, little suck-up, Timmy.
No need to watch when Stein and Johnson are being excluded. Excluded from debates, excluded from media coverage with the exception of the occasional, negative soundbite.
Trump is correct when he said that the media was manipulating the election with their biased coverage.
Chucky T seems to be trying out for Press Secretary. Truly disgusting and should have his press credentials revoked, along with Andrea Mitchell and the rest of the lot.
The willingness of The Devil’s followers to stick their heads in the sand about all of her misdealings and missteps is sickening.
Just waiting for the hypocrits to start trashing the “Benghazi mom,” after they trashed Trump for pointing out the Kahns’ connections to The Clinton Foundation.
Craig – I think the Jess rally was at Peidmont Park …. I may have gone to that with Bob Morris and some of his friends. I was also at Twelve Oaks … good times!
To me, the issue of late-term abortion to save the life of the mother is no different from the use of deadly force to protect one’s property. Why do we believe that killing someone who has broken into the home is not murder, but we (anti-abortion people) believe the early termination or late-term termination of a pregnancy in order to save the life of the adult mother is murder? Not sure about that.
And, after all those undocumented people are rounded up, crops would die before getting picked, no hotels would have any maid service, and the country would be in deed do do.
Good move too to point out that he used undocumented workers, which he is not denying, that he exploited them, and that we need to let them come out of the shadows.
Once upon a time they used to crush the mother’s pelvis to extract a child. There are a few but horrendous reasons to have an abortion in the last trimester. It is not “abortion on demand”, it is saving the life of the mother. The whole concept of “late term abortion” is a political construction not a medical one.
Jamie — I am pro-choice and have no problem with a pregnant woman and her doctor making every medical decision her condition requires without our government intervening!
I abhor the whole idea of an abortion except for the life of the mother, but it needs to be between a woman and her doctor. My favorite statement on the subject is:
When a CongressMAN has a breach birth baby on the floor of Congress without benefit of anesthesia he Might have enough info to vote on the subject of abortion. Until then, shut up and sit down.
I do wish that instead of saying “MY plan” Hillary would say “the plan I have decided would be the better one for our country, which has been developed with the help of economists and brillinat thinkers ….”
As always in every campaign I yearn for a question on how they propose to enact “my plan” in Congress. Putting a plan on your website is meaningless without demonstrating the skill to get it thru Congress.
Great point Craig …. it would be extremely beneficial if she could say something in the nature of “I have spoken with members of Congress and will have bi-partisan support for … blah blah”
I see I’m late to the party. Chris Wallace is actually doing a decent job. There were a couple moments when he lt assholian ran over him. My only complaint is that he isn’t calling him on his pivots.
He is such a totally limited man in both intelligence and education that it astounds me he is the nominee of a once great political party. She does need to push for Democratic majorities.
Craig, I know you’re nonpartisan (wink, wink) but how’s about hosting a TM party on Jan 20 to celebrate the inauguration of the next pres? I’ll talk Mrs P into an encores visit on Nov. 9 IF AND ONLY IF Hillary wins on the 8th.. We’ll book a room near TM central and party w/, David, you and other takers.
Now we’re going to do it right. From an assholian who doesn’t pay for our military, fucks workers and creditors, shifts his responsibility to the country to working folks and wants to cut taxes on his kids, who never served. Great guy. Hillary ate his lunch tonight, and I don’t give a shit what the pundits say tomorrow. See you guys in DC on Jan. 20. Don’t pack light (or you’ll freeze at night).
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago
The crazy fool couldn’t even be positive in the last minute…
‘Turn out the lights the party’s over’ Never mind the verbal fireworks, the body language said it all. Trump had the look of a loser. HRC had the look of someone who knew she was in command.
Steve Schmidt sez trumpf’srefusal to say he’d accept the election results is disqualifying. Like an old man in the park feeding nuts to sqirrels. Perfect!
Jace, for once he appeared to know he stood on the stage and kicked his own ass with Hillary’s help. He’s outta there, drug into the SUVosine by Melanoma and Hillary’s still hanging out accepting well deserved accolades.
Jace, for once he appeared to know he stood on the stage and kicked his own ass with Hillary’s help. He’s outta there, drug into the SUVosine by Melanoma and Hillary’s still hanging out accepting well deserved accolades.
Nicolle Wallace – He laid in his own coffin and hammered in his own nails. She crossed into the land of the sane. Ryan, McConnell, McCain are in a padded room tomorrow. .. brilliant.
Any chance that Chris Wallace might remember that he is a news man and actually try to hold the debaters to the issues? debt and entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots, and fitness to be president,
Jamie, I am hopeful about Chris keeping this thing focused on real stuff, forcing DT to go off the reservation.
CNN, unquestionably the worst coverage on television.
I hope the issues a paramount.. Forces Trump to just repeat his nonsense over and over.. I myself almost don’t want to watch after the last one.. I despise the man and really never want to hear him speak again..
Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE!!!
I’ve done my share of griping about debates this season, but must say I’m sorry to see them end.
Rude-ee has already tweeted out that Chris Wallace is in the bag for Trump and will take care of Hillary
Nothing more frightening and dangerous than going up against an opponent that has nothing to lose.
Tony, enjoy it. Watching DT on the run will be fun. He’s toast and he knows it.
Hey Craig – Mike McCurry from your John Glen campaign days is on C-span!
Commission on debates attempting to justify their existence.
Craig I agree – there should be one a week until the election.
Once again I’m watching on Sky News (Roku) for no distractions. Watched the “pre game show” and they were all very careful but it’s obvious to me that they had very little to say about Trump. That included a woman on the panel…missed her name who once worked for Bush the younger but had nothing complimentary to say about Trump and was not terrible in her comments about Hillary. I’ll try to follow along with your comments as best I can but probably won’t comment myself till later.
Mike McCurry, my favorite press secretary of all time.
I anticipate Chris Wallace will do a good job…We will see…
Apparently there is a dry run for Trump TV happening live on Facebook right now. Jan Brewer is one of the hosts. Somehow the concept of Breitbart crossed with World Net Daily crossed with Stormfront and security provided by the KKK comes to mind.
Yep, I suppose that’s way to look at it.. Knowing he’s gone soon is reason to celebrate. .
MJ, Jace — proud to say Mike M remains a great friend I speak with often. Perfect example of someone who dwelled in Washington without EVER letting it dwell in him.
Good idea, Sky News on my Roku.. I watched one of the Republican debates there, a pleasure
I am going to mute the first part of the debate like I did last time. I will rely on you all for insight…
Congratulations to the Tribe –this is a tough choice — which team is the bigger underdog
I noticed a little quiver in wallace’s voice…watching cspan. Big night for him.
Saw Jesse Jackson in the audience. Where has he been these last many years? Miss him.
When Jesse ran for President I went to his rally on the Capitol steps in Salem…very impressive…
Craig, didn’t I go to a Jesse rally in Atlanta with you and some of the other Mondale campaign staffers? That was the first time I used a mobile phone. I called my dad. It was the size of a desk computer.
I’ve lost my Sky News picture but still have sound 🙁
Clinton started off strong. I hope she does not mention DT’s name one single time.
And in true Trump fashion, it’s all about him.
Trump instantly goes after Ginsburg, the man can never resist attacking a woman.
jace, cnn unwatchable…pool-pah machine and they roil in it all day long. it makes me think trump will buy them for trump tv and they are interviewing.
He wants a constitution that is “the way it was meant to be” ….. I think that means no women or blacks allowed to vote.
I enjoyed watching The Great Pumpkin for the umpteenth time. I’ll leave it to you guys to watch The Great Trumpkin v The Devil.
By the way, the thought of Hillary has even Repugs who are disgusted by Trump more determined than ever to make sure she would have a horrendous time in office and vote Republican for other offices. But since her true stance on issues/true constituency is not Dem, that won’t do much. She’s for TPP. She’s in favor of fracking.
Pointing the finger at Russia for the hacks is just an attempt to divert the sunlight shining on her shady dealings.
The vp debate was the only one that interested me. I would be comfortable with Pence, but not with that weird, little suck-up, Timmy.
No need to watch when Stein and Johnson are being excluded. Excluded from debates, excluded from media coverage with the exception of the occasional, negative soundbite.
Trump is correct when he said that the media was manipulating the election with their biased coverage.
Chucky T seems to be trying out for Press Secretary. Truly disgusting and should have his press credentials revoked, along with Andrea Mitchell and the rest of the lot.
The willingness of The Devil’s followers to stick their heads in the sand about all of her misdealings and missteps is sickening.
Just waiting for the hypocrits to start trashing the “Benghazi mom,” after they trashed Trump for pointing out the Kahns’ connections to The Clinton Foundation.
Congratulations to the Indians. I’ll be cheering for them.
troll right on time
Yep MJ, that was the rally we did at Twelve Oaks outside Atlanta
Trump already blowing it on the supreme court.
I think the sniffing has just started.
trump reaching out for female vote
Craig – I think the Jess rally was at Peidmont Park …. I may have gone to that with Bob Morris and some of his friends. I was also at Twelve Oaks … good times!
please don’t feed!
Pro-gun = pro-life ? HTH can that be ?
Trump reversing Roe, the man has a death wish for losing women voters.
DT is like a 3yr old in calculus class when real issues discussed.
abortion porn by trump…how sleazy.
Yes, Craig, a death wish.
he looks like alex baldwin
Add to the list of things Trump knows nothing about: Pregnancy in crisis.
To me, the issue of late-term abortion to save the life of the mother is no different from the use of deadly force to protect one’s property. Why do we believe that killing someone who has broken into the home is not murder, but we (anti-abortion people) believe the early termination or late-term termination of a pregnancy in order to save the life of the adult mother is murder? Not sure about that.
My first 20 minute rule, Trump has done nothing to win opening round.
Trump looks really tired tonight…Your comments lead me to believe issues are at the forefront tonight…I hope so…
There are some bad bad people in this country who are apparently providing DT with his coke.
and he is sniffing again.
And, after all those undocumented people are rounded up, crops would die before getting picked, no hotels would have any maid service, and the country would be in deed do do.
good move Hillary saying DT “choked” in mtg with Mexican president, keep it up, he’ll snap
I am turning sound on at 6:30 …
Good move too to point out that he used undocumented workers, which he is not denying, that he exploited them, and that we need to let them come out of the shadows.
Once upon a time they used to crush the mother’s pelvis to extract a child. There are a few but horrendous reasons to have an abortion in the last trimester. It is not “abortion on demand”, it is saving the life of the mother. The whole concept of “late term abortion” is a political construction not a medical one.
he said she wanted a wall and now open borders.
He’s not sniffling, it’s sniveling.
he doesn’t have the face temperament to be president.
crazy talk
The sniffler is back
Without sound, Hillary appears relaxed and amused…Don appears to be getting angrier…Alec Baldwin is getting some good new material…
ha, HRC calling DT a Putin “puppet” made the Wikileaks topic disappear
Jamie — I am pro-choice and have no problem with a pregnant woman and her doctor making every medical decision her condition requires without our government intervening!
Germany tried to influence US elections in 1936 and 1940.
Trump is losing it!
he has written the SNL script for Saturday night…writers rejoice!
DT and Chris Wallace took her Putin bait, Wikileaks “open borders” topic off the table. Well done HRC
Trump is playing Alec Baldwin play Trump
I am getting the feeling that nobody ever says “no” to Mr. Trump…It galls him to have to deal with a strong woman…
She’s brilliantly keeping him on defense.
He just took the bait again … “there’s no quote from me”
I think he should be drug tested
I abhor the whole idea of an abortion except for the life of the mother, but it needs to be between a woman and her doctor. My favorite statement on the subject is:
When a CongressMAN has a breach birth baby on the floor of Congress without benefit of anesthesia he Might have enough info to vote on the subject of abortion. Until then, shut up and sit down.
I do wish that instead of saying “MY plan” Hillary would say “the plan I have decided would be the better one for our country, which has been developed with the help of economists and brillinat thinkers ….”
Jamie — so totally agree with you!
“We’re going to do a lot of things with college tuition!” DT
The Trumpster is a bit unhinged tonight…
HRC is keeping him angry and spewing his bile. No temperament to be commander in chief. Nothing new here
Does anyone else see white drippings under DT’s nose?
I don’t think he prepped much…
Lol, no prep Donald
As always in every campaign I yearn for a question on how they propose to enact “my plan” in Congress. Putting a plan on your website is meaningless without demonstrating the skill to get it thru Congress.
Trump’s eyes look awfully bloodshot
Trump has had a very easy life…What is he so angry about?
Trump is like the town crier –we’ve heard what the problems are..what are the solutions tax cheeto?
Great point Craig …. it would be extremely beneficial if she could say something in the nature of “I have spoken with members of Congress and will have bi-partisan support for … blah blah”
Why the heck isn’t she saying anything about electing Democrats to the House and Senate?
I really thought he would do better tonight…he is so easy to rattle…
Trump seems very proud that a fact check showed him to be correct on one point.
He is such a baby
I see I’m late to the party. Chris Wallace is actually doing a decent job. There were a couple moments when he lt assholian ran over him. My only complaint is that he isn’t calling him on his pivots.
Trump landing some hits here, but too little too late.
With his fact check history I would not have gone there.
He is such a totally limited man in both intelligence and education that it astounds me he is the nominee of a once great political party. She does need to push for Democratic majorities.
Damn, she was prepared for the “30 years experience” counter attack. Mopped it up.
Yes, Chris is doing a good job.
Good point, Craig, how will it get through Congress? The hard part..HRC the new LBJ, hope so.
Take a look at migration?
Fitness To Be President — he’s off the rails now
He didn’t even apologize to his wife
She and Obama … violence at his rallies… I don’t know these women… he’s fucking himsekf now.
Headlines so far…30 year comparison and Putin’s Puppet…
Hillary gets to be President!!!
Hillary’s pillorying him now. You go girl.
I have been wondering when and how he was going to bring up the lost emails
He’s down to liar, liar, pants on fire. He’s done.
HRC not taking email bait this time
She is stepping away from the hard questions and doing very well
Sarah Silverman tweeted “trust him with nuclear codes? He can’t even be trusted with self-tanners”
If this were a high school game or a boxing match, the refs would stop it…
key moment here, re: Clinton Foundation — HRC should just stay out of it
Clinton Foundation thanks for bringing it up
so what has the Trump foundation done ….
Chris, you have to stop this shit. Either call him on his pivote or leave her alone.
OK HRC, that’s enuf, stop talking about Clinton Foundation
His charity is bullshit. AND can’t raise money in NY . Now shes filleting him.
Chris, goddamit, cut him off.
Trump could lose the Dakotas after this mess…
You mean the ‘ mercy rule’?
He’s done.
Probably unwise but I so wish she’d go ahead and call him a freaking disgrace.
Trump is bat shit, it’s crazy..
The lady is flawless tonight.. Damn, what a great response on fair elections. .
Craig, I think she is about to get there.
hmmm, she pretty much went there — “appalled”
like it
Chris Wallace is really doing a good job trying to keep a tight rein on this mess.
Chris is doing a good job…it is not easy to deal with a deranged person…
Good job giving credit for hard work done by military advisers, I hope DT comes back with “I know more than they do”
He’s hoping his “I believe in the element of surprise” approach will mask the fact that he is a complete idiot on foreign hot spots
I lied, can’t look away. Disturbed “bigly” by the wannabe Fuhrer.
Only one President on that stage tonight. Nite all.
You’re invited to a Trail Mix HQ inauguration party for HRC.
The question has a yes or no answer.
Strong talk from a guy who never served with children who never served.
Serenity now.
Alec will have a field day Saturday.
Trump has no idea what she’s talking about.
“You’re invited to a Trail Mix HQ inauguration party for HRC”
I’ll be in a bunker hiding from the armed revolution Trump just implied he will incite, not sure I’ll have internet access.
Craig – I am reserving a space on the floor somewhere in your house …. THANKS!!!!
The meltdown is complete.
What a baby!
…insult to babies.
Thanks for doing this tonight Craig…
Craig, I know you’re nonpartisan (wink, wink) but how’s about hosting a TM party on Jan 20 to celebrate the inauguration of the next pres? I’ll talk Mrs P into an encores visit on Nov. 9 IF AND ONLY IF Hillary wins on the 8th.. We’ll book a room near TM central and party w/, David, you and other takers.
How does one get “outplayed” on ceasefires?
Poobah, I see you beat me to the punch. We’re in.
Now we’re going to do it right. From an assholian who doesn’t pay for our military, fucks workers and creditors, shifts his responsibility to the country to working folks and wants to cut taxes on his kids, who never served. Great guy. Hillary ate his lunch tonight, and I don’t give a shit what the pundits say tomorrow. See you guys in DC on Jan. 20. Don’t pack light (or you’ll freeze at night).
The crazy fool couldn’t even be positive in the last minute…
Brian Williams gak
I wish she had walked over to him and stuck out her hand…made him ignore her LIKE THE ASSHOLE HE IS.
‘Turn out the lights the party’s over’ Never mind the verbal fireworks, the body language said it all. Trump had the look of a loser. HRC had the look of someone who knew she was in command.
Trump is an national disgrace, and so are every one of his supporters.
Steve Schmidt sez trumpf’srefusal to say he’d accept the election results is disqualifying. Like an old man in the park feeding nuts to sqirrels. Perfect!
Kelly Ann, has copied her boss in lies…Big Liar
lost internet…but, hubby and I laughed so much. Very funny stuff. I saw Hillary’s shoulder move a bit at the end…the shimmy.
Jace, for once he appeared to know he stood on the stage and kicked his own ass with Hillary’s help. He’s outta there, drug into the SUVosine by Melanoma and Hillary’s still hanging out accepting well deserved accolades.
Jace, for once he appeared to know he stood on the stage and kicked his own ass with Hillary’s help. He’s outta there, drug into the SUVosine by Melanoma and Hillary’s still hanging out accepting well deserved accolades.
One word – meltdown – comes to mind.
I actually had fun watching this debate…. So much fun watching the Trump meltdowns!
Stay safe Hillary.
Nicolle Wallace – He laid in his own coffin and hammered in his own nails. She crossed into the land of the sane. Ryan, McConnell, McCain are in a padded room tomorrow. .. brilliant.
Well, housing may be a problem. Courtyard in Rockville is $399 a night.