Does Anyone Who Matters Give A Shit About This?

Thanks to our own Purple-in-Tampa for digging up this graphic. Sadly, I don’t see anyone electable in this presidential campaign, or anyone with power in Washington DC, ever doing anything about it, other than lip service. Bottom 90% share of wealth never lower than the 1920’s days of robber barons:


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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

63 thoughts on “Does Anyone Who Matters Give A Shit About This?”

  1. So, do you mean Bernie Sanders, Eluzabeth Warren, and, Occupy actually have point?  Yes.   Yes, they do.   Still hoping Bernie debates Trump.


    Have a a good weekend.

  2. answer:

    these folks at

    The Giving Pledge is a commitment by the world’s wealthiest individuals and families to dedicate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy.


    unless they don’t qualify as “anyone with power in Washington DC” …. dc power is questionable and only in the eyes of the beholder of seats up for election.


  3. That is an impressive sine wave.  I have often thought of my extended family throughout my life and their standard of living. For the past 100 years?  We have pretty much stayed the same…houses, food, etc. — we fulfilled Maslov’s pyramid as much as possible.  I was fortunate to be born of the baby boom generation during a relatively rich resource time coming off of the stark life of WWII.  Education was on the rise as was production.  There were enough babies to support the social programs of Medicare and Social Security.  I did have enough in the all you can eat buffet of life.  But, aging has taught me that I lived in a time of excess…no price tag for the relentless burning of fossil fuels and climate change.  Disasters abound and when the insecure wealth holders panic in terms of the earth changing?  They get even greedier.  In spite of little cash money, I am rich woman who may not have enjoyed all of the ups and downs of my sine wave ride through life, but I appreciate all of my wealth…thankfully, my wealth is not measured in money.

  4. It is so ironic that Clinton’s use of personal email is the most anti-establishment, nose thumbing event of this election cycle.

    I would love to see the debate between Trump and Sanders…let Trump run the dem party now.  The old coot and the suit in cahoots!


  5. Pogo

    Were you one of those Rock and Roll person’s burning my Donna Summer LP’s? I loved Disco! It’s still alive in Dance music today. A Donna Summer concert in the late 80’s for me was like a gay man’s family reunion… Oh the good ole days… Oh and i don’t mean Ronald Reagan, ugh ?

  6. And while all this is going on with Hillary having broken a work rule while boxing up paper to ship to state where they lost the boxes, Trump is getting sued seven ways from Sunday for nefarious dealings

    Trump Vs Trump Canada



  7. I would prefer seeing a chart reflecting incomes including transfer payments from government and retirement funds, and in the case of capital gains, less those gains reinvested in domestic ventures.

  8. and remember

    ….Ted Turner, who started the foundation with a staggering $1-billion pledge in 1997, is due to make his last payment next summer.

    To keep the money flowing in the post-Turner era, the foundation is wooing others with deep pockets in the corporate world and is on the lookout for leaders made in the mold of the charity’s founder: entrepreneurs equally dedicated to striking it rich and helping improve people’s lot throughout the world.

    When Mr. Turner made the pledge, which helped trigger a series of other outsize gifts from the wealthy, he considered bailing out the United States, which was far behind in its dues to the United Nations. Instead, he decided to create a foundation to support the U.N.’s global mission and build public support of the international organization

  9. craig, so there are some anyones who give a shit. I don’t see the drumpf among them.  has he ever donated any substantial amount of his so-called 10 billion to help make America or the world great again?  would be nice to see his taxes to prove it if he has.

    and let’s also not forget folks of lesser means than drumpf, folks like bill clinton and jimmy carter working post retirement to encourage the wealthy to spread their wealth to the more worthy.

  10. PatD

    I periodically receive short-term solicitations from Pres Clinton’s group. In yesterday’s, Donna Shalala announced that President Clinton would double match contributions up to $100k through today. He and Chelsea will do this periodically. It’s a good use of speakers’ fees.

  11. On CNN this morning Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who served in both Repub and Dem administrations, opined that the most important attribute in a president dealing with other leaders is empathy. I couldn’t agree more.

  12. Lots of great reading, and some so so boring…… this one caught my ojo……..I have known, suspected that Altruism (the lack of it) is the direct result of Religion……..we world wide have about 70-80% of religions that run the world…..and there for the greed that exists in it……Now i am certain of this….An University In Chicago has just confirmed through studies of Six Countries….including USA and Canada that people that practice religion are less likely to share anything……..event the time of day…while the 30% of people that do not practice any religion at all…..are very altruistic

    Also another thing that was confirmed for me …was that those that believed in religion…also believed in severe punishment for any broken rules that they thought was against society…….they must punish those that do not adhere to the letter of the religion laws also……So….hey you dont look anything like my TRIBE…so I dont give a Shit about you…..remembered….i read it in the DAily Science Page…….Oh and like i alwlay say……..The end of Religion…is to end just about all world problems…wars specially…..


    Renee….We looked great together dancing the Mexican hat dance in the 5th grade…..U so cute….made me sing “little girls have pretty curls….but i like oreos..oreos, oreos…….but that was then……now u so hot…..dancing the Tango with me……later

  13. The answer would be no.  Trickle down worked just as intended, The wealth trickled down to nothing. In previous periods of history this would have caused a revolution. Now the peasants are too poor to buy the pitch forks and tumbrels.

  14. craig, yesterday you wrote Patd, Actually the publisher of that book asked me to do exactly what you are suggesting but offered no advance. Told him I don’t work for free,  considering they never paid me any royalties, only the advance, for that book. Book authors are so screwed in today’s marketplace, unless they’re in it for vanity, which I’m not, just isnt worth the effort. Also doesn’t help that online booksellers like Amazon practically give them away for free as loss leaders to sell toaster. And Google publishes the text for nothing. And the courts let them do it.

    surely one of our venerable schools of journalism would be interested enough in such research to fund it or maybe some deep-pocketed pol who has been stung by media slings and arrows once too often.  if you do get inspired I hope your former publisher will not claim the idea was theirs. seems I suggested this before on the trail in 2008 (at the height of media mounted hillary hate).

  15. Interesting donor pitch from Clinton camp in my email box this morning:

    I hadn’t wanted to send this kind of email, but it’s imperative that I fill you in on the state of this race as I see it.

    Over the winter, our budget team and I worked hard to game out the various scenarios we thought we might face in a general election. What would a race against one of the more traditional Republicans look like? How about a race against Donald Trump?

    One assumption seemed pretty safe: That if we were to wind up running against Donald Trump, our supporters, especially our grassroots donors, would be so horrified that they’d step up big time.

    It’s now been three weeks since Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and the fact is that isn’t happening yet.

    So I need you to chip in right now — and yes, we’ll send you a free sticker when you do.

    Don’t get me wrong — you’ve been amazing. You’re the only reason that Hillary Clinton is on the verge of making history. And I have no doubt that many of you are planning to get involved later on, or may be working hard in ways that aren’t always visible to the campaign.

    But for the time being, our fundraising is actually DOWN slightly from where it was in April. I don’t know if it’s that you think we don’t need the money yet (we do), or that Trump couldn’t possibly win (he really, really could), or if you’re just exhausted from a long primary (I don’t blame you!) — but whatever your reasons are, I am personally asking you to get up off the bench and help make sure the most extreme, erratic presidential nominee in history never makes it to the White House.

    Will you please make a donation right now?


    Robby Mook
    Campaign Manager
    Hillary for America

  16. Jack was right, I think it was Jack that said “the true independents will come around to voting for Hillary” We have no choice…so i decided to do just that early on and not suffer it all of this time…….that does not make her the best for the country….just that she is the lesser of the two evils…My Devil….this independent cant even imagine a flea-head like trump as potus……..hades forbid.!!


    So some great stuff coming from Purple…….but like he said….he will come around to it sooner or later……..Bernies people….some of them….again like this post says “who gives a shit”. some of them….some of them are repulsive…i wouldnt want their votes not matter what…….later

  17. or that Trump couldn’t possibly win (he really, really could)

    robby, you bet your boots he could.  with non-stop coverage of a “hunger games” style campaign, the audience is begging for more. the proposed bernie brawl (david vs goliath? grumpy vs goofy?) will suck up all the air.

  18. “The Clinton campaign needs to shelve the assumption that their speeches about facts and policies are going to get equal media coverage. The media is biased against policy. They are not going to give Clinton equal airtime. Cable news networks are going to ride Donald Trump until Election Day, and by so heavily favoring him with coverage, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are indirectly helping the Republican nominee with voters.”

    The take away from Jamie’s link. Very relevant to yesterday’s discussion. Clinton and company need to stop doodling in their sketch pads and start splashing some bold colors on canvas.

  19. Teddy Ruxpin for Prez

    I am so tired of long, sometimes extremely long, Democratic responses to anything.  A fifteen thousand word rebuttal to “your mama wears combat boots” does not work.  Since Trump has settled on “crook” instead of “ms” for HRC.  Call the blowhard a “crook” or perhaps “just another politician”, or “broke” as in no money, or “coward”.  Shorter and more to the point.  But, spare me a lengthy monologue.

    Have to wonder who HRC pissed off over at State to get a strange report?  Or, have they not thought about their careers after late January when she is setting up her political appointees?

  20. Donald Trump On Elizabeth Warren: ‘She’s Got A Big Mouth’
    She must be getting under his skin.
    Warren is a huge problem for Trump. Every time she delivers a speech calling him a “small, insecure money-grubber,” writes a post about his “toxic stew of hatred and insecurity” on social media, it goes viral. She is, so far, the Democrats’ most effective attack-dog against the New York real estate mogul. 

    Every time Trump attempts to defend himself against the senator, something sexist or offensive tumbles out of his mouth. He tweeted earlier this month that he hopes Hillary Clinton chooses “goofy Elizabeth Warren” as his running mate, and then attacked them both for “shouting” — a common criticism men have of female politicians. 

  21. I’m getting very tired of overly dramatic adjectives.  Apparently someone at MSNBC decided the email report from the
    IG was “scathing”.  Out of 83 pages most of which were annotations of sources, there were less than three pages that pretty well broke down as “she didn’t follow the work rules” and we can’t find the boxes she sent us.  No crimes, no hanky-panky, no deliberate sins etc.  Stuff that basically boils down to : She took paper clips from the supply cabinet home or no one here can read and didn’t notice that the from and to address didn’t end in dot gov.

    I guess that is “Scathing”

  22. erica jong:

    There are two men running for president and one lone woman.
    Both men have been carried away by the madness of crowds. The truth is we don’t know what either of them can or will do. One of the men is a carny barker who is busy proving H.L. Mencken’s dictum: “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” The other is an avowed socialist who wants “a revolution” but who has only been tried in a white, low population state.

    Then there is the woman. All her life she has fought for civil rights, children’s rights and women’s rights. We know what she stands for because she has been standing for those things forever: as first lady, senator and secretary of state. And she is standing for them now.
    rue, she has been around too long to be a “new face.” But the men are not new either. One is a real estate guy who boasts that he pays no taxes and the other is a senator whose favorite word is “revolution.” Both are old faces, but male. And both have gotten the biggest crowds of their lives and they can’t get over it.

    So who do you think is more likely to keep promises? The woman warrior or the two guys?

    I trust Hillary Rodham Clinton’s long-held beliefs and the prodigious work she has put behind them. Bernie is a beautiful dreamer. Trump is a fake and a fraud. Of the three candidates I know whom to trust.
    In your heart of hearts you do, too.

  23. Pat,

    The culmination of such a circus event would be Donald waving Bernie’s privates above his head while declaring the emasculation of the Democratic Party. Now on to the woman.

  24. Jamie, I totally agree with your take on MSNBC’s mischaracterization of the IG’s report. I’m becoming more and more selective as to what I watch on that channel.

  25. “It is beyond contempt that a politician would use a family tragedy to further his candidacy, but such is the character of Donald Trump displayed in his recent comments to The Washington Post. In this interview, Trump cynically, crassly and recklessly insinuated that my brother, Vincent W. Foster Jr., may have been murdered because “he had intimate knowledge of what was going on” and that Hillary Clinton may have somehow played a role in Vince’s death.

    How wrong. How irresponsible. How cruel.”

    Vince Foster’s sister takes on Trump

  26. From my recollection, the degree of distain held by the candidates and their followers for their opponent(s) is on a par with Dewey vs Truman back in ’48. Thank goodness teevees were few and far between.

  27. So what does the jealousy index prove and why should we be concerned?

    It is really doesn’t tell us anything about the bottom 90% and their economic situation. Nor does it tell us anything about the share of GDP. Which is our national income. This chart is all income no matter where earned. ex the earnings from  my CAT stock is in there as capital gains yet  almost all of that cap gain is earned overseas. So did the ninety percent do anything to earn a greater share? The chart doesn’t tell you

    In my opinion that chart is a great example of the misuse of statistics. The numbers are real but they mean nothing in the context of the argument.  It does make for great red meat for the true believers but for the rest of the world not so much. Also it is absolutely worthless in telling us what is the real problem.
    You want to understand  why there is anger don’t look at the jealousy index look at the above chart
    Real median Income, tells why people are becoming pissed, for 17 years they have been earning less and it doesn’t look like it is changing.
    There is good news a least something  HRC and the Democrats can run on.
    As I can’t seem to put more than one image I will put it in another post.

  28. BB

    I thought the report, in total, reflected State’s permanent bureaucracy taking care of itself. Notice how everything that was within the control of the bureaucrats was corrected, and blessed by the IG, before the report was released. I bet Hillary did ask if it’s okay (permission) to do my work via my personal device. Who did she ask? probably her chief of staff. That individual’s response? You’re the boss.

    Obviously the people who are ranting about the classification fiasco have never worked with these types of messages. Recall me, I’ll give a definitive opinion, in writing, three versions, if necessary, because of access requirements.

  29. Now throw away the Jealousy index it hasn’t worked as a political tool for 50 years.

    This  chart actually shows that Republicans are clueless and Democrats aren’t

    It shows a plunge in manufacturing jobs. The US lost one out of every three manufacturing jobs on the Republicans watch. Why?  You will have economist on all sides  with a theory but in the end it doesn’t matter. Because like the snow storm, I don’t care why it is happening I want the city to have a plan for taking care of it so I can get to work in the morning.

    It was a nine year plunge that decimated manufacturing in this nation and all during that time the Republicans couldn’t even slow it down. Not stop it, just slow it down. They demonstrated  cluelessness. Their policies did not work.

    Now some folks would make the excuse that that could happen to anybody, but again look at the chart. In Dec. of 2009, when  it would be reasonable to assume Obama’s policies were having an effect, the plunge stopped.

    Not only did it stop but it reversed itself and  since that date we have been having slow but increasing numbers  in the manufacturing  jobs.

    Democrats need to get rid of the jealousy index and use this chart and keep hammering it until it is stuck in the minds of the voters.

    Democrats have a solution, Republicans don’t.



  30. It is only “scathing” if it isn’t your candidate, but not using that qualifier doesn’t remove the deed.

    Have a meaningful Memorial Day.

  31. Actually only the media fantasists calls it scathing  if you personally read the report or even peruse it   I doubt you would use the same characterization



  32. Trump had a bunch of signs printed  farmers for Trump…these are big giant agrindustrial farmers and their gripe is about water  if Trump really cared about farmers he wouldn’t support cuts in food stamps

  33.  KGC

    Yes, Ari Rabin-Havt read the whole report for his listeners and said it was a nothing burger. Scathing and other salacious terms used to describe the IG report on HRC emails only do the right wings work for them.. It’s not hard to believe that some people in the media would do that. Some Sanders supporters do that as well..

    Thankfully it’s not the majority and HRC can look forward to their support in November..

  34. We’re home.  Rick and I had a great time…  the play “Let it Be” was fantastic!  Jumped around and sang our fool heads off.  Might of thought the whole audience was made up of 20 somethings instead of 60 somethings.  Ate lots of clams….  YUM!  Gonna be a frickin’ hot weekend…   gotta get out the fans.

    So nice to not think or care about politics for a few days…   gotta try it more often.



    mediaite: The Daily Show‘s been doing a lot of digging into Donald Trump‘s past recently, and last night, they came across an old clip where he painted the very picture of a joke about how women should to stay in the kitchen where they belong.

    Trevor Noah made the point last night that whether Trump wants to acknowledge it or not, his approval numbers among women remain low. “I want to set records with women,” Noah said, mockingly quoting the presumptive nominee. “Sounds like Trump’s getting speech ideas from a pervert’s Tinder profile.”

    After roasting Trump a bit more for his complaints about Hillary Clinton’s “shouting,” Noah played a clip from a 1994 interview where he gave a rather peculiar reason for his mixed feelings about letting his ex-wife Marla Maples have a job.
    “I have days where I think it’s great,” Trump told Nancy Collins. “And then I have days where if I come home and, you know, I don’t want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but when I come home and dinner’s not ready, I’ll go through the roof.”
    “You don’t want to sound too like a chauvinist,” Noah asked. “Well, you didn’t try very hard not to.”



  36. New York Democrat seeks post-9/11 refund from Donald Trump
    Today, the New York Times reports that Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), whose district includes Ground Zero and Lower Manhattan, wrote an open letter to Trump, asking for a refund.

    “When do you plan on returning the taxpayer money that was designated to ease the suffering of our city’s small-business owners?” Mr. Nadler wrote in the letter, a copy of which his office provided to The New York Times. […]
    “It’s been reported that on your grant application, you claimed 40 Wall Street L.L.C. — which employed 28 people and had $26.8 million in annual revenues at the time — as a ‘small business,'” Mr. Nadler wrote. “Despite the federal definition of a small business as having less than $6 million in revenue, you accepted a $150,000 payout.”
    He added, “In grabbing that money with both fists, you took it out of the pockets of small-business owners in New York who were truly hurting, and prevented them from taking full advantage of the relief so generously offered by their fellow citizens.”

    The Democratic lawmaker went on to urge Trump to “return the funds you received or donate them to a charitable organization dedicated to providing legitimate support for the victims of 9/11.”
    Nadler concluded, “Whatever the size of your business, we need no further proof that you are a small man.”

  37. il duce, redux : Deadbeato Trumpolini.

    Quick, someone, get me a lamp post !

  38. Craig

    In response to the initial question today, I think that there are a large number of people at the tippy tippy top of wealth who are getting scared out of ever defecating again (how’s that for a euphemism?)  They have always known that someone’s labor is the source of wealth because wealth flows up.  They could rant about “trickle down” but knew they were pissing into the wind on that one.  Good talking point but an outright lie.

    As long as enough people could make their way up from abject poverty to middle class to a chosen few marrying into the upper reaches, then things worked well.  If you could kill off enough folks to keep things in balance and enough deluded to thinking that those in their same class were their real enemies, then it was safe to be wealthy.  Toss in a few who followed the ideal of noblesse oblige (Carnegie to Kennedy etc) who educated or healed, then they could feel good & entitled.

    Things have gotten out of hand.  It takes fewer and fewer real human beings to create wealth.  They can’t hide the fact that more and more human beings are sinking farther and farther into poverty.  When things get this far out of balance, really horrid things happen and one way or another Madame LaFarge will be entertained.  Whether or not there is a society left after all hell breaks loose is the question.


  39. While I was getting my refills, I took care of passport photos for my renewal. It is demoralizing seeing what ten-years, three deaths within my immediate family, and more than that within my sibs, will do to the subject of a 2×2 inch color photograph. Perhaps that’s why they increased the fee to $110 for a DIY application–to spread the depression over a larger base.

  40. On this site it’s after five.  a little cocktail is in order

    Donald Trump who is so happy to quote Bernie about Hillary should remember he also said …on her worse day there is no comparison to Trump he would vote for Clinton

    Elizabeth Warren is great on the attack both in demeanor and content.  More Democrats need to come out an attack him – he can have stupid twitter wars with everyone


    Little Marco — craven toady

  41. That’s been a tough decade, Flatus.   Shouldn’t be a surprise that the toll shows even on a 2×2 photo.

  42. Little Donald is afraid of Bernie

    Best  reason given for the Donald refusing to reveal his taxes – it would show he had penis enlargement surgery (speaking of Little Marco) We over in Napa for lunch and I got it on very good authority

  43. The woman assigned to the Trump campaign from MSNBC is auditioning to be wife #4
    He’s walked back every statment he’s made so far but this clownetta talks the issues in Trumps wheelhouse…..gag me

  44. flatus, you’re fabulous and have been so strong in the face of much sorrow. hugs.

  45. Solar – Not all religion is based in greed. UMCOR does good work all over the world.  Many other religious-based originations probably do the same.

    Trump backing out of debating Bernie makes Sanders look stronger.  Maybe that was Trump’s game all along.  He had no intention of ever debating Sanders.

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