You know you are in trouble when Mitt Romney is your last resort. Republican elites, having watched their supposedly golden retriever Jeb Bush turn into dog poop, are now anticipating Romney’s plans to blast Trump in a much hyped speech tomorrow. Who let the dogs out? Who? Who?
For Tony…
Polls-plus Nate Silver
% chance of Hillary winning state…
Ohio 94%%
Florida 99%
Michigan 98%
Illinois 99%
OD, don’t forget NC – 96%. Through April, Wisconsin is the only primary 538 puts in Bernie’s column. And it is at 44.0/43.3%. As they say, narrow road indeed if 538 is right.
from feldman at mediaite: Mitt Romney Will Deliver a Speech Tomorrow to Set America Straight or Something
So just to review, are there people who honestly think some Trump supporters will go, “You know, I was completely on board with Trump’s demagoguery and fascist tendencies, but then Mitt Romney spoke and boy did he set me straight!”?
Thanks Pogo…it is interesting that when CNN reports their entrance polls on the air, they rarely if ever report that Hillary wins Democrats big time.
Many of us appreciate her fighting for the party and party candidates fo her whole adult life.
OD… I can’t remember where I read this… someone wrote an article about how Hillary will bring in lots of money for lower office Democratic candidates… but Bernie would be disastrous on that front. So much for his “revolution”.
It’s one of the biggest mysteries in Republican circles: Why has Sheldon Adelson ― who spent upward of $100 million during the previous presidential campaign ― suddenly stopped pouring huge sums of money into politics?
Read more:
So much bravado today from Clinton camp about how they will attack Trump. The real answer is for their candidate to be authentic, if she can. But the Clintons have always made sure no one in their inner circle ever tells them they are the problem.
Solar & patD – Appreciate your posts on OT. I guess I have a thick skin, a short memory if hurt (I have not felt that way), and, I realize what I post is just my opinion which may sound bag-of-hammers-stupid, but I own it.
Ted Cruz is much more dangerous than Trump and I’m sure the GOP knows it.
Is Mitt’s speech to set him up for a nomination at the convention???
I have no idea what their rules are, but they seem determined to not listen to their party’s voters.
I finally figured out what was wrong with Chris Christie last night. Buyer’s remorse.
As PatD put it so well, The Trail (like The Dude) Abides.
From last thread:
Just in case there is a President Trump, our neighbor to the north has performed an act of mercy.
Canada Has Made Move North Easier
So far Hillary has raised $18 million for DNC to use on down ticket races. Bernie has raised none, but given his problems with the DNC and not having Hillary’s drawing power for money this is probably understandable.
Bernie is having some additional problems with his fundraising
Feds Flag Bernie Sanders Campaign Contributions
It is a kick to the side and a slap on the thigh day. Republicans vowing to vote for HRC? Republicans vowing to not support DT if he is the candidate? Ben Stein voting Dem?
Wrong body in the casket?That last one is in the wrong story.Lifelong Black Democrat Votes Republican Because Obama. . .Opps. I always thought that ones skin color did not change that much during ones lifetime, but that too is in the wrong spot too.What we are seeing is much more than in 2004 when the VI was running again and Republicans were sneaking in to the Dem county headquarters to volunteer to help defeat Bush II. We are seeing elected Congress people openly revolting (or was it Republicans are revolting and are now revolting?) We are seeing dedicated revolting Republicans giving up on their bit of the DT and saying enough is enough.
The day is coming soon. Or sometime in November, no, um, May, maybe not, possibly July. Yeah, July something. That is when the Republicans party hearty. That is when the long knives are out. 1964 is on everybody’s mind. Yeah, sure. not many people even know a thing about 1964. I was too young to vote. But, I paid my income taxes like all good Dems.
Sorry, drifting a bit there.
The great political city, the city that lives on politics, nay, thrives on politics is going bonkers. If Trump is the candidate the Republicans are going to become Democrats. Ha. Not likely. If Trump is the nominee there will be a lot of shift and possibly a whole big pile of shift as Repubs start to panic. Maybe they will destroy Trump in the convention and put Romney on the trail? I have to admit I have some pennies riding on that move.
As you can tell I am not concerned about HRC or others. I am concerned about a loud mouth fool getting elected. For that purpose I will join other Dems and make sure our candidate wins. And, saves America from something very nuts.
So I’m working late and take a break to look at today’s latest polls at RCP. A few things stand out – Bernie’s numbers against the clowns are better than Hillary’s, The Prez’s approval ratings are positive (the Economist poll begs to differ, but hey), and Congress’ approval rating is just a little better than the plague’s, if that. So if the prez’s approval rating is about neutral and congress’ is dismal, who do you think should be getting the blame from the 68% who think the country’s going in the wrong direction?
Pogo, I blame Wall Street.
Congress. Wall Street operates at Congress’ pleasure.
Poobah, LOL.
A Romney Speech? “Please continue governor.”
Maybe Karl Rove could be his warm up act.
Willard 2016? Could it happen?
It does look like he’s in it stop Trump & open it up at the convention, but would Mittens actually be their nominee?
Just when you think this season couldn’t get any stranger.
Willard will spend most of his time bashing Obama and saying I told you so. Not sure how that helps slow down Trump.
David Gergen on CNN tonight: “Trump has a whole lot of voters turning out who are dissatisfied, angry and feel betrayed by the Republican establishment. And now the leaders of the establishment are coming out and saying we don’t give a damn what you think, we really don’t care. We are going to put our own person in there”
“This was an establishment that insisted Donald Trump take a loyalty oath, that you must be loyal to the person who emerges in the party, that’s what we expect of you. But is there any loyalty being shown to Trump now that he has emerged?”
“I do you think he has the possibility of morphing into something. I think he could be housebroken before this is over.”
I try to be a good person, but I am experiencing great joy watching the Republican Party implode.
For the popcorn munching crowd, a brokered convention
Any Democrat not concerned about this is in Colbert’s 51st state of denial: Primary turnout so far, 2.65 million for Dems — over 5 million for Republicans
No real mystery. In 2008 we had the possible first woman President against the first possible black President plus a whole lot of runner up primaries filled with some pretty interesting people (Remember Edwards?). Everybody and their cousin was voting. In 2012 all we had to do was beat Romney and hang on.
This time around, we have two people with basically the same ideals. One might be all torches & pitchforks bring on the revolting peasants while the other is work it from the inside one small step for a woman one large step for mankind, but still basically the same. Once the nominee has been nominated, I would hope the partisans will fall in line just as in 2008 and the turn out will skyrocket over fear and loathing of the GOP and a desire to take back the Senate and not give up the White House.
OD, sorry but if generating almost twice the tturnout in their primaries is imploding then Democrats might want to wish for some of that imploding
For this general election I would rather be the party that dethroned its elites.
If the Democrats are smart they will stay far far far away from the Republican party’s problems
They may have had more people voting in the primaries but with their current problems they are going to alienate either the party regulars and normal people or the skinhead racists that support Trump. They won’t have the same unity in the general.
Good stuff from Katrina Vanden Heuvel (The Nation) on CNN: “We are living in a time of international crises. What we have gotten by way of discussion is a foreign policy by bumper sticker. It is a scamdal in this country that we don’t learn more about what these candidates would do.”
Will he need witness protection? Justice Department grants immunity to Clinton staffer
Before he detroyed the goopers — Trump trashed the Reform Party
And Trump’s response to the RNC’s freak-out is to put out his healthcare plan. It’s not single payer, of course, but it addresses the obomination that is Obamacare and offers some remedies to the current healthcare/insurance industry mess.
Maybe Willard is the cooler; sent in to settle everyone down.
Yesterday, I read the tax plans of Bernie, Trump, and, Hillary. Hillary’s plan changed nothing with exception of capital gains tax. Trump’s offered some relief on direct income, as well.
If the next debate actually allows for some substance (I’m not sure they can stop poking at each other)…
Ha! He might need witness protection. I wonder if Huma or Sullivan will get hauled into this, too?
Hey tony, come back! Good guy, great posts.
marcus licinius crassus : “We gotta yooj army, & we’re gunna make rome grate again.”
Yes, sjwny, if I am responsible for running off Tony I do apologize. My bad.
The neocon Scenario
If the bush/neocons decide to liquidate their problem, they will wait until after Clinton has enough delegates to win the Dem nomination. Then, they’ll get a Fast & Furious pistol into the hands of a poor Chicano, who is dying of cancer, and whose family is destitute.
When the gasbag is well and truly perferated, the bush/neocons will quickly move their own man (Christie ?) into place. Like richard II declaiming to the mob over Wat Tyler’s murdered body, the neocondidate will proclaim to the bigots, I shall lead you !
Of course, fox and the rest of the ripper dog pack will blame Clinton for murdering their ‘patriotic’ fuehrer.
Can’t we all just get along ? – Rodney King
Greetings xrepublican,
I get where you’re going with that, & it is presented in jest, but the only ways anyone should be eliminated from politics, imagined or otherwise, is through their own screw ups or constituents voting the scoundrels out. I will admit my biggest fear this year is that which you speak of: the unspeakable.
If you’ve noticed Mr Trump has packed on the pounds this past year. His face looks especially bloated at times. I honestly hope he & every Candidate remains healthy – so we can have the satisfaction of wishing these scoundrels into the cornfield come November 😉
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