“There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, ‘Do trousers matter?'”

“The mood will pass, sir.”
P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters

By Blue Bronc, Trail Mix Contributor

Although the thought had been nascent for several years, it once again arises – Obama really is a Blue Dog Dem. Those early years of giving the cookie jar and a few muffins to the Republicans for budget and other lesser things were taken that he was very naïve and trying to compromise, but it is now apparent that was incorrect. When every year he gave the Republicans the piggy bank and a few extra cupcakes to pass something or other, it seemed he was trying to compromise.

obamaBut, nay. He really has been running the White House on the edge of Republican left or center right of the Democratic platform.

To even float a Republican for Supreme Court is beyond comprehension of this Democrat. It is beyond any scify scribblings I could come up with. The Republicans have treated him like a door mat. They have treated him as they would scum on a pond. The Republicans do not like him, or anything about him.

And, yet he is still trying to play nice with the as*(&les.   He has the opportunity to finally turn the Supremes toward Americans and away from corporations. But, he comes up with a Republican. He can finally turn the Supremes to the left of right. His answer to the question of who should be on the bench is a Republican?

obama_stetsonOne hundred million Dems or Near Dems in fifty states, a district and many territories and protectorates. And he could not find one Democrat qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice? His true colors are now revealed. (Fifty very nasty swear word sentences removed.)

He could not find a Democrat; he could not find a liberal or progressive in our country? He had to go with a Republican. Horse apples.


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

39 thoughts on ““There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, ‘Do trousers matter?'””

  1. My first reaction was that it was a brilliant move, forcing the GOP’s hand but look forward to reading varied opinions.

  2. blue, he was raised from the age of 10 by a bank vice president grandma who was born in kansas.  so what did you expect?

  3. Donald Trump Said A Lot Of Gross Things About Women On “Howard Stern”In the hours of audio reviewed by BuzzFeed News, Trump ranks, rates, and degrades women.Andrew Kaczynski

    In one 2002 discussion on Pamela Anderson publicly announcing that she had hepatitis C, Trump, mocking Anderson, said he’d rather sleep with Whoopi Goldberg or Rosie O’Donnell:”http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/donald-trump-said-a-lot-of-gross-things-about-women-on-howar#.afyVYNleY

  4. Why Is Brian Sandoval Being Floated As A Scalia Replacement?
    It’s a troll-or-get-trolled world out there.
    Jason Linkins

    “So, what’s going on? There are a few possibilities.

    Obama really thinks Sandoval is a great nominee and genuinely wants to see this happen.
    Obama doesn’t think Sandoval is that great, but he does believe filling the Supreme Court as quickly as possible is more important than securing a liberal legacy, and he figures Sandoval would at least be acceptable.
    Obama is basically trolling the GOP, hoping they react in a way that makes them look idiotic.

    And the answer is behind door number three.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/brian-sandoval-supreme-court_us_56cdf699e4b0ec6725e4c4bf

  5. vox weighs in on Sandoval with some well-tho’t arguments pro and con.

    here’s one of the many pro s a sorta half-a**ed win-win for both sides:

    The basic calculus leading to a compromise would be risk aversion. Sandoval is considerably more conservative than most Democrats, but distinctly to the left of Justice Scalia. Seating him on the bench would increase the number of cases that liberals win. In particular, it would hedge against the risk that a Republican wins in 2016 and manages to replace both Scalia and Ginsburg with conservative jurists — essentially eliminating the “swing vote” status of Justice Anthony Kennedy.

    Conversely, for Republicans, putting Sandoval on the bench would foreclose the possibility that Democrats take the White House and the Senate in November, fill the seat with a liberal, and launch the first progressive majority on the Supreme Court in two generations.

  6. Tony, I would imagine that the 5th Circuit decision will be appealed to the court sitting en banc – common after a decision from a panel.  Can’t see this ruling will stand, unless it goes to the entire 5th Circuit, who affirms and then onto an 8 member SCOTUS, who deadlocks, leaving the ruling standing.

  7. BlueB…

    has Obama actually nominated Sandoval yet?  Did I miss something?

    I did suggest that he nominate a moderate….  but I meant a Democratic one.  If he does indeed nominate a Republican…  I’ll agree with you 1000%.

  8. the gentleman respectfully says no

    “Earlier today, I notified the White House that I do not wish to be considered at this time for possible nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States,” Sandoval said in a statement Thursday. “I have also spoken to Senators Reid, Heller and McConnell and expressed the same desire to them.  The notion of being considered for a seat on the highest court in the land is beyond humbling and I am incredibly grateful to have been mentioned.”

  9. Pat,

    Love every thing that you do and say, that last Jeb Bush vid had me rolling in the snow….as far as  you thinking that you caught on to me….try again amiga…..i dont even know what a directive is……

    Hey do you suppose that i might have a touch of parapraxis?


    Or maybe it was OIT………………………old indian trick….ha, ha, haaaaaa, oops sorry about that, hate when i ha, ha, ha at my own jokes……as sea would say xox….

  10. Blue Bronc,

    What Renee said……But it should not come to any surprise at all.! Obama has been doing that since day one….and when he had a majority in both houses…….he coulda kick some butt right away….  looking like an real democrat…he hid his true colors (green) behind the charade of telling us that he was compromising……this indie never bought it….

    He has his eye, both of em, on joining the other living Kings on the speech circuit tour….lots and lots of money for him and his wife….for a half black/half white man………………….than aint half bad huh?

  11. Oh boy can’t wait for the debate

    They should have the drop-outs be the moderators


  12. The California legislature is thinking about ending daylight savings  (This coming up Sunday) and I certainly hope they do.  Although when I had to be at the market for opening I appreciated it but I still think it is stupid.

    Daylight savings hopefully to end in California


    I wonder what Marco Rubio’s position on daylight savings is?


    Poll: Trump’s negatives among Hispanics rise; worst in GOP field

    Dan Balz and Dan Clement

    “Strongly negative views of Trump have intensified over the past seven months, as the New York billionaire has repeatedly pressed his call to build a wall along the length of the U.S.-Mexico border and seek to deport undocumented immigrants currently residing in the country.

    Today, 8 in 10 Hispanic voters have an unfavorable view of Trump. That includes more than 7 in 10 who have a “very unfavorable” impression of him, which is more than double the percentage of any other major candidate.
    Those findings compare with a Univision survey taken around the time of Trump’s announcement last summer, when just more than 7 in 10 had a negative view of him and fewer than 6 in 10 said they had a “very unfavorable” impression.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2016/02/25/poll-trumps-negatives-among-hispanics-rise-worst-in-gop-field/

  14. I am studying turn out records for these primaries. Republicans are breaking records on the upside, Democrats: record lows. Not a good sign for HRC.

  15. Trump is riding an historic rebellion against the establishment, regardless of his fraudulent “credentials” to do so. Hillary is on the wrong side of history in this moment. I don’t think she can win unless Dems savage Trump in Wall Street funded TV ads late Spring, if he is the presumptive nominee. Either way the working folks get no voice. Status quo.

  16. Trump is like  FU to the political establishment in DC a lot of people find that attractive but only because they haven’t thought through who Trump is

  17. Craig – Exactly so.  No relief in sight.  Not sure why Hillary’s supporters think otherwise.

    Did Sandoval (R) decline because he didn’t want to be know as an Obama apointee?

    I don’t see Bernie’s supporters flocking to Hillary.  I can see them voting for Trump.

  18. I don’t see Bernie’s supporters flocking to Hillary.  I can see them voting for Trump.

    Blue, care to explain? Bernie supporters voting Trump, how illogical. Your a Bernie supporter, what about Trump reminds you of Bernie? Somehow i don’t see Bernie committed to overturning gay marriage like Trump is..  If your talking about rage and anger well ok but the so-called Puma’s didn’t mean shit in the end..

  19. My personal opinion, I think the typically arrogant Clintons made a huge mistake alienating Bernie supporters when it was obvious all along he could not win

  20. No, LGBT People Aren’t Exempt from Donald Trump’s Blatant Bigotry
    MichelAngelo Signorile


    “There’s been a theme in some of the media, and certainly among some gay Republicans — as I focused on a few weeks ago — that implies Donald Trump isn’t so bad on equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, or is at least better than most of the other GOP candidates. It’s absolutely false — he’s as extreme as Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and will do nothing for LGBT rights — and it’s time to disabuse the media and everyone else of this notion once and for all. First, we need to see how it got started, emanating from a technique Trump uses to stellar effect.”

  21. The Clinton-backed 1994 crime law had many flaws. But it didn’t create mass incarceration.
    By German Lopez

    “Over at the Los Angeles Times, reporters Chris Megerian and Evan Halper made a big, but false, claim: The 1994 crime law — which Hillary Clinton supported, Bernie Sanders voted for, and President Bill Clinton signed into law — caused mass incarceration.
    Megerian and Halper wrote, while noting Sanders’s current opposition to mass incarceration, “At campaign events, [Sanders] labels a national embarrassment the rate at which America imprisons black men — a rate that exploded under the landmark crime bill signed by President Bill Clinton.” http://www.vox.com/2016/2/11/10961362/clinton-1994-crime-law

  22. Tony – I didn’t say anything about Trump reminded me of Bernie.   I said that I can see Bernie voters either not voting for Hillaty (staying home, writing in Bernie), or even voting for Trump.

    I guess there are a few similarities.  Trump isn’t tailoring every word for a new audience.   He isn’t beholden to anyone, although he certainly has personal interests.

    Bernie is the one person who could beat Trump.  If Trump manages to be the GOP nominee, Hillary can not beat him.

  23. Hillary could beat the pants off of Rubio.  If the nomination goes to the floor of the convention, I think the GOoPers will do everything they can to push Rubio.

    I would be very happy for you, Jamie and the others, even if it isn’t Bernie.

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