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Bernie and Hillary in Wisconsin. Here is your latest debate thread.
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
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My first thought is I would love to see Bernie in Hillary’s shiny jacket. Would be a Larry David episode unto itself. Remember the Seinfeld puffy sleeve episode?
Hillary: “If it’s Medicare for all, then you no longer have the Affordable Care Act, because the Affordable Care Act, as you know very well, is based on the insurance system, based on exchanges, based on a subsidy system.”
And that’s exactly what’s wrong with our current system, including ACA, it enriches insurance companies.
Yes, and earlier there were about 46 police jail gaurds arrested in a 2 year long fbi sting………sounded like one of those drug lord movies…..they took bribes for selling drugs, getting cell phones to the inmates so they could threaten families of witnesses against them.
Those police that are in the 80% doing the best that they can…..i feel for them….if they are in the 20% of murdering unarmed people…not so much………….Fire fighters….now they are the true peoples heros imo
ernie Sanders’ and Donald Trump’s smashing victories in New Hampshire have left the political world shaken, even afraid. But the pundits are ignoring one amazing consolation: If this thing keeps going, we’re going to see the most mind-blowing debates in the nation’s history this fall. Imagine what it would look like to see these two men on stage, battling each other before a national television audience to become the most powerful leader on earth. Here, purloined from the future, is a transcript:
Hillary made it very clear to any fair observer that we need to see where we are and then work to make reforms with things like prescription pricing while getting from 90% coverage to 100%…
What is the best way NOW to get more healthcare reform.
Somebody give Bernie a Mucinex (or maybe a generic from Canada). The coughing is more distracting than Hillary’s neon jacket.
9 years ago
I not arguing, but those 46 jail guards, not police jail guards, I will make you a bet, 1/2 of those 46 belong to gangs. I disagree that 80% are good police officers, I say over 90%. And in Chicago, we do have police officers who are part of gangs, a small percentage, but they are there. Have a good night everyone!
i didn’t notice the coughing but the finger wagging while she speaks , would drive me nuts. planned psych out and distract strategy or just can’t contain himself?
I enjoyed both Democrats.. Hillary of course won, lol.. Both excellent and full of substance.. Kathleen, lol, yes, Hillary’s outfit, oh my, did it stand out..
i hate to even say it, however it was to me distracting. i think it must be a beautiful shantung silk, it was the color and seams that took me a few minutes to stop staring at. but thing again i am honestly often distracted by “oooh, something shiny” .
Clinton won. She hugged Sanders pretty tightly while pointing at her own strengths. Unfortunately, she also spoiled a good performance with a kissinger comment. A maggoty claw suddenly rose up out of hell and waved a middle digit at the Boomers.
Listening to it on NPR instead of watching it.
My first thought is I would love to see Bernie in Hillary’s shiny jacket. Would be a Larry David episode unto itself. Remember the Seinfeld puffy sleeve episode?
Where’s Russ Feingold? I hope he gets elected again what a great guy
Good opening statements. I am glad we don’t have to listen to Trump and Cruz…
Has anyone ever asked Bernie if he thinks Trump’s kids should get free college?
Hillary attacks Medicare for all, defends insurance companies.
Hillary did not attack Medicare for all and defend the insurance companies!
Especially since Donald has a lot of kids
Bernie points out the inequities of our criminal justice system…
Spot on.. Hillary said were an insurance based Healthcare system, true..
Hold police accountable…..almost feel the bern…..
The PBS moderators are avoiding gotcha questions. This looks like it will be a useful tool for voters.
Hillary: “If it’s Medicare for all, then you no longer have the Affordable Care Act, because the Affordable Care Act, as you know very well, is based on the insurance system, based on exchanges, based on a subsidy system.”
And that’s exactly what’s wrong with our current system, including ACA, it enriches insurance companies.
Yep, Hillary defended the insurance industry; an industry that should not be in charge of dispensing healthcare. No surprise there.
Ha! Bernie gave Repugs a good opening; he made it sound like he’s just going to let prisoners out on the streets. Dude, watch your words.
Looks like the people are holding police accountable, 4 police officers killed in the last 24 hours, I guess their families are feeling the “bern”!
Yes, and earlier there were about 46 police jail gaurds arrested in a 2 year long fbi sting………sounded like one of those drug lord movies…..they took bribes for selling drugs, getting cell phones to the inmates so they could threaten families of witnesses against them.
Those police that are in the 80% doing the best that they can…..i feel for them….if they are in the 20% of murdering unarmed people…not so much………….Fire fighters….now they are the true peoples heros imo
Obama’s record high deportations
Hillary made it very clear to any fair observer that we need to see where we are and then work to make reforms with things like prescription pricing while getting from 90% coverage to 100%…
What is the best way NOW to get more healthcare reform.
Sanders so right, capping SS tax for the rich is ridiculous. Hillary “looking” at it.
Hillalry has a standard answer for anything……for years she has said that “i will take a look at that later”
…..i don’t trust Sander either….he has been around far too long as far as im concerned….later my telenovela just came on….
Later, OD
Hillary says Obama “stood up” to Wall Street. Huh?
Yep, I gotta get up at 5. G’nite.
One thing is clear, the Dems have a lot more substance than fluff.
So long Blue
i wish she hadn’t worn that suit- it is distractin
he also voted to fund it- hope she remembers to mention
Hillary defending Kissinger? Weird.
oy she is defending Kissenger…yikes!
he shouldn’t bring up cuba ….
Somebody give Bernie a Mucinex (or maybe a generic from Canada). The coughing is more distracting than Hillary’s neon jacket.
I not arguing, but those 46 jail guards, not police jail guards, I will make you a bet, 1/2 of those 46 belong to gangs. I disagree that 80% are good police officers, I say over 90%. And in Chicago, we do have police officers who are part of gangs, a small percentage, but they are there. Have a good night everyone!
i didn’t notice the coughing but the finger wagging while she speaks , would drive me nuts. planned psych out and distract strategy or just can’t contain himself?
i hope she picks a more current ….
i liked the closing line about individuals living up to their potential. debate over , now the real trash talking begins..
she did ok
I enjoyed both Democrats.. Hillary of course won, lol.. Both excellent and full of substance.. Kathleen, lol, yes, Hillary’s outfit, oh my, did it stand out..
i hate to even say it, however it was to me distracting. i think it must be a beautiful shantung silk, it was the color and seams that took me a few minutes to stop staring at. but thing again i am honestly often distracted by “oooh, something shiny” .
Clinton won. She hugged Sanders pretty tightly while pointing at her own strengths. Unfortunately, she also spoiled a good performance with a kissinger comment. A maggoty claw suddenly rose up out of hell and waved a middle digit at the Boomers.
mamaknows- so glad you came back out from the shadows- i so enjoyed your company in the past and wondered many times what ever happened to you.
The difference between the republican and Democratic ‘debates’ is astonishing, simply astonishing.
I was also impressed with Woodruff rebuking Sanders for failing to answer a question. She’s a huge improvement over Jim Lehrer.
Next, I want to see trump accuse kasich of being squishy soft on isis inroads in undefended Antarctica –
5 1/2 M!LL!ON square miles of helpless penguins in orders.
G’night Solar.
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