“The grown ups have left the planet”

So says our Trail friend xrepublican.  Sadly, more than just the grown-ups have left this global room, too many of the critters among us are also on the way out according to a new United Nations assessment as reported by

New York Times: Humans Are Speeding Extinction and Altering the Natural World at an ‘Unprecedented’ Pace

“Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before,” the report concludes, estimating that “around 1 million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken.”
Unless nations step up their efforts to protect what natural habitats are left, they could witness the disappearance of 40 percent of amphibian species, one-third of marine mammals and one-third of reef-forming corals. More than 500,000 land species, the report said, do not have enough natural habitat left to ensure their long-term survival.
Over the past 50 years, global biodiversity loss has primarily been driven by activities like the clearing of forests for farmland, the expansion of roads and cities, logging, hunting, overfishing, water pollution and the transport of invasive species around the globe.
All told, three-quarters of the world’s land area has been significantly altered by people, the report found, and 85 percent of the world’s wetlands have vanished since the 18th century.

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5 years ago

On the last thread Pogo says….   I. HATE. THE. FUCKER.

Yeah…   me too and me three!

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Me 4

5 years ago

Our spirit messenger just showed up to oversee our yard prep work for appraisal. Big storm Sunday left a mess of tree debris.

5 years ago

Hi. I five

5 years ago

We should start a club.

5 years ago

So SFB is claiming executive privilege (AKA Fuck You) for the documents sought from McGhan.  Good luck with that – IMHO it was waived when the documents were turned over and McGhan sat for 30 hours cooperating with Mueller.

5 years ago

I don’t care if it goes all the way to the Supreme Court…  I want…  just have to know what the hell is in his taxes that scares the hell outta him.

The Secret of Why Donald Trump Won’t Release His Taxes

5 years ago

Renee. I suspect there is nothing out of character in them, i.e., they’re full of innocuous, verifiable stuff with enough volume to have the IRS conduct an audit on principal. He’s undoubtedly aware of what sank the felons of the last century and will have provided his preparers verifiable, written instructions to provide our government with accurate, complete returns. Move on folks; nothing to see here.

5 years ago


I doubt that he out right cheated on his taxes but skate close to the edge????? Yeah that is Donald. Now how many entangling deals/LLCs/partnerships he has with unsavory characters ???  After all he did construction in New Jersey so he has probably partnered with every mob character on the east coast, Russian or other wise.

Oh and the fact that putting out there his real numbers may make several bankers think about recalling loans.


5 years ago

But we all know Donald is a lying cheating scumbag with questionable connections and willing to leverage his power to his own monetary benefit  and  he got elected president anyway………….

So yeah, just like the Mueller investigation, if you think his tax returns will make any difference…….



5 years ago

But any way it doesn’t matter, The Democrats are going to run Biden or Bernie and I’m not sure I could be inspired  with those choices. So it comes down  to who has the most loonies who will show up and vote. Guess what,  when it comes to  crazy loonies, the Republicans win. Four more years, get used to it.


5 years ago

BTW, the only candidate out there qualified to be president,(IMO) is Kamala Harris.. It took the worst financial crisis since the great depression to get a black man elected, how bad will it have to be to get an over qualified black woman elected.

Face it we’re screwed


5 years ago

Ms Pelosi should order the Sgt at Arms to apprehend mnuchin and stow him in the House of Rep’s jail until he produces the goods. I recommend nabbing the perp as he’s stopped at the first light after he leaves home.

5 years ago

The Best 8 Guesses on the Tax Returns Circus

1. The don claimed abortions as medical expenses.

2. he’s supporting secret children ala henry hyde.

3. he took the payments to epstein’s teen sex slaves as business deductions.

4. he owes russian banks $10B!LL!ON$ and change.

6. trump brand bourbon whiskey is made in Mexico.

7. trump brand cigars are made in commie China.

8. trump brand steaks come from India.


Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Shooting in Highlands Ranch.  It used to be a working cattle ranch into the 1970’s and 80’s.  Subdivided and made into republican suburban dreamland.  Douglas County is one of the republican test tubes.  Strange brew.  Last I saw was no deaths, seven wounded.  One Senator cory gardner (r and SFB boot licker) offered the greedy old pervert saying “thoughts and prayers”.  Gardner is up for election, it is time for him to go.

5 years ago

Hate seeing people killed. Over the years, I’ve seriously considered volunteering my services as a guard for the local Jewish temples and cemeteries, as well as African American churches that have been terrorized. Then I rationalize myself out of doing what is right.

5 years ago

My guess for SFB’s taxes is that they would show that he paid no taxes. I am guessing that since he is in the businesses of primarily development and ownership of rental and residential properties as well as golf courses that his losses reflected on the tax returns are more than enough to offset the revenue from his businesses. And yes I believe there will be loans reflected in his Schedule Cs and Schedule A and the associated worksheets with banks that he would not want the American people to know that he does business with and that his income is nowhere near what he’s led American voters to believe.