The Art of the Deal

By Mudcat, a Trail Mix Contributor

If Trump is elected, I’m putting the odds at 3-1 that Christie is our new AG. I would put the odds at 100-1, but Trump could easily screw him. I can’t think of any other political reason for the proud ex-prosecutor to endorse anybody at this stage.


Trump’s Best News: Cruz, Rubio Still Here

So long as Cruz and Rubio stay viable Trump wins. His rivals did just that in the debate last night, landing punches that will encourage their donors.

488x-1The best news for Trump is that Cruz might win his home state of Texas next week. And that Rubio is the darling of establishment Republicans who despise Trump and Cruz.

Two-thirds of GOP voters don’t want Trump, but so long as they are split between his rivals his one-third keeps him on top. If Trump can keep these two humming while he whistles past them he will be the presumptive nominee by late March.


The Three-Fifths President

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

A few threads back our fearless leader floated a theory that just might explain the unprecedented disrespect shown the President by the Republican Senate. They view him as 3/5 of a president keeping to their vaunted “constitutional originalism” … for indeed, back in those days a black man was considered only 3/5 a person. So that answers why his administration was only valid in their eyes for 57.6 months. After that they could care less.

r72813obamaAs usual Craig was spot on. Too bad he wasted this insight on us instead of on the air with the Iman so that it could have been heard by a larger audience. But perhaps there’s a book in it or at least a full fledged thread devoted to the outrageous disregard the Senators have for the 65,455,010 voters of 2012.

GOP Debate Tonight
CNN 8:30pm ET


“There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, ‘Do trousers matter?'”

“The mood will pass, sir.”
P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters

By Blue Bronc, Trail Mix Contributor

Although the thought had been nascent for several years, it once again arises – Obama really is a Blue Dog Dem. Those early years of giving the cookie jar and a few muffins to the Republicans for budget and other lesser things were taken that he was very naïve and trying to compromise, but it is now apparent that was incorrect. When every year he gave the Republicans the piggy bank and a few extra cupcakes to pass something or other, it seemed he was trying to compromise.

obamaBut, nay. He really has been running the White House on the edge of Republican left or center right of the Democratic platform.

To even float a Republican for Supreme Court is beyond comprehension of this Democrat. It is beyond any scify scribblings I could come up with. The Republicans have treated him like a door mat. They have treated him as they would scum on a pond. The Republicans do not like him, or anything about him.

And, yet he is still trying to play nice with the as*(&les.   He has the opportunity to finally turn the Supremes toward Americans and away from corporations. But, he comes up with a Republican. He can finally turn the Supremes to the left of right. His answer to the question of who should be on the bench is a Republican?

obama_stetsonOne hundred million Dems or Near Dems in fifty states, a district and many territories and protectorates. And he could not find one Democrat qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice? His true colors are now revealed. (Fifty very nasty swear word sentences removed.)

He could not find a Democrat; he could not find a liberal or progressive in our country? He had to go with a Republican. Horse apples.


Trump Free

Lucky news here at Trail Mix International Headquarters. A major thunderstorm has knocked out DIRECTV and I TrumpTV as well. Take your pick, that’s all the news channels want to talk about, so thank the Lord Almighty, his or her own self, for shutting them down! A chance to catch up on recently recorded episodes of “Better Call Saul”
