GOP-WH-SCOTUS Backchannel?

20160317_015401NPR’s veteran legal correspondent Nina Totenberg reports:

I’m told that the Republicans in the Senate actually sent some sort of a back-channel message to the White House that if it were Garland that they would confirm him if the Democrats prevail in the presidential election, that they would confirm him in the lame-duck session and that the whole caucus would be on board, that it wouldn’t be a fight.

If this is true, surely Obama consulted Hillary, and if not, she ought to raise hell (via back channels, of course) and make her own pick. If the deal is Hillary has to win the election for Obama to get his Supreme Court pick, then she deserves a piece of the action.


Another President Half America Hates

Memory DaliSadly, here we go again. Front runners from our elite-funded duopoly parties half the country will hate, whomever is elected. More intramural bickering among parties working for the same monied interests, posturing gridlock to disguise their mutual aim to change nothing, and certain hopelessness for soon to be ignored working folks ahead, no matter what happens in November, despite the promises they will hear once more with phony feeling in yet another forgettable campaign summer.

Oh well. Status quo all over again. You’re on your own America. At least you are used to it.

Is it possible the presidency has become irrelevant?

gold_presidential_seal_mugAfter all, the Founders didn’t mean for it to be much, proscribed its limited powers in Article II as secondary to the legislative branch in Article I, and seriously considered simply entitling the office “Chief Magistrate” but did not do so only to avoid offending George Washington, who gave no opinion on the matter.

Perhaps all that’s left of the presidency is as a marketing vehicle for commercial media. A fantasy for demographic role playing. And a grand illusion for us all to pretend that someone is in charge, so that half of us can hate them.


Survivor Day

Survivor_Image_398_250_c1Voters in a bunch of states today decide who lives or who goes away in presidential politics. Is it time for Rubio to find another job if his home state rejects him? Will Ohio Gov. Kasich get a hall pass from his constituents? Can Sanders win an excuse to go on, despite the delegate math piling up against him? The questions answer themselves, but still worth watching.


Trouble Right Here In River City

Music Man

Trouble, oh we got trouble,
Right here in River City!
With a capital “T”
That rhymes with “P”
And that stands for Pool,
That stands for pool.
We’ve surely got trouble!
Right here in River City,
Right here!
Gotta figure out a way
To keep the young ones moral after school!
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble…

By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor

Yes folks, there’s gonna be a whole lot o’ trouble in Cleveland when the Republican’s face reality and it is a stain more dark than that of someone peeing in the pool. They have their unpopular nominated candidate. With more votes than their next unpopular candidate, who is also not welcome in the pool.

The media is finally turning on Trump, and it is showing in his actions. The only thing left to keep his name in the headlines is to do as he said he would, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.” Shooting his voters is not a good thing, but encouraging bloodshed by his “supporters” is a good thing to him.  Somehow I do not think his “supporters” are really his, they are the ones who would support any racist, misogynist, loud mouth.  Wallace comes to mind.

Donald TrumpTrump is just one of many who sold his soul to the devil for votes.  He has exactly what he wants, international fame and glory infamy.  He accomplished more than any television program could ever do.  He wants the football to blast his way to the ultimate high.  That is what is scaring his fellow Republicans.  End civilization as the biggest of the big O’s for megalomaniac, narcissistic people like him.

The talking heads, the Jimmie Olsen’s, the political bloggers and even professional (bell rung too hard) athletes provide deep thought analysis of the Republican situation.  The Democratic situation, which is many levels higher, is a more cerebral issue.  The Republicans have a clown fight on their hands and cannot figure out which is the head clown with the full seltzer bottle and which is the clown with the wet face.

What will happen to the R’s in Cleveland comes down to which cohort do the Republican money men want to piss off most.  The angry white men who support any Fascist move, or at least any white supremacist group?  The mainstream Republican voters who would rather vote for green fuzzy white bread than any of the clown car inhabitants?  Or the rest of the U.S. and the world?

My guess is not formed yet.  Sure, I could speculate now and then do a Trump and say I never wrote that after proven wrong.  But, I would rather pop more popcorn and enjoy sitting in the cheap seats watching the action.  At least until after Ohio votes.

Blue Bronc’s blog: What-ME
