Sunday Serendipity

String Trio , Op 9, No. 3 by Ludwig van Beethoven

From wiki:

The three String Trios, Op. 9 were composed by Ludwig van Beethoven in 1797–98. He published them in Vienna in 1799, with a dedication to his patron Count Johann Georg von Browne 

Although this opus does not contain the most played works by Beethoven it was a significant milestone in his development as a composer. At the time of publication the 28-year-old Beethoven regarded the trios as his best compositions. The trios can be seen as a part of the preparation for the upcoming string quartets, which became the leading genre among his chamber music. The musicologist Gerald Abraham has remarked that in terms of their style and aesthetic value the string trios of Op. 9 rank with Beethoven’s first string quartets which ousted the trios from the concert halls. Beethoven composed no further trios after the first quartets (Op. 18) were published in 1801

The woman who is playing the violin with such enthusiasm is Ye Wu . It is a pleasure to watch her work.

Enjoy, Jack

Sunday Serendipity

Liebesträume (Dreams of Love), No. 3

From Wiki

O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst” is an 1829 poem by the 19th-century German writer Ferdinand Freiligrath. Hungarian composer Franz Liszt set the first four stanzas in 1843 as a lied for soprano voice and piano, S. 298, and later adapted it into the third of his Liebesträume (Dreams of Love)

I really enjoyed the music. I’m not certain about the poem, Not your typical Valentine love poem.

Enjoy, Jack