Washington Post: Donald J. Trump was caught on tape bragging in vulgar terms about making sexual advances toward a married woman, aggressively kissing and groping other women, and boasting that “when you’re a star they let you do it.”
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Washington Post: Donald J. Trump was caught on tape bragging in vulgar terms about making sexual advances toward a married woman, aggressively kissing and groping other women, and boasting that “when you’re a star they let you do it.”
Holy evangelical vote! Meanwhile, faux news cable still in denial and discussing wikileaks and Clinton and speeches. Complicit network.
Death rattle.
Strangely enough there is a deep seated misogyny in the right wing of the GOP. In all my years of working in politics, the Democrats would flirt and charm but for offensive unwanted attention, it was the Republicans who made the skin crawl. I always got the feeling they were the guys nobody wanted in High School and they are trying to make up for it with money and power.
Still remember sitting waiting for election returns when hotel room card was sailed into my lap with the announcement that he was in 409. Considering that it was an office holder I had met exactly twice and only knew through mutual acquaintances, I tossed it back with the comment that I wasn’t in a mood to play Frisbee.
Apparently with Donald it is the belief that he can get anything money can buy.
This latest revelation could put NV, AZ, TX, IA, MO, MS, OH, GA, SC, and NH in the baby blue column, while turning CO, FL, and NC bright blue.
All this time I thought that a professional uber-Christer like Canuck cruz would be the best ripper candidate for Dems. However, trumpadonis rex is the grifter who keeps on giving.
I think there’s still four weeks.
trump and candy!! First skittles, now tic tacs (Ferrero)…and Buffet sold off Wrigley (the owner of skittles) this week to Mars (makers of the mood altering snickers bar).
pence flees his press pool after vid release
Trump Republican spin is that this is boys talk and Hillary did this, and that and that we need jobs back in our country. Michelle Bachman looking like a fool right now on MSNBC.
I wonder if the Trump campaign’s opposition research knew about this – and if they did, is their planned response an apology about locker room talk? The oval is a locker room without the press – is this how he’ll talk in there?
Personally, I think the GOP needs to dump Trump asap, publicly castigate him and try to salvage the congressional and senatorial elections.
Personally, I hope they don’t and get waxed next month. A party this inept and unfeeling does not deserve to serve in public office.
div…early voting has already started and I do NOT want trump to quit…he is very beatable right now.
trump vid top story on google news now…bumps hurricane Matthew.
Get your forks out. He’s done.
No, dont let trump leave the scene…..he is too much of a gift to the dems………..been saying for months….concentrate on the house and the senate….Hillary will need them …..and whats more important…..is that the dems could have all three houses for a long, long time to come……….we need to tie all of them to trump….specially the ones that have endorsed him early on……dont let them escape…..im also hoping that this is the beginning of his empire down fall….who would want to do business with him now?…..
Watched the latin/american music awards last night…..the rump was a big hit……the get out the vote against him was mentioned many, many times……Alicia Machado…the one he callled mz piggy was there also…..what a knock-out…….this little piece of news will make her smile im sure……..later
Xr, thanks for reminding me that Purple also lives in the danger area…..sure glad that all is ok with everyone…….hoping that he is alright also….later
Same goes for people like Hannity and Riley etc etc, dont let them off the hook for defending the indefensible all a long knowing that he was not presidential material…..these haters should be put in the lime light……
Other than the bad weather news….im having a little fun with this…….Now is the time for tar and feathers……….dems…..go get them…you will never have another chance like this again………I just might watch SNL for the first time in many years………..
I agree – Trump has beaten Matthew off of the front line news. And I agree – Trump is done. The art is in watching how he goes down and if the Republicans are willing to go down with him. I don’t have an answer to that. . .
Trash Talking Trump and Hillary The Lier! Oh my what a choice
Comes down to policy.
Big Government spending our future and a dangerous world with Hillary? No way
Return to the Republic with a better economy and a strong America with trash talking Trump all day.
Still sad that is all we have to choose from. ..
Never Hillary who insulted all Floridians by her ads during The Weather Channel. That was also unacceptable
Hope you’re right that drumpf is now well done. I am not so sure. Hillary’s wall street transcripts were in mrs. Greenspan’s mitts, and she was almost ecstatic.
Loved the no apology apology. Can’t recall now who said same bs “if anyone was offended I apologize “, but I do recall some prominent figure saying that and being dismissed as insincere.
Give it up Ping. Policy aside, Trump has become a dirty joke.
Paul Ryan bailing on tomorrow’s planned event with Trump.
Time for GOP leaders and candidates to “dis-endorse”
Well, ping, except you’re full of shit and Drumpf’s economic plan increases the deficit and costs jobs. Other than that, you could be right.
Paul refuses to be part of the profound hypocrisy of the RW evangelicals? Good on him. Pence should pay heed. Priebus condemned the comments, but he’ll stick his head back up his ass before the debate Sunday and will be stuck to (and with ) drumpf by then.
Wow with your response you sound worse than Trump !
Look up the economic term called the velocity of money. Maybe that will improve your understanding.
I would reply back with some other comments but I don’t want to stoop to your level
Or to the level of trump of 12 years ago. The fact is people will vote for Trump based on his policies and the fact of the dangerous person that Hillary Clinton truly is.
I agree this will depend on how Trump and Melania handle this 12 year old trash and will be critical and if handled correctly it could actually solidify his victory in November
It’s fun to watch all of your responses as you feed on this trash. So predictable!
I hope we get to policy discussions. Or do we give Hillary another reset like she did with Russia? She is a colossal failure in foreign policy. The Democrats have had their time in the last 8 years. Look where we are today. We cannot afford to have her and Democrats in control.
“The thing about Trumpy was, I think people just were amused enough about him to keep him afloat in the polls, because nobody wanted the circus to pull up and leave town.” – David Letterman on Trump
Okay now to the really important stuff.
I don’t see any comments from Tony and I think he’s in New Smyrna Beach area. I’m in Orlando and we only have no power which is just a minor inconvenience. Hopefully everybody on the coast is fine
Or does Barack get his just dues as Bill is setting the stage? That was no accident to trash Obama ACA by Bill
Disclaimer – rough week, Matthew stress and now defend ignorant Trump!
Still never Hillary
This article pretty well sums the trouble Trump is in. Craig is right, time to drag out the fork.
Don’t vote for Hillary, you won’t be the only one. Just check your ballot, Trump will be listed right behind the words; Ass hole In Chief (R)
Hey Ping,
Yes, in New Smyrna Beach. No power here since this morning. I drove over to DeLand today via 44, no power so no gas. Just looking for gas for the generator. . I hope all is good for you over in Orlando
The funniest thing is that Trump recently complained about his mic not working.
Trump is toast and so are Republicans…
Voting has started in many states…
Deadlines for ballot change is past, I think in all states…
Most states require electors to vote for ballot winner…
We may have a massive landslide…
Sad to see Abby Huntsman posting a pic on Twitter of her sitting next to Tucker Carlson. You couldn’t pay me enough money to do that.
Every single person who supported Trump should be ashamed.
Policies my butt. His are not beyond vague and shifting ideas. And I’m not running for president pretending to be the answer for the evangelical rw.
So does velocity of money include stiffing the little guy in bankruptcy? I didnt see that when i read about it. Musta been in a footnote or something. When his hogh profile supporters flee and openly condemn him (read Ryan here) his goose is cooked, ping. And the comments were just after he married the newest foreign model. Mrs P put it well… He’s got no moral compass. That why evangelicals back him?
Paul Ryan disinvited Trump to his Wisconsin event tomorrow, Pence going instead. Something weird is afoot here.
After listening to the Trump tape with his true feelings for women epoused, seems doubtful this will bother evangelicals. If nothing he’s done or said so far has made a dent , will they really care? The man is a vile human being.. Criticizing Bill Clinton with all he’s said and done, geez.. Trump says if your rich or a celebrity you can do anything you want. I know it’s been his experience. .
Please rethink things, support Hillary. Look beyond the party this time and put country first.. We aren’t wrong.. Look at your history. You gave us gwb, Give It some thought..??????
Can Pence take over for Trump in the race? Is that possible?
Is it too late for the RNC to replace Trump? Me thinks that’s what they’re thinking.
Would trump leave if asked to?
“I’m praying for Haiti, I’m praying for Mike Pence, I’m praying for the east coast, man…almost no tears left.” – Kirk Franklin on Twitter
Followup Tweet:
“The reason I’m praying for Mike Pence, is because he’s connected to this fool Donald Trump. That’s a disaster in itself.” – Kirk Franklin
Too many early ballots marked. They’re stuck with Trump
“Paul Ryan disinvited Trump to his Wisconsin event tomorrow, Pence going instead. Something weird is afoot here.”
Not weird, just Ryan trying to shed his Trump skin for one with a few less skin cancers. Exercise in futility. Ryan is just as done as Trump. My God but he will be fun to watch, Trump is deserving of scorn, chickenshit Ryan even more so.
From 538…she has gained some points this evening. HRC at 81.3% chance of winning
Policy? Law and order candidate, trump, will be tough on sexual assault. He will try as often as possible!
Good one about the mic, Corey.