39 thoughts on “Zeitgeist Zone”

  1. The former president spent his 78th birthday criticizing the RNC host city and giving America’s business leaders reasons to doubt his mental state.

  2. click here for Jimmy Kimmel’s

    Tonight is game five of the NBA Finals between the Boston Celtics and the Dallas Mavericks, ESPN gave some baseball players a chance to pay tribute to their Dads during the Red Sox and Yankees game, President Biden and Donald Trump both sent wishes for Father’s Day to their followers, Trump traveled to Detroit this weekend for the launch of his Black Americans for Trump coalition, he riffed on water pressure and dishwashers, and we head out to Hollywood Blvd to see how much Dads know about their kids.

  3. more than you ever want to know about heat domes

    Maps show massive “heat dome” bringing excessive temperatures to the Northeast (msn.com)

    BOSTON – The weather term of the week is “heat dome” as the Northeast anticipates record-setting temperatures from a heat wave over the next several days. 

    You won’t find this one in the National Weather Service glossary. Any time there’s a particularly rare or noteworthy weather event these days, there seems to be a need to label it with a fancy weather term … think  “bombogenesis,” “polar vortex” or “snowmageddon.” 

    [continues on with “what is a heat dome?” and “how does a heat dome form?”]

  4. NYT

    1. Tuesday
      A forecast map for Tuesday
    2. Wednesday
      A forecast map for Wednesday
    3. Thursday
      A forecast map for Thursday
    4. Friday
      A forecast map for Friday
    5. Saturday
      A forecast map for Saturday
    6. Sunday
      A forecast map for Sunday
    7. Monday
      A forecast map for Monday

    Tracking Dangerous Heat in the U.S.

    Dangerous levels of heat are forecast in the Northeast, South and Midwest on Tuesday, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    See temperatures on this page as: 

    Heat index forecast for Tuesday

    Heat index measures how hot it feels outside, accounting for temperature and humidity. Map shows highest level forecast for the day.

    Caution Feels like 80°-90°
    Extreme caution 90°-103°
    Danger 103°-125°

    A forecast map for Tuesday

  5. Late Night Latches Onto Donald Trump’s ‘Johnson’ Mix-Up

    “The sad thing is under MAGA law, his name is now Ronny Johnson,” Jon Stewart said after Trump repeatedly referred to his former doctor, Ronny Jackson, by the wrong name.
    [Imitating Trump] “I love Ronny Johnson. Doc Ronny — Doc Ronny Johnson. He gave me the test, then I went home to my beautiful wife, Malaria.” — STEPHEN COLBERT
    “It’s like walking into a glass door after the doctor says you have 20/20 vision.” — JIMMY FALLON
    “Like writing on a résumé that you speak three languages and misspelling the word ‘languages.’” — SETH MEYERS


  6. The prediction for here is 102 sometime between now and Sunday.  That’s hot. (And it ain’t no dry heat).

  7. By Labor Day the magat field will be blowing up trying to replace the criminal mental collapse orange idiot.  It is looking and sounding like he is in a free fall.  I am occasionally listening to his, euphemistically labeled, speeches.  I suppose it is getting difficult to find continuous words to put out by the media trying to show he is a mental genius and in control of the babbling he does.  Hopefully his sentencing will be delayed while the idiot is put in a competency hold.

  8. craig, is that photo for real and, if so, is that Don jr, a secret service man or a campaign aide holding his hand to guide/support him on the runway?

    if AI/fake, who produced it and to whom is it being disseminated? 

  9. The shrinking stump podcast mentions that he appears to be having problems with the right leg, like he’s dragging it. I haven seen him walk lately but kind of dovetails with that photo.   July—August—September—octobet……not long as the crow flies.  

  10. “If you think blacks are going to vote for Trump, I’ve got a bridge on Johns Island I want to sell you.”
    —Rep Jams Clyburn

  11. So I don’t go to work in my third floor studio for a few days.  
    I sit around and read instead….     how bad can that be…

  12. It’s maggers who got amnesia, lining the parade route to hell and thinking they’re going through the pearly gates. Sad. 

  13. Pat
    Love this sentence from your MSN article about the term “heat dome”

    You won’t find this one in the National Weather Service glossary

    A polite way of saying “click bait”
    The Guardian, aren’t they the ones who talked about a nation wide snowmagedon event last winter that ended up affecting an area about the size of a west Kansas county somewhere between NYC and Boston?
    And there is the New York Times , A paper that thinks Buffalo NY is the far west.
    Here in the Missouri Ozarks, high today 85. Average high for today? 85. A perfect day to put the boat out on the lake and work on you first serious sun burn of the season. BTW, given the weather variety we have in this region 10 degrees either way would not be uncommon. It is late June on the Ozarks plateau.
    (a quick edit)
    BTW, for those who have never driven across Western Kansas, a west Kansas county is about the area between NYC and Boston. When Mrs Jack and I did the 2 lane trip through the Northeast every place seems to be 30 min down the road. Unlike driving west of here where a 3 hr drive is just down the road and that is just to buy gas. a trip to the city is an 8hr drive

  14. If  that NYT map can be trusted. (btw, I rarely put “New York Times” and trust in the same sentence) It looks like my world is an island of cool in a sea of hot. Maybe the local Baptists are right, this is God’s country.

  15. Sturge
    Google maps has a feature where you can click a box and avoid tolls and one to avoid highways. When I saw it I wondered if I could plan a trip using goat paths or gravel roads. No such luck. Google defintion of highway seems to mean interstate roads. I don’t know where that leaves the other 99% of paved roads. 

  16. NY Appeals Court says NOPE to Dumbass’ appeal of Justice Merchan’s gag order.


    “New York’s highest court has declined to hear Donald Trump’s appeal on the gag order in his hush money case, according to a decision list posted Tuesday.

    “The gag order, issued by Judge Juan Merchan in the criminal case against Trump, remains in effect.

    “Separately, Trump has asked Merchan to terminate the gag order ahead of his sentencing scheduled for July. The former president was convicted of 34 counts of business fraud relating to hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels….”

    Hmmm, I wonder whether Judge M will grant that request. I’m guessing not.

  17. it would behoove one not to “trust” any single source, ever, and make a reasoned analysis after taking a broad view from a variety of them to help form an accurate picture of the world in which we live
    hooray critical thinking
    Olbermann was worth a listen today re: abandoned media stories

  18. occasionally some palooka will ask me what news they can trust and my soul will weep

  19. everyone’s favorite fake-laugher has yet another podcast that was good actually, i agreed with every point the last episode’s guests made, search “weekly show jon stewart”
    not providing a direct link since Stewart made a false equivalence between Joe’s perfectly fine cognition and trump’s corrosive dementia #neverforget

  20. there may be a grain or two of truth in the facts of a news story that are simultaneously broadcast by fox, msnbc and cnn with the same message verbatim.   otherwise, most of the time one has to weigh and average out the extremes to get a clear picture of the moment reported.

    with speeches, I find it best to watch the whole thing rather than take for gospel the newscasters version.

  21. i realize you’re just trying to generate content, patd, and you’re doing a hell of a job! 🫡 ✌️ 🇺🇸 

  22. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/credit-cards/is-congress-going-to-kill-credit-card-rewards
    But the Credit Card Competition Act would require that banks of a certain size give merchants more choice when it comes to which payment network can be used for processing transactions involving their cards. They’d have to allow merchants a choice of more than one network — and per the bill, those networks cannot be “affiliated” with each other, nor can they be only “the two networks with the largest market share of credit cards issued” (which means Visa and Mastercard, which combine for more than 80% market share).
    “Credit card swipe fees inflate the prices that consumers pay for groceries and gas,” Durbin said in a news release. “It’s time to inject real competition into the credit card network market, which is dominated by the Visa-Mastercard duopoly.”

    “Opponents argue the Credit Card Competition Act is designed solely to benefit behemoth retailers, and that lower interchange fees may mean less money for funding credit card rewards programs.”

    “This bill would allow these large merchants to use the cheapest credit card processing option, with no requirement to keep consumers’ data safe or return savings back to them,” said Jim Nussle, president and CEO of the Credit Union National Association, in a June 2023 statement. “Interchange is the cost of doing business. Merchants like Target and Walmart reap the benefits of credit card usage with immediate payments, protection from fraud, and typically larger purchases by consumers — but don’t want to pay the cost of accepting credit cards.”

  23. Credit card fees rip off all cash paying customers. They should get an automatic 3% discount, or more. I charge everything because I get a refund of anywhere from 2% to as high as 5% for gas purchases. My Lowes card gets me a 5% on all purchases and since I upgraded it (at no cost) I get $25 deliveries where as cash customers pay$70.
    I do keep cash for things like tips. I could charge them too but I like the smile I get with cash. 

  24. I am writing checks again.  Cash is for shopping or paying for things I do not need the guarantee a credit card carries. The local store of happiness in your favorite weed takes cash only, I am happy to oblige. CostCo and Sam’s take checks, basically using the routing number and account number handing your paper back to you.  Many stores also accept checks, you have to ask.  The paper checks are free, stores and banks work out the cost. 
    What is important is no longer paying the fees to do electronic payments/transfers.  Electronic is cheap, such as electron use only. Processing paper does cost a few pennies. But, credit card companies continue an old business method of loaning the money so everybody gets to pay them.  Laws are set to enforce that great money making process. That fight is for someone else. 

  25. Trump just finished a disastrous rally speech. Reviews not good, they really need to get him out of the debate.

    “Trump struggles through another gaffe-filled rally speech, mumbling and slurring words in Wisconsin on Tuesday. And his critics were delighted.” — https://www.rawstory.com/trump-wisconsin-rally/ 

    And he ended with this bizarre line… “We have all the votes we need. I don’t even have to campaign anymore”

  26. BB
    I wrote a check the other day, a donation to the cemetery where my parents were buried. First one I had written since last fall when I paid my local property taxes. the local government charges me more to use the card than I get back. Which ever makes me money ;-0

  27. I loaned my niece some money so she could move and get out of this town. We  were setting up a payment schedule and discussing the various ways to transfer money. I told her I’m in the position where where the bank never charges me a fee. (It is why I can loan nieces money btw.) So I couldn’t advise her as I didn’t know. everything is free for me.  I told her to look at her bank and whatever way was the cheapest or free, use it.

  28. Jamie,
    sounds like a good book, a bit like Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley”
    Didn’t he also take a canoe down the Missouri river?
    Quick google check: Yes, “River Horse”. He is from KC, I didn’t know that, a local boy.

  29. It’s a matter of getting folks to show up for POTUS Joe.  
    Orange Adolf isn’t winning any new hearts and minds, but it’s not a done deal.
    It can’t be close.  I’m worried about what happens after Election Day. 
    Will they jack him up on meds and feed words into an earpiece to get him through the debate?  How long can he remain even loosely hinged? 

  30. Had one helluva storm for about an hour last night. Haven’t seen rain that hard in ages. Went from nothing to minor flooding of roads in 5 minutes. Lost power around 7:00 and it just now came back on after  9 hours. It was a popup storm that was not predicted until an hour before it hit. The good effect was a temperature drop of 20 degrees in that hour. – from 90 to 70. 

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