Silence Of The Lambs

No Republicans at Thursday’s DOJ briefing claim they saw proof of Trump’s “spygate” fantasy. None dispute it either.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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6 years ago

Isa:65:25: The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat…..

6 years ago

from npr: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told NPR in an interview that he continues to support the Mueller Russia investigation — and that nothing in Thursday’s hotly anticipated secret briefing on the Russia probe to congressional leaders changed his mind.   “The two investigations going on that I think will give us the answers to the questions that you raise — the [inspector general] investigation in the Justice Department and the Mueller investigation,” McConnell said. “I support both of them, and I don’t really have anything to add to this subject based upon the Gang of Eight briefing… Read more »

6 years ago

Some Gooperz are stupid sheep who follow, but most are aware of the truth.  Most are complicit. Aiding and abetting.

6 years ago

Two meetings, though. That speaks volumes.

Clearly,  the Nunes/Russian meeting was a strategy meeting to get their talking points/lies ready for the Sunday shows aka political sermons, right?

Sunlight, sunlight, sunlight!  (And maybe a magnifying glass.)

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Today is the Naval Academy class of 2018 graduation day.  It is also the day the US Navy has SFB spewing word salad as the key speaker.  And, he gets a fly over by the US Navy Blue Angels, from which he will no doubt get a little hard on for the military parade. Bah.  He is going to contaminate the US Naval Academy grounds.  I hope they don’t let him near John Paul Jones. For fun, several times the Blue Angels F/A 18 Hornets fly directly over me at seven hundred miles per hour.  They use the street to… Read more »

6 years ago

There is a link in the article titled, “Reclaiming Jesus.”

I realize many here have negative views of Christians, but it’s worth the read.

It’s everything Paul Ryan and his buddies do not promote with regard to social justice and basic, human dignity.


Bishop Curry warns ‘somebody woke up Jim Crow’

6 years ago

BB – Maybe look at it as an aerial, one-fingered salute.       Cool to know how they line up those flyovers.

I’m sad that he’s getting his military parade this fall.   Competing  protests?    How do you protest without disrespecting the folks serving in the military being forced to perform for that lemon merengue-haired, ball of ego? (Have you noticed that his hair is now the same color as the yellow chairs? Weirdest camo I’ve ever seen.)

6 years ago

a bit of history reported by Rachel last night relevant to events today

6 years ago

Please don’t use the word sp*gate any more in discourse……use of the word supports his attempt to create a “gate”  he can exploit.

the only gate is the one all the Russians came in thru.

Yes, I saw someone say that on TV, but it makes total sense and I concur.

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Just saw the schedule; Ceremony starts at 1000, Blue Angels start at 1004, SFB ruins the day at 1022 0945 as his roadblock hits Annapolis and after the Blue Angels and an undersecretary speech, he produces garbled nonsensical crap which the media attempts to make sound like logical talk.  And, it is all over at 1245.

6 years ago

sturge, it’s been suggested that another -gate that gets a lot of use is applicable and more appropriate:  “liegate”

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

How about “one way out-gate”  Goodbye and take the weird freaky white hair thing with you.

6 years ago

tweet from pbs’ lisa Desjardins  speaking of sen. lindsey GRAHAM to me: “why he (the president’s lawyer – Emmet Flood) is there (in these classified briefings), I don’t know.  That is a bit  odd. If the president’s lawyer is there, I’d like to know why.” also on twit lawyer being present at mtg from  wapo: House Intelligence Committee ranking Democrat Adam B. Schiff (Calif.) said in a statement that Flood’s “involvement — in any capacity — was entirely improper, and I made this clear to him.” “His presence only underscores what Rudy Giuliani said: the President’s legal team expects to… Read more »

6 years ago

“for the record”.  Important phrase.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

BiD is right more sheep than lamb…and quite possibly more goat than sheep.

What’s he gonna do when he finds out the spy is Ivanka trying to stay out of jail

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Maybe Trump has something on all of the goops in Congress – that would explain a lot

6 years ago

kgc, more than likely some of those critters are recipients of campaign funds of suspicious nature just as he is and they know he knows and their mutual sugar daddy is the one holding the reins.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

patd..not hard to believe since the NRA is a Russian front

6 years ago

Does Trumpsky’s atty have/need security clearance?

6 years ago

something really really big that nunes has either to hide or has been promised (or both) for him to do/say so many questionable things.

can’t be an appointment requiring senate confirmation cause no way would he get it.  must be a whole lot of money or a whole lot of fear.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

flood wearing his John Dean glasses hoped to see secret print in the doj briefing known as the ‘potus pleasing secret meetings’ on the hill.  trump continues to look and act the part of the criminal by having kelly and flood crash the separation of powers line.  Most damaging and expensive prez ever!

I sent a congratulatory note my Senator Udall…he really pissed-off pompeo yesterday.  sos pompeo’s n.korea failure is only surpassed by his allowing poor Taiwan to disappear at the hand of the xi.

sellout pompeo unable to get-out his fat, stubby fingers out-of-the chinese finger trap.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Trying to catch-up on the trail as my sis from PA was in town.   I had to break bread with the trump supporters…a miserable lot.   trump is costing them a bundle, but they will dig-in to hide their big mistake of voting for a joke.  Price of gas is starting to affect them as it does most rural humans.   Shortages, bum health care…even bush sent them $600. during his reign.  trump is just draining.

6 years ago

Sturg, you are correct about sp*gate. We all understand that *gate is in the national vocabulary thanks to Nixon and company. This is crude and/but it is not intended to offend women but to shove SFB’s meanness and crudity back in his face. And it provides moms and grandmothers the opportunity to educate their girls, and for dads and grandfathers to educate their boys. I suggest we start citing PussyGate as those events that will immortalize SFB in our national psyche. Everything we have from Ms Clifford forward to include his climbing off the bus and saying his unquotable words.… Read more »

6 years ago

Pompeo desperately needs quality/qualified foreign service officers as ambassadors in these vital areas/countries.

6 years ago

Flatus…  PussyGate…  Bravo!  It doesn’t offend me at all… as it reflects exactly what trumpty dumpty is…

BlondeW…   I break bread every Sunday morning with a Trump supporter.  But you know how it goes…  you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.  He’s actually the only one out of 7 of us and we try to not talk politics out of friendship.  But every now and then something just kinda squeaks out.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

As weinstein perp walks,  the gov of Missouri starts a six-figure tv ad campaign to combat impeachment for crimes. The TV spot takes a page out of President Donald Trump’s crisis playbook, suggesting Greitens’ scandals stem from plots against him by the media and his political enemies. As Greitens fights for his political life, he also faces a legal battle, including one felony charge of computer tampering for his campaign’s use of a nonprofit donor list. Prosecutors recently withdrew a felony invasion of privacy charge stemming from an explicit photo Greitens allegedly took of a woman with whom he had an affair, but a recently… Read more »

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

trump has sacked the state department and as Udall stated this morning?  trump negotiates everything as a real estate deal.  Diplomacy is dead.  pompeo won over haley, but he may not win the war.  haley had a big interview on cbs.  She is looking to 2020, just like pompeo.   At least pompeo wasn’t called the political dummy like pence.  I am sure most of the repug party is eyeing 2020.  trump’s campaign and the rnc are all staffed with former WH members who are now thieves, crooks, the indicted and losers.  The push today is to stop the blue wave… Read more »

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

How about those tax cuts for stimulating the US economy and bringing jobs and plants back to the US?  Harley-davidson lay-offs US workers, moves a plant to Thailand and gives dividend increase.  MAGA? Harley-Davidson in January announced it would slash 800 jobs upon closing the Kansas City plant by fall 2019.  Amid the Kansas City closure, 450 full-time, casual and contractor positions will be added at the Springettsbury Township facility in York County, yielding a loss of 350 jobs overall. Days after it announced the plant closure and cuts, the company announced a $696 million dividend increase and stock buyback plan. That came… Read more »

6 years ago

Gate-gate Gate………the way cc used it in the post, the word itself was necessary to use……but when in the general conversations you can deny the perpetrators the luxury of “naming” something, and framing the issue you’re ahead of it somewhat.  Welfare Queens, Welfare Caddilacs, Willie Hortons, take a knee, both sides are the same, good guys with a gun, guns don’t kill people, Socialism!……on and on…….they do love to cast asparagus…..


6 years ago

BW, Haley wasn’t my choice to be governor. The tragedy in Charleston changed my mind. She immediately led the people of our state into mourning while simultaneously ordering and monitoring the successful effort to capture the miserable perp.

She presided over the de-Confederation of South Carolina. The Battle Flags and Stars and Bars came down from public buildings and spaces. Even staunch supporters of past events removed the flags from their business premises.

In spite of the cruelty of the crime, this cleansing of spaces and attitudes would not have happened absent Haley’s leadership.

6 years ago

In one of Elmore Leonard’s books, he had one of his characters continually saying, “Give it a name!” In the sense of  “I’m in total agreement with you”  or “I heard THAT” .


Blonde Wino
6 years ago

comcast rich from trump’s tax cuts, goes after fox bumping disney aside.   Big money, streaming, movies and gaming.  trump’s network and friend rupert gets big bump from trump for fox’s sport & entertainment network.  He is keeping the news division.  The more liberal son was to get disney and stay out of the news.  BUT, that is changing with the comcast bid.  Tax cuts at work.   Most civilians are having a hard time finding the pennies for the increase in gas prices as the tax cuts never produced anything for the little guy.  Another broken promise by trump…the biggest being… Read more »

6 years ago

She handled the hurricane evacuation remarkably well also.  Just shows that some people can be capable of crisis management and good accomplishments but still wind up being generally wrong-headed.

and she stuck it to that mudflow creep in the WH who called her confused….that was good…..but then she’ll turn around, and back to GOPism.


Blonde Wino
6 years ago

haley and pompeo are both tea partiers…not my cup of tea, at all.   I am voting dem going forward as the gop is complicit and corrupt on so many levels.   I would never vote tea party under any circumstances even if I agreed with one or two positions an individual may hold.

6 years ago

Sturg, I agree. Now, how do we get people thinking in terms where they don’t need others to provide adjectives and nouns for them?

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Our primary is over June 5th…young, surfing jackass — Bill McCamley’s hammer time ad here in New Mexico.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Holy gofers.   gop garett and wife, Flanna, get private servants…not public servants in staff. POLITICO has spoken with four former staffers who detailed a deeply dysfunctional office in which the congressman and his wife, Flanna, often demanded that staff run personal errands outside their typical congressional duties. The couple called on staff to pick up groceries, chauffeur Garrett’s daughters to and from his Virginia district, and fetch clothes that the congressman forgot at his Washington apartment. They were even expected to watch and clean up after Sophie, their Jack Russell-Pomeranian mix, the aides said. The staffers said they feared that if… Read more »

6 years ago

BW, this is from a much longer article in the June 2017 magazine: It isn’t always easy to tell a change in core beliefs from a change in image. Nikki Haley of South Carolina reflects that ambiguity. A member of the Tea Party Class of 2010, she staked out a position in her first gubernatorial term as a conservative loose cannon, more interested in scoring political points against her personal enemies in the legislature than in pursuing any particular policy agenda. She handed out “report cards” to individual lawmakers and told visitors to the legislative chambers to “take a… Read more »

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

From 538…Mr. Mueller’s first year and how it stacks-up against the other investigations.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

SFB is plenty scary but worse are all the people who happily enable him.  The maroon from Modesto being a perfect example.   He is a big fisherman — yet he supports SFB thinks he is great and we are all in for a big surprise.  An idiot.

6 years ago

Haley is the only person in the trump group who demonstrates mental and ethical strength. I disagree with her on a wide variety of issues, but I respect her.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

2nd potato harvest of the Adirondack blues.  Don’t panic, they’re organic.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

The Harvey Weinstein defense indicates why he got in trouble in the first place – it is bad behavior but it is also against the law.

6 years ago

sj…   I found an image that Rick took of my booth a couple years ago…


6 years ago

Spewgate seems to have been another shiny tempest-in-teapot dome-style diversion. It also added the opportunity to weaken the DoJ/FBI policies, by sharing secret info on ongoing investigations with outsiders. If we can dump that policy so easily, why not dump the policy of not indicting sitting presidents ?

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Nice space, RR.

The football enablers punt on protestNFL keeps their lucrative tax cuts and give trump some anthem respect.
The revision allows players who would not wish to stand to remain in the locker room. Also under the revision, each franchise will have the power to issue their own policies, which could include fines for players protesting the anthem, under the conduct detrimental provision of the league’s personal conduct policy.
The league also now has the power to fine any franchise that has representatives who do not stand or “show respect” while present on the sideline for the anthem.

6 years ago

Spewgate is my term for the series of obstructions, obfuscations, and RED herrings that the pussypinching, deadbeat antichrist has been vomiting up.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

I doubt if enough money will trickle-down to the voters by November.  Tax cuts for big business, the uber wealthy and 1% have caused the debt to increase by 1.5 trillion for tax cuts, we borrow more $ from china and nothing is being done for our infrastructure or phone systems.   The gop promise of growth by tax cut?  A ruse played on the citizens.  Inflation, low wages, shortages.   The repugs in control of the economy.  How about that keystone pipeline!

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

I forgot to add the NFL thing is for the November election.  To stop the blue wave via hate for protesting players of color who make so much money.  I know, I heard it from the trump supporter in my family last year.  It really gets the racist juices flowing.  trump used it during the Alabama special election last year.   Whatever they can do to stop the sane and civil from getting back into office.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

One more for the road….michael cohen is still serving as deputy finance chair of the rnc.

Anyone who works, votes and supports these crooks?   Enablers and potential enemies of democracy.