I think it has been a while since I have shared this gem. Going back to 1966, Dizzy Gillespie accompanied by Rudy Collins, Christopher White, Kenny Barren and James Moody.
In campaign news… Trump Loses Economics Edge
Harris More Trusted On Economy: Financial Times Poll
FT/Univ of Michigan poll shows Democratic candidate leading on the issue for first time in nearly a year. Although 41 per cent of Americans still trust the former president more on economic issues — unchanged from the two previous monthly polls — the survey found 42 per cent of voters believe Harris would be better at handling the economy. That is a 7 percentage point increase compared to Biden’s numbers last month.

Even worse economic numbers for Trump among 18-34yo voters
CNBC: Harris holding a 12-point lead over Trump among younger Americans, 46% to 34%.
Jack, wonderful! thanks.
Attribution: What’s wrong with their faces? by John Darkow, Columbia Missourian
Harris and Walz reintroduce joy to Democrats their first week on the campaign trail | NCPR News (northcountrypublicradio.org)
Thanks Jack, about American as music gets
Thank you Jack. Love when jazz becomes part of the serendipity.
Harris More Trusted On Economy: Financial Times Poll
FT/Univ of Michigan poll shows Democratic candidate leading on the issue for first time in nearly a year.
Although 41 per cent of Americans still trust the former president more on economic issues — unchanged from the two previous monthly polls — the survey found 42 per cent of voters believe Harris would be better at handling the economy. That is a 7 percentage point increase compared to Biden’s numbers last month.
Even worse economic numbers for Trump among 18-34yo voters
CNBC: Harris holding a 12-point lead over Trump among younger Americans, 46% to 34%.
Let’s see now. Crime is gone as an issue for Trump. Border crossings way down, so that’s gone. And now inflation is gone. Demonizing “transgenders” is about all that’s left. Trump on Walz: “He’s heavy into transgenders”.
Well, that ship’s sailed. I’d be willing to bet JD doesn’t get through the Sunday pressers without demonizing Walz and Harris for not hating trans folks and anyone who falls into the LGBTQ… groups.
Dana Bash is doing a Master Class on how to handle a serial liar with this Vance interview, re-airs at Noon, CNN “State of the Union”. Fun to watch.
Pete was on with Dana after JD.
Pete Buttigieg on Vance:
Jesse Ventura:
I like Harris campaign’s counter move on Walz military stuff:
Overstate the charge against you to more defensible ground (and deploy supporters who are veterans to say it). Say they are belittling all veterans who didn’t serve in combat.
That forces the other side to explain their claim, argue ‘that’s not what I’m saying’. And when you’re explaining you’re losing.
What makes me really enjoy this is how they’re borrowing that deflection tactic from the Trump campaign, like when they claimed the Stormy indictment was only about paying off a porn star, “which isn’t illegal” (of course it was actually about lying about paying off a porn star to swing an election, but that got lost).
And switching the focus to Trump’s cowardly draft dodging is an exquisite example of Trump/FOX “WhatAbout-ism”, one of their favorite deflections.
We can tell there are real pros on the Harris flight deck.
Joe most eloquent this morning on CBS. Greatly moving in speaking of the loss of Beau, and of Heather Heyer (whose death affected me greatly), and their roles in motivating his decision to run. He seems at peace with his decision not to run again. He has done what he set out to do.
Jack… excellent!
Today’s meme…
Jesse Ventura:
Ask yourselves this question… How bad can Donald Trump and his cult of Republicans be if they can drive a true independent like me to endorse the Harris/Walz ticket? Take a moment to think about that
lol, just logging into the news for the day and my feed is filled with headlines about how bad JD’s Bash interview was 👍
We need to start calling him “Napoleon Dynamite”, i swear it’ll stick
“Leave me alone, Gosh!!”
Hey, Napoleon, i’ll tell you what’s “anti-family”, arbitrary mass-deportations 🤦♂️
Ok, digging Battle-Craig, keep it up 🫡
Harris/Walz 2024 Be a Part of History 😮 🇺🇸
“Peekaboo” James, Bird Brain Nikki Haley, Lyin’ Ted, Crooked Hillary, Little Marco, Mini Mike Bloomberg, Slimeball James Comey, Jeff Flakey, Crazy Kamala, Gavin Newscum, Wacky Omarosa, Pencil Neck Adam Schiff, Pocahontas, and Low-IQ Maxine Watwers were unavailable for comment.
Scott MacFarlane
On CNN, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) accuses Democrats of engaging in name-calling and schoolyard bullying in campaign.
There’s no crying in baseball, JD
Going through some of the Youtube links and found this video I’d saved. Seems to fit my mood today. Relaxed, low stress, enjoying my backyard, on an unusual cool August Sunday.
That groove dovetails nicely with a vid i posted the other night, Mr. J:
Walz “lie” can be explained by what amounts to a one preposition slip.
I’ve handled assault weapons ” in” war
I’ve handled assault weapons “of” war.
Talk about flip flopping… Republicans always support child tax credits in campaigns, but then always vote against it.
Vance on CBS says he thinks the child tax credit “should be bigger” than what Biden proposed.
Just two weeks ago 44 Republican Senators voted AGAINST expanding the child tax credit at all, and Vance missed the vote.
Yes Jamie, and while Vance today wants no benefit of the doubt for Walz he wants it for himself on “cat ladies”, which was no slip of the tongue.
apropos of nothing, just a good episode:
Rachel Bitecofer
I accepted an invitation to the Harris/Walz rally in Vegas today. What I saw – what I felt – was an atmosphere that was pure fucking electricity. I listened to
share their vision for America. Their message was one of hope, unity, and optimism
Walz was part of the “war on terror” his unit was called up to support “Operation enduring freedom, so he was “in war” Just not in a combat zone. As a unit that was guarding bases in Italy for a year, I assumed he was armed and at his level with a rifle as well as a side arm. Given how close Italy is to where the action was, we would hope they were loaded. BTW, the distance, as the crow flies, between Rome and Bagdad is 1800 mile. To put it in USA distances, DC to the Colorado/Utah border. An easy 4-day drive, under 2 if you are taking little white pills.
The irritating thing about both Walz and Vance is they are riding the coattails of those who really did go into combat and really did sacrifice their bodies and their lives. Vance wrote feel good stories to hide the fact of what a fucked-up mess Iraq was. He was protected by combat troops who put their lives in danger every day as he was clicking away , in the green zone, on his computer. Walz was even farther away from danger in Italy. While they both served, which is more than you can say about 90% of us. Neither one is in a position to denigrate the others service.
Wow a whole paragraph as one sentence. Punctuation who needs punctuation?
Thank God for the edit button.
A brainless, heartless, lying, grifting bully. Orange Adolf has nothing else to offer.
GOP accusations not worth “a bucket of warm spit”. Every body knows them and their specious swift boat dreams. It ain’t gonna wash this time. Their ice cream done turned to feces. They’ve crapped in their mess kit so much it’s overflowed
Good advice here. GOP is purging voting rolls everywhere. Time to be sure your voter registration is ok.
JD’s American handler, tRUMPsky, has been throwing poop for a long time, and now it’s all over his hands.
His brain has stuck in the crowd size groove in his putrid brain. He’s now claim Harris’ crowds are AI.
My new registration is good, but I played it safe and did not affiliate with a party. That means I can’t vote in primaries, but in a small town full of angry, old white folks with MAGAt caps and tRUMPsky flags…just in case. Small towns.
In all seriousness, he’s a sicko, needs help. Posted this Aug 11, 2024, 12:09 PM
Here is the picture he’s talking about, no one has questioned its authenticity
Funny Harris ad with Law&Order star BD Wong.. https://x.com/DouglasEmhoff/status/1822697577151598911?t=kHR8ZuLzdZ0B23NJfSKxsw&s=19
J. Doofus is speaking at a trucking company on Wednesday in Byron Center, which is about 30 minutes east of here. I’ll be working, but I’d have my University of Michigan gear on if I was going.
The plane does not have a “mirror like finish.” The plane is mostly white and blue. There’s no crowd reflection because her plane doesn’t have a chrome finish. His whining and lying about crowd sizes is just another distraction from Project 2025. Not gonna let it go.
Harris campaign senior advisor David Plouffe on Trump claiming her crowds are fake:
…the contempt for America that republicans must have to nominate that guy to run it
Olbermann’s tweet about the truth social post.
It is hard to quantify how much damage Trump did to himself with this post There were large groups of holdouts in the middle and right who disagreed with us who’ve recognized he’s been insane all this time As of today, they know
They’re not serious people
Dante described 9 circles of hell. If SFB ever read it and believed he might be concerned. If Weschler had a similar paradigm for stupidity Dumbass would be looking into the abyss. And the crazy muthafugger should be thanking his lucky stars they administered a cognitive instrument that was only intended to identify crazy (mostly) old fuckers who can’t tell night from day and yesterday from tomorrow. Anything more discerning and he would have found out how the 25th amendment works.
And BTW, the light blue underbelly of AF2 is paint, not mirror-like. Stupid ass.
The 2024 Paris Olympics is (are?) drawing to a close. The US Athletes did remarkably well. I congratulate them-and the other athletes with whom they competed – for giving me 2 weeks of joyful distraction from politics 24/7. Congratulations to the winners, the medalists and all who participated and did neither. I loved it.
Now, back to politics. We have a nation to save from an orange moron.
North Carolina is gettable
This just released at 4pm:
YouGov NC Poll:
Harris: 46%
Trump: 46%
Kennedy: 2%
West: 0%
Stein: 0%
August 5-9 | 802 RV
Kamala Harris Ties Donald Trump in State He Won in 2016 and 2020:
162 lies in Trump press conference: NPR count
A team of NPR reporters and editors reviewed the transcript of his news conference and found at least 162 misstatements, exaggerations and outright lies in 64 minutes. That’s more than two a minute.
Is that his personal best, eeer worst?
Aaaaannndd the NBC evening news was worthless in their campaign coverage, once again.
Jack – all it takes is someone typing up orders to take you from a nice air conditioned office to sitting in a hole with someone shooting at you. And, it takes seconds for those orders to be rescinded. There are various ways to reduce the possibility of things happening. Being in the Reserves is one. Not being in a combat unit is another. The ratio of 10 non-combat troops to 1 combat troop has been a good one to follow. But, piss off the wrong person and you hiding in a crowd suddenly lets you experience the bad world. Everyone who signs on the line is taught how to kill, because that is the primary job of all officers and enlisted. There are some who volunteer for combat units, and others get in some other way. Vance was able to go somewhere and get a ribbon for it. Walz went somewhere else and got a ribbon for that. Walz did 24 years. That is a lot of time being a citizen soldier, a lot of time away from family.
Trump Is ‘Struggling to Get Past His Anger’
He’ll lose that battle.
Geo. Conway in re the office pool
You may think it impossible, but Trump’s mental state is going to get worse still. When he sees the reaction to his delusional post, he’s going to become even more delusional. He has crossed the psychological equivalent of the event horizon of a black hole.
The difference for all you science buffs is that the world will get to watch him spaghettify.)
Joke’s on Dumkopf Donald.
We’ll all have Ph.D.s in Abnormal Psychology by the time he’s committed.
The fun part is they didn’t vet JD at all, so the internet is doing it for them, after the fact. i wonder what they’ll find??
(i have an idea 😉)
He had no clue somebody had that on their camera.
if they didn’t vet for compromising photos, you can be damn sure they didn’t vet for security vulnerabilities and foreign associations
You probably scrutinize the ingredients in your groceries more closely than Team trump scrutinized the person they believe should be a heartbeat away from the Presidency
Don Jr. pushed for JD, possibly because his Rushun handler told him to do it.
Who is going to volunteer to take one for the team and listen to the Muskrat Trumplestilskin interview on X formerly known as big blue bird?