65 thoughts on “Beep! Beep!”

  1. Harris vs. Trump Polls: Kamala’s Gains Are Now a Trend, Not Just a Bounce (msn.com)

    It has now been two weeks since Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris as his presumptive replacement as Democratic nominee. Unsurprisingly, Harris got a quick bounce in the polls as the new, younger, and fresher rival to Donald Trump. But now it’s becoming clear this was a trend, not just a momentary bounce.
    According to the FiveThirtyEight national polling averages, Harris is leading Trump by 1.4 percent (45.0 to 43.6 percent), with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 5.6 percent. When Biden dropped out, he was trailing in the same averages by 3.2 percent. In a contest as static as the 2024 presidential race had been, that’s a big swing.
    The trend lines in national polls are equally telling. YouGov/Economist tested Harris against Trump back on July 16, showing Trump leading by five percent (44 to 39 percent). Then on July 23, after Biden’s withdrawal, the same pollster had Trump leading Harris by three percent (44 to 41 percent). On July 30 YouGov/Economist showed Harris leading Trump by two percent (46 to 44 percent). Similarly, RMG Research had Trump leading Harris by two points (48 to 46 percent) on July 23, with Harris leading Trump by five points (47 to 42 percent) on July 31. And now a CBS poll of likely voters conducted by YouGov shows a three-point Trump lead (51 – 48 percent) on July 18 turning into a one-point Harris lead (50 – 49 percent) on August 2.

  2. oh, about the thread song:

    What’s That Song About?: “Beep Beep” – The Playmates, 1958 (Top 40) (rockremembers.com)

    In 1952, three students from the University of Connecticut took their comedy show on the road. Within four years, they shed the name “The Nitwits” and transformed themselves into a musical group called “The Playmates”. On July 9, 1958, they scored their first big hit with “Beep Beep”. Their surprise novelty hit rocketed to #4 on the Billboard Top 40 and became a regular spin on the Dr. Dimento Show. It sold over 1 million copies and went gold. Just as their hit was an innovative novelty, so was the subject matter. “Beep Beep”, the song’s official title, is subtitled “The Little Nash Rambler”.

    In the 1950’s, the Nash-Kelvinator company realized it needed to be more competitive in the automotive industry, and it’s president insisted that the next car to roll off the assembly line had to be innovative – different from the other manufacturers’ offerings. The result was The Rambler. Originally named the Diplomat (but changed after Nash learned that Dodge had already reserved that name), Ramblers were designed to be smaller than contemporary vehicles while still able to seat five people comfortably, and while this song may have eventually faded into history, the Rambler’s did not: Nash Ramblers revolutionized the modern auto industry – they were the first modern American compact cars.
    And of course as far as the song is concerned, Rambler vs. Cadillac is a great David & Goliath story. Although not specified in the song, at the time of the Rambler’s introduction the Coup deVille was the most powerful and most popular of the GM Cadillac line. Of course, the Caddy was much more expensive, and it had a 330 cubic inch v8 engine…which was nothing to scorn…but scorn the little v-6 Rambler did…and it kept right on going, it’s compact design ideas traveling well into the 21st century.

    in this case, it’s the coup da evil vs. the kambler

  3. So over the weekend I heard more than a couple of “slept her way to the top” comments about Kamala. Just to put factual context to her “sleeping to the ‘top’” While she was serving as Deputy DA in Alameda County In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then dating Harris, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission.” Are those really traditional launching pads to a 17 year career path to Attorney General of CA? Who knew? Side note, before winning the SF DA race in 2002, she was recruited as Deputy ADA of SF by Terrence Hallinan in 1998 (Who she defeated in 2002) and SF City Attorney Louise Renne in 2000. Hmm, I wonder if she slept with them… Fucking idiots.(Full disclosure, I’ve been sleeping with my boss – and wife – for 30 or so years).
    (Thanks to Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris )

  4. Nice trend lines – wonder how much of the money for RFKJ’s campaign is coming from SFB-aligned PACs?  Love his trendline – he’s gone from 0.0% to 0.0% in the past week – if the SFB and Harris trendlines continue, looks like RFKJ may have picked the wrong horse.

  5. Am I missing something or has the once frenzied veepstakes coverage suddenly gone dark? Do reporters know something we don’t? Has the pick been embargoed?

  6. CNN Jeff Zeleny: “It is down to the two governors” Shapiro and Walz. “And geography is not driving the decision”.

    Sounds to me  like it’s Walz.

  7. My hunch is top reporters have been told it’s Walz under an embargo. Since last night all of a sudden the frenzied veepstakes speculation stories have stopped. And Zeleny, who probably knows the answer, saying geography not an issue strongly suggests it isn’t Shapiro. So that only leaves Walz, since Zeleny also said it’s down to those two.

  8. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/05/investing/why-dow-down-stock-market/index.html
    “To be clear: The US economy remains strong. Last quarter, it grew way more than expected, boosted by still-robust consumer spending, which makes up more than two-thirds of all gross domestic product.”
    “Three fears are emerging all at the same time to send markets into a tailspin Monday: Growing worries about a recession, concern that the Federal Reserve has failed to act promptly enough and a belief that big bets on AI may not pay off.”
    “The Fed is notoriously horrible at timing its rate cuts and hikes. It was way behind the curve on inflation and had to catch up with multiple historic rate hikes in 2022 to tame runaway prices. Likewise, some economists believe the Fed should have started cutting rates sooner.”
    “Rate cuts could help support the job market by cutting borrowing costs for businesses and freeing up money for companies to spend on hiring.”
    Stop playing games with humans’ livelihoods and lives.    That goes for The Fed and the AI tech bros who aim to displace folks from their jobs or at least devalue them. 

    ps – More yards with tRUMPsky signs that weren’t there yesterday morning.

    pps – Crude went down, so gas prices will…?

  9. Walz is very smart and very down-to-earth-likeable , plus he has military experience and governing experience.  
    He will be a draw for Indies in the Midwest, and maybe some old school Republicans who have had enough of this tRUMPsky-branded garbage.  
     As for a debate with Just Dumb, he’s dealt with plenty of classroom bullies.  

  10. I’m having trouble reconciling Walz as the VP pick (although it’s not yet confirmed).  I just don’t see that he brings a lot to the campaign.  So looking around I stumbled on this- from David Perry – MSNBC opinion piece.

    In the 2022 elections, Democrats won a trifecta, taking full control of state government, but with a Senate majority of only one seat. DFL leaders never hesitated, taking advantage of a large budget surplus to quickly enact a wide range of progressive policies across the board that changed our state for the better. 
    They made Minnesota a safe haven for the trans community. They affirmed abortion as a fundamental right and removed restrictions that limited access. They legalized recreational cannabis use and passed laws for driver’s licenses for all Minnesotans regardless of immigration status, automatic voter registration, paid family and medical leave, tax rebates for people making less than $75,000 and new climate goals, and they phased out parental fees for families with kids on Medicaid. This last one is perhaps narrower than the others, but my son has Down syndrome and is on Medicaid, so I sure paid close attention to this.

    Sounds like a busy guy with his head in the right place.  Whether he’ll catch on and bring in some voters, time will tell if he’s the nominee.  I’m still not convinced (and think the best bet out there was the fighter pilot/astronaut/senator from Arizona, but it ain’t my decision to make.

  11. I guess Fetterman’s diatribe had pull. I woke today just “knowing”  it is Walz.  Shapiro came across a little too brash it seems.  Goodbye Pennsylvania’s 18 votes.  Cooper , speaking with Andrea Mitchell an hour ago, said North Carolina will decide the presidency. What the hell?   He said the main reason he refused the vetting was because of that lunatic Lieutenant Governor who automatically takes over the governorship in that state whenever the governor leaves the state.  He said that in this age of instant communication it is an anachronistic law and needs to be stricken, but the law’s the law and he couldn’t let that maniac assume temporary command while he was out of state campaigning.  So my horse has faded and let’s cheer Governor Tim Walz, the next Vice President of The United States of America. Unless….

  12. Peter Luger refused the free bear steaks offered by Bobby Junior.  I mean, they don’t butcher bears there as a rule.  So Bobby had his steak and then dumped the dead bear in Central Park for a woman to find the next morning.  The story was told to Roseanne Barr and it was “filmed” on a phone.  I saw it. I swear it’s true.  Brain worms at work.  

  13. The data that probably is most persuasive for the Harris team on Walz is he consistently outperforms other Democrats among so-called “working whites” and won six terms in a heavily Republican congressional district, but somehow managed to be a progressive. He’s sort of a political phenomenon. Does that translate to a national ticket? There are a lot of Midwestern dads like him who clean their garages on the weekend — not just in Pennsylvania but also Wisconsin and Michigan. Could be he’s just as helpful in Pennsylvania as Shapiro but more helpful in Wisconsin and Michigan. I don’t know. This is all a crap shoot.

  14. Walz will definitely get votes from any Midwesterner who isn’t firmly entrenched in the orange swamp.   That may well carry over to areas like NC.

  15. My hunch is top reporters have been told it’s Walz under an embargo.

    while we’re waiting, i’m hunching as to whether a red herring could be tossed to reporters to test who might break the embargo? 

  16. don’t forget a lot depends upon the chemistry test they all took.  my hunch is she would be more comfortable working with someone who has a good sense of humor, warm nature and projects optimism.  remember her propensity to laugh and that she’s spent the last 4 years around joe the hugging jokester. 

    if that story is true about tim walz fixing the v.p. residence mower the day of his interview, that would clinch it for a lady who enjoys cooking for others at a drop of the hat.  similar upbeat happy helpful personalities.

  17. Another clue CNN’s Jeff Zeleny might know it’s Walz: when he runs down the top three list with their bio graphics he now starts with Walz. He used to start with Shapiro. And now he is adding we should not read anything into Philadelphia being the launch site tomorrow night.

  18. i hope you enjoy talking about Gaza a lot if it’s Shapiro
    i don’t 

    What leverage is used against journalists to keep the secret of the year from leaking? The promise of future access?

    Don’t get too cozy with CNN, Team Kamala, they will —— you over for an extra click

  19. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/05/business/google-loses-antitrust-lawsuit-doj/index.html
    “After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” US District Judge Amit Mehta Mehta wrote in Monday’s opinion. “It has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act.”
    “The decision by the US District Court for the District of Columbia is a stunning rebuke of Google’s oldest and most important business. The company has spent tens of billions of dollars on exclusive contracts to secure a dominant position as the world’s default search provider on smartphones and web browsers.”
    And when you use a different search engine, they pop up on whatever website you’re in and ask if you’re sure you don’t want to use Google.  Nah, we’re good. 

  20. lol only a dumb Maga would think PotUS saluting a North Korean thug is a good look

    The general he is saluting has probably been executed in the meantime for looking at Kim the wrong way, what an attractive prospective ally

  21. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/05/investing/why-dow-down-stock-market/index.html
    Orange Adolf is not only lying, but ignoring the  fact that it’s a global, financial meltdown and…

    “To be clear: The US economy remains strong. Last quarter, it grew way more than expected, boosted by still-robust consumer spending, which makes up more than two-thirds of all gross domestic product.”
    …and thanks to his puppeteer’s war on Ukraine, and his buddy Netanyahu continuing to fire wide on civilians in Gaza when they can pinpoint targets in Lebanon and Iran, the global meltdown will continue for awhile. 

    The Fed will cut interest rates in September. That’ll help.    

    Roe was overturned. Women won’t forget or forgive.

    Project 2025 is out there and they don’t want the media talking about, so tRUMPsky and Just Dumb say weird things, disgusting things, whatever it takes to control another 24-hour news cycle.    Get ready for some batshit crazy stuff from MAGAts during the DNC. 

    ps – Keep your gas tanks full.

  22. Why in the eff is Orange Adolf saluting Kim?  UN-American! 
    Hopefully, Harris will just control the debate situation.   Adolf has bullied and goaded folks his entire, wretched existence.  Having to deal with someone who won’t kneel to him (he doesn’t negotiate) must be eating him alive.  That he’s incapable of controlling things, and that he’s losing to a woman of color, must be killing him. 

    Hope springs eternal.

  23. https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-media-truth-social-jedtec-james-davison-conflict-of-interest
    “…Trump’s media company announced it was making its first major purchase: technology to help stream TV on Truth Social, its Twitter-like platform.”
    “There was a mystery at the center of the deal: One of the companies on the other side of the transaction, which went unmentioned in Trump Media’s press release but was named in securities filings, is an obscure entity called JedTec LLC. Based in a North Louisiana village, the company has virtually no public footprint and no website, and it is unknown to streaming technology experts.”
    “Interviews and public records reveal that the man behind JedTec is Louisiana energy magnate James E. Davison. A major Republican donor, he is known for his immense influence in state and federal government, including personal friendships with past presidents, and for using his wealth to benefit people in politics.”
    “Davison, for example, owns a major stake in Genesis Energy, a large oil pipeline and mining firm. A trade group representing Genesis and other publicly traded pipeline firms previously lobbied the Trump administration and lawmakers for a tax break and on environmental issues. Davison’s family also has a stake in a regional bank and owns a small defense contractor. And Davison could benefit if the 2017 Trump tax cut provisions, which expire after next year, are extended.”
    “Before his first term, Trump rejected calls to divest from his business. Trump’s years in the White House were marred by controversy as political groups and foreign governments spent millions of dollars at his properties.”
    “But his stake in Trump Media, created after he left office, has the potential to eclipse those concerns. His shares of the company, a meme stock that has soared despite the company generating almost no revenue, are valued at more than $3 billion. That makes up more than half of his estimated net worth. Ethics experts have warned that advertisers, vendors or investors who have political agendas could try to use Trump Media to curry favor.”
    Eat the rich before they eat us.   

  24. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/05/politics/jenna-ellis-arizona-election-subversion-trump/index.html
    “Former Donald Trump 2020 campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis has agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in the Arizona election subversion case, the state’s attorney general announced Monday, and charges against her will be dropped.”
    “She was originally charged with multiple felony counts in Arizona related to her alleged role in the effort to put forward fake slates of electors as part of a broader conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results on Trump’s behalf.”
    “Last year, Ellis pleaded guilty in the Georgia election case and was sentenced to five years of probation and $5,000 in restitution.”
    “Trump was not charged in the Arizona case but was named as “Unindicted Coconspirator 1” in the original indictment.”

  25. Since tRUMPsky’s too much of a chicken to go to the scheduled debate in September, should the stage have an empty lectern so folks remember he is a scaredy cat, or just forget the orange bastard  exists? 

  26. If he doesn’t show, I think they should run clips from his stump speech and let her respond.

  27. Shapiro is from Montgomery County a suburb of Philly. Median household income $107000. Not a working class haven. In addition, he looks, talks and acts like what he is, East Coast and is a career politician. This man will not get you a single extra vote west of central PA and South of Delaware. He will lose you votes in Michigan. 
    Walz grew up in rural western Nebraska and taught school for 20 years in a town of 45,000 in Southern Minnesota. Median household income $75,000. This man could walk into any place. in the nation and be at home from the most rural to the most urban. As an educator he was one of the early adoptors  of technology in the classroom.  He so far has quietly impressed me. 

  28. CNN Jamie Gangel on Walz mtg with Harris vetting team:

    “I am told they loved him. For whatever it’s worth — they are not Kamala Harris — but they thought he was authentic, a team player and that his background, while he’s not from a battleground state, he has natural appeal to Independent and swing voters across the Midwest, a happy warrior. So he got very high marks from the vetting team”

    Another sign it’s Walz in that they’re leaking these details about his meeting but not about Shapiro or Kelly.

  29. i’ve seen no one covering dippy’s “truth social” (my fingers want to throw up after typing that) as thoroughly as you, Mr C, get that shit out there 🫡

  30. Bink, I get asked so much by friends and family how can I put up with paying so much attention to the right wing echo chamber. I truly find it funny. They make me laugh more than South Park.

  31. For whatever weird reason there is I cannot just write and click “post comment” anymore. 
    I am done. I spent the last fifteen minutes trying to type out a comment. Enough. Maybe tomorrow.
    Here is one of my NAFO fellas.

  32. One reason why no decision tonight on VP Harris’s choice for running mate? Here’s a White House photo from the Situation Room this afternoon, where POTUS and VP meet with top officials for several hours about what’s going on in the Middle East. 

  33. Earlier, security vehicles at Walz home. Seems like a lot for a midsize state governor. Walz is known for normally riding the front passenger seat of a state patrol car. These look like fed cars.

  34. So here’s the timeline from the alert neighbor posting car pics online. At about 5:20p local Minneapolis time a six Black SUVs pulled into Walz backyard. Were parked there for about an hour until he left for Harris fundraiser with full motorcade. Neighbor apologized for not looking at license plates, he was so startled by it all.

  35. that’s all the confirmation i need 
    Harris/Walz ‘24 let’s goooooo 🇺🇸 

    yo clean your engine bay Tim

  36. He’s still trying but his nicknames for her still lame..
    Kamabla has stated, over and over again, that she wants to DEFUND THE POLICE AND, WITHOUT QUESTION, BAN FRACKING. “NO MORE FOSSIL FUEL.” This will quadruple the cost of energy in America!” DEPRESSION ANYONE! People vote with their STOMACH, and food is now at an all time high because of Kamabla/Biden INCOMPETENCE. With them in charge, IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE!
    Aug 05, 2024, 7:39 PM

  37. CBS Minneapolis reporter Kirsten Mitchell: At the fundraiser tonight for VP Kamala Harris, Governor Tim Walz said this about his recent viral moments: “It wasn’t a slur to call these guys weird, it was an observation.” He has left the fundraiser 7:43 PM

  38. Harris/Walz 2024!  Works for me. Make that announcement and get that campaign merch out!

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