142 thoughts on “Sunday Serendipity”

  1. Jack, thanks. the loud and soft off and on stops and starts of Ludwig’s music surely fit the bill for today’s turmoil. click here for more than you want to know by Wki about the selection.

    Symphony in C major
    No. 1
    by Ludwig van Beethoven

    Portrait of the composer in 1803, three years after the premiere
    Opus 21
    Style Classical period
    Composed 1795–1800
    Dedication Gottfried van Swieten
    Performed 2 April 1800: Vienna
    Published 1801
    Movements Four
  2. AllanLichtman

    The issue with
    is he’s a compiler of polls, a clerk. He has no fundamental basis in history and elections. If we bounced presidents based on perceived physical ailments we would have bounced FDR, Reagan, and JFK.

  3. craig, thanks to you too for enduring the rambles and brambles of the magaT king’s speechifying for us.  here’re David Horsey’s thoughts on them in his recent op ed Trump was born a rambling man | The Seattle Times

    In the first 20 minutes or so of his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Thursday night, former President Donald Trump projected the congenial tone of a guy receiving a civic award at a Kiwanis Club meeting. He riffed amiably about his wife and kids and pitched kudos to friends in the audience, including Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan.
    Trump also recounted, in somewhat exaggerated detail, the harrowing moments he experienced when a shooter came within an inch of ending his life. He spoke about the grace of God and, for once, showed a bit of grace himself.
    Then, the rambling began.
    All the old tropes came out: the fantasized fear mongering about illegal immigrants, the almost entirely inaccurate claims about his economic successes and President Joe Biden’s failures, and a disjointed recitation of wildly exaggerated assertions about one thing or another being the best in history or the worst the world has ever seen. And this stream-of-consciousness bloviating set a new record for the length of a nominee’s speech at a national political convention.
    It is not an overstatement to say that Trump is the weirdest speechifier in the history of American politics. He just gets up there and blathers. Generally ignoring any prepared text, he boasts, fabricates, insults, repeats himself and pulls oddball allusions out of curious corners of his brain (on Thursday, he repeated a past reference to Hannibal Lecter, the fictional, cannibalistic, serial killer, then left it hanging, unexplained).
    I first saw Trump speak in 2016 when the Los Angeles Times sent me to Phoenix to report on Trump and his fans before the Arizona presidential primary. Then, I thought his speaking style was strangely improvisational. Now, it has only gotten more bizarre and easier for comedians to mimic. But the weirdest thing is that it seems to work for a lot of voters.
    Following the ex-president’s speech, as the balloons were falling on the final night of the convention, CNN asked a group of undecided voters to grade the ex-president’s address and say if it changed their minds about how they would vote in November. To my surprise, most gave him a B and a few awarded an A. More surprisingly, several of these swing voters announced that they now intended to cast their ballots for Trump.
    Apparently, coherence does not matter to some people, nor do facts. Trump talks nonsense most of the time, but, for millions of our fellow citizens, that is just fine.

  4. interestingly similar in a way to the abuse a certain stuttering elder is getting from some of his party in this country.

    North East politicians speak out about election abuse (bbc.com)

    Politicians have spoken out about the abuse they faced during the election campaign.
    A Green Party candidate in north-east England said she wanted to help amplify the voices of people with disabilities, but instead faced questions about her capability due to being a wheelchair user.
    Politicians have spoken out about the abuse they faced during the election campaign.
    Meanwhile, a Conservative councillor faced “horrendous” abuse that included having “Tory scum” shouted at her in the street.
    Chloe-Louise Reilly stood for the Green Party in Tynemouth and said she experienced a wave of online abuse from people who believed she was not fit to be an MP because she was a wheelchair user.
    “There was a couple of points where I had a cry and I rang my mam and my Grandma and said I’m not sure I can do this”, said Ms Reilly. “But they said you’re wanting to make positive change and these people aren’t.
    “You need to not let people that aren’t willing to work for positive change stop you from working for it.”

  5. speaking of you know who, anyone notice the difference in the hair coloring at the rnc vs that at the rally?  at convention he/they were trying to make him look serious elder statesman-like with whiter more conventional do while at the rally he sported a bright yellow pompadour with darkened sideburns. 

    craig, you pointed out he spoke JD’s name only once during the rally. he also seems not to want his sidekick standing near him for any length of time — height envy perhaps.  

  6. A little something that has been a background item with sfb is his “security detail”.  I could not find the articles I was looking for so this is by memory.  You see him surrounded by big scary men when he is out. You see a cavalcade of black SUV’s when he goes to court from whatever hole he is staying in. You immediately think of Secret Service agents.
    There are Secret Service agents assigned to and working near the former guy.  But, most of those around him are hired guns.  I cannot remember the company providing the people, hopefully I will find at least one of the articles from 2016, prior to the media consolidation to promote the jerk.  In office he would keep some of them around himself in spite of the Secret Service agents. Perks of being president.  They might provide some security, but as with anything the guy in an alternate universe does, show time is all the time.
    This came up last week as one reporter discussed the “Secret Service security detail and wrote how few agents there were but a lot of the other guys.  This has popped up in the past, but nothing further, and now I cannot find an old link to any of it.

  7. Sturg, there is a flaw in Lichtman’s comparison to “perceived” physical ailments of FDR, Reagan, and JFK not leading to ouster. They weren’t perceived, their ailments were hidden. The public had no clue about FDR’s dramatic decline from congestive heart failure, Reagan’s likely onset of Alzheimer’s and JFK’s Addison disease and severe back pain.

    The difference here is that until the debate the Biden White House was mostly successful in concealing his condition. But his shocking lapses in that debate blew their cover, and I’ve watch the entirety of his public appearances, speeches and interviews since — the answer to Pelosi’s question is clear: that debate meltdown was a condition, not an episode.

  8. It’s Biden/Harris, so get over it and start fighting against Putin’s Puppets and Project 2025. Stop wasting time!

    Listen to the part about legal challenges to name changes in the ballots. Thank You, AOC!

    Biden/Harris 2024

  9. The state of play right now: Biden is really dug in, bitter and angry. But since Friday no major calls from Dems for him to leave, which is a sign he might be privately relenting. When Pelosi pushes out those calls it means he’s not giving up. Also, there was some buzz she would use her speech last night in Raleigh NC to turn up the heat on him, but she didn’t mention this at all – indicating she might no longer need to pressure him, or maybe she’s just giving him a breather.

    If another big name joins the step-down movement today we can assume he’s still resisting. And I don’t count Joe Manchin’s step-down statement this morning — he’s a lame duck lone ranger, not a player in Dem circles anymore.

  10. In today’s New York Times West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin offers a truly wild idea —

    “Here’s my pitch to the writers’ room: The Democratic Party should pick a Republican. At their convention next month, the Democrats should nominate Mitt Romney. Nominating Mr. Romney would be putting our money where our mouth is: a clear and powerful demonstration that this election isn’t about what our elections are usually about it, but about stopping a deranged man from taking power. Surely Mr. Romney, who doesn’t have to be introduced to voters, would peel off enough Republican votes to win, probably by a lot. The double haters would be turned into single haters and the Nikki Haley voters would have somewhere to go, Ms. Haley having disqualified herself when she endorsed the leader of an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the government.”

  11. Trump 7 Points Ahead In Michigan
    Detroit Free Press poll

    Trump over Biden 49%-42% in a head-to-head matchup. In a five-way race, Trump led with 43% to 36% for Biden (9% undecided, 8% for RFKjr, 2% each for Jill Stein, Cornel West).

    Detroit Free Press: “Trump has more than doubled his lead since the last Free Press poll taken just before the debate.”

  12. Apparently, coherence does not matter to some people, nor do facts. Trump talks nonsense most of the time, but, for millions of our fellow citizens, that is just fine.

    They want grandeur, not good governance. 

  13. Clyburn on CNN: “I support Joe Biden. He is still in this race. He will be our nominee if he stays in the race … if he were to change his mind, then I will change mine.”

  14. Like I’ve said, if you are successful in squeezing out Joe Biden you’ll rue the day.  You let this election get anywhere near the courts or the Supreme Court and you’re looking at pain.   If you let it get anywhere near the House of reps you’re looking at pain.  If you’re looking for a smooth transition to Harris or anyone else, once again—Pain.  This lady from NYC has hit the nail on the head.  She won’t bad rap the Step-Downers but I will and do.  What they are proposing is insanity.  It’s also what I’ve postulated since the day after the debate.  I would feel like Cassandra had I not seen this video by AOC.   Step-Downers are being completely and absurdly unrealistic about what time it is, and the chances of ANY decent outcome after ousting Biden.  You would do us all a great service were you to think about the CONSEQUENCES rather than how to get Joe out.

  15. you’ll rue the day

    Agree, Sturge. Instead of governance, we’ll end up with McGovern-ance. 

  16. And like AOC, I don’t give a dead rat’s cloaca wheat the effing polls say.  Polls don’t vote.  If Joe is up against Clump, Joe will fucking win hands down.  Wonen….ABORTION
    Liz Cheney republicans 
    Democrats (who will most certainly vote for Biden no matter what his age  is)

    Any other groups?

    Who do the magats have?
    Billionaire fascists, an array of certain media, the Russians, and fucking ignorant whacked out cult members  There are simply not enough of them to swing an election to a so obviously evil narcissistic Hitler-baby with his flabby little mini-schmuck sidekick.

    If I’m wrong, everyone gets unlimited “I told you so’s”, meanwhile, wake up and look at the calendar and the clock.

  17. Beethovan’s initial symphony is one of my all time favorites.    The kid was hot. Thanks once again, Jack.  

  18. There are no good answers for sure. But watching Biden lately it’s clear he cannot handle campaigning without more meltdowns that drive away more voters. He couldn’t even remember his Defense secretary’s name in a TV interview last week, called him “the Black man”. His faltering in the Las Vegas speech before the one they cancelled was painful too watch, really sad.

    The Biden of four years ago, maybe even two years ago, would win this race. But that’s not what we have.

  19. Even so, Joe cannot turn tail and run away. That would not help Democrats. There has to be a celebratory transition. If it’s all about the show, and I believe it is, we need a show of our own. 

  20. POTUS Joe has a lot to do besides campaign.  

    What has Orange Adolf got to do?
     Cheat at golf.

    Biden needs adequate rest (we all do), blueberries, Prevagen, an Alexander Technique coach, a nebulizer for his voice (like professional singers use), and most of all for Dems to stop working against him.  Unnecessary stress is not the answer.

  21. What we have is the Biden of now, and regardless of his condition if you lose him now at the first of August all you get and the ONLY thing you’ll get is BAD TROUBLE.  
    So if the old lion is weak you would do well to help prop him up rather than whacking at him with sticks and stones while the Orange hyena is over there licking his chops.

    If you’re looking for an answer—there it is.

  22. Exactly, BID. Time may be short, but it’s still a long game. Right now, money is the issue. So have some bake sales. Raise the money. 

  23. Sturgeone – I am with you.  What is very worrisome is this push of showing or owning republicans by dumping the Democratic Party winners and somehow inserting republican/magats instead.  It is so unnerving to watch the Dems leadership decide to “change horses midstream”.   I don’t care if Joe is near forgetting who he is the first week of November, he gets my vote. Bail out after the election not just before. 
    There is the hope that this is happening before Labor Day and the old nobody pays attention to politics until September still holds.

  24. Seems they can’t handle the truth.

    A call Friday featuring Vice President Kamala Harris and about 300 major Democratic donors left many who dialed in frustrated, with one donor declaring it “ludicrous” shortly before it ended, according to two sources familiar with the call.
    “But every day that we continue this publicly chaotic conversation, we come closer to a loss — no matter who the nominee is.”
    That didn’t sit well with some on the call.


  25. We need to show unity at the convention, and, it should be a big celebration of Biden’s accomplishments with heavy dose of Harris.  Let voter’s know she’s ready to step in when necessary.

    Biden gets a big win by beating tRUMPsky. Harris will be the first, woman POTUS in a year or so, when Biden can step aside knowing he beat SFB twice.

    Biden/Harris will win.  

    Stop the in-fighting and start campaigning on what’s at stake:

    Democracy.  Orange Adolf’s Agenda 47 states he will interpret by EO what Amendment 14 means.  (What’s to stop him from going beyond 14?  Do you enjoy having the right to vote, ladies, because the misogynistic right-wingnut want to repeal the  19th, and SFB might do it.)
    ROEvember, NOVember, JOEvember.The loss of bodily autonomy (it’s not just abortion, it’s IVF, it’s birth control  and men might care about not paying child support); Vance, a Putin-picked VP who gives no exception for rape or incest.
    tRUMPsky and Vance  are also anti-union.
    MAGAt/Republicanism is racist, despite the few melanated faces they like to showcase at their events.  

    Seniors who want their Social Security and Medicare protected will vote Biden/Harris, except done uninformed/racists.
    The MAGAt base is small and dwindling, but they are unified by their hate and they are loud.

    Dems must be unified in our beliefs of what this country stands for, unite behind the Biden/Harris ticket, be positive and celebratory at the convention, get the word out about Project 2025/Agenda 47/fascism/Putin’s puppets…and let folks know what we can do with more Dems in the House and Senate, too. We need to be at least as positively united and loud as they are hateful and loud.
    We do not need to give MAGAts any openings for challenging ballots, results, or whatever else they pull out of their collective ass. 

    If it’s not close, they can’t cheat.   

    Biden/Harris 2024

    tRUMPsky/Putin’s VP pick NEVER!

  26. Yes, except the horse is not mid-stream. The horse has one hoof up on the far shore.  

  27. The MAGAt base is small and dwindling, but they are unified by their hate and they are loud.

    Good line, BID. If that’s who God is supporting these days, it must be HELL up there. 

  28. If voters have clearly said anything this year it is that lots of them, maybe most, don’t want either choice, although for different reasons. The party that gives them an alternative could get a big boost. It’s basic risk analysis, either jump out of a speeding car or go off the cliff in it.

  29. That’s a total pipe dream, Craig 

    And I don’t think anyone has the faintest idea what “The Voters” have said. The voters have said? Polls again? Where the hell did “The Voters” say all this? Because a damned LOT of the voters have said “Biden”.

  30. Any action the democrats take now will be immediately hit by an equal and opposite reaction.  

  31. Manchin is not a Dem and only the Repugz care what he has to say. Go back to your houseboat, Manchin! 

  32. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/20/politics/trump-treatment-women/index.html

    “A common theme rang through speeches from women at this year’s Republican National Convention: Despite how Trump’s public treatment of women may seem to some, he is an advocate for them behind closed doors.”

    It’s BS, but MAGAt women are trying to prop up a adjudicated rapist. This is what is happening while Dems are arguing about the pizza order when the delivery driver is already on the way. 

    Biden/Harris 2024

  33. Yeah, and “the voters” in question are those who are truly independent and/or truly thinking about staying home. 
    It’s not some magical ticket that’s going to get them to vote Dem. It doesn’t exist (and it sure the hell doesn’t have Roy Cooper on it).   

    What those, somehow, undecided voters need to see and hear from Dems is unity, a positive message about the Biden/Harris administration’s accomplishments and the plan for the first 100 days of the next term, and, the devastation that tRUMPsky has already brought to our country and the threats he continues to bring if he regains control. And, they need to understand that they need to vote blue in every race to help support the Biden/Harris vision.

    Dems have a vision.
    MAGAt/Repugz have an agenda.

    Biden/Harris 2024

  34. I’m sorry to be so bitchy bout all this but I just totally believe that ditching joe would be a grievous error.  

  35. miamac88

    Is MSM reporting on this? Biden Gets Massive Support As Democratic Chairs In All Battleground States Endorse Him – PoliticusUSA

    Now I see YamichevAlcindor announcing Biden’ eithdrawal.

    What fools these mortals be.

  36. Biden was one of the best presidents this country has ever had.
    Who is next?  Will the rich ones allow Harris?  Or is a woman of color just a tad too early for their digestive tracts?

  37. Fuuuuhh!
    No!  The Dems have just snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
    I love POTUS Joe! 

    But what did I tell ya, July 21st.

  38. sturge he couldn’t even withdraw with a speech cuz he isn’t capable of delivering one 

    i apologize for my call out of you, Mr C, Halperin got it right, well, wrong about endorsing Kamala

  39. they dont want ya

    he’s declining quickly it seems, not happy about it

    oh did you nail another prediction? nice

  40. Looking forward to seeing the plan.  

    Oh and I have a great many friends whom I consider to be idiots, so don’t be TOO offended.

    You’re entirely welcome to consider ME to be an idiot, by the way.

    This is just slam-dunk the biggest Democrat fuck-up I have in my lifetime seen.

    I’ll quit yammering when I see the plan.

    Maybe, depends on the plan, I guess

  41. Alright, what’s done is done.
    Harris/insert name here 2024!
    A woman of color who has been a heartbeat away from the presidency
    An adjudicated rapist who destroyed reproductive rights, only cares about the billionaire class, and who would destroy NATO and let Putin take over a big chunk of the world. 

  42. His online message ..

    My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.

    Joe Biden

  43. Let’s make the convention a big thank you for POTUS Joe! as well as unifying for Harris!

  44.  friends whom I consider to be idiots, so don’t be TOO offended.

    i’ve come to terms with it, none taken 😜 

  45. The goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain!
    Yes, the goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain.  Harris of the executive branch won’t be prosecuting Trump, so I wish the TV people would stop with this.  I now believe this is up to women voters: will they turn out in huge massive swells to vote , those who appreciate health care?  Otherwise, I feel this would be a 1972 type slaughter and Trump would win, which means the end of this great experiment of democracy.  I lean with Pelosi in favor of an open convention and I still am for Whitmer, Shapiro, with Pete as a VP.  I really wanted Joe to go on but of course I realize it was up to him.  He has immediately endorsed Harris.  Tell me how a Harris ticket wins. Please.  I am sad.

  46. “He has immediately endorsed Harris.”
    i’m not sure who the nominee is is his decision, i was as bummed that he was staying in yesterday as you are today that he’s dropping out

    NBCNews making sure their very first Kamala headline is worded as negatively as possible 🧐

  47. And I do SO look  forward to Pres Harris If they can make that happen.

    Dex….i feel yer pain, old friend.

  48. It doesn’t have to be all that messy. I don’t think they want to make it look like a coronation. Nancy is calling the shots and she’s already said that. Harris has enough of an advantage with the delegates, most all handpicked by the Biden-Harris campaign, they can leave it up to them to pick her and call it an open democratic process.

  49. Harris needs to be the nominee. Pete Buttegieg or Andy Beshear for VP.

  50. If Harris gets the nod, it will be a coronation which is bullshit.  Open the damn thing up. We must beat Trump.  

  51. I hope Joe goes on. 6 month Executive Order tear exploiting every crack SCROTUS left in every case there was one invoking executive privilege every time the house calls an executive branch member before any committee trying to develop testimony to be used in Dumbass’ campaign and I hope he reneges on his promise not to pardon his son for his gun convictions and tax case. 
    So Kamala or Gretchen?

  52. Throwing my 2 cents in …..
    First:  I truly believe that it is Biden’s loyalty to Kamala and his desire for us to have a woman president during his lifetime that caused him to run for a second term.  Even though at the beginning of this campaign he had far more energy and “wherewithal” than he has now, he had to have realized that completion of a second 4 year term at his age and aging process might not be possible, but with him being the best choice we had at T not getting reelected again, he had to make the run, get reelected, and then at some point in the term resign for health reasons and allow her to go into office.  
    Second:  Even if the above is not accurate, he has made the correct decision … The news about the reasons will be a diagnosis just this weekend of declining health, not necessarily b/c of Covid but hastened by this bout,  that will prevent him from being on the campaign trail with the energy such takes, and that this election is too important to toy around with.  
    VP Choice?  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for it to be AOC, if for no other reason than the fact that she would EAT JD’s CLOCK in any debate and on the trail.  She is probably the most brilliant member of the house.  Not sure though that Kamala can go with anyone other than the WHITEST man around ….. I like the idea of Liz Cheney as the running mate, as someone on here mentioned as well.  
    Fourth:  In response to the question/statement “is this country ready to elect a woman as President” we all need to turn that dialouge around and ask Why would we NOT be ready to elect a woman.  Some of the world’s best and most productive and/or dynamic leaders who have done GOOD are women.  The US needs to get with the times.  
    and finally ….. I am having a renewed desire to get out on the campaign trail for the Dems and in particular for this ticket whatever it will be.
    One final thought …. wouldn’t a Harris/Jasmine Crockett ticket be a hoot!!!

  53. NBC News: President Biden told his senior team he had changed his mind about staying in the race at 1:45 pm today, according to a person with direct knowledge. The message last night had been “full speed ahead,” the source added.

  54. Donald J. Trump


    Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve – And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t – And now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    Jul 21, 2024, 2:29 PM

  55. I hope Biden uses “Presidential immunity” to set some things straight, and if he doesn’t pardon Hunter, I hope that Harris will.
    Gavin (Eddie Haskell) Newsom better not try to leapfrog over Harris.   
    IMO, Harris can win the nomination even if someone else pops up, but we need her.   She is continuity for our recovered economy, for keeping NATO together, and for the Biden/Harris vision for our democracy.  
    A VP, a woman of color, will beat Orange Adolf handily.  

  56. Gavin (Eddie Haskell) Newsom

    A) i think he’s playing for 2028 regardless

    B) Biden had no louder or more eloquent defender than Newsome

  57. Three people at the grocery store asked me what happens now. At first I didn’t know what they were talking about. It was the talk of Safeway today, at a standstill, everyone on their phones. Only in Washington I guess

  58. pogo, fully agree with you that he go on an

    Executive Order tear exploiting every crack SCROTUS left in every case there was one invoking executive privilege every time the house calls an executive branch member before any committee trying to develop testimony to be used in Dumbass’ campaign

    plus issue as many EOs possible to stretch the healthcare safety nets to as many as possible starting tonight. 


    MJ, also like the path you’re proposing for veep to be someone like an AOC or Cheney.

    don’t ask why, ask why not….   and while you’re asking be sure to cast about for a ticket balancing, vote getting sidekick who can excite the media as well as the crowd.

  59. One thing for sure, Biden will be a powerful surrogate for Harris. Voters still like him, none of the hostility that we saw for LBJ, when Humphrey had to campaign as though he didn’t exist

  60. Bink – He was very Eddie Haskell in his support.  He was doing it because he would ultimately benefit.   I just hope he doesn’t want to rock the boat now.  

    VP Pete would help win Midwestern swingy states. 

  61. Newsome was the only one saying publicly what y’all wanted Dem leaders to say!
    Ok, let’s agree to disagree on that and sally forth into a brighter future

  62. reposting checklist for veep:

    Someone who has the necessary nationwide recognition,
    is an attack dog,
    knowledgeable in foreign affairs,
    good credible speaker,
    relative youthful and pleasant appearance
    knows the White House inside out and how to work the Congress,
    but most of all whose selection will stun, entice and intrigue the media, bring back bipartisanship compromise and bridge the national divide gap.

    too late to indulge in an untested newbie to the scene.

  63. Dammit! If folks are now saying Biden is unfit to serve the rest of his term, what a slap in the face!  Are we going to have our first, woman POTUS this year?   WTF!?!

  64. Are we going to have our first, woman POTUS this year?

    After the election, definitely, if not before

  65. BiD, GOPer house critters have been pushing that for days just to have an excuse for more hearings on top of the already standing impeachment effort.  they want to control the limelight.  look for maga mike to make the most of what in session days are left.

  66. BID, they’re out for blood, nothing less will sate them. Trump is a vampire. 

  67. really looking forward to our new 1st and 2nd laddies come jan 2025.  not likely they’ll be asked drapes and presidential china selection questions.

  68. Yeah GOP been testing that Resign Now talking point for days. Borrow from LBJ’s step down speech, say I need to focus on the nation’s business without the distraction of a campaign, and move on, let them squeal. We’re talking about an administration that only lasts 6 more months anyway.

    And besides, do Republicans really want to run against Harris as an incumbent and argue we should fire our first woman president?

  69. I can’t believe MSNBC cut off David Plouffe’s expert analysis so Craig Melvin could entertain us. 

  70. Liz Cheney
    The framers of our Constitution knew that our republic would endure only if our presidents have the character and honor to put duty ahead of self interest.   President Biden deserves our gratitude for his decades of service to our nation and for his courageous decision today.
    3:54 PM · Jul 21, 2024

  71. Ditto Bink. l have admired this man since working as a page in the Senate when he first went there, and much later when among his traveling press in the 1988 presidential campaign. Time just caught up with him. Now we can focus on his service with thanks. Hope and expect much of the Democratic convention will do that.

  72. speaking of, time to turn the money back on, top Dem donors, knock the valve off

    you’re not doing anything but distorting the real estate market with it anyway

    we got some catching up to do

  73. Text (from who knows, really) that all donations to Harris will be matched at 500%.   How long to set up a PAC to accept donations for a candidate, and for one who hasn’t even announced? 

    Wouldn’t that be an October surprise, if Joe stepped aside and Harris POTUS right before the election.

  74. Full statement from Vice President Kamala Harris:

    “On behalf of the American people, I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as President of the United States and for his decades of service to our country. His remarkable legacy of accomplishment is unmatched in modern American history, surpassing the legacy of many Presidents who have served two terms in office.

    “It is a profound honor to serve as his Vice President, and I am deeply grateful to the President, Dr. Biden, and the entire Biden family. I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We were friends from our days working together as Attorneys General of our home states. As we worked together, Beau would tell me stories about his Dad. The kind of father—and the kind of man—he was. And the qualities Beau revered in his father are the same qualities, the same values, I have seen every single day in Joe’s leadership as President: His honesty and integrity. His big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. And his love of our country and the American people.

    “With this selfless and patriotic act, President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else.

    “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

    “We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

  75. Orange Adolf won’t debate Harris.  She’d wipe the floor with him.  

    We might have a VP debate, and JD Vance is a snake, so hope it’s not Roy Cooper.

  76. They need candidates who will inspire people to vote….women and young people
    I hope all the celebrities and other IMPORTANT people who chased him out of office are going to
    be on the frontlines of the campaign…

    ps I do not support Pete.

  77. And so it begins…

    JD Vance:

    “Joe Biden has been the worst President in my lifetime and Kamala Harris has been right there with him every step of the way. Over the last four years she co-signed Biden’s open border and green scam policies that drove up the cost of housing and groceries. She owns all of these failures, and she lied for nearly four years about Biden’s mental capacity–saddling the nation with a president who can’t do the job,”

  78. “Biden’s open border and green scam policies” -JD Vance

    We’re all literally sweating our asses off coast to coast because it’s so hot, increasingly so every year, JD

    Wait, what that guy’s real name, again?

  79. Donald J. Trump


    So, we are forced to spend time and money on fighting Crooked Joe Biden, he polls badly after having a terrible debate, and quits the race. Now we have to start all over again. Shouldn’t the Republican Party be reimbursed for fraud in that everybody around Joe, including his doctors and the Fake News Media, knew he was not capable of running for, or being, President? Just askin’?

    Jul 21, 2024, 5:52 PM

  80. Nobody cares what the OLD, orange sex offender has to say.  Yap! Yap! Yap!

    Unhinged! Not up to the job! Can’t be trusted! Fascist wanna-be dictator!

    Epstein! Epstein! Epstein! 
    I hope Orange Adolf and Putin’s puppy dog, Vance, get their lying, MAGAt asses handed to them.

    ps – Pardon Hunter!

    POTUS Joe said he wouldn’t, but Harris could, if they are intent in pushing him out of office.

  81. Jake Tapper: “Sources close to Sen Joe Manchin, independent of WV, say he’s considering re-registering as a Democrat and throwing his hat into the ring”

  82. Manchin will be 77 next month. He’s already proven he can’t be trusted by leaving the party to play kingmaker, but go ahead and make a fool of yourself.

  83. George Conway; if Manchin is running for asshole, he’d win by acclamation.
    Breaking: Nikki Haley Voters PAC Announces Support for Kamala Harris

    Bill and Hillary for Kamala

    AOC for Kamala

    Elizabeth Warren for Kamala

  84. For the record I’m waiting at least 10 days to even read Harris-Trump matchup polls. The contest now is who gets to define her, and it’ll take that long for any clues.

  85. VP will need military experience to meet JD Hamel-Vance.
     Buttigieg, Kelly, Duckworth.

    Vote blue no matter who

  86. gotta love Kelly
    i’ll take a “People Who’ve Served” over a People Who Looted the Economy Instead“ ticket 👍 

  87. My concern about Kelly is he just managed to secure that Senate seat for a full term, and even tho the gov would appoint a Dem there still would have to be a special election. Same issue with Shapiro. Keeping that governorship will be important down the road.

  88. gee i say sacrifice a senate seat for the entire executive branch

    no guarantees in this life ofc

  89. Craig

    Don’t remember whether it was Trump or Vance said something about no Democrat was injured in service to the country.  I would call Duckworth’s missing legs an injury.



  90. Do we have any other astronauts or military Dems who can’t collect Social Security yet?  Hey, if age is going to be an issue, let’s not go there with old, white guys like Roy Cooper.

  91. I feel like mailing President Biden a thank you card.  Silly, maybe. 

    Ah, Jamie, love that!

  92. Beschloss says we should be more hopeful tonight than we have been in a long, long, time.  We haven’t won anything, so I disagree.  As the day turned to night, Harris is piling up accolades as the next Wonder Woman. I have not seen any comments yet from Nancy. I believe national conventions should serve a function other than a goofy sport coat and hat parade.  Let democracy work.  This coronation angle is not a good thing.  Let roll calls decide the nominee.  That’s usually fair, since Jimmy Byrnes is long dead.  He was the South Carolina pol who hated Henry Wallace so much he picked out the failed haberdasher Truman to challenge Wallace and after endless rounds, Truman was selected to be with FDR,  in 1944.  Such shenanigans won’t likely repeat soon.  Truman took the job, took over for FDR of course, went on to re-election in 1948 on the merits of a whistle stop tour, even stopping in my birth town, Garrett, Indiana.  
    Tonight, Harris looks more and more like the appointed savior of the world.  Trumpers do not care that a rapist cheat document-stealing felon is  their candidate.  We all have to vote for any candidate who opposes the creep.  The Stones told us decades ago we can’t always get what we want…now, we can get what we need, but we must vote in droves to ruin Trump and get his ass in stir.  Yes, I prefer Whitmer, Shapiro, and Buttigieg, but I shall vote, and it will never be for any Republican union-hating bottom feeder.  

  93. Democratic delegations in Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, New Hampshire have already voted to back Harris at the convention. She could get a majority before the week is out.

  94. Dems voted for Harris twice already, Dex.  Joe’s heart was in the right place but he put us in this position, we gotta make it work

    (she was the implied VP candidate in the last primary which Biden won)

  95. But can she beat Trump?  Will misogyny and race be a factor?  Many voters are backwards anti-progressives.  Of course she garnered votes, but only paired with Joe. You know this.  I want some rational discussion. Rush to judgment always backfires. ALWAYS.  The convention looms.  It seems this is way too fast tonight

  96. Such an idiot…

    Donald J. Trump


    Biden never had Covid. He is a threat to Democracy!

    Jul 21, 2024, 10:26 PM


    Donald J. Trump


    It’s not over! Tomorrow Crooked Joe Biden’s going to wake up and forget that he dropped out of the race today!

    Jul 21, 2024, 10:19 PM

  97. Things are in overdrive Dex. You’re right, would be nice to have some time to think this through, but doesn’t look like that’s happening.

  98. Will misogyny and race be a factor?

    If we have to entice women and minorities with then promise of representation later in favor of a white male, again, for the millionth time, then what are we doing, anyway?

    (i’m not anti-white-male, but i’m not anti-everyone-else, either, let’s goooo 🇺🇸)

    You’re just nervous, we all are. Channel it

    and btw if entrenched bigotry is your concern, Buttigieg isn’t a better candidate, unfortunately

  99. According to CNN’s famously well-sourced Jamie Gangel the list actually under consideration is as rumored:

    -Arizona Senator Mark Kelly

    -Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear

    -NC Governor Roy Cooper

    -Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro

  100. Dexter – If the Nikki Hayley voters PAC has endorsed Harris, that tells me that there’s enough anti-tRUMP sentiment to win over Independents, as well.
    Orange Adolf is sounding so unhinged, that it’s clear he’s worried about her. She may just be the bucket of water that melts him and his wickedness.  
    That promised message of unity wasn’t visible at the RNC, and the nastiness (very un-Christian) is in full force.  
    The country has progressed to the point where we can have a woman of color as POTUS but, the only way I can see two women in the ticket is if it was Tammy Duckworth.  The need for a military person on the ticket goes for it being a man, too. 
    The largest block of voters is Millennials and Gen X.   Bigoted evangelicals are already aligned with tRUMP, so aside from the ugliness that it will bring out from his base, I still think Buttegieg works. 

  101. Taylor Swift has a 10-day break around the week of the election.  She already got tens of thousands to register with just one post.  She may lead those who have never or don’t regularly vote to the ballot box. 

  102. Do ya REALLY want Dems criticizing each other in the middle of August?  i don’t but run her if needed, she’ll win a mini-primary

    Yup, time to pick a side, Taylor. If you don’t we’ll know you were full of it the whole time!


    IF- mini-primary
    THEN- formal no-mud-slinging agreement between all candidates

  103. He’s freaking out, his chance at staying out of prison is slipping away…

    Donald J. Trump


    Who is running our Country right now? It’s not Crooked Joe, he has no idea where he is. If he can’t run for office, he can’t run our Country!!!

    Jul 21, 2024, 10:46 PM

  104. This is not the saddest day in Joe Biden’s life.

    Doug Jones is so eloquent. 

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