136 thoughts on “Horsing Around”


    LESTER HOLT, NBC NEWS: … is there a sense of wanting to get back on the horse?
    BIDEN: I’m on the horse. Where have you been? I’ve done 22 major events, met thousands of people, overwhelming crowds, a lot’s happening. I’m on the horse. What I’m doing is going out and demonstrating to the American people that I’m in command of all my faculties, that I don’t need notes, I don’t need teleprompters, I can go out and answer any questions at all. I stood there when NATO was in town, I stood there for an hour and answered questions.
    BIDEN: Sometimes come and talk to me about what we should be talking about.
    HOLT: Alright.
    BIDEN: Okay, the issues.

  2. Stephen Colbert goes LIVE after the second night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where the GOP sought to project party unity and Nikki Haley offered an unequivocal endorsement of Donald Trump.

  3. Senator Warren offers her assessment of Senator J.D. Vance, warning that the GOP vice presidential nominee would seek to cut Social Security and Medicare and do away with the Affordable Care Act if elected alongside Donald Trump

  4. The blue dissidents need to come together and get behind Joe.  Shapiro talk is a distant memory.  David Axelrod needs to shut his pie hole.  Right now Scarborough is railing on this topic.  Joe kicked ass in Las Vegas yesterday with that speech to African Americans. More voters need to tune in and check out Trump’s vile promises.  
    I just had an expensive total roofing job done on my home. 8 roofers, one spoke English, the rest espanol.  Trump would deport those roofers. People would wait a year for American born roofers to get scheduled because many Americans won’t go on a pitched roof when it’s 92F .  I live 8 miles from Ohio’s tomato fields, huge agro-operations here. Immigrants run the machines that harvest those tomatoes.  Who’s going to harvest them when Trump deports those workers. I could go on, but you know the story. A time to vote is nigh. Donald Trump is a devil.

  5. Anthony Scaramucci: “Vance is smarter than Trump. Trump will not like this.” 

    I would add he should fear it, because for Putin now he’s dispensable

  6. Dex,
    Same thing here – I had a roofing company from Elkins, WV do a roof replacement – 6 guys -and the only guy who spoke English was the Hefe.  And let me tell you, Elkins, WV isn’t known for its Spanish speaking population.
    Point I took from MoJo this morning was from Claire McCaskill – Republicans are united and Democrats aren’t, but they better get united quickly or get used to saying President Trump. (The last part of that is my take).

  7. KO….,weird Tucker piece in NYT
    Whaddya MEAN Tucker Carlson warned Trump last month that he might be assassinated if he DIDN’T pick a non-Neocon VP like J.D. Vance? Whaddya MEAN The New York Times had Carlson warning Trump weeks ago that if he chose somebody besides Carlson’s choice – Vance – “the U.S. intelligence agencies would have every incentive to assassinate Mr. Trump in order to get their preferred president” – and they put it in paragraph 69 of a 71-paragraph article? Anybody ASKING Carlson about this, uh, coincidence? Or the Times about the sources? Or Vance?

  8. We had a new roof put on several years ago…  same thing…  the only one who spoke English was the guy who owned the roofing company.  He told Rick he hired hispanics because they always showed up on time on Monday morning.  They worked fast and efficiently the entire week.  And he never had to worry about them taking a liquid lunch on Fridays.  They did a great job on our roof.

  9. Bill Eigel, MO goobernatatial canduhdate, would fit right in in TX.   Seething hatred of immigrants who are just here to take all of our entitlements. Huh?  Ads filled with flamethrowers and gunfire and, last and certainly least, gawd. 

    I told a church-going MAGAt who liked that the 10 Commandments was going up in public schools because “something has to happen,” that they should have to put up the Beatitudes right beside them.   I was met with a “huh, what’s that?”  You know, the Sermon on the Mount, blessed are the meek…  Crickets.

  10. I love POTUS Joe.  

    We’re in great hands with Kamala, too.  

    Dems will vote blue, no matter who.  

    Independents will do the same if they are made to understand Project 2025 (or Agenda 47 or however else the MAGAts try to brand their fascist agenda that only benefits the billionaires) is a threat to them and to democracy.

    Eyes on the prize!
    Putin’s Puppets/Project 2025 Never!

  11. Don Junior pushed for Vance.

    Don Junior met with Russians for intel on opponents in the previous election.

    Is Junior a Russian operative or just their tool?

  12. did the tucker happen to pass along what else  vlad told him to tell his other puppet?

  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/31/us/politics/jd-vance-peter-thiel-rumble.html

    “Company Backed by J.D. Vance Gives Platform for Russian Propaganda”
    “Rumble has become a leading destination for conservative content by positioning itself as a platform for unfettered speech, an alternative to the content moderation — or “censorship,” to many on the right — of mainstream social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Last year, Rumble received a major investment from a venture capital firm co-founded by J.D. Vance, the Republican Senate candidate in Ohio. The firm, Narya Capital, got a seat on Rumble’s board, and its more than seven million shares place it among the company’s top 10 shareholders, according to securities filings. Mr. Vance also took a personal Rumble stake worth between $100,000 and $250,000, his financial disclosures show.”

    “Narya is backed by the prime patron of Mr. Vance’s Senate campaign, the billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel. And it was Mr. Thiel who played a leading role in Narya’s Rumble investment last year, becoming what the platform’s chief executive described as its first outside investor.”

    “The investment fits into an enduring narrative of Mr. Thiel, who has expressed skepticism of democracy and advocated keeping the airwaves open for hard-right voices since his student days at Stanford. It also helps illuminate the relationship between Mr. Vance and Mr. Thiel, who mentored the candidate in his Silicon Valley business empire and has contributed more than $15 million to his campaign and affiliated political action committees.”

    “Popular Rumble videos this year have headlines like “Biden’s Invasion at the Southern Border Is Next Step to Global Government” and “George Soros’ Shocking New Plans.”

  14. They’re not really all Mexican.  Honduran, Salvadoran, Colombian, Nicaraguan, they come from all over, and every last one of them, AND their wives work all day, and then go work somewhere else.  Good hard working people.   I’ve been working with and around them for the last 30 years.  No problem.   

  15. PM Starmer’s intro to king’s speech sounds like something Joe keeps telling us.

    as reported in (1) Charles sets out Labour’s plans for housing, railways and economy in king’s speech – UK politics live (theguardian.com)

    This will be a government of service.
    My government will be committed to uniting the country in our shared mission of national renewal. We will serve every person, regardless of how they voted, to fix the foundations of this nation for the long term. The era of politics as performance and self-interest above service is over.
    The fight for trust is the battle that defines our political era. It is only by serving the interests of working people, and delivering real change that transforms lives, that we can begin to restore people’s faith that politics can be a force for good.
    Rebuilding our country will not happen overnight. The challenges we face require determined, patient work and serious solutions, rather than the temptation of the easy answer. The snake oil charm of populism may sound seductive, but it drives us into the dead end of further division and greater disappointment.

  16. today’s ‘toons

    Attribution: Vance is Trump VP pick by Dave Granlund, PoliticalCartoons.com


    Attribution: GOP Convention by Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT

  17. Sturg, good point.  Probably depends in part on where you are.  Across from our office is a 4 or 5 bedroom house – formerly a dentist office – that has 5 guys living there – at least 3 of them work for PennLine services – a power line right of way trimming operation (and if you think those guys don’t work hard from dawn to dusk, think again).  The guys are all Hispanic but I couldn’t tell you where they are from, but they do all speak Spanish and some English.  They also have muscle cars – couple Camaros, a Mustang – a Misubishi pocket rocket or a Ford F-250)  They are all heavily modded and are clean as whistles. Very nice guys – and quite the contrast to the subsidized housing apartments behind our office.  

  18. Like I said, I’ve worked around them for 30+ years and NEVER have I seen one with calves like cantaloupes.

  19. Vance is smart enough to play dumb. Plus he’s been taking lessons from junior.

  20. Mr. Ivy brushed up his Spanish skills around 5 years ago starting with our roofers and painters. Now he has actual conversations almost every day with building/landscaping guys, delivery people, restaurant waiters, cleaners, store personnel, his clients and – wait for it – family members. Orange World, get with the program, you’re being left behind. 

  21. Kids who grow up in chaotic insecure homes learn to be wily. That’s how they survive. 

  22. All you need to know about Vance is he accepted.  

    I had a lot of Spanish in high school and college. I picked Spanish because in ‘60 on an around the country trip in a ‘59 Rambler station wagon with the Fam we crossed over into Ciudad Juarez and took a Taxi tour and the driver took an interest in sharing words with 12 year old me. I liked it and so wound up taking 2 yrs in high school and 3 semesters in college…….it kind of wore off from non usage but in ‘90 when I got back here, there it was, just sitting there waiting on me.
    Funny how thing go.

  23. Nikki shaking her head NO when she said she now supports tRUMPsky.
    If her voters are disappointed, come on over to the Biden/Harris tent.  

  24. Watch out Blue, you know that kind of rhetoric causes Republican gun nuts to want to shoot at their candidate.

  25. Senator/Professor Elizabeth Warren just said it all in very plain words: JD Vance is more tRUMP than tRUMP.    
    Vote blue up and down the ballot: Roe, voting rights, Social Security, Medicare, right to unionize, ACA/pre-existing conditions.
    Unless you want to support tax cuts for billionaires and fascism, then you know where you can go; MAGAtLand.

  26. An hour and a half!   Will he stay on topic or start talking about golf, windmills, etc.?   Could be wild.  

  27. From Elizabeth Warren’s latest post:
    “In case you’ve recently asked yourself, “Who’s J.D. Vance again?”, here’s a quick run-down of what he stands for:

    He called Social Security and Medicare “the biggest roadblocks to any kind of real fiscal sanity.” Combine that with the fact that Trump proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare in every single one of his budgets, and it’s clear that with Trump-Vance, Social Security and Medicare cuts will bear down on seniors like an avalanche.

    Vance thinks seniors should get by with less while billionaires get more tax breaks. Trump’s only major legislative achievement was a $2 trillion tax cut mostly soaked up by millionaires, billionaires, and giant corporations. Now Vance is backing Trump as he proposes another billionaire tax breakthat is worth $3.5 million apiece, every year — $3.5 million a year for every billionaire.
    So, Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires are cheering him on.

    You know who else is in his corner? Anti-abortion rights extremists. He’s supported abortion bans without exceptions for rape or incest because “two wrongs don’t make a right.” He said he “certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally.” And he voted against protections for IVF.”

  28. I think even Cicero would think that assassination attempt photo-op was just too damn weird.   There’s just no way that fat coward would stand and fist pump if he was actually in danger.   But I am waiting on the investigation because I’m very curious What it was that got all up in that kid’s little Republican head  to do that.  I have questions    It’s just a good thing that it’s all federal and the orange douche is not doing the investigation  Wonder what’s up with all those deleted SS text messages     
    I’ll tell ya, Pence is looking more human every day.  Vance has officially called him out as being a coward. He all but gave him a white feather.

  29. Vance in re Pence:
    I woulda done it! I woulda took that constitutional up and ripped it to SHREDS!

    Is Pence just going to stand there and let this Yale hedgefund shotbug call him a coward?

  30. Biden shares conditions for possible withdrawal.

    ln an interview with CBS News Biden stated that he might withdraw from the election due to health issues — if doctors indicate health problems: “If there had some medical condition that emerged, if the doctors came to me and said you got this problem, that problem”


  31. 10 minutes ago I heard that Adam Schiff just said Joe must go.  I got a shudder through my torso and put down my bacon grease cornbread slice.  Schiff and Katie Porter are two of my favorite people to listen to because I always agree with them, I suppose.  Trump now can only be stopped at the ballot box, and I just believe in Americans enough to think Joe Biden can beat the creep.  If Trump wins, Ukraine falls.  Remember those weapons Trump supplied Ukraine with 5 years ago?  They were warehoused over there and are still locked down by some special order.   Vance? He’s an isolationist who HATES Ukraine.

  32. Ivy…   I read Hillbilly Elegy.  I don’t remember what happened to Vance’s actual father…  but I do remember that his mother was an alcoholic and a drug addict that always had some stupid boyfriend hanging around.  He was mostly raised by his grandparents.  He came off as very bitter about his mother and the lack of help for her.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the book goes back on the best sellers list now that he SFB’s running mate.

  33. A strange degree of separation for me to Hillbilly Elegy the film is a now-deceased friend of our family (best man in my cousin’s wedding) played Vance’s father — Bo Hopkins. it was a small role but he was really good in it.

  34. came off as very bitter about his mother and the lack of help for her.

    There was help for her if she wanted it, but more importantly, there’s still help for him. His bitterness is likely to eat us all up. 

  35. i need a new roof and i’m hiring the first guy that admits he uses illegal labor
    …been through about 20 companies so far, all staffed with liars

    Oh, the irony that trump was demonizing immigrants while a white republican Pennsylvanian tried to use him to start a civil war

    cue the David Bowie

  36. Dex, as soon as I saw Schiff’s statement I assumed it’s another signal from Pelosi who is so close to him. Don’t think he would have done that without at least a yellow light from her.

  37. WHO are they planning to run, WITHOUT a primary, that can BEAT the MAGAt Party?
    Harris (I hope) and….?
    We aren’t even running against tRUMPsky now; he’s served his purpose.  I guess they can try to force him out to pasture, too.
    Around July 21st, we should have our answer.  MAGAts will respond in August, and then we will know the actual candidates on both sides.
    I love POTUS Joe, and I think he’s the best one to lead the ticket and the country.  

  38. BiD, Jim Clyburn’s idea: “You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary, and I would support that absolutely. We can’t close that down, and we should open up everything for the general election.” (His staff later put out a statement he was only describing a “hypothetical” scenario.)

    Of course, Harris would be the runaway favorite in an open convention because 90% of the delegates were handpicked by the Biden-Harris campaign.

  39. Watching Vance speak right now, and on the shooting he keeps saying “THEY shot him”. At least three times he said THEY shot him. That’s no accident, feeds their narrative that the liberals and the media tried to kill him.

  40. Maybe the shooter’s preferred pronoun was “they,” and JD is actually woke.

    The shooter was a registered Republican and MAGAt is not Republican; it’s the infection that destroyed that party from within.  So, technically, it’s a “they” scenario. 

    The other “they” (Dems) JD was lying about, tried to get assault rifles like the one that nearly missed tRUMPsky banned.

  41. JD for sure not a john mccain or hw bush when it comes to the combat he faced.

    from marinetimes:

    …  enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating high school in 2003. He served a four-year enlistment as a combat correspondent, during which he escorted civilian press and gathered information and wrote articles for a military news service. He deployed to Iraq as a corporal with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing in 2005.

    from military.com:

    Vance said that his “final two years in the Marines flew by and were largely uneventful,”

  42. contrast JD’s service to Pete’s whom he called one of the “childless cat ladies”

    from wiki:

    Buttigieg joined the U.S. Navy Reserve through the direct commission officer (DCO) program and was sworn in as an ensign in naval intelligence in September 2009. He took a seven-month leave during his mayoral term to deploy to Afghanistan in 2014.While there, Buttigieg was part of a unit assigned to identify and disrupt terrorist finance networks. Part of this was done at Bagram Air Base, but he was also an armed driver for his commander on more than 100 trips into Kabul. Buttigieg has jokingly referred to his role as an armed driver as “military Uber“, because he had to watch out for ambushes and explosive devices along the roads and ensure that the vehicle was guarded. Also, while deployed in Afghanistan, Buttigieg was assigned to the Afghan Threat Finance Cell, a counterterrorism unit that targeted Taliban insurgency financing. Buttigieg was awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal, and he left the U.S. Navy Reserve in 2017.

  43. Blue

    I saw that a few days ago.  We’ll always have Vegas!😎

    My love key chain is a delightful reminder


  44. If they weren’t dragging Joe down, maybe he wouldn’t be dragging the ticket down. 

  45. My backyard chicken friends say their chickens eat everything. Maybe they eat their own eggs. 

  46. “Vance is Mitt Romney without the moral fiber.” 

    (Plagiarized off a book page comment about the Hillbilly Elegy.) 

  47. Joe’s out of allies not named “Biden”.  Time to go

    if that Axios story that pissed AOC off is accurate, definitely time to go

  48. I am watching all of Biden’s appearances, the speeches and the interviews, from start to finish, and folks, no matter how much I wish it isn’t so he is just not getting any better, maybe even getting worse.

    For every fiery uplifting moment there are others so painful to watch your heart sinks. The lost trains of thought, long awkward pauses, mixing up of dates, misplaced names and places, and sometimes his voice so weak and speech garbled he can’t be heard. 

    It’s damn sad to see this great man heroically trying to will back time. But this just can’t go on with his dignity intact.

  49. A featured speaker at the RNC(C?) is the daughter of convicted tax-cheats

  50. I hate what they’re doing to Biden.  There had to be a better way.

    I love POTUS Joe.

     Whatever happens, he will either be remembered as one of the greatest in US history, or the as the last US President.

  51. This is supposed to be about the American people, not one man’s legacy
    Take the ‘Vette out , Joe

    He can still be remembered positively by making Kamala PotUS

  52. The deal you make when you become the most powerful person in the world is that eventually you won’t be

  53. You think Joe is painful? Just wait till he’s gone.  THEN you’ll see some pain. lol 
    Anybody come up with a post-Biden plan yet?   The end is near.   Have fun eating the ashes.

  54. if your plan for getting him over the line is denying objective reality, i’ll keep a spoon clean for you

    tonight, we dine in hell! Bllaaarrrrrhgggh

    the loyalty of you all is commendable, which makes Biden’s exploitation of it all the more reprehensible

    ..and honestly what has he done in four years to strengthen the bulwarks against trumpism besides kumbayah bullshit

    sorry to parrot KO, but you turned me on to him 🤷‍♂️

    and i felt that way before, but if he’ll say it to thousands, i’ll say it to y’all

    AND i think Biden has had a lot of domestic and foreign policy victories, it’s just that getting old’s a —————, eh?

    imagine a well-rested Joe campaigning FOR Kamala

  55. I have no plan except to sit back and watch.  Of course, I hope you guys are right, but I’ve been alive too long and have seen too much and have little to no faith in democrats pulling off what the Step-Downers are proposing.

    All I have is an opinion, and you know what that’s worth.
    And I truly hope I don’t get to say, “I told you so.”

  56. Mike Murphy: “Vance is so far outside the mainstream of Republican foreign policy, in all my decades in party politics never thought I’d see a Vice Presidential nominee who has a fighting chance to win the Order of Lenin”

  57. Babyface Vance hated Orange Adolf.

    His bearded, evil twin thinks Adolf’s a piker. 

    I still think the MAGAt ticket will change, too.

  58. Empires don’t die, they fade away and morph into other states
    That’s what’s happening, now

  59. Biden has tested positive for COVID. Was watching for him about to speak to Hispanic group in Vegas just now, but they just made the announcement and it’s canceled.

  60. OhTay!  So now POTUS is ill, with a nasty killer disease.  How many had alien invaders kidnap president and sprays horse urine on orange thing for how the top of summer happens?

  61. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/07/17/colin-allred-ted-cruz-border-immigration-senate-race-texas/

    “Unlike many Texas Democrats before him, U.S. Rep. Colin Allred wants to talk about the border.”

    “In particular, he wants to talk about how U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, who he’s challenging this November, helped spike major bipartisan border legislation earlier this year — part of Allred’s broader effort to paint Cruz as an obstructionist whose hardline stances have hindered long-overdue immigration reform.”

    “Allred is running campaign ads that tout headlines about him breaking with his party to condemn Biden…”

  62. I will say that if the democrats win in November it will be because of Vance more than Lurch.  

  63. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/16/health/summer-covid-rise-wellness/index.html“The most recent data shows that during the week ending July 6 there was a 23.5% increase in emergency visits for Covid-19 compared with the previous week. The CDC also reports the viral activity level for Covid-19 in wastewater is high nationally as of July 6.”
    “….second gentleman Doug Emhoff recently testing positive and major sporting events such as the Tour de France affected with riders being diagnosed.”
    “There is a new formulation of the Covid-19 vaccine coming out soon. It should be available in September and could be available as early as August. The CDC has recommended that everyone 6 months and older receive this vaccine when it’s out.”

  64. You know i’m a big Sturge fan.  And a Jack fan.  And a patd fan. And a Mr. C fan.  And a Jamie fan.  And a BiD fan. And an Ivy fan.  And a Bronc fan.   And everyone else, too.
    it’s trump that divides us all- The Great Divider

  65. Bink – Although I love POTUS Joe, it’s not loyalty to him that makes me want him to be the candidate.   Dems, I feel, have created this chaos, and dumping him will be the country’s undoing.  I don’t know how you put together a new team, even with Harris at the helm, that is going to make Indies feel like voting for Dems if we are in disarray.   Doing this in a different manner would’ve served both the election and Biden much better.   

    July 21st, it may all look different.

  66. i would have said winning control of Congress was enough, but then SCotUS gave absolute immunity to Presidents named “trump”, sooooo…
    yeah, idk either.   If only we had leaders!   ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ✌️ ❤️ 🇺🇸 

  67. Yeah, I’m not a believer in blind loyalty or True Believer stuff. I just happen to think that Biden would mop the floor with them, and that replacing him is a tragic mistake.  
    I liked Blind Faith ok but as a band not as a belief system.  Actually I never liked them all that much and Clapton is a bit of a twit even though he did a great job on the gently weeping guitar song……but then, he was sitting in with The Beatles.

  68. Mr. Ivy thought Clapton’s book and Vance’s book were much the same. Long stories, no redemption.

  69. Bink – I think you were looking for a Harris/Whitmer ticket.   Harris will be too much for Indie and Dem misogynists; there’s no way. I’d like to think Sec. Pete, but I’m not sure.  Jon Ossoff, same.

  70. Exclusive reporting by ABC’s @jonkarl: During Schumer’s one-on-one meeting with Biden on Saturday, “Schumer forcefully made the case that it would be better for Biden, better for the Democratic party, and better for the country if he were to bow out.”

  71. Jon Karl: I am told Chuck Schumer had a blunt one-on-one conversation with Biden Saturday afternoon in Rehoboth. Schumer forcefully made the case that it would be best if Biden bowed out of the race.

    Schumer’s office wouldn’t comment on the specifics of the conversation, telling me only, “Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus.”

    Hakeem Jeffries has expressed a similar view to Biden, according to a source familiar. A Jeffries spokesman tells me, “The letter sent by Leader Hakeem Jeffries to his House Democratic colleagues speaks for itself. It was a private conversation that will remain private.”

  72. Hey Schoome…….,you better have a fool proof plan because it won’t be long before you’re gonna be up to your ass in Fools.  

    I must say, if Nancy is on this it raises my spirits some little bit. In fact, my “guiding stars” on all this crap are Nancy and Jim Clyburn. . So I’ll let go when they do.

  73. Jamie – Watching him walk up the stairs into the plane, he was struggling despite the report that symptoms were mild.    He’s had it before.  Let’s hope he recovers swiftly, whether he stays on the ballot or not.    I want him and Dr. Jill to enjoy an Inauguration Ball, as headliners or guests of Kamala & Doug.  I want him to be able to take a victory lap. 

  74. Pink Hawks rehearsal and sound check. Fun. 

    Always good to see what happens behind the scenes.

  75. Since I don’t watch TV news, I haven’t seen a video clip of Biden recently. The other night in my hotel room I had the news on and saw his response to the Trump rally shooting. 
    Biden looks and talks like he has Parkinson’s There have been reports that he has seen a doctor for the disorder but Biden has denied it. I’m beginning to suspect that Biden is lying to us, that is a problem.  Up to this point I’ve on the side that we have no other choice at this point  but Biden. Now I don’t know.
    Parkinson’s isn’t  a problem, not being honest about it is. 

  76. Locking down the women vote:

    Trump walked into the convention hall just before 8 p.m. to “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World” by James Brown.

  77. Bink
    My biggest fear in this election was that Trump would keel over and die. Biden’s biggest asset is Donald Trump as an opponent.  I’m a firm believer that if that bullet had been an inch over the shooter would have given us a Republican president in November.

  78. President Biden @POTUS

    I tested positive for COVID-19 this afternoon, but I am feeling good and thank everyone for the well wishes. I will be isolating as I recover, and during this time I will continue to work to get the job done for the American people.

  79. NOT a denial of the ABC story Schumer urged Biden to quit.
    Schumer’s office: “Unless ABC’s source is Senator Chuck Schumer or President Joe Biden the reporting is idle speculation. Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus directly to President Biden on Saturday.”

  80. Just released by White House spokesperson Andrew Bates:

    “The President told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win, and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100 days agenda to help working families.”

  81. Dems can get some of us pissed off Covid families to match them. 

    There’s many more of us than them.

  82. The politically stupid side of Republicans screaming about the Afghan withdrawal is how it reminds swing voters of something they actually like about Biden — that he was the first president who had the guts to keep his promise to get us out of that seemingly endless war.

  83. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov welcomes JD Vance’s selection as Trump’s running mate:

    “He’s in favor of peace, he’s in favor of ending the assistance that’s being provided to Ukraine, and we can only welcome that because that’s what we need – to stop pumping Ukraine full of weapons, and then the war will end.”

  84. Shame they went to a shot of Trump.  As much as I doubt the veracity, Trump Jr gave a good speech.  He and his buddy Vance are drooling over the prospect of the White House!

  85. Hello everyone …. Been listening on NPR, and enjoying your comments.  Whskyjack, a physician friend of mine is of the opinion that Biden has Parkinson’s … 
    Does anyone think that JD looks like a man who cheats on his wife?  

  86. BFD unless Nancy denies this…

    Exclusive CNN reporting: Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi privately told President Joe Biden in a recent conversation that polling shows that the president cannot defeat Donald Trump and that the president could destroy Democrats’ chances of winning the House.

  87. Sleepy Adolf isn’t up for the job.

    Junior and JD might be the pairing soon, or JD and Junior…however Putin wants it. 

  88. why is anyone still acting as if CNN is a reputable news organization?   They have proved themselves to be totally biased , just another Fox News.  The Chump Town hall and the debate setup prove this. Absolutely ZERO fact checking for both events for a man most known for being the biggest liar in the country.  They have shown themselves to have an agenda.  CNN has dived into the tank.  When they tell you who they are—believe them.  They want a president who’s “friendly to business”.   CNN is as dead as Fox. This is whether or not Biden checks out.

  89. there’s sone decent reporting on cnn dot com, the TV channel is just a brand to be included in cable packages and streaming services and to be played in airports and hotel lobbies and such.  
    politicos stopped taking it seriously in 2016, Chris Cuomo probably sunk whatever rep  it had left after that

    The TV/Cable/Comm bigwigs want deregulation because they know a big consolidation is coming in the industry and they want their media behemoths, social responsibility and anti-trust law be damned

  90. if you thought groceries inflated a lot, you should check out how much luxury goods inflated, the bigwigs need more

  91. CNN reporting Nancy Pelosi has communicated with Joe, laying it on the line that polls show a Red victory in both houses and at 1600. This was told by Maddow which I just saw on the re-run of the RNC .  I felt sick at that report.  
    So Usha Chilukuri Vance looks forward to being laid to rest aside J.D. on a hillside in Eastern Kentucky when she claims her reward.  Apparently her San Diego family approves?  The man controls the woman even in death, and it’s actually set in stone in this case.  
    I thought it weird that Vance went back to relate that story of his family burial plot on the hillside, twice altogether.  No mention of his views of writing off Ukraine nor of his grand mission to ban all women’s health care relating to pregnancy.
    If Trump wins, no doubt DeWine will appoint an even more rotten man to fill the Senate seat.  Glory, Glory…ah nuts….

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