Illegitimi Non Carborundum

Dedicated to all Trail friends in need right now upon reflection of certain conversations in our last thread:


26 thoughts on “Illegitimi Non Carborundum”

  1. as to the thread title, the phrase was coined by brits during WWII, soon adopted by US army and later used by barry goldwater in ’64 prez race.

    according to wiki:

    The phrase is also used as the first line of one of the extra dog Latin verses added in 1953 to an unofficial school song at Harvard University, “Ten Thousand Men of Harvard“. This most frequently played fight song of theHarvard University Band is, to some extent, a parody of more solemn school songs…

  2. First time I ever saw that it was on my friend’s desk, then the assistant city attorney of Tuscaloosa. I loved it, having taken Latin in HS. 

  3. Well, I had to look up the whole wiki. My Catholic grammar school Latin did not help me with this one. 

  4. I’ve seen several versions, involving words like nullis, and illigitimati……..but the carborundum never changes.  Anyway, prime directive is don’t let the badtards (sic) wear you down.

  5. Ivy, I got the gist but my bud had to translate it for me. 

    lol, Pogo. Certain things nuns won’t talk about in any lingo. 

  6. Joe was several grades ahead of me in the same school but my guess we had the same nuns. 

  7. Supreme Court just announced decisions to be released 10am Wed, Thurs and Friday. Adding Thursday means opinions coming out on debate day, would be weird if immunity decision announced then.

  8. Count down on to sfb bailing on the television Lucha Libre of the campaign circuit.  He should have gotten out a month ago, anything he comes up with now will be fake.  Like a month ago it would not be fake either.

  9. …another beautiful day, but also a very hot day, and my car has no A/C, but only a living person can be uncomfortably hot in a car on a beautiful day, so i will take 2/3! 👍 🥵 🇺🇸 

    (…get her moving fast enough and the breeze is something no functioning-A/C user can appreciate 😎)

  10. Bink – I had no AC in my previous car in Texas, so I feel ya.  A damp paper towel and a breeze and, hopefully, a quick drive.  

    BB – I’m thinking SFB wants to bail and they are setting the table by whining about how ~unfair~ the moderators will be.   As much as I hate the sound of him loudly inhaling through his nose (and every word he utters from his pie-hole), it would be interesting to see if they can time the administration of his meds to keep him from going off the rails. 

    Would Poo-tin do something that required POTUS Joe’s immediate attention on debate night so his little, orange lap-twit wouldn’t have to be the one to bail?

  11. Does anyone else think that the avalanche of rather nasty-sounding texts asking for money for Biden/Harris are actually from no-goodnicks? 

  12. I just can’t imagine President Obama gave the OK to use his name in a request for money to “HUMILIATE” you-know-who.    Yeah, that word was in all caps.    Seemed sketchy. 

  13. Seemed sketchy

    my stink-o-meter must’ve clicked on without me realizing, i’ve been delete-delete-delete. I do not like getting texts. 

  14. me too. 

    just clicking on to even check out the address possibly gives them unwanted entry they’ll use somewhere down the road closer to the election.

    the one in particular that really smells is the “check your voter registration…” one from something called TURNINGOUT

  15. Yeah, don’t give them any sign of life.  Delete.  I wonder if the FEC is on top of scams or if it’s just too much like whack-a-mole?

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