Trump Lies Aren’t Even Getting Their Pants On

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, the truth is getting its pants on quicker than usual these days — before Trump campaign lies can circle the globe.

Three times in the last week or so Trump’s Republican National Committee and his newsletter, The New York Post, have circulated doctored videotapes supposedly showing President Biden lost and confused. But quick revelations of unedited tape shot that down.

Most recently, a deceptively edited video shot at a long distance from the stage at Biden’s Los Angeles fundraiser prompted this NYP headline: “Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser”.

Fact checkers with a half dozen mainstream media outlets immediately produced live video showing Biden laughing and waving to the audience as Obama reached back to tough his hand and put his arms around his former vice president. They were both smiling and laughing the entire time while engaging with his supporters.

The Biden campaign response to the right wing media ecosphere was swift and severe: “Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about the President with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super pac, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting it’s readers & itself once again. Their ethical standards could deal with a little unfreezing.” — White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates

Sure, these lies get currency among Trump loyalists who believe anything his camp says — but the real world is at least getting the debunks in real time.

Here’s a doozy from the Trump operative who once renamed lying “alternative facts”. Kellyanne Conway claimed on FOX, “You got Donald Trump in Detroit talking to 8000 people at a Black church”

Videos show the event drew maybe 100 mostly white people. Watch the Video.

Don Jr. got caught yesterday with this lie — quickly corrected on Elon Musk’s X platform where it was posted.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host

29 thoughts on “Trump Lies Aren’t Even Getting Their Pants On”

  1. Dumbass misidentified his former White House physician while bragging about acing the cognitive test he’s so proud of, pointing him out a a campaign event as Ronnie Johnson. He failed THAT cognitive test. 

  2. I just thought of an idea for dealing with Trump’s lies in the debate. Fact check him when he lies and however long it takes comes out of his time allotment.

  3. It’s Nostalgia Week here in East Bumfuck. The 90s are back, baby!! 91 today, 93 tomorrow, 92, 93, 95, 95, then next week a return to the 80s.  A bit early for such heat in these parts.

  4. There are plenty of people out there gullible enough to believe lies and propaganda. Maybe it’s not their fault. Or maybe they’re looking for lies to believe in. Maybe the truth will set them free. We can only hope.

  5. I was in the car listening to NPR’s coverage of the Felon’s ranting on the steps of the courthouse following his conviction. When a lie popped, they corrected it live on air simply by speaking over him while he continued ranting. I approve that method. 

  6. Pogo…
    we are getting the same weather this week here in NH.  We will have our air conditioning on and I’ll still be sitting in front of a fan.

  7. Renee,  I remember hot summers in NH – inland.  Mud season should be past now, in the middle of bug season yet?
    Ivy, CNN and NPR should talk.

  8. “I got to know Donald Trump post-presidency… and Trump had severe memory issues. As the journalist who spent the most time with him, he couldn’t remember things, he couldn’t even remember me.” — Ramin Setoodeh on interviewing Trump for his book, ‘Apprentice in Wonderland’ (MSNBC)

    Book excerpt: ‘The Apprentice’ is still Donald Trump’s proudest accomplishment. — Free link…



  9. Poobah, well that’s consistent with him not being able to remember the name of the WH physician who administered the cognition test. Aced it my ass.

  10. “Remembering stuff” is not important to him, and therefore not to the maggers. Except the grievances, those they recall in minutest detail. 

  11. Pogo…   we haven’t had a black fly or mosquito season in 3 years.
    I’m sure there’s a scientific explanation for it…. haven’t bothered to look it up.  Just pleased I can sit outside and read without waving my arms around.

  12. Great news, will help certain of my family members and maybe convert their magger parents. That would be a miracle. 

    WASHINGTON—President Biden is expected to announce a new immigration program Tuesday that would provide a path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens, according to lawmakers and others familiar with the matter.
    Biden is planning to make the announcement at the White House alongside members of Congress, immigration advocates and U.S. citizens who, because of arcane immigration rules, haven’t been able to sponsor their spouses for green cards.

  13. …not too late to run a different candidate, GOP, cuz everyone is gonna be tired of dis b—— by Nov.
    but YOU DO YOU 😜

  14. CNN: Instead of a minimum-security prison camp, where many nonviolent offenders serve their time, Steve Bannon is set to report next month to the federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut that also houses violent and sex offenders. It doesn’t have cells, and instead houses its inmates in open pods.

  15. My Celtics fandom began with the last truly great cornpone star who was half of the insanely great Boston-LA series. Literally the last rivalry I was good with the best team winning. This year – GO CELTS!!!!

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