BALTIMORE — Large commercial ships stuck in the Port of Baltimore since the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridgelast month are departing after a limited-access channel through the wreckage opened Thursday.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, leading the salvage effort, said the channel will support barge container service and some “roll-on/roll-off” vessels that move vehicles and farm equipment. “While a monumental milestone, it’s not over yet,” said U.S. Coast Guard Commander Braxton Smoak.
The 30-foot deep channel, the fourth and largest channel opened since the collapse, will be open for five days before salvage operations resume.
“We’ve reached a substantial, significant incremental milestone,” said Estee Pinchasin, District Commander for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Tugboats, pilots and other officials are guiding these ships in and out of the channel – making safety the top priority.
“We have a narrow channel, so we have tug escorts going through. We have a pilot on the Dali. We also have tugs on standby next to the Dali, so there are a lot of moving pieces,” Smoak said.
The first two ships to pass through were on their way to Canada. A car carrier bound for Georgia was the third to embark.
It was also the largest ship to use the channel at 789 feet long.
All reports say this ship movement is safe and hasn’t interrupted the task at hand.
“The report from the pilot on board and the salvage master was that very little movement, not much more than when you move a container on deck,” Smoak said.
Look who’s freaking out over RFK jr now that polls show he takes more from Trump. Gotta laugh at how Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity thought they were so clever putting him on the map to threaten Biden.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 08:23 PM EST 04/26/24
RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected. A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way, but would only swing against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him. Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet…
And of course there’s a Page 2: His Radicalized Family will never allow him to be a Republican, and his Chief “Funder” is the V.P. Candidate that nobody ever heard of, except her ex-husband, who’s been stripped of a big chunk of cash. She puts herself down as a businesswoman, or maybe a doctor, and actually, I guess you could say that she’s right. Her business was doing surgery on her husband’s wallet! She’s more Liberal than Junior’ by far, not a serious person, and only a Pot of Cash to help get her No Chance Candidate on the Ballot…
and, a Page 3: I lived with RFK Jr. in New York and watched him convince Governor Cuomo to make Environmental moves that were outright NASTY. Upstate New York was not allowed to drill or frack as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and others ripped off New York Energy. Because of this, prices have skyrocketed all over that part of the Country, but especially Upstate New York and New England. Their Energy Costs are the highest in the U.S., with the exception of California, run by Gavin Newscum, the Worst Governor in the State’s History. I’d even take Biden over Junior’, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse – But it would be dead either way. His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy. Let the Democrats have RFK Jr. They deserve him!
Hey Jack
I think Randy wrote a song about that motel. Speaking of Rt 66 I watched an episode of the Milner/Maharis TV show the other day ( with the Corvette) and it looked like something Kerouac might have had a hand in. ( Written by Sterling Siliphant) and Maharishi was doing Brando. Guest star Suzanne Pleshette. Pretty good show.
“I’d even take Biden over Junior’, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse “
joe’s campaign better be careful if they make use of his “endorsement” for fundraising. they might have to pay him that 5% cut he’s skimming off his fellow GOPer candidates whom he blesses…. talk about the laying of hands on. shades of protection money schemes.
I don’t put too much stock in polls- too many variables and sources of error, but IF I did, I’d be concerned about the swing state polls out there. Dumbass leads in 6 of the 7 states polled recently by Bloomberg. And there are a good half dozen other polls out there that look similar. The problem is perception of the economy. Voters in stressed states ain’t buying the rosy news and outlook Joe’s team is selling.
As far as I’m consarned the polls are there to sway votes and/or reinforce the “horse race”. Especially for the last few years. The polling people are unscrupulous.
Also, it’s been shown that NYT’s Sulzberger has it in for Biden and has directed his people to highlight bad stories about him.
Many said their own finances were good enough — they had jobs, owned houses, made ends meet. But they felt as if they were “just getting by,” with “nothing left over.” Many felt angry and anxious over prices and the pandemic and politics.
Those feelings may be driving attitudes about the economy, economists speculated, sounding more like their colleagues from another branch of social science, psychology.
“The pandemic shattered a lot of illusions of control,” Professor Stevenson said. “I wonder how much that has made us more aware of all the places we don’t have control, over prices, over the housing market.”
Forroughly twodecades, partisanship has increasingly been correlated with views about the economy: Research has shown that people rate the economy more poorly when their party is not in power. Nearly every Republican in the poll rated the economy unfavorably, and 59 percent of Democrats did.
The sons of my old Navy buddy have a band and have landed a gig opening for The Rolling Stones. “Electric Mud”
3 of them are ex-navy Seals. (And Keef married their aunt)
I’m here in the White Mts… eating good food. Gonna do a bit of shopping today.
Reading a good book… Horse… by Geraldine Brooks.
Watching the Celtics tonight. Go Celtics!
Tuned in for the whole show including the interview with RFK, Jr., had a little trouble following his logic, assuming it was supposed to be logical. His reply to Bill’s question about his family was the most affecting part.
Overall last night was a good show and I found myself aligned with Scott Galloway and Don Lemon concerning the current campus protests.
Renee, I’ve greatly enjoyed all of her books that I’ve read so far, but sadly haven’t found any of my reading fellows who see in them what I see. This one is currently in my TBR stack (which is a mighty tall stack, I must say.) Please let me know if I should move it to the top. Thanks and have a great weekend, sounds awesome.
Looks like The Mud so far only booked one show at State Farm stadium in Glendale Arizona. Screw the stones, lol, I just wanna see Greg’s kids.
Dogs. At least Romuley let the poor old dog ride on top of the car, he didn’t blow his freekon brains out. Man alive I’ve had more than my share of worthless and untrainable dogs, but so far Every Last One of them has escaped the firing squad.
The only thing I hope for that Kennedy rat is that it somehow, and soon, begins to dawn on him what a worthless little prick he is.
Stump and them got him all wound up but they can pull his plug any old time they feel like it.
Sturge, I’ve always thought there was more than a little bit of irony in the Route 66 song. When Nate recorded that song he was no longer driving that curvy road out to California. He rode the Super Chief on the Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe.
Happy Saturday everyone! A funny story from my town of Holland, MI. The Ottawa County commission (which is full of far right wingnuts) hosts these county commission meetings. Before every meeting, someone (usually a local minister) says an invocation. Well, a few months ago, a local minister who has liberal views asked to say the invocation at a commission meeting and he was denied. He threatened to file a lawsuit over this. So, the county commission, in an effort to avoid future lawsuits decided they were better off just allowing whoever wanted to say the invocation to come and say it. Well, this past week a group who worships Satan said the invocation before the meeting. LOL! They ended the invocation with, “Hail Satan!” Now, I don’t worship Satan, but I think that is hilarious!
Route 66, it was the road that the Joads took on their long trip from Eastern Oklahoma to the fields in California. (aka “The Promised Land”) It was also the road that thousands of folks from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, including many of my family and neighbors, took as they fled the dustbowl drought and the depression in search of a better life in California. For the area I grew up in California was the dream not just the depression but even up into the 50’s as economic recovery was slow to return to rural Southern Missouri.
It is said that some of my neighbors made the trip out to California so many times that they could tell you the miles they saved by cutting across the corners on all the curves.
Check out this road… starts on the Battery in Charleston and runs all the way to Moose Jaw. Changers names at the border but same road.
That may be the last one I saw at a drive-in, which was incidentally, the North-52 Drive-In. but it wasn’t much north of anything but Montague Ave.
That movie kinda broke me from going to the drive-in. It took “gross” to outer space levels.
Talking to son about changes during his lifetime. Reminded him that my grandmother lived from horse and carriage (15 years after Civil War) to man walking on the moon.
Still remember when these were individual towns separated by miles of farmland. Now they are just blips in the sprawling cement.
I know Colin Jost will be funny at the WH dinner tonight, but I hope he goes beyond the “old” jokes. Maybe he can just lay into the fake news folks in the room.
Did Orange Adolf go to those dinners and allow himself to be roasted?
“Iraqi TikTok star Umm Fahad shot dead in Baghdad”
“Sawadi was popular on TikTok, where she shared videos of herself dancing to pop music in form-fitting clothes. In the past, these videos were deemed inappropriate by Iraq’s judiciary. Sawadi was sentenced to six months in prison…”
“Other Iraqi social media personalities have previously been targeted in deadly attacks.
Most recently, another popular Iraqi TikTok personality, Noor Alsaffar, known as Noor BM, was shot dead in Baghdad in September 2023Alsaffar’s killing came as Iraq cracked down on LGBTQ expression and moved to criminalize it in law.”
“Following news of the shooting, many posted comments lamenting Alsaffar’s death, though others applauded it, celebrating the man who fired the shot.”
Morality police are immoral, whether sanctioned by the government or vigilantes.
Corey – one state house had been republican for decades and switched over following a couple of maga types ran for office. Dems in control, Dems going ‘we be tired of your fire and brimstone’. Local Native American tribes, Wiccan, very liberal pastors, preachers and others rotated through. It was great.
That’s great, Blue Bronc! They said yesterday that there is 33 candidates running for county commissioner in the next election. The most ever, plus a lot of them are Democrats. The Republican who was elected serve my district was recalled, so she is running to keep her job. Her name is Lucy Ebel , so her clever campaign sign is a heart with the words “We Love Lucy” in the middle of it. No idea where they got that original idea!
Biden cracked jokes at his political rival’s expense and tackled age head-on, saying that he was a grown man “running against a six-year-old.”
The president said later that age was the only thing he and Trump had in common, adding, “My vice president actually endorses me,” a reference to former Vice President Mike Pence’s refusal to endorse his former running mate.
This is going to get to Adolf. He’s probably hit his caps lock on already.
I love POTUS Joe!
Biden/Harris 2024
“Move past the horse race numbers and the ‘gotcha’ moments and the distractions and the sideshows that have come to dominate and sensationalized our politics, and focus on what’s actually at stake,” Biden said. “I think in your hearts, you know what’s at stake.”
jack – Batten down the hatches. It looks like you’re about to be in the thick of the storms. It should find DFW around 2am.
“Whaddaya doing tonight? Whaddaya doing? I don’t know, Mixers, whaddaya doing?”
Well, there’s progress in Baltimore.
That’s GOOD news.
Look who’s freaking out over RFK jr now that polls show he takes more from Trump. Gotta laugh at how Steve Bannon and Sean Hannity thought they were so clever putting him on the map to threaten Biden.
Donald J. Trump
08:23 PM EST 04/26/24
RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected. A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way, but would only swing against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him. Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet…
And of course there’s a Page 2:
His Radicalized Family will never allow him to be a Republican, and his Chief “Funder” is the V.P. Candidate that nobody ever heard of, except her ex-husband, who’s been stripped of a big chunk of cash. She puts herself down as a businesswoman, or maybe a doctor, and actually, I guess you could say that she’s right. Her business was doing surgery on her husband’s wallet! She’s more Liberal than Junior’ by far, not a serious person, and only a Pot of Cash to help get her No Chance Candidate on the Ballot…
and, a Page 3:
I lived with RFK Jr. in New York and watched him convince Governor Cuomo to make Environmental moves that were outright NASTY. Upstate New York was not allowed to drill or frack as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and others ripped off New York Energy. Because of this, prices have skyrocketed all over that part of the Country, but especially Upstate New York and New England. Their Energy Costs are the highest in the U.S., with the exception of California, run by Gavin Newscum, the Worst Governor in the State’s History. I’d even take Biden over Junior’, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse – But it would be dead either way. His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy. Let the Democrats have RFK Jr. They deserve him!
Hey Jack
I think Randy wrote a song about that motel. Speaking of Rt 66 I watched an episode of the Milner/Maharis TV show the other day ( with the Corvette) and it looked like something Kerouac might have had a hand in. ( Written by Sterling Siliphant) and Maharishi was doing Brando. Guest star Suzanne Pleshette. Pretty good show.
“I’d even take Biden over Junior’, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse “
joe’s campaign better be careful if they make use of his “endorsement” for fundraising. they might have to pay him that 5% cut he’s skimming off his fellow GOPer candidates whom he blesses…. talk about the laying of hands on. shades of protection money schemes.
Since it will be Saturday night I’ll be watching “Trilogy of Terror” on The Svengoolie show.
I have such lofty goals.
When “activism” merges with narcissism, it becomes less about the cause and more about the ego.
might say it takes one to know one, bill.
I don’t put too much stock in polls- too many variables and sources of error, but IF I did, I’d be concerned about the swing state polls out there. Dumbass leads in 6 of the 7 states polled recently by Bloomberg. And there are a good half dozen other polls out there that look similar. The problem is perception of the economy. Voters in stressed states ain’t buying the rosy news and outlook Joe’s team is selling.
As far as I’m consarned the polls are there to sway votes and/or reinforce the “horse race”. Especially for the last few years. The polling people are unscrupulous.
Also, it’s been shown that NYT’s Sulzberger has it in for Biden and has directed his people to highlight bad stories about him.
pogo, about the neg. polls: 2 findings in a NYT story last year The Great Disconnect: Why Voters Feel One Way About the Economy but Act Differently – The New York Times ( caught my eye where among other reasons it noted:
A semi-warm April Day out on your sunny deck can almost make you feel young again. Almost
I’ve had enough of Maher.
The sons of my old Navy buddy have a band and have landed a gig opening for The Rolling Stones. “Electric Mud”
3 of them are ex-navy Seals. (And Keef married their aunt)
Ain’t that weird?
It’s raining.
i found a “worthless” and “untrainable” dog 14 years ago
She just woke up and is ready for breakfast! 🐶 🍳
I’m here in the White Mts… eating good food. Gonna do a bit of shopping today.
Reading a good book… Horse… by Geraldine Brooks.
Watching the Celtics tonight. Go Celtics!
Today is post position draw day, so I’ll have the list up for the Derby tomorrow.
For anyone who would like to watch, it will be live on YouTube
Kentucky Derby Post Position Draw 2024 (
Tuned in for the whole show including the interview with RFK, Jr., had a little trouble following his logic, assuming it was supposed to be logical. His reply to Bill’s question about his family was the most affecting part.
Overall last night was a good show and I found myself aligned with Scott Galloway and Don Lemon concerning the current campus protests.
Renee, I’ve greatly enjoyed all of her books that I’ve read so far, but sadly haven’t found any of my reading fellows who see in them what I see. This one is currently in my TBR stack (which is a mighty tall stack, I must say.) Please let me know if I should move it to the top. Thanks and have a great weekend, sounds awesome.
Looks like The Mud so far only booked one show at State Farm stadium in Glendale Arizona. Screw the stones, lol, I just wanna see Greg’s kids.
Dogs. At least Romuley let the poor old dog ride on top of the car, he didn’t blow his freekon brains out. Man alive I’ve had more than my share of worthless and untrainable dogs, but so far Every Last One of them has escaped the firing squad.
The only thing I hope for that Kennedy rat is that it somehow, and soon, begins to dawn on him what a worthless little prick he is.
Stump and them got him all wound up but they can pull his plug any old time they feel like it.
Sturge, I’ve always thought there was more than a little bit of irony in the Route 66 song. When Nate recorded that song he was no longer driving that curvy road out to California. He rode the Super Chief on the Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe.
Alla Boooooooooooard
Happy Saturday everyone! A funny story from my town of Holland, MI. The Ottawa County commission (which is full of far right wingnuts) hosts these county commission meetings. Before every meeting, someone (usually a local minister) says an invocation. Well, a few months ago, a local minister who has liberal views asked to say the invocation at a commission meeting and he was denied. He threatened to file a lawsuit over this. So, the county commission, in an effort to avoid future lawsuits decided they were better off just allowing whoever wanted to say the invocation to come and say it. Well, this past week a group who worships Satan said the invocation before the meeting. LOL! They ended the invocation with, “Hail Satan!” Now, I don’t worship Satan, but I think that is hilarious!
Route 66, it was the road that the Joads took on their long trip from Eastern Oklahoma to the fields in California. (aka “The Promised Land”) It was also the road that thousands of folks from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, including many of my family and neighbors, took as they fled the dustbowl drought and the depression in search of a better life in California. For the area I grew up in California was the dream not just the depression but even up into the 50’s as economic recovery was slow to return to rural Southern Missouri.
It is said that some of my neighbors made the trip out to California so many times that they could tell you the miles they saved by cutting across the corners on all the curves.
Check out this road… starts on the Battery in Charleston and runs all the way to Moose Jaw. Changers names at the border but same road.
is that Route 66 drive-in still open? i’d be embarrassed to tell you what movie i saw on it
“2000 Maniacs”. ?
That may be the last one I saw at a drive-in, which was incidentally, the North-52 Drive-In. but it wasn’t much north of anything but Montague Ave.
That movie kinda broke me from going to the drive-in. It took “gross” to outer space levels.
“For the 2024 WHCD on Saturday, April 27, SNL‘s Colin Jost was tapped to deliver the roast of President Joe Biden…”
Talking to son about changes during his lifetime. Reminded him that my grandmother lived from horse and carriage (15 years after Civil War) to man walking on the moon.
Still remember when these were individual towns separated by miles of farmland. Now they are just blips in the sprawling cement.
I know Colin Jost will be funny at the WH dinner tonight, but I hope he goes beyond the “old” jokes. Maybe he can just lay into the fake news folks in the room.
Did Orange Adolf go to those dinners and allow himself to be roasted?
“Iraqi TikTok star Umm Fahad shot dead in Baghdad”
“Sawadi was popular on TikTok, where she shared videos of herself dancing to pop music in form-fitting clothes. In the past, these videos were deemed inappropriate by Iraq’s judiciary. Sawadi was sentenced to six months in prison…”
“Other Iraqi social media personalities have previously been targeted in deadly attacks.
Most recently, another popular Iraqi TikTok personality, Noor Alsaffar, known as Noor BM, was shot dead in Baghdad in September 2023Alsaffar’s killing came as Iraq cracked down on LGBTQ expression and moved to criminalize it in law.”
“Following news of the shooting, many posted comments lamenting Alsaffar’s death, though others applauded it, celebrating the man who fired the shot.”
Morality police are immoral, whether sanctioned by the government or vigilantes.
Thanks, blue, plan to record for later viewing pleasure.
Obama roasting him at one is what bruised his ego enough to motivate him to run for potus
Thanks, Obama 😒
Corey – one state house had been republican for decades and switched over following a couple of maga types ran for office. Dems in control, Dems going ‘we be tired of your fire and brimstone’. Local Native American tribes, Wiccan, very liberal pastors, preachers and others rotated through. It was great.
It’s why I’m not worried about hell, I never signed the agreement, it is only the backsliding Christians who will end up in hell.
That’s great, Blue Bronc! They said yesterday that there is 33 candidates running for county commissioner in the next election. The most ever, plus a lot of them are Democrats. The Republican who was elected serve my district was recalled, so she is running to keep her job. Her name is Lucy Ebel , so her clever campaign sign is a heart with the words “We Love Lucy” in the middle of it. No idea where they got that original idea!
150th Running of the Kentucky Derby
Biden cracked jokes at his political rival’s expense and tackled age head-on, saying that he was a grown man “running against a six-year-old.”
The president said later that age was the only thing he and Trump had in common, adding, “My vice president actually endorses me,” a reference to former Vice President Mike Pence’s refusal to endorse his former running mate.
This is going to get to Adolf. He’s probably hit his caps lock on already.
I love POTUS Joe!
Biden/Harris 2024
“Move past the horse race numbers and the ‘gotcha’ moments and the distractions and the sideshows that have come to dominate and sensationalized our politics, and focus on what’s actually at stake,” Biden said. “I think in your hearts, you know what’s at stake.”
jack – Batten down the hatches. It looks like you’re about to be in the thick of the storms. It should find DFW around 2am.