61 thoughts on “On the Road Again”

  1. Republicans Likely to Lose House Control in 2024, GOP Strategist Predicts (newsweek.com)

    Nikki Haley’s campaign blasts Trump…: ‘Until Republicans wake up, we will continue to lose’

    “Let’s just say the quiet part out loud. Donald Trump continues to be a huge weight against Republican candidates,” Haley national spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas said in a statement. “Despite the enormous and obvious failings of Joe Biden, we just lost another winnable Republican House seat because voters overwhelmingly reject Donald Trump.”

    Well, we know where we’re goin’ But we don’t know where we’ve been And we know what we’re knowin’ But we can’t say what we’ve seen

  2. looks like hahvahd’s trying to take the high road early this time from the looks of their recent email to the universe:

    Dear Alumni/ae and Friends,I write to share with you a message from President Garber to the Harvard campus community this evening, reaffirming the University’s statement condemning social media posts shared yesterday.Best,BrianBrian K. Lee | Vice PresidentAlumni Affairs & Development | Harvard University  

  3. When Scarborough and Mika get tired and quit Willie Geist will take over and they can call it Morning Willie.

  4. “That Lonesome Road” from Tanglewood, with the Tanglewood Festival Choir.

    Walk down that lonesome road All by yourself Don’t turn your head Back over your shoulder And only stop To rest yourself When the silver moon Is shining high above the trees If I had stopped to listen Once or twice If I had closed my mouth And opened my eyes If I had cooled my head And warmed my heart I’d not be on this road tonight Carry on Never mind feeling sorry for yourself It doesn’t save you from your troubled mind

    GOPer lament: If I had closed my mouth And opened my eyes If I had cooled my head And warmed my heart I’d not be on this road

  5. BB & pogo, good thing census can’t be amended. just imagine what more critters from there would mean in critterville.

  6. With Stumbleville as an example that’s a terrifying thought. They’ll have to wait for the next decennial census to flood the zone. Maybe that’s their diabolical plan. Get ready for the lawsuits.

  7. Pumpkin Head did it again, made a mess with a friendly interviewer trying to help. Last night with Laura Ingraham he compared himself to Navalny as she was trying to get him to counter criticism that he’s in Putin’s pocket (which he ignored).

    On the half billion dollar NY civil fraud verdict:

    It is a form of Navalny. It is a form of communism. It is a form of fascism”

    Generating these headlines:

    • AP: Trump compares his court cases to death of Putin’s top rival
    • New York Times: Trump Compares Himself to Navalny While Discussing Legal Woes
    • Washington Post: Trump compares death of Putin critic Navalny to his legal troubles


  8. Random facts I came across in my morning read: While the national share of white working class voters is 35 percent, it is 45 percent in Pennsylvania, 52 percent in Michigan and 56 percent in Wisconsin.

  9. Pulitzer-prizewinning John Archibald is my oasis in the vast desert of Alabama insanity.

    Still crazy, after all these years

    Is it just me? Tell me it’s not just me.
    Or if it’s just me, tell me that, too. Because I’ll have some choices to make.
    It’s been crazy in Montgomery since time immemorial. Since John Knox and his constitution, since George Wallace and his segregation, since Gov. Rose Emoji and his failure to understand the way text messages work.
    But man. The crazy used to be on the fringes.
    I guess I need to let the column speak it for me. Say it, column. Say it.

    Learning to live with the anti-woke mind virus

    Lord have mercy, it’s like the crazy crept up on us in the night. While we were supposed to be asleep.
    The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos are people too. Popsicle people, maybe, but people.
    So when somebody drops a vial of humans in a lab, it’s not a cleanup on aisle one, anymore. It’s a wrongful death suit. We’re just a hop, skip and bump away from somebody getting locked up in Alabama’s death camp prisons for knocking over a test tube.
    Is it just me? Tell me it’s not just me.
    Alabama lawmakers are pushing bills that would protect themselves, that would give them the illusion of power over history, that would keep them from having to deal with real problems, that would make sure the state of Alabama will continue to feel unwelcome to any of those weirdos
    That’s the goal.
    We got a bill to make it a felony, punishable by years in Alabama’s already overcrowded and damning prisons, to help sick or old or disabled people vote
    That’s Senate Bill Numero Uno, SB1 , the Top Dog. It has already passed the Senate and now moves on to the House. This bill is done in the name – wink, wink – of preventing widespread voter fraud that isn’t real. Which, ironically, sounds a little bit like fraud, since its only real purpose is to prevent people from voting.
    We also have a bill to make the Alabama Department of Archives and History regret that decision to let somebody talk for an hour one time last year about Alabama LGBTQ history
    SB77 by Sen. Chris Elliott – not the guy from Schitt’s Creek but the one who might just put us up it – would replace the Archives’ board members with political appointees who would make sure that Alabama history is politicized, and that those people don’t get a voice in it anymore. One time was too many.
    History, as Alabama well knows, is not for the Tim Cooks, the Jim Naborses, the Truman Capotes of the world. It’s for those who want to pretend history is a world only they are comfortable with.
    Another Elliott special,  SB10, would make library boards subject to the whims of local politicians. After all, you never know when some kid might want to check out a book about the Enola Gay, Gay Talese, or anything by Marie-Louise Gay. That bill passed the Senate faster than a bootleg copy of An Amish Romance. It is headed for the House.
    We’ve got a bill by a cattle farmer from Mobile that would make it a felony – again, prison time – to sell lab-made meat in Alabama. Because – gross – and because that’s not how we do it in Alabama, apparently. When in doubt, ban it, jail it, lock it up. And maybe because cows, and the people who grow them, are people too.
    Click here to read on, folks. There’s even more of this foolishness. Or hit the button.

  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2499332.html

    “Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead after a fight”

    “The bullying had started in earnest at the beginning of the 2023 school year, a few months after Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill that required public school students to use bathrooms that matched the sex listed on their birth certificates.”

    “A few weeks ago, on 7 February, the bullying allegedly erupted in violence when Nex suffered severe head injuries during a “physical altercation” at Owasso High School, according to the Owasso Police Department.”

    “Sue Benedict told The Independent she was called to the school that day to find Nex badly beaten with bruises over their face and eyes, and with scratches on the back of their head.”

    “Nex told her that they and another transgender student at Owasso High School had been in a fight with three older girls in a girls bathroom. Nex was knocked to the ground during the fight and hit their head on the floor, according to their mother.”

    “On 8 February, Nex was getting ready to go to Tulsa with Ms Benedict for an appointment when they collapsed in the family living room.”

    “Ms Benedict said she remains furious at the school for failing to call police or seek medical attention for Nex, and wants to see the children who allegedly assaulted Nex punished.”

    Once cause of death is established, the little ~Christian~ bullies who were in the “altercation” will be charged with unintentional manslaughter at most, and will probably be found not guilty by their white nationalist community.

    They should charge the legislators and Governor, too. This law killed a kid.

  11. Look who saw it coming…

    Alexander Hamilton wrote to George Washington in 1792. “When a man unprincipled in private life,  desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity it may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion, that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.’”

    Thomas Jefferson agreed with Hamilton about very little, except for the danger of populist demagogues. “If once elected, and at a second or third election outvoted by one or two votes,he will pretend false votes, foul play, hold possession of the reins of government, be supported by the States voting for him,” Jefferson wrote to James Madison in 1787.

    One thing about the founders they really understood human nature and wrote a Constitution to deal with it. Too bad they let down slaves and women.

  12. Big wheels keep on turnin’Carry me home to see my kinSingin’ songs about the SouthlandI miss Alabamy once again, and I think it’s a sin, I said
    Well, I heard Mr. Young sing about herWell, I heard ol’ Neil put her downWell, I hope Neil Young will rememberA Southern man don’t need him around, anyhow

  13. When I was playing music that’s one song I made a point of never playing—the other was “Feelings”. 

  14. I’m seeing reports the hummingbirds have returned to north central Alabama. That’s a whole month early.

  15. Sturge, so I just checked in with Mr. Ivy and he said the same thing. None of the boys ever wanted to play it. 

  16. Young women look up to their grandmothers, it’s time for them to do to tiktok what they did to facebook- take it over
    2024- Year of the Grandmother

  17. “One thing about the founders they really understood human nature…”

    No Fib February. It bears pondering this short month of presidential birthday commemorations. There had to be a reason why honesty and truth-telling was so integral to these founding fathers’ messages, that it’s now their hallmark. Abe was always honest and Washington couldn’t tell a lie. Must’ve seen some big-time fibbers amongst them. Bear false witness, as in Do Not. What part of that bible lesson do the ‘poopers of today not see? They want to post the commandments in schools and courthouses, but apparently they don’t bother to read or follow them. 

  18. Today’s FEC report shows Trump’s January payments to lawyers. The biggest — Todd Blanche $400,000 (hush money case); John Lauro $500,000 (DC case). Many others Campaign fund he’s using has only $4 million left, not enough for even another month.

  19. Ivy, 
    Ed King was the most underappreciated guitarist of Lynyrd Skynyrd. Of Rossington, Collins and King, he was for my money the best of the bunch. His songwriting chops were what distinguished him from the other two in the pre-crash years before he left and Steve Gaines replaced him.
    Oh, and hummingbirds already?  We have flowers popping up – I noticed a big patch of yellow flowers in our back yard yesterday – in February?  That really doesn’t happen, except, it did.

  20. Yeah…  the maple syrup season has started about 2 weeks early here in the Northeast kingdom.
    It looks like it will end next week….  first time I can remember that it doesn’t go into March.

  21. My god, this fascist police state has to be put out of business.

    “A statement emailed by UAB spokeswoman Hannah Echols said they are “saddened” for patients who want to have babies through IVF. The process, which involves fertilizing eggs outside the body and then transferring embryos to the womb, accounts for about 2 percent of births in the United States, according to RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. The UAB Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility made the move after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos had the same status as children in wrongful death lawsuits.”


  22. pogo, ‘bama divorce attorneys must be scratching their heads now over custody & child support questions. 

  23. jamie, congrats to the great grand title, but must make you hesitate at times when you opine on the woes of overpopulation.  🙂

  24. Congrats Jamie
    Only one great over here, but 8 regular grands.   I’m infecting them all with liberalism.   

    But then I’m not a grandmother.

  25. Jamie, very cool. Made me think of Chapter 29 in The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom where Frankie tells Hank not to buy that Cadillac. 

    “Don’t get this car. There’s something bad about it.”

  26. No grands here that I know of but they can always come knocking one day. I’ll open the door. 
    My mom before she passed got to hold her great-grandaughter’s baby. 

  27. Patd

    Actually two are acquired not related and the other seven are still under the overpopulation line because one granddaughter and one grandson are determined not to have any children so the baby mad granddaughter borrowed from them.  🙂


  28. Hello families of Huntsville, Montgomery, Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Mobile and the rest of Alabama… If you are experiencing trouble having children, we welcome you to come to Colorado so that our many high quality fertility clinics can help you have the family of your dreams 👶🏻👶🏾
    – Governor Jared Polis

  29. it’s no coincidence that two pardons from incoherent-guy went to the trickster and the schemer, they are free to do what they do
    they have cunning, Grandparents have wisdom

  30. trump’s a compulsive liar who just can’t keep a lifetime of lies straight, the result is gibberish 

    something in his brain is incapable of telling the truth

  31. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/nikki-haley-sides-alabama-supreme-court-ivf-ruling-embryos-are-babies-rcna139819
    “Embryos, to me, are babies,” Haley told NBC News in an interview, adding that she used artificial insemination to have her son, a different process than IVF that doesn’t present the same complexities around creating embryos in a lab. “When you talk about an embryo, you are talking about, to me, that’s a life. And so I do see where that’s coming from when they talk about that.”
    Hmmm, a lot of IVF is due to women wanting to have children later in life.  This is one more way to force women into early motherhood, take them away from higher education and out of the workforce, and make them more dependent on male partners.

  32. bId – the child died like so many others for not being the straight kid.  There is a reason the attempts at suicide at age six and up are a statistic.  This type of abuse is common in our daily life.  My roommate was almost killed in an attack in a bathroom.  All of us have had some intimidation. We have faced these things everyday we are in public.  When I was in third grade I was tripped under a wheel merry-go-round and ended up in ER. A while before we were playing a game of what would you name yourself if you could.  I said “Pam”.
     I was also pushed off a swing and pushed off the top of a slide.  I learned to be very quiet about my desired name and anything to do with not being a boy.  I was quiet until I was fifty-two.  It is not an easy life.  I finally broke out of the closet and began to live my life.

  33. “…she used artificial insemination to have her son.”

    Wouldn’t surprise me if Barron was the product of something artificial.

  34. BB – I’m so sorry that happened to you, and that bullies don’t emotionally grow into being better adults, and that some of those bullies get elected to office.

  35. bId – thank you.  It is not easy being trans.  Many I know in red states have already moved to safe states and countries.  Others are planning their moves.  I do not want to be a downer type, but we face a reality where many in public office are trying to have us hurt and worse. All just to get votes from horrible people.  The best thing for trans people is to support and vote against those who would cause hurt. And, hurt to all people.

  36. Speaking of moving, anyone have experience with moving pod companies that you like or to avoid? Can I fit my life into 500 sq ft or 800 sq ft? What about car moving services?  Can I pack stuff in the trunk?  Is the Canadian border open?

    Oh, did you see that POTUS Joe is finally pondering my advice about issuing an EO on the border, forcing Republicans back to the table or to making sure they continue looking like obstructionist twats.

  37. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/biden-considering-executive-action-to-close-southern-border-sources-say/index.html

    “The White House is considering executive action to restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border if they crossed illegally…”

    “The action being considered at the White House appears to be an extension of some of the toughest measures in the border compromise legislation tanked by Republicans…”

    “No executive action, no matter how aggressive, can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources Congress can provide and that Republicans rejected. We continue to call on Speaker Johnson and House Republicans to pass the bipartisan deal to secure the border,” he added.”

  38. Alex Wagner has found her sweet spot. She is on fire and was on fire with Dan Goldman, and now, Andrew Weissman, and Ankush Kahrdori (Pardon me for my misspellings if there are any) about Smirnov and the Republicans’ continued touting of his bullshit to the Congress. Dan Goldman says that he believes that if they continue it, knowing that that Smirnov is a Russian asset, trying to influence the election, they could be subject to prosecution for it. Far being for me to argue with Dan Goldman, about what is is not a prosecutable offense. I’m happy to see this.

  39. Arrest of FBI informant looms over GOP grilling of Biden’s brother

    “…the House Oversight Committee pressed James Biden on the details surrounding years of financial transactions both at home and abroad — a marathon interrogation with a blockbuster witness designed to advance the Republicans’ allegations of financial wrongdoing by the president and his family.”

    “The impeachment investigation essentially ended yesterday, in substance if not in form, with the explosive revelation that Mr. Smirnov’s allegations about Ukrainian Burisma payments to Joe Biden were concocted along with Russian intelligence agents,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, told reporters during a break in Wednesday’s deposition on Capitol Hill.”

    If it “essentially” ended yesterday, why did they bother grilling Biden’s brother today?

  40. Can I fit my life into 500 sq ft 

    cubic feet?  probably, that’s about the size of a small bedroom

    shipping a car is kind of expensive, maybe around $3/mile

  41. Patd- that head scratching ain’t limited to Alabama. Florida is trying to get their judiciary to consider whether the Alabama decision should be applied before making decisions on reproductive rights in Floriduh. It’s utter bullshit legally, but what the fuck difference does that make?

  42. Well, I’m a shunpiker, but I suppose I could fly someone down to help me make a long drive.  I’m offloading a lot of things. Better to have a smaller pod so stuff isn’t sliding around, and maybe have to leave a few things behind if there isn’t room.  The last move, I hired movers and the truck was much bigger than needed. I have less stuff now. 
    “Remember Japanese tidiness guru Marie Kondo, whose 2014 book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” (5 million copies sold), introduced the world to the KonMari method of tossing out everything  that doesn’t “spark joy”? Well, it seems people may have gotten tired of pawing through every pair of socks to see if they get a buzz. Enter Swedish death cleaning, the latest high-concept approach to organizing…”

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