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11 months ago

Again I say, the best way to deal with Biden’s age issue is to promote Kamala and get voters comfortable with her succeeding him if needed. With her strong focus on abortion and voting rights they have gotten her numbers up in the party base, but things are still problematic with swing voters.

11 months ago


11 months ago

Now might be a fitting time to remember what Trump told the NRA just one week ago:

“During my four years nothing happened. And there was great pressure on  me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield”

Blue Bronc
11 months ago

The other day I brought up pondering thought regarding President Biden retiring.  This morning I have a similar thought about sfb stroking out, or heart failure or just plain off the cliff crazy so bad he does not know who he is or what side of the ground is under him. Although there is the obvious candidate still running, Haley, I tend to think she is unelectable, female and not snow white and second generation.  So who in that big swamp full of magats could step in and win the magat vote and then the general election? I am sure the former r’s like Romney are not interested in the battle, plus the magats hate him. Cheney has the same issue, plus the gender thing.  None of the magats, Cruz as an example, could get anywhere.
This year comes down to two old men, one is healthy and knows where he is, the other is fat and unhealthy and has to be carefully told where he is and he does not believe it.  Both are on the steepening down slope of the bell curve of life. Both have twenty years, at max, of life left. Any actuarial types would bet on a close end date rather than a long toss. 

11 months ago

Well, let me … interpose …  this between comments about the old and just plain stupid candidates we are going to choose between in November… The West Virginia legislature, in its annual 2 month exercise proving that when you don’t pay people who make your laws you get what you pay for. The two bills being featured on the morning news here are: – The “Women’s Bill of Rights” Act – A bill meant to protect girls and women from the transgender community, which  passed the House of Delegates on Valentine’s Day.  Isn’t that sweet? This law explains what “man” and “woman” mean. It also talks about single-gender places like bathrooms and locker rooms. Kathie Hess Crouse from Putnam led the effort. She thinks it’s important to define sex to stop unfair treatment. After an hour of talking, the bill passed with 87 votes for and 12 against. The state Senate will look at it next. Governor Jim Justice and activist Riley Gaines support House Bill 5243. The bill mainly explains what it means to be “female” and “male”, “men” and “women”, and “girls” and “boys”. These meanings will be used in all places where state law is enforced. WV News – A new law is being considered that would let teachers carry guns in school. They would be known as protection officers. The House of Delegates has to make the final decision. Delegate Scot Heckert mentioned that places without someone to protect kids are a risk. The House Judiciary Committee decided to move the bill forward. There was clear pushback from a group called Moms Demand Action. This group, known for wearing red shirts, tries to find safer ways to protect people from gun violence. If House Bill 4299 passes, teachers and other school staff might carry hidden guns or Tasers. They would only do this if they volunteered to be school resource officers. WV News of course i guess it escapes them that, at least in East Bumbuck and the surrounding areas we have what are referred to as School Resource Officers, who drive marked police cars, wear police uniforms… Read more »

11 months ago

you’re as free as we say you are

Pogo, that’s a bumper sticker!

11 months ago

British joke:
This lady calls her friend about her little dog no longer coming when she whistles. The friend says the dog must have hair in its ears and she should go to the pharmacist and get a hair remover, a depilatory. So the lady goes to the pharmacist and asks for the product,  The pharmacist asks where it for, because it’s caustic. “If you put it on your legs or face you can’t leave it on long cause it will burn .”  The lady tells him, Well actually, it’s for my Schnauzer.”
The pharmacist thinks a minute and says, “In that case you better not ride your bicycle for a couple of days.”

11 months ago

Judge sets Trump’s New York hush money trial for March — his first criminal trial


11 months ago

Imagine how stupid Americans look to the rest the world, having a shooting at the victory parade for the “World’s Most-Watched Sporting Event “ and still doing nothing about it

11 months ago

“Police searching for answers after deadly shooting”

…what happens when you let every dumb —————- and their brother have a gun, there’s your answer

11 months ago

Also, we need more cops to stand around with their thumbs up their asses while unarmed civilians apprehend shooting suspects #backtheblue

i think you have to fail an IQ test to be a cop in this country

11 months ago


“For Bolton, Trump’s central doctrine with world affairs: No alliance is secure.”

“If he’s willing to knife NATO, then he’s willing to knife the relationship with Israel, with Japan, with South Korea,” he said. “There’s not a us alliance out there that safe with that kind of attitude.”

11 months ago

Oh, look at all the military gear we let our cops wear now, they look like Navy Seals
One of the shooting suspects was apprehended by two civilians wearing t-shirts, shorts, and sneakers 

11 months ago

Did you know they sell new trucks in the US with gun safes in them?
Can you guess how many thieves with a crowbar that stops?
ok  ✌️ i guess

11 months ago

Bink…  you’re on a great roll this morning…
and for those of you who weren’t impressed with Jon Stewart’s first day back at his old job… I read somewhere… sorry, can’t remember where (I must be getting old) that Mary Trump was pissed off at him over his “both sides” stuff.

11 months ago

Former NATO Commander Wesley Clark ACCUSES Trump of treason

11 months ago

Here’s Dr. Mary from her substack:

“In what universe is Donald vibrant, productive or capable?? And this statement wasn’t even tongue-in-cheek. Stewart was making a straight-up comparison. 
There are no excuses here. Stewart knows who Donald is.
Donald isn’t vibrant. He is compulsive and unhinged.
Donald isn’t productive. He is inept.
Donald isn’t capable. He is a disaster.
Let me be clear: it’s not the comedy that’s the problem—especially since it’s not clear Stewart was even trying to be funny. I don’t even care that he brought up President Biden’s age… The fact of the matter is, Biden is old. It’s absurd to pretend otherwise, so, let’s just own it. It’s that Stewart is pretending, for what possible reason I can’t fathom given his stated politics, that Donald can be favorably compared to President Biden by any metric. This is a serious question: What possible purpose does that serve, especially since it is completely wrong?“

11 months ago

11 months ago

Trump’s NY election fraud trial is already going badly for him. Today the judge denied motion to dismiss, refused to postpone March 25 trial date and ended with the judge reprimanding his lawyers, threatening them with sanctions. After a prosecutor alerted the judge that gus attorneys had failed to turn over important exhibits during discovery, the judge made it clear that he would not tolerate such behavior: “There could be sanctions for failure to comply,m”

11 months ago

Too bad his trial calendar may interfere with his “job.” That happens to a lot of indicted folks, some of whom eventually get acquitted. In the meantime, they’re put out of work. Welcome to the real world, Citizen Trump. 

11 months ago

Jury duty also interferes with your job. That’s why it’s called duty.

11 months ago

The first-ever criminal trial of a former president is happening.

When Trump’s lawyer objected today that a trial would interfere with campaigning for president, the judge asked, “What’s your legal argument?”

Answer: “That’s my legal argument”.

Judge Merchan: “That’s not a legal argument. See you on March 25”

11 months ago

Judge also quoted Trump’s own words bragging about how the criminal cases were helping his campaign, noting that those public statements undercut his request in court to postpone the trial because it harms his campaign.

11 months ago

And tomorrow he probably loses his business and at least a quarter of a billion dollars. Not a good week for Pumpkin.

11 months ago

Pity, ain’t it?  

11 months ago

11 months ago
