43 thoughts on “Mad Dogs and Congressmen”

  1. from the we should have seen it coming files. michael tomasky foretold it in 2013 (updated in 2017 by DB and it continues to this day)

    The Day the Mad Dogs Took Over the Republican Party (thedailybeast.com)

    It was a head-spinning day in Washington, yesterday was, as the story seemed to change from hour to hour in terms of who was proposing or accepting or refusing what and who seemed up and who seemed down. But through it all, one constant did not change and doesn’t seem likely to change: The Republicans are wrecking themselves.
    Indeed, historically so. This is one of those turning points in American political history, the kind you’ll tell your grandkids you were around to see: a once-respectable party that finally was eaten alive by the cultural rage it had so long used to its advantage but held in check in order to win elections. It was a long time coming and it’s a grand thing to watch, provided they don’t wreck the country along with themselves.
    …. The rich didn’t really share the rage, or most of them. Even the Koch Brothers probably don’t, what with all the froufrou artsy-fartsy outfits up in New York they help sustain.
    But all of them have used it. And they have tolerated it, the casual racism, the hatred of gay people, and the rest. They tolerated it because the booboisie voted the right way, and because they, the elites, remained in charge. Well, they’re not in charge now. The snarling dog they kept in a pen for decades has just escaped and bitten their hand off.
    The Republicans still might pull it back together. They were also at a historic low after Nixon resigned. They won three of the next four elections. But that was just one man’s megalomania. This is the psychosis of one-quarter of the nation. That quarter is now leading the elites around by the nose. And the Red Sea just might swallow them all. It’s certainly what they deserve.

  2. If it’s a full House vote to expel will Dems just vote “present” and force ’pugs to eat their own – just to keep Georgy around for campaign ads next year?

  3. @BettyBowers

    HOME DEPOT FOUNDER: “I’ll fund Donald Trump even if he is convicted.” ME: “And I won’t fund Home Depot either way. Goodbye.”

    I’m still building cabinets so I buy a LOT of stuff from…..LOWES.  Always Lowes.  There is never any circumstance which might cause me to go into a Home Depot.  Idiot doesn’t seem to know that Lowes is right across the damn street.

  4. Leon Muks’ only aim was to destroy Twitter.  Once you accept that fact everything makes perfect sense.   

  5. Henry could, and did, fuck up things ranging from his dating life to countries. WaPo.

    Henry Kissinger was about to get lucky with Zsa Zsa Gabor. And it was due, in part, to Richard M. Nixon’s setting them up. Seriously.

    The diplomat and the Hungarian American socialite were an unlikely couple, but they had hit it off after sitting next to each other during a state dinner at the White House, with the actress raving about Kissinger’s big brain. Kissinger drove her home after dinner in Beverly Hills in 1970 and asked whether he could come inside for a drink, “with Henry showing signs of making an amorous approach to me,” Gabor recalled in “One Lifetime Is Not Enough,” her 1991 autobiography.

    But as Kissinger was about to lean in for a kiss, his beeper went off. It was the president. The same man who had set them up was now blocking his national security adviser from getting to first base.

    Even after Kissinger messed up the kiss with Gabor, she sent him flowers, which prompted a thank-you call from the diplomat: “My whole staff looks at me differently since I got flowers from you.” She accepted his invite for another date, but Kissinger had to cancel the night of the meetup. When Gabor asked why, Kissinger again blamed his boss.

    “I can’t fly down because we’re invading Cambodia tomorrow,” Kissinger said, according to The Post. “It’s a big secret, you are the first person outside the White House who knows about it.”

    My impression of him at the time was that he was one of the guys helping sacrifice men of my generation to prop up the economy through the transfer of wealth from taxpayers to military vendors. Anthony Bourdain absolutely hated him for what his guidance re SE Asia did to Cambodia. HuffPost 

    While speaking about his culinary explorations around the world in “A Cook’s Tour: In Search of the Perfect Meal,” published after his death in 2018, Bourdain said that “you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands” after visiting Cambodia, referring to one of Kissinger’s most heinous acts, the approval of a secret war beyond the borders of Vietnam. It was one of many actions he promoted during his eight years as secretary of state under former Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford that are now considered shameful chapters in U.S. foreign affairs. 

    spare us the lionization

  6. I listened to the whole thing last night.   I’m with Blue…. Bye, shithead.  

    Review, The Trials of HK.

    Decades after he left Washington, Henry Kissinger remains a divisive figure in American politics. Journalist Christopher Hitchens, who believes Kissinger should be labeled a war criminal, builds his case by shedding light on the high-ranking diplomat’s many shadowy foreign actions, including an unauthorized bombing raid in Cambodia and a purported plot to oust Chilean leader Salvador Allende. Legal experts and former government officials also discuss Kissinger’s controversial career.


  7. Thomas Kaine
    Six corporations, headed by Trump-loving CEOs, own 90% of the media. They don’t report the good things Biden/democrats have accomplished. We need to bring back the Fairness Doctrine so main street media like Fox News can no longer spew their lies.

  8. “spare us the lionization”

    pogo, precisely why that wasn’t the thread topic even though that was all the headline news this morning when I logged on.  far better to post about the bad dogs of critterville than boast about the mad dogs of war. 

  9. Does anyone know who sang “I was Born in NYC” this morning on Gayle king cbs morning show? I carn’t find it.

  10. A person I know well was a young child in Cambodia during the war. Her personal account of walking through killing fields, barely surviving in jungles, being shot at, escaping to the camps and coming to America are told by an adult now, as she is, but always in the small voice of the child she was then.

  11. Muks knows he broke it (on purpose) so he’s trying to shift the “blame” onto advertisers. There’s that camel/eye of the needle thing again.

    (Anna Gramm…….Skum)

  12. Sturg – Original by James Brown, if we’re thinking of the same song.  Title: Down & Out In NYC

  13. There are some who theorize ketamine-abuse fried lone skum’s brain and i’m not inclined to disagree.  Not sleeping probably didn’t help, either

  14. Sturg – Univision’s CEO is friends with SIL JarJar.  They did an interview with softballs and questions that were actually just GQP talking points, and, they dumped Biden ads that were supposed to sit during the interview.   
    Project 25!   Yell it from the rooftops.
    Biden/Harris 2024! Democracy 2024!

  15. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/check-your-bills-electric-rates-may-increase-due-to-update-in-texas-law/3400208/

    “Oncor – which owns power lines across North Texas – is asking for more than $53 million from the electricity providers that use the power lines it owns. It would be the second rate hike in just a matter of months.”

    “Oncor is able to do this because of a new law passed earlier this year by the state legislature. It allows distribution companies like Oncor and others across the state to request up to two rate increases a year, up from just one.”

    “The law update was meant to hasten the process in rate increase request cases to save power distribution companies money, which would presumably translate into lower rates paid by customers.”

    “Most likely, the electric companies are going to pass those rate hikes down to customers.”

    Doubling the number of allowed rate hikes was never going to lower rates paid by customers. Utter, Republican BS.

  16. My Annual Gerbil Day
    The Language of Letting GoNovember 30Detachment
    One day, my son brought a gerbil home to live with us. We put it in a cage. Some time later, the gerbil escaped. For the next six months, the animal ran frightened and wild through the house. So did we – chasing it.
    “There it is. Get it!” we’d scream, each time someone spotted the gerbil. I, or my son, would throw down whatever we were working on, race across the house, and lunge at the animal hoping to catch it.
    I worried about it, even when we didn’t see it. “This isn’t right,” I’d think. “I can’t have a gerbil running loose in the house. We’ve got to catch it. We’ve got to do something.”
    A small animal, the size of a mouse had the entire household in a tizzy.
    One day, while sitting in the living room, I watched the animal scurry across the hallway. In frenzy, I started to lunge at it, as I usually did, then I stopped myself.
    No, I said, I’m all done. If that animal wants to live in the nooks and crannies of this house, I’m going to let it. I’m done worrying about it. I’m done chasing it. It’s an irregular circumstance, but that’s just the way it’s going to have to be.
    I let the gerbil run past without reacting. I felt slightly uncomfortable with my new reaction – not reacting – but I stuck to it anyway.
    I got more comfortable with my new reaction – not reacting. Before long, I became downright peaceful with the situation. I had stopped fighting the gerbil. One afternoon, only weeks after I started practicing my new attitude, the gerbil ran by me, as it had so many times, and I barely glanced at it. The animal stopped in its tracks, turned around, and looked at me. I started to lunge at it. It started to run away. I relaxed.
    “Fine,” I said. “Do what you want.” And I meant it.
    One hour later, the gerbil came and stood by me, and waited. I gently picked it up and placed it in its cage, where it has lived happily ever since. The moral of the story? Don’t lunge at the gerbil. He’s already frightened, and chasing him just scares him more and makes us crazy.
    Detachment works.
    Today, I will be comfortable with my new reaction – not reacting. I will feel at peace.

  17. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4335413-trump-gag-order-reinstated-in-new-york-civil-fraud-trial/

    “Trump gag order reinstated in New York civil fraud trial”

    “…the former president can no longer rail against Engoron’s clerk without potentially facing consequences. His most recent attack on the clerk was made yesterday, where on Truth Social he criticized her as “very disturbed and angry.”

    “Engoron’s principal law clerk has become an unwitting main character in the fraud trial. In October, a post on Trump’s Truth Social platform falsely derided her as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) “girlfriend” and included personally identifying information about her.”

    “Engoron has repeatedly told Trump and his counsel that attacks on his staff are “not appropriate” and won’t be tolerated “under any circumstance.”

  18. Don’t be disparaging Poe (Not that you were, sturg).  He led me ultimately to Stephen King.

    BTW re: Lowes & HD, I hear you. HD goes into the Hobby Lobby column of places to avoid patronizing. They opened a store here about a year ago and I haven’t darkened their doorway yet. But again, I’m not sure I don’t patronize Dumbass supporters without being aware, but that support him even if he’s convicted shit don’t wash with me and won’t include any of my money – and I’m in the middle of a house renovation sooooo….

  19. Pat, that does look like my Scottie dog when he gets on the vet table. He’s sweet till they put him up there, then he turns into bad one.

  20. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/30/politics/biden-campaign-prepares-against-deepfakes/index.html

    “President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign has assembled a special task force to ready its responses to misleading AI-generated images and videos, drafting court filings and preparing novel legal theories it could deploy to counter potential disinformation efforts that technology experts have warned could disrupt the vote.”

    We know Republicans lie. We know Russia backs Republicans. If it walks like Q-uack and talks like a Q-uack, fakes should be blatantly obvious to anyone but the willfully ignorant. I have at least one family member who thinks the streets of North Texas must be teaming with the undocumented, and that they must be causing widespread havoc. They want to believe it. That’s the sad truth. They want to believe it.

    What happens after the election, if Republicans don’t like outcomes up and down the ballot? Chaos. Devils like Poo-tin will love it.

    ps – The AI horse is out of the barn. Congress failed to act. Elections aren’t the only thing AI has the potential to destroy. The damage will be in everyone’s backyard and then folks will care.

  21. Ahhhh, Poe. Led me not only to King, but also to Doyle’s Holmes. I liked hanging out with those 3.

  22. Okay, nothing like family values Florida style
    Just ran across this

    Christian Ziegler, Florida’s GOP chairman and husband of Sarasota County School Board member and Moms of Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler, is under criminal investigation after a woman filed a complaint with the Sarasota Police Department alleging the longtime Republican official had raped her, according to a heavily redacted police report obtained by the Florida Trident
    The complaint was filed on October 4 and the alleged sexual battery occurred inside the woman’s home in Sarasota on October 2, according to the report. Among the few words that went unredacted in the report are “rape” and “sexual assault complaint.”
    The woman, according to sources close to the investigation, alleged that she and both Zieglers had been involved in a three-year consensual three-way sexual relationship. 

  23. “Hop-Frog”
    Edgar Allen Poe short story of the Decade 50 or so years ago.
    i read them all;  used to go on reading binges and he was one of them.   “Hop-Frog” was a favorite.

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