Time Out

Biden urges pause in Gaza fighting as Hamas says refugee camp death toll nearing 200 | Israel-Hamas war | The Guardian

Joe Biden called for a “pause” in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza after he was confronted by a protester calling for a ceasefire at a campaign fundraiser.

Biden was speaking to about 200 people when the protester shouted: “As a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now.”

Biden responded: “I think we need a pause….”


Meanwhile, hundreds of foreign nationals and dozens of seriously injured Palestinians were allowed to leave Gaza after more than three weeks under siege.

Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt opens for limited evacuation | Israel-Hamas war | The Guardian

By late Wednesday, at least 335 dual nationals and 76 injured seriously wounded and sick people had crossed the border, with more expected to follow. Only a handful of Americans crossed, all employed by international organisations. Biden has said he “expect[ed] to see more depart over the coming days”.

Those cleared to leave on Wednesday included citizens and dual passport holders from Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Indonesia, Japan and Jordan, as well as staff members from several aid organisations. 

400 with foreign passports expected to cross border at Rafah today – Egyptian official

An Egyptian official at the crossing has said that while hundreds were expected to cross Thursday, the numbers could fluctuate during the day.

“Four hundred people holding foreign passports are expected to cross today in addition to 60 wounded,” the official told AFP.

On the Palestinian side, Hisham Adwan, the Rafah crossing’s Gaza director, said about 100 wounded people and 400 foreigners and dual nationals, including US citizens, were expected to cross during the day

The Egyptian official said a total of 361 foreigners and dual nationals had entered Egypt on Wednesday, a slight rise over the figure of 335 given a day earlier.

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1 year ago

Many people who teach trial skills warn against asking questions of a witness if you don’t know the answer to the question. I’m sure Lindsey G has heard that advice. When it comes to Stumbleville, asking questions like “How dumb can we be, man?” runs no risk of a surprise answer. They know that there is no limit to how dumb they can be. They have spent the last 30 years showing that their stupidity has no upper limit.

1 year ago

If there is to be a sane ending to this, Netanyahu has to go. I’m sure Biden agrees. Israeli voters do.

1 year ago

John Feinstein sums up Bobby Knight very well at WaPo today. 

The Bob Knight I knew mixed greatness and brilliance with self-sabotage

That is as succinct an explanation of Bobby as I’ve ever heard. His record is pretty remarkable, particularly his 29 years at Indiana. 

Let’s begin with the easy part: He was a greatbasketball coach. He won 902 games at Army, Indiana and Texas Tech, retiring as the all-time winningest Division I men’s basketball — surpassed later by his pupil Mike Krzyzewski anda handful of others. He won three national titles, went to five Final Fours and won an Olympic gold medal. His first national championship team in 1976 is the last Division I men’s team to go undefeated. Knight almost never drank, but each winter when the last undefeated team went down he would treat himself to a sangria and ginger ale.


He could be cruel, and he could be downright mean. There were times, though, when he was as loyal of a friend as you could have. I saw both sides.
Among his many flaws, there were two that stood out: He always insisted he didn’t care what anyone cared about him when, in fact, he cared desperately and went so far out of his way to prove it that he hurt himself figuratively — and literally.

Worse than that, he always had to have the last word — whether it was with referees, other coaches, players, the media and even his family.

His firing at Indiana in 2000 was classic Knight, reacting angrily to an Indiana student walking past him and saying, “What’s up, Knight?”

The kid was being a jerk, and Knight wasn’t wrong to be upset about being spoken to that way by someone 35 years his junior, but he went too far getting in the kid’s face. He was already on a “zero tolerance” edict from school president Myles Brand after a video had come out the previous season showing him choking the late Neil Reed in practice after Knight had insisted such a thing never happened. 

Love him or hate him he set the standard as a basketball coach that Mike Krzyzewski met in becoming the GOAT in college basketball coaching. 

1 year ago

Poobah, I am sure you are right about Bibi. I realize that war is different and fair play is defined differently in it, but there is something wrong with justifying killing and injuring hundred of refugees by touting killing a top Hamas leader. That’s a very hard “justification” to square. 

1 year ago

My favorite Knight story I quote a lot: Asked why he didn’t have his team pray before games — “Because God doesn’t give a damn about college basketball”

1 year ago

Just nuts, at his Halloween party, Trump:

“Hannibal Lecter, how great an actor was he? You know why I like him? Because he said on television on one of the – ‘I love Donald Trump.’ So I love him. I love him. I love him. He said that a long time ago and once he said that, he was in my camp, I was in his camp. I don’t care if he was the worst actor, I’d say he was great to me.”

1 year ago

I’m pretty sure Hannibal Lechter isn’t an actor.  I think Anthony Hopkins is an actor who portrayed Hannibal Lechter in Silence of the Lambs and a couple more movies.  Fucking moron. Liver and fava beans with a nice Chianti.

1 year ago

Coaches:  perhaps someone could point one out somewhere who is/was not an asshole.  

1 year ago

Congrats to the Texas Rangers on their World Series win.  I wish Horsedooty could have seen it.  I know he was a big Rangers fan.  I think he told us that his wife worked at the park.

1 year ago

Netanyahu has to go and the surrounding Arab nations have to create a modern Palestine.  They have opposed absorbing Palestine for decades so the next best thing is a democratic government and industries that can support the citizens.  


1 year ago

Never saw that movie. Now I don’t have to. 

1 year ago

I have noticed both Trump brothers end answers to nearly every question with “to the best of my knowledge” — even when they’ve said they don’t remember. I guess lawyers told them to say that but it really doesn’t offer the protection some think it does, sounds to me like an admission you’re lying.

1 year ago

That’s what I’m wondering, Craig. Is personal recollection the be-all-and-end-all of a case?  What about documentation and evidence? Just because you didn’t remember signing something, there is your signature on the page. 

1 year ago

Damn skippy the lawyers told them to say that to every question.  And you’re right – it doesn’t offer the protection many people think it does. In fact, if there is evidence to the contrary, it opens the door to confronting them with that evidence, with the purpose of refreshing and testing their recollection and snarky comments about the lack of precision of their recollection.
Ivy, you have your finger on the pulse of that kind of response.

1 year ago

Yes, rr, I was thinking about Lee/Horsedooty last night.   

Junior said he signed documents and just relied on the expertise of others as to their validity.  How much water will that excuse hold? 

Also, when the judge told him not to talk so fast. Nerves? Coke? Both? It’s not because he’s a New Yorker.

1 year ago

It’s like wherever I go, there I am. 

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

The sfb jr supposedly has a business degree from a real college.  For my MBA I had to take multiple BA level accounting classes at roughly the same time I was taking masters level accounting. Yeah, it was a mess, but I had a BS in sciences not business, and there were officers taking the same courses because they too had BS degrees so we were not loners. 
So anytime any one of the grifters says something about not knowing accounting, BS and not the degree.

1 year ago

If all he did was rubber stamp lower level employees or outside contractors, then he was an incompetent officer. Too stupid or too lazy to be in the job. More likely, he was too chicken to be in the job. Daddy was orchestrating everything. 

1 year ago

Would “my job was rubber stamping” be an adequate defense in Court? 

1 year ago

the family had a lot of buffers

1 year ago

The problem the Trumps have is they have a long history and they have been getting away with this crap for years. They thought it would go on forever. If donald had been a normal defeated presidential candidate and accepted his loss and got busy planning his library and place in history. He could have got away with it for the rest of his life.

1 year ago

The other day people were advising Miss blueINdallas to get the “F” out of Texas. 
Mrs Jack and I thought a lot about where we wanted to retire. All the Blue states were either too expensive or cold. All the warm places were too Republican. With the exception of college towns, they seem to be islands of sanity. 
Springfield is such a college town, 3 private religious based colleges, 2 ranging from somewhere between very conservative to nutball crazy and the other a liberal congregationalist university. Then there is Missouri State the second largest of Missouri public universities.  It makes for an interesting dynamic,
Unexpected things, like:
In 1945 the city bought out all the private utility companies, so my gas water and electricity are all on one bill and compared to what I paid in KC very reasonable. 
Springfield and Green county have a large bike/walking trail system. Being in the Ozarks a lot of up and down hills so I get a good cardio workout.
I live about a half mile from Missouri State. And as an old person the great thing about living around a bunch of college student is that they are all healthy so nobody uses my  neighborhood walmart pharmacy. There is never a line. It is great. I went in today and was out in 10 minutes and most of that was waiting for the vaccine to warm up to room temp.
Only problem is if you want any say in local government you will have to vote in the Republican primary which puts you on the list to receive right wing political mailers. But that and all the mailers for the greatest medicare Advantage plan is why a trash can is by my front door. I don’t even bother to open them.

1 year ago

lol, i’m reading Milquetoast Johnson has blamed the “fall of Rome” (which is a stupid concept to start with) on homosexuality.  Tiberius, the 2nd emperor, was a notorious paedophile (if Suetonius and others are to be believed), and Rome lasted another 400 years after him
No historian, here, but Mike Johnson ain’t either, he should stick to ghost stories

1 year ago

other day people were advising… to get the “F” out of Texas. 

…that was me, singular (not exactly the way i phrased it, however)
…agree about Springfield

1 year ago

Best sign trial not going well…

Donald J. Trump
Nov 02, 2023, 2:21 PM

So sad to see my sons being PERSECUTED in a political Witch Hunt by this out of control, publicity seeking, New York State Judge, on a case that should have NEVER been brought. Legal Scholars Scream Disgrace! My $WORTH is far GREATER than on Financial Statements, plus they contain a full DISCLAIMER CLAUSE telling readers of this information to do their own due diligence and analysis. ALSO, their Star Witness admitted on the stand that he LIED, a big story not covered by the press. Banks and Insurance Companies made money, not even a minor default, and there were NO VICTIMS, except for the people getting mugged and murdered on the sidewalks of New York while our Corrupt Attorney General sits on her ass in Court all day watching the Trump family be abused by a Trump Hating Judge that said a Billion Dollar house is only worth $18,000,000 Million Dollars!!

1 year ago

Trump Bros gave judge every reason to savage their company with fines. Obviously lying with their claims of ignorance that will piss him off, instead of even trying to defend the valuations. 

1 year ago

Dumbass is raising rehash of stupid statements to an art form.

1 year ago

Love this one:

National treasure, that one.  And the Lazlo letters were hilarious.

1 year ago

Then there’s this:

1 year ago

Denton TX is an island of sanity if only because of a delightful lady that I have been conversing with for over a decade on Facebook, Shelly Cumbie Tucker.  If you happen to be in the neighborhood, check her out.  She is a professional storyteller and a hobbyist of so many types it is hard to keep track of them all.



Blue Bronc
1 year ago

For those of us in the peanut gallery, the current trial is going very nicely.  Self-incriminating witnesses working their stupidity.  And the best part, it is literally just starting.
Saint Mickey Johnson might turn out not to be the messiah the cult were hoping for.  Now that the fool is under the spotlight, he is showing no shadow – yet.  The curious are looking for a reason one has no shadow.  One is uniform lights, the other is being perfect, one is being a vampire, and the final is a big fat lying SOB.  I think that saying one prays for direction might also not being honest on filing financial declarations.  May the lying white supremacist go down hard.

1 year ago

Everybody knows that dinosaurs caused the fall of Rome. 

1 year ago

All Souls Day.
R.I.P. Marty the Fly 

1 year ago

Sturg, hell yeah. Ivy, ditto.

1 year ago

Ivy, Michael j fox? 

1 year ago

Pogo, no, just the fly. He lived long and flew high. 

1 year ago

While I was waiting for my vaccine to come up to room temperature, (10 min)  I saw Walmart had turkeys for 98 cents. Label says they are good for a year in the freezer. I may go back and buy another one I’m not a real turkey fan but at a dollar a lb that is cheap eating.

1 year ago

I went to get my annual flue shot and ask about the new covid. The Pharmacist said it work be ok to take them both at once so I did. I’m getting a few chills this time around. I drank some hot lemonade and now I seem to be better.

1 year ago

$.98 for a reason
(the meats are the one walmart item i can’t do- tried ‘em 😒)

((i mean, i’m not buying meat from target either or anyplace that also sells socks))

(((incidentally [or ironically [[or both]]]my local walmart has a good vegan selection!)))

((((oh, and i’m sorry but Great Value Ranch Dressing is bullshit, was so sad that fateful night i took that plunge))))

1 year ago

omg, i just looked up how much a “peck” is (2 dry gallons) and i literally picked a peck of poblano peppers to pickle!

1 year ago

…where the *#%! did i put that flute?? 🤔