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1 year ago

Maher was spot-on with MAGA Mike jokes last night. But I do wish he’d stop saying Biden is too old to win.

1 year ago

IvyGreen says: I’m hearing a lot of rhetoric in one-to-one exchanges that have me concerned that the “decrepit Joe” propaganda is taking hold.
October 27, 2023 at 7:39 pm

Yep, Ivy, it has taken hold but we’re just going to have to make the best of it. Frame the campaign as OLD vs. CRAZY.

I worried about this many months ago when there was still time to do something about it, didn’t think he should run. But here we are. He must win. As Jason Robards as Ben Bradlee said in ‘All the President’s Men’ about getting rid of Nixon: “Nothing’s riding on this except the, uh, First Amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press and maybe the future of the country”


1 year ago

Joe’s age is going to come up as “credible” news/polls etc from now to next November because it’s the ONLY thing the gop has to cling to and they will push it, and pay for others to push it, and rely on the media and squishy ersatz democrats  to push it for them.  There is no escaping it; the gop is going to gnaw on it like a pit bull with a fresh ham bone.  
So get ready, because it will be an onslaught, why? Because the gop is through with voting; they are looking to install full-blown Fascism and if democrats don’t counter it at every turn, it will be Hitler Time in America.

They have lost their fucking minds.

1 year ago

If it wasn’t Joe’s age IT WOULD BE SOMETHING ELSE—like “her emails” or “people don’t like Hillary” or swiftboats or whatever other reprehensible and vile narrative the gop can turn their bizarre little Christi-fascist minds to.

1 year ago

Carville quotes in The Atlantic are scary:

“I’m looking at polling data, and I’m looking at all of it. The president’s numbers are just not good—and they’re not getting any better. I talk to a lot of people who do a lot of congressional-level polling and state polling, and they’re all saying the same thing. There’s not an outlier; there’s not another opinion … The question is, has the country made up its mind?”

Carville added that in his own discussions with leading Democrats, when he argues that Biden’s prospects for reelection have grown bleak, “Nobody is saying, ‘James, you’re wrong,’” he told me. “They’re saying, ‘James, you can’t say that.’”

1 year ago

New Speaker’s views on abortion, LGBTQ issues could weigh down GOP

The Hill: “Republicans are discovering the downside of electing a previously obscure figure to be second in line to the presidency.”

1 year ago

The alternative to being totally on board with Joe is a large-scale food fight for the nomination which will resulin in some highly weakened candidate facing the same onslaught of scurrilous attacks which are leveled at Joe and Kamala.  And….during this time the gop will be free to hammer away at all the democrats’ “disarray, confusion, and inability to govern, Etc”

And mainly: WHO? Who would be immune to gop ugly narratives?   

1 year ago

Has Carville put forth any possible solutions, or is he happy with complaints and debilitating rhetoric?  I love Carville but what’re his ideas for winning the election? 

1 year ago

America has a revenue problem

Whenjobs are plentifuland business profits soar, that means good news for federal tax revenues. At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work.


1 year ago

Nice musics last night.    

1 year ago

Every time someone says, “Joe is too old” they should also be required to furnish AN ALTERNATIVE.   

1 year ago

“Yep, Ivy, it has taken hold but we’re just going to have to make the best of it. Frame the campaign as OLD vs. CRAZY.” –Craig

Craig, we’re going to need help with that. I’ve been arguing OLD vs. CRAZY, OLD vs. CORRUPT, OLD vs. CRIMINAL, etc. 
What their replies come down to is a perception (or projection) of WEAK vs. STRONG. They’re fearful of Joe’s “cognitive decline” because it’s “weakness” which makes America vulnerable while the other guy’s ranting and raving to them is “strong.”  There’s more but that’s the gist of it. Wherever they’re getting this rhetoric, I’ve heard it exact quotes from per person to person in different states, red and blue. 
Anecdotal, yes, but concerning if it’s a trend. 

1 year ago

Lurking behind “weak Joe” is the “hidden hand of Obama” who they think is still running the show.

Yep, that’s what I heard.

Update: a relative just posted a disgusting meme depicting Obama behind a “Joe mask.” It’s starting and I’m proceeding to put these folks into snooze or blocked, cousins or not. I can’t take that again after last time.

1 year ago

I’ll never understand the compulsion to turn a strong and proven Winner into a loser.

“cause it don’t feel right somehow”.

There are a legion of highly paid gop scum working diligently night and day to come up with negative narratives about democrats.  Narratives which might “stick” in the  minds of the public and grow into major stories which can be relentlessly hammered on the Fascist media outlets (unhampered by any quaint notions of fairness or truth) until they bleed into mainstream media and people think the stories have some kind of merit.   Time for heads-up ball.

1 year ago

This time, I swear…..I’m just going to watch it all unfold.  

America, you’re on your own.  


1 year ago

Otherwise, all I can do is send money and vote. Any other ideas? 

1 year ago

“Do”.       Aye, theres the rub.  

1 year ago

The Dem bench is deep…for 2028.  Dean Phillips, isn’t on it despite his little stunt of trying to run this time.   
POTUS Joe is exactly who we need in these times. STEADY and TRUSTWORTHY and SANE and HUMANE.    
You can’t say any of those things about Orange Adolf nor about and of the Republican pod people who have ALL been infected with MAGA-fascism. 


1 year ago

A little dog stands up to the bear.   
Short story of the Week
”The Bear” by Wm Faulkner
And a little dog, nameless and mongrel and many-fathered, grown, yet weighing less than six pounds, saying as if to itself, “I can’t be dangerous, because there’s nothing much smaller than I am; I can’t be fierce, because they would call it just a noise; I can’t be humble, because I’m already too close to the ground to genuflect;13 I can’t be proud, because I wouldn’t be near enough to it for anyone to know who was casting the shadow, and I don’t even know that I’m not going to heaven, because they have already decided that I don’t possess an immortal soul. So all I can be is brave. But it’s all right. I can be that, even if they still call it just noise.”

1 year ago

Because we can not allow Christo-fascists like Mike Johnson to turn this country into Iran, where morality police kill women for not following religious protocol, Biden will win a second term.  
“Republicans, of course, have a long history of blaming literally anything but guns for gun violence—a list that includes but is not limited to abortionwomen in the workplacevaccines, and zombies. (Johnson himself has blamed abortion and the teaching of evolution on mass shootings.)”
“Scary guy,” said one senior Democratic operative. “Jim Jordan, but with better demeanor.”

1 year ago

So, anyone who claims to be worried about age (the orange guy is almost the same age), needs to realize Biden has a lot to run for thanks to Alito & the Supremes,  MAGAt Mike Johnson & the crazy Qs, and Orange Adolf. 
Dems are fighting fascism, imposed religious beliefs of others, gun violence, violence against women/POC/LGBTQ, and protection of Social Security and Medicare.
ps to Carville –  Actually, whenever Biden’s age is brought up by someone pushing a MAGAt/Russian talking point, just say SFB is almost the same age AND Republicans want to kill Social Security and Medicare.
ps to Mike Johnson – Killing Social Security and Medicare is incredibly un-Christian, since that’s how you SAY you intend to govern.   Lyin’ Mike Johnson. 

Biden/Harris 2024!

1 year ago

SOTH Johnson’s religious worldview is just his worldview. He’s an authoritarian wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Why we can’t cherry-pick the Bible/not weaponizing the Bible.

1 year ago

blue, they reply it’s not just his age, it’s his doddering condition. 

1 year ago

They will say whatever they need to say which will support their bias   
just like my real estate agen told me after Jan 6 that facial recognition stuff was proving all the insurrection it’s to be antifa.  With a straight face he told me that.

1 year ago

Democrats are doing their usual worry and concern/talking it to death. Yeah, Biden is old, but he is what you’ve got. So suck it up buttercup. Biden main polling problems right now is that his lefty base is doing its usual wish casting for a white Knight hero to ride to the rescue. 
It is going to be an election where the choice is between 2 equally old men and so far only one of them is displaying problems with emotional control, a sure sign of cognitive impairment related to aging. But the Democrats are too polite to point this out. That grandpa Trump may need full time nursing care. 

1 year ago

Sturge anyone that far gone is not the problem, it is the ones determined to treat both sides as equally qualified to the point that they become blind to obvious  problems with one side.

1 year ago

Yeah…  what Jack said 12:04… and 12:08…

1 year ago

The Fly lives. Day Four! Arghh! 

1 year ago

“They will say whatever they need to say which will support their bias…” – Sturge

Totally though I can’t be held responsible for what my face does when they talk. 

1 year ago

Pour a bit of you beer in a glass, let it set around and maybe he will drowned in it.
Then again is the thought of wasting good beer more irritating than the fly. 
Hmmm, you know having a fly for a roommate? I’ve had worse roommates and I didn’t share my beer with them.

1 year ago

Thanks, Jack. Desperate enough to try it. 

No single fly has ever escaped my swatter as many times as this one. I must be getting old.

1 year ago

After 9-11 my boss at the time was very upset over what he believed to be the world celebrating the attack. I tried to tell him we had a lot of support around the world, but he didn’t believe me. He was a busy man and most of his information came from what he listened to on his pickup radio. Right wing of course. I went home that night and printed up a bunch of pictures from around the world of memorials people had setup in front of our embassies. I gave them to him. It made a difference. He actually thanked me.

1 year ago

An interesting graphic

1 year ago

OMG, Pat, thank you, exactly what I needed to reframe my thoughts. It for sure has been buzzing in my ear. 

Update: it thanks you, Pat. It’s posing on the counter for me and I’m letting it go.

1 year ago

if your reincarnation idea is correct then the fly would appreciate a good beer or maybe something stronger. 

1 year ago

It is a full moon tonight

1 year ago

Fly, away. 

1 year ago

Guess he hasn’t heard abortion was legal in the 18th Century… Mike Johnson says America’s problems today are because “we didn’t maintain 18th century values” 

1 year ago

“…we didn’t maintain 18th century values” 

Keep yapping, Mike. We’ll see how that works out. 

1 year ago

Been tied up with a busted car, cancelled tows, cancelled rentals, plan changes and the like. I echo Sturg’s comments about last night’s music selections. Good job, Bink. 
Be persistent Ivey, ultimately the fly must die. We’re having a record ladybug beetle year. Bastards are prolific. 

1 year ago

Ivy – What “doddering condition”?

1 year ago


“You think about the implications on the economy. We’re all struggling here to cover the bases of social security and Medicare and Medicaid and all the rest. If we had all those able-bodied workers in the economy, we wouldn’t be going upside down and toppling over like this … I will not yield I will not. Roe was a terrible corruption of America’s constitutional jurisprudence.”

“He wants to cut social security and Medicare” <—

“As those comments indicate, Johnson wants to cut programs on which millions rely. Such cuts are widely regarded as a political third-rail – Trump has used the issue to attack Republican presidential rivals, saying only he will defend such benefits – but Johnson is far from alone in wanting to swing the axe.”

1 year ago


“Former Vice President Mike Pence has suspended his campaign for president amid lagging poll numbers and financial challenges, vowing to help elect “principled Republican leaders” moving forward.”

Mike Pence hangs it up. I’m sure he’s a big fan of MAGAt Mike.

1 year ago

another way of them saying not just old but old-and-weak…


1 year ago

Just got buzzed again 🐝
We’re having our first snow event of the season, so we’ll find out soon what this fly is really made of. 

1 year ago

I know what the word means, but what examples of him being that way are they claiming?   It’s all MAGAt/Russian garbage. 

1 year ago

I just had to stop Mr. Ivy from squashing my fly!

1 year ago

BID, I don’t know precisely what clips and videos they’re being fed. But it must be pervasive because they’re all taking it as gospel. Whatever it is, that’s what we’re up against.

1 year ago

Ivy – He’s always had a speech impediment; it’s never stopped him.  The late night shows repeat a clip of when he tripped up the plane stairs (but Tommy Tuberville landed on his ass and slid down the plane stairs), and a clip of when he fell off his bike (Bush did that, too), and the sandbag incident.  I’ve also seen an edited clip of the President getting up from an interview.  They tried to imply that he just got up and wandered off, but I’ve also seen the entire clip; the interview was over, he shook hands and said goodbye before he walked away…unlike Orange Adolf who wandered away during a signing of something or other that was being carried live; they had to wrangle his MAGAt ass back.  

Actually, it shows how strong and capable the President is in carrying out his duties, when the only thing they can point to are birthday candles.