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1 year ago

Funny, when Uncle Joe told Nicole yesterday “it’s not your father’s Republican party” I thought wow, that would be a great message for going after moderate Republicans. But I thought it was spur of the moment — happy to see this facebook ad, it means they’re settled upon this as a strategy. Yes!

1 year ago

This ain’t NOBODY’S Republican Party because it’s just a religious cult. 

1 year ago

Aw man, Elon Musk’s hate-powered internet site is down, i was hoping for a morning dose of misinformation
Oh well, i guess i’ll have to settle for boring fact-checked and sourced traditional news, yawn 

1 year ago

i saw a tweet yesterday when that lightly-staffed website was running, yesterday, and it said that Finland had banned private schools , and i thought to myself, “…rock on Finland, i have been advocating that FOR YEARS”, and a mix of pride and hope instilled almost a kind of intoxication as i reveled in my own sagacity.
I did have to wonder, though, after the buzz had worn off, “…but is that really true?”
Googled it, totally not true 😒 

1 year ago

The Beginning of the End for Putin?

Interesting Foreign Affairs article.


1 year ago

If you’re referring to twitter, I just checked it and it seems to work same as ever.   

1 year ago

i don’t have a twitter account, so i just try to read it without logging in, which was tedious but possible.  i can’t now, but i suppose it could be me 🤷‍♂️ 
One of the wormholes i went down was academic criticism of social-media-based “citizen -journalism”, in the context of reporting on Prigozhin’s rebellion. i would like to share some of that criticism, here, because i think some
of you would be interested in it, but the concern i have is that i don’t know who these people are, on behalf of whom
or what they are posting, if they’re disinformationists or statists or 3rd-party chaos agents, or what, and there is a real war with real casualties going on in Ukraine, and i’m loathe to offer accidental (dis)informational support to their aggressor.

All that said, the underlying premise of most of their critiques of Western media analysis of the Prigozhin revolts is that none of the so-called experts in Western media understand the nuances of the various Russian state institutions and power-structures, and on a more basic level Russian society itself, and that Putin still enjoys a more secure position that the pundits would have you believe.

Is that true? i can’t say, but Western media tends to get Russian matters wrong

1 year ago

BB – I compared the most recent pic of Poo-tin with images from his visit to TX, down at the ranch in Crawford with W way back when.   Either he’s had a lot of work done (not just Botox and fillers, but a nose job – which is entirely possible) or one of his stand-ins has been making the rounds. Need good pics, old and new,  of the ears.
He has good reason to be paranoid and in hiding after last weekend.

1 year ago

I was in my sixth and final year of high school the year when integration came to the island, in much the same manner as described in THE PRINCE OF TIDES, by Pat Conroy.   I observed it with full attention the day it “sank in” towards the end of the school year on the high school playground.*. After the events of that day made it plain to all that integration was not going to be beaten back, or down, but was here to stay, the white folks scrambled and had to take immediate and drastic evasive action. 
The next year word got around that all the white folks kids would be attending classes at the local baptist church while they got them a school built on land donated by a local farmer.   This mushrooming of religious white schools happened all over town and country.   

* A whole ‘nother story.

1 year ago

Go Jack Smith!

Bring on more charges.


1 year ago

i had to laugh last year when the esteemed CBS News had on Krutschev’s Daughter, (as if it was likely that such a person would offer unbiased analysis without an agenda) to analyze Putin’s then potential threat to Ukrainian borders and sovereignty, and she said something, like:
”i zon’t zhink zat Poo-teenk vill inkvade, eet ees yust a bluff”
Of course he invaded the next day

1 year ago

Let’s remember that it’s not just tRUMPsky who would ruin our democracy.  DuhSantis, Hayley, Scott, and anyone else running as a Republican are equally worrisome…as is Crackpot Kennedy who is running as a Dem.   
I love POTUS Joe!
Biden/Harris 2024! 

1 year ago

As someone who has only voted Democrat for national offices, i’d consider voting for Romney, with a recognition that he was vindicated regarding Russia and had the character to buck his party and vote for impeachment of currently-indicted guy
i’m not saying i would, i’m saying i’d consider it.  What’s the worst that could happen?  Loss of SCOTUS-control for a generation and a 30-year rollback of progressive policy goals?
i couldn’t in good conscience vote for any of the current formally-declared GOP candidates as long as the central theme of their efforts and platforms is exclusion
ok, pardon me, Slava Ukraine ✌️🇺🇦🫡🇺🇸

1 year ago

His name was Edward Brown. He was one of the eight or so African Americans who showed up for classes that year, ‘67 maybe.  Edward was an enigma.   Imagine Eddie Murphy, Sidney Poitier, or Cleavon Little in the 12th grade.  He clearly was not “from the island”.  
 Joe and I were in a rock and roll band playing in all manner of dive joints and so we were not really a part of the high school zeitgeist.  Kind of cheesy outlaws, lol. 
So…..that day was proceeding about the same as all the others leading up to it, a Mexican standoff between derision and endurance, when Joe and I noticed a crowd of the football guys and their lackeys had formed a circle around one guy trying to goad one Arthur into a fight.  Arthur was a bit goofy looking and a bit slow mentally so he attracted a lot of their abuse and he was plainly scared and didn’t know what to do as the other kid and the crowd kept taunting him.  
I nudged Joe and we watched Edward Brown striding across the field towards the would-be fight. None in the abusive circle noticed his approach.  As he walked I watched as he stripped off his belt and began to wrap it around his fist until only the big brass buckle was left flailing.  
He walked into the center of the ring and very calmly asked, “Which one of you white motherfuckers wants it first?”

No takers……There were some big bad dudes in that crowd and not one of ‘em wanted any part of Edward Brown. They melted and slunk away and our school was thoroughly integrated.

1 year ago

Short Story of the Apocalypse:
”I went to Sullivant”   by James Thurber 
Talk about tough….our school had its own Coroner. 
—Lenny Bruce

1 year ago

SCOTUS rules for anti-gay web designer 6-3

1 year ago

We have a SCOTUS that apparently is learning subtraction and division, and doing one hell of a job of it.  
Since they’ve subtracted about 60 years from where affirmative action programs stood yesterday, I cast my memory back to 1970 – when I first became exposed to diversity in an educational setting.  So I graduated from my all white HS the year before black students from East Lake and Woodlawn began riding the bus to Huffman High.  My sister was still attending there for a couple more years and she said the sky didn’t fall or anything like that – although I’m sure my mom and all the neighbors were sure it would. I went to UA main campus – it was 7 years after George Wallace’s stand in the school house door at Foster Auditorium  There were a scant handful of black students in my second semester history class (about 100 students total in an auditorium class), in fact the girl next to me was one.  Very nice, smart and reserved. Had to be a lonely existence for black students at UA back in those days – but they were pretty active – had one or two fraternities and a sorority and the AASA that participated in and sponsored student activities, and a couple years later the student body elected a black VP who was part of the anti-Machine Party (the Machine was the Greek system white frat boy party) who ended up being a good friend (and coincidentally dated my first wife before I met her) who joined with the non-frat students and for the first time in UA politics had a non Greek system student government. There were no black athletes on the Crimson Tide football team (one, Wilbur Jackson, had been recruited but was a freshman so he could not play on the varsity team until the next year) – and I attended the UA-USC football game at Legion field where USC, led by fullback Bam Cunningham creamed the Tide 42-21. There were a LOT of inappropriate taunts and slurs at that game. That game is credited with ending desegregated sports in the SEC.  By 1975 Bama hired a black guy from Chicago as Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to try and increase black participation and programming at UA.  I worked alongside him and my (still) best friend doing drug/alcohol ed programming in the frat system after a couple of UA students got killed in a drunk driving accident after a football game in Birmingham, became good friends and stayed in touch through the 80s until he died of a brain tumor. Saw Meat Loaf with him at Rutgers/Livingston when he was Dean of students there when I stopped by and stayed with him a couple of days on a trip between AL & NH.  
My point is that affirmative action is what made possible for this lily-white southern boy much of that history, which changed for me much of the attitude and perspective I grew up with, and the SCOTUS subtraction and division game concerns me that hard fought progress will slip back somewhat for generations to come.  Educational opportunity at elite schools aside, the one thing that gives me some hope on a broad scale is that I see none of the attitudes I grew up with in my kid.

1 year ago

Poobah, I read an article yesterday about that case.  Apparently it was a fiction drummed up by the same bunch of motherfuckers who drummed up the fictitious wedding cake case.  Being afraid they might have someone ask them to design a wedding website was enough to get into court.  So much for “case and controversy”. I hate our SCOTUS and the assholes (Mertle and Dumbass) who gave it to us.

1 year ago

SCOTUS has gone off the reservation.  

1 year ago

Court strikes down student loan forgiveness. That’s a wrap for Democratic turnout 2024, Republican Court attacks women blacks gays and young people

1 year ago

Women, Blacks, LGBTQ, students.  I think things will get interesting over the next 16 1/2 months.

1 year ago

Can’t believe court found standing in the gay case. The woman, the plaintiff, made up a case. No one asked her to do a gay page.The guy she cited as seeking the work says he never did, isn’t gay and is already married???

1 year ago

Don’t forget the POODs.*
*Pissed off old democrats. 

1 year ago

Wow…   been trying to tell people I know for years that the one reason to vote Democratic is because of the SC.  I wonder if they believe me now….
I hear you Bink…  but… but…  as for Romney….  don ‘t do it…

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Time for a gay person to refuse to make a cake/website/database/auto repair for any straight or christian (not religion type).  I doubt that would raise a legal case or two, but still it would get five minutes of news time.

1 year ago

today’s meme…

1 year ago

Well, this is one POOD who will be voting in November ’24.  As if a POOD vote in WV is worth even a tinker’s damn.

1 year ago

Standing in student loan case also in question. 

State isn’t harmed by student loan forgiveness but got standing to sue. 

And a non-existent wedding website never asked to create a gay page has standing to sue.

New rule: Anyone who wants the Supreme Court to reverse rights it doesn’t like has standing to sue.

1 year ago

Statement from the guy plaintiff claimed asked her to make a gay marriage site: “I wouldn’t want anybody to … make me a wedding website?” he continued, sounding a bit puzzled but good-natured about the whole thing. “I’m married, I have a child—I’m not really sure where that came from? But somebody’s using false information in a Supreme Court filing document.”


1 year ago

Jan. 6 Suspect Arrested Near Obama Home After Trump Shares Address — Had weapons, ammunition in van…


President Trump shared Obama address on Truth Social hours earlier. A Truth Social account linked to suspect Taylor Taranto reposted the article Trump shared and added, “Got them surrounded!”

1 year ago

To be decided a few months before 2024 election

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

Truth is none of us is rich enough to buy a seat of two of the court formerly known as supreme, or a few congress critters.  America has never been for the average person, even though a few good people tried.  Unless something quite radical and possibly horrible happens to a few of those for sale on the court formerly known as supreme, and President Biden gets the replacements in we will possibly see many more rights turned into huge piles of cow manure in the next year.  They can feel it and are not going to stop.

1 year ago


“Close to 10,000 additional babies were born over a nine-month period after Texas banned most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy…”

“Analyzing live births in April through December 2022, the study captures people who were at least seven weeks pregnant when the law went into effect or later became pregnant. The researchers used historical birth data to model how many births likely would have occurred in Texas if the law hadn’t gone into effect and compared that to the number of actual births.”

“After the ban on abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy went into effect, Texans were finding ways to circumvent the law and terminate their pregnancies. People showed up to clinics earlier in pregnancy; there was a spike in demand for abortion-inducing medication from AidAccess, an online provider; and clinics in nearby states saw a flood of Texans.”

“But advocates and clinics warned that there was no way these workarounds were accessible to everyone who previously would have sought an abortion.”

“The state is still battling persistently high maternal mortality numbers, a crisis disproportionately impacting Black women, and is staring down a health care provider shortage that is already limiting labor and delivery options in rural areas.”

1 year ago

1 year ago

1 year ago

Wow…. Sounds like Biden is now at war with the court formerly known as the Supreme Court…..   good!

1 year ago

1 year ago

1 year ago

I always thought that Zager and Evans song was kinda pessimistic, but in a fun kinda way.

1 year ago

you tell me

1 year ago

they paved paradise and put up an intergalactic superhighway

Blue Bronc
1 year ago

2525 was a big one for us teens as we knew the russkies were going to bomb us at anytime.  But, also look at the other songs of July 1969.

1 year ago

Allow me to fuck with your algorithm

1 year ago

Can’t believe they took a hypothetical case. Who takes a freaking hypothetical case? Anyone who came into my HR office with a what-if case, I said come back when you have an actual case. 

1 year ago

Ok, a little something to help the brain, And I would bet her redition of a Jim Croce song would be fit to listen to also