Basta, you B*stards! Basta!

Enough with the MAGA-madness, you swaggering spineless sheep in wolves’ clothing!

from Attack on Pelosi’s husband heightens fears of increasing US political violence | US politics | The Guardian:

As Americans prepare to go to the polls on 8 November, many experts and observers have warned of the danger of acts of political violence. The election has played out in an atmosphere of conspiracy and intimidation ….


The attack against Pelosi’s husband prompted calls for Republican lawmakers to condemn the use of threats and violence against political opponents. One of those calls came from Adam Kinzinger, a Republican member of the the House select committee investigating January 6 whose family has received death threats over his work with the panel.

“This morning’s terrifying attack on Paul Pelosi by a man obsessed with election conspiracies is a dangerous reality encouraged by some members of my own party,” Kinzinger said on Twitter. “This must be condemned by every Member of Congress [and] candidate. Now.”


22 thoughts on “Basta, you B*stards! Basta!”

  1. Paul Pelosi attack: Violent extremism warning ahead of US election – BBC News

    As if to emphasise this point, just a few hours after news of the assault on Paul Pelosi on Friday, the US government distributed a bulletin to law enforcement across the nation. It warned of a “heightened threat” of domestic violent extremism against candidates and election workers driven by individuals with “ideological grievances”.
    Also on Friday, the US Department of Justice announced that a man from Pennsylvania had pleaded guilty to making multiple phoned death threats against an unnamed congressman – reported to be Democrat Eric Swalwell of California. The threats included telling a staff member in the congressman’s Washington office that he was going to come to the US Capitol with a firearm.
    With a population encased in political bubbles of social media and news outlets that reinforce their existing political beliefs and fears, individuals will continue to be tempted by extremism and violence. And when they go looking for the politicians they read about and see on television – ones they are told are enemies of the nation and threats to democracy – they will be able to find them.

  2. LP’s latest

    This November, the scariest thing to happen to America could be the Republican House of Horrors:

  3. editorial board Opinion | The Pelosi attack should spur more security for U.S. leaders – The Washington Post

    Whatever else we learn about the attack on the Pelosis, it is incumbent on politicians — regardless of party — to condemn anything resembling political violence. On Friday morning, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he was “horrified and disgusted” by the reported assault, while Mr. Scalise said that “violence has no place in this country.” Several others have released similar statements. We hope lawmakers turn their outrage into action by tamping down on political vitriol — and by considering new investments in security for themselves, their families and other leaders who appear to face more risk by the day.

  4. The current coverage makes this guy out to be just another radicalized white man, isolated, not connected, probably out of his mind.  Fine.  But, the connection to the terrorist group of what used to be the republican party is there.  It is there in all of these single guy terrorist attacks.  Lone wolf attack is what they want us to think, just like all the other terrorist attacks. 
    In the same vein, Musk (I keep wanting to say Muskie) announced, shortly after GM said they were not advertising on Twitter going forward, that none of the blocked or banned accounts were to be revived until some committee he is putting together makes decisions.  What he forgot is he is the owner, he makes decisions. So reports of SFB tweeting are not true.

  5. A large twitter stockholder is a Saudi prince. 

    “Saudi Arabia’s Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), along with the private office of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, will continue their ownership of Twitter shares valued at $1.89bn after Elon Musk’s takeover of the social media company, making them jointly the second largest investors, according to a statement released by the Saudi prince.”

  6. Hmm a Saudi prince. Yeah, that fits. Probably invested during Dumbass’ “administration”.

  7. some profound insight expressed in an article in today’s guardian:

    The comedian Trevor Noah has said he did not claim “the entire UK is racist” after a row over his skit about Rishi Sunak’s appointment as the UK prime minister.
    Noah said on the US news programme The Daily Show earlier this week that there had been a “backlash” over Sunak, comments that were widely criticised in the UK. The former chancellor Sajid Javid said Noah had been “simply wrong”.
    The comedian, however, has now defended his segment, saying he was reacting to racists: “That’s why I said ‘some people’.”
    Sunak, who was born in Hampshire to Indian parents, is the UK’s first British-Asian prime minister and the first Hindu to assume the role. He officially took over as Conservative leader and PM on Tuesday.
    In the original comments on the US programme, Noah – who is South African and grew up during apartheid – said: “You hear a lot of the people saying, ‘Oh, they’re taking over, now the Indians are going to take over Great Britain and what’s next?’
    “And I always find myself going ‘So what? What are you afraid of? I think it’s because the quiet part that a lot of people don’t realise what they’re saying is, ‘We don’t want these people who were previously oppressed to get into power because then they may do to us what we did to them.’”

    the profundity was trevor’s “… a lot of people don’t realise what they’re saying is, ‘We don’t want these people who were previously oppressed to get into power because then they may do to us what we did to them”  that made me think how applicable it might be to explain some of the fear of some magaT white men about women, LGBTQ and people of color being elected or placed in positions of power over them.

  8. “She’s a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason,” Greene said in 2021 video, which she posted on Facebook at the time. “She took an oath to protect American citizens and uphold our laws. And she gives aid and comfort to our enemies who illegally invade our land. That’s what treason is. And by our law representatives and senators can be kicked out and no longer serve in our government. And it’s, uh, it’s a crime punishable by death is what treason is. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason.”

  9. Madame Speaker is going to be one pissed off woman when she gets back to DC.    There’s a lot of assholes up there I’m glad I ain’t right now.

  10. joe said it well: Every person of good conscience needs to clearly and unambiguously stand up against violence in our politics, no matter what your politics are.”

    the hill:

    “This is despicable. There’s no place in America. There’s too much violence, political violence, too much hatred, too much vitriol,” Biden said at the start of remarks to Pennsylvania Democrats.
    “And what makes us think that one party can talk about stolen elections, COVID being a hoax, that it’s all a bunch of lies, and it not affect people who may not be so well balanced,” Biden continued.
    “What makes us think that it’s not going to corrode the political climate? Enough is enough is enough. Every person of good conscience needs to clearly and unambiguously stand up against violence in our politics, no matter what your politics are.”

  11. They know they’re despicable……they take immense pride therein.

    A blow to the head like that to an 82 year old person……..he might recover, but in someone that age there’s going to be bad and lasting effects. It’s what got Vonnegut and my friend, Dr. Dave, the drummer.

  12. I don’t think those Proud Orange Oaf Boys yet realize how huge is the hornet’s nest they done kicked over.

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