Another Day Another Prime Minister

Stephen brings us up to date

Stephen learns the name of the U.K.’s new Prime Minister, looks at the latest lies from Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, and shares video of Sen. Ted Cruz getting a rowdy New York welcome at Yankee Stadium.

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2 years ago

OK. Good for UK I guess. Wasn’t he Boris’ Chairman of the Exchequer?  Another Conservative, but one who might not sound like a screaming Mimi on the floor of Parliament. Shitty conservative policies coming from a polite person. UK decline marches on. 

2 years ago

You got it Pogo. Somehow me thinks there’ll be another general election soon. Labour is 30 points ahead in the polls.

2 years ago

In other news,  Now This:
Adidas answers Kanye West’s question, “Now what?”.

2 years ago

Interesting to see how West will now rap out of the other side of his mouth. 

2 years ago

So Great Britain has a Prime Minister who is 1, not a Christian, that is a first and a from an ethnic minority that has been the focal point of much white nationalist angst in the British world. 
It could get interesting. 

Blue Bronc
2 years ago

Just another of the “only the little people pay taxes” cult.  My guess for the office poll is four Scarramucci’s and then the white nationalists kick him out.
A significant day in my computer world, I am tearing down one of my old servers.  Time to copy all the hard drives to backup server and strip out the components I need for other computers.  Some of the drives are from pre-2010.  That is a long time ago in computer lifespans.  Too bad the power supply croaked, and the motherboard is from 2012.  Ancient machine, holding lots of memories.

2 years ago

WTF were they thinking? Wapo.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus has withdrawn a letter, signed by 30 House liberals and sent to the White House on Monday, that urged President Biden to negotiate directly with Russia to bring an end to the war in Ukraine.

The withdrawal comes a day after the letter, led by Congressional Progressive Caucus chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), triggered fierce pushback from many Democrats, as well as from Ukrainian officials, who argued that it was unrealistic to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

They also worried that the letter could create more pressure on Biden as he tries to sustain domestic support for the war effort, at a time when the region is heading into a potentially difficult winter and Republicans are threatening to cut aid to Ukraine if they retake Congress.

It’s bullshit like this that gives Republicans talking points and makes holding a party together and WINNING MIDTERM ELECTIONS difficult.  Did they fucking miss Polysci 101?

2 years ago

All of those Texas MAGAts who are afraid liberals will turn Texas into another California.   Ha! And this is despite Rick Perry enticing companies to relocate from CA to TX.

“When States Compete to Win Jobs, Residents Pay The Price | The Problem with Jon Stewart”

Voted for Beto and every other Dem on the list.   There were dozens (pages) of offices that are uncontested and one seat that nobody wants.  I should’ve written in my own name.  

Adidas only dropped Ye because their stock prices started to suffer. What about everyone else who Carrie’s his products, including his music?

2 years ago

Slava Ukraine- all of it

2 years ago

640,000 early votes in Pennsylvania so far, a midterm record. 73% D, 19% R. 57% women 42% men. Alito Surge! (CNN) 

2 years ago

Wisconsin early voting started today. Quarter million showed up, another midterm record. 42% D, 29% R. 56% women, 39% men

2 years ago

Remember, Dems tend to vote early and Repugz day of, so…but let’s hope this trend holds.

old man
2 years ago

General Winter is coming ………….. 
Two stories today , Putin calls a meeting  of his logistics  generals . 
Canada has shipped 500,000  sets of winter gear to the Kranes, along with the Germans and other NATo members .
NATO has been training the Kranes for months for this winter , and preparing for the winter. 
I wondered why the Russians didn’t  smash  their grid  before the lawn mower  drones . I guess he thought he would win, and need the juice . 
A long hard winter ahead , but a deadly one for all those “Ivans” in a trench .  I don’t think  Putin ever heard of ” trench foot” , he’s about to get a hard lesson shitty boots , and wet socks. 

old man
2 years ago

Putin failed to learn the lessons of history on his own ground .
” If your going invade  Russia bring your heavy wool coast.”
Napoleon , and Hitler both thought a quick victory would carry the day .  So Putin invaded in March  sure that would give him the time . 
Hitler thought  he could ” Kick In the door and the whole rotten house would cave in. ”
These guys never learn .

2 years ago

Also, won’t exit polls just help Repugz get out the vote? 
OM – Winter gear is great, but Russia is also targeting their water supply.  I guess they will have snow, so maybe not a complete loss of water.    Why isn’t the UN, NATO, the rest of the world (except communist China and NK) solved this already?    Any success Poo-tin gets will embolden him to go further.   The vampire is in the house and only one thing will turn him to dust. 

old man
2 years ago

Another  history lesson …….. 
This one that Lib Letter today,   Chamberlin  holding that piece of paper with Hitler’s  signature .

” Peace in our time “

old man
2 years ago

The exit polls  ………..
I want to see the 18 to 30 numbers , and the Black turn out. 

old man
2 years ago

Well there is indeed a ” Pink Wave ” .  As for “polling”  the cell phone tower screwed that pooch. 

2 years ago

“Sunak will not only be Britain’s youngest leader for 200 years, he is the country’s first non-White prime minister. And thanks largely to his wife Murty, Sunak will be one of the richest people to reach the top of the political establishment.”

“Murty has a 0.93% stake in her father’s Indian software company, Infosys, worth approximately $715 million. That represents the bulk of the couple’s estimated net worth of £730 million ($830 million), according to the Sunday Times Rich List, an annual ranking of the wealthiest people in Britain.”

“Even Queen Elizabeth wasn’t as rich – the Sunday Times put the late monarch’s net worth at £370 million (about $420 million) before she died.”

2 years ago

Biden/Harris, I was almost the only white person in line and it was out the door and down the parking lot. 

Today, almost everyone was white or of Indian origin, and the line was short.  The few black people there were women, except one guy. Also, everyone looked to be at least 70. A very grey crowd.

old man
2 years ago

Haiti …….. 
Thunder Dome  with out Tina Turner .

old man
2 years ago

A tune for our time ………….  From 55 years ago . 


old man
2 years ago

One last  thought  tonight ,
Ian  whacked Florida food production by 1.8 Billion Dollars. 
As I said before  , Climate Change comes to your door , punches you in the face , and never let’s you up. It is relentless , mindless , and does not care .
As Wally said , ” The climate  is a dangerous beast , and we keep poking it with  our with sticks. :”

2 years ago

Is Oz one of most enormous schmucks ever? Yes. Yes, he is.  
Unqualified, puppy-murdering carpetbagger.  
Pointing out that Fetterman  had a stroke is not an answer to every question, or to any question.

old man
2 years ago

People  are not fleeing their homes on a whim , they are leaving because  to stay is to die.
This fact has never entered  our debate.
That is the is the root  of the problem .
All over the Earth. 
Watch the water  here , to stay is to die .