Ted Cruz labels Big Bird's tweet about vaccination "propaganda" https://t.co/LqsfI06ixp pic.twitter.com/XSX0BCfC9x
— The Hill (@thehill) November 7, 2021

Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks. View all posts by craigcrawford
yeah, but it got him viral cyberverse attention and a lot of talking heads talking about him didn’t it?
now this is madness for the masses on a massive scale: when the grid goes down.
John Oliver discusses the current state of the nation’s power grid, why it needs fixing, and, of course, how fun balloons are.
the divine ms M did one of the best parodies on cruz & crew earlier this year worthy of replay to remind us his latest madness isn’t just a one off thing.
God bless John Oliver.
BTW, not the 1st time big bird talked about vaccinations. bet untrusTED didn’t have bad things to say about it back then
So, Dr. Seuss and Muppets seem to be Tedious’ wheelhouse.
I do not like Ted; he’s a tool.
I do not like Ted; he’s a fool.
Apparently, he wants parents to not vax their kids? Ted Cruz seems to want children to get sick and die?
Tedious. Idiot. His level of concern over vaccine messaging is at the grade school level now? From Harvard law and the U S Senate to Sesame Street. Great intellectual trip there, Ted.
there always seem to be these despicably horrible and deeply flawed characters around who somehow manage to slither and connive their way into positions of power and anyone not horrible just eventually runs out of horrible things to say about them until all that’s left to do is sit dumbfounded and hope for hubris to kick their ass for them.
Sometimes hubris takes a long and bloody time to catch up to them. Like Schicklegruber.
Well……..Hello and here’s to Solar Crete, Xrep, Bethy-boo, Chloe, Flatus, Mustard, Eprof, Nash, and others who have become absent without leave.
Here’s hoping Snuffleupagus got injected as well.
Is it ok to not have a problem with Daylight Savings Time?
It’s OK with me, Sturg – in fact, I find it much more difficult to try and do yard work in the morning while everything is cold and wet although with sunshine than the evening when things are dried out and warmer, but getting dark
Yup… there be assholes in politics…. there be assholes in sports…
hell… when you get right down to it… there be assholes all over the place…
the older I get… the easier I find it to just ignore ’em…
Willfully ignorant folks elected Republicans. Go figure
Madness – One Step Beyond
Well now the tide today was a doozy…..there was water in the road on kiawah island and going out the drive the tide was definitely eating some new real estate.
whoopi: “leave big bird alone”
The senator claimed that children are getting “government propaganda” from “Sesame Street”’s Big Bird after the character’s Twitter posted about vaccines — the co-hosts and Morgan Ortagus react.
Yikes, Harris in horrible shape, 10pts below Biden’s 38.
Harris Job Approval:
Approve 28%
Disapprove 51%
Suffolk_U/USATODAY, 1,000 RV, 11/3-5
Kamala Harris has a comically bad approval rating, poll finds (msn.com) SFG
it’s always about the money that changes his mind
Trump told RNC chair he was leaving GOP to create new party, says new book (msn.com)
What do you expect. Kamala is black and female. She’s lucky the Trump cult are allowing her to go on breathing. In fact, I’m absolutely sure a large percentage of them are trying to fix that.
Who is “Kamala Harris”? Oh the VP, forgot
She keeps a pretty low profile for someone that is supposed to lead the party and head the ticket in 3 years
So here’s what I haven’t noticed.
NWS Charleston, SC
tide gauge in Charleston Harbor peaked at 8.26 ft MLLW at 11:00 am EST. Preliminarily, this ranks as the 15th highest tide on record (back to 1921). There are now 40 tide events of 8 ft MLLW or higher on record, 26 of these have occurred since 2015. #scwx #chswx
Yeah i don’t doubt sea-level rise, i’m suffering from COP26 overload, it’s a central focus of BBC news
i wouldn’t be retiring to a Miami high-rise condo, to be sure
i’ll take COP26 overload from BBC over pro-wrestling American politics any day of the week and twice on Sunday, though, fuck all the internet trolls that infest Congress these days
Sturg, sounds like either the Atlantic is rising or the land is sinking. Actually, the moon’s phase is a waxing crescent – 1st phase after a new moon – which is when (along with full moons) the highest high tides occur – but you’d know that having been a Coastie and all. 8.26 feet is 1.46 feet above what NOAA had predicted for the high tide this morning. Yikes!!
Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Venus, all up now.
what i’m calling “Saturn” might be Mars tbh, Venus so bright
nope, i was right the first time, it’s Saturn
Haha…..didn’t see much of tides as a coastie, that was for the boat peoples. In the C-130 and the albatross we were above all that.
Yeah, I forgot you were above all that. I guess the guys in the 40s were up close and personal with tides and such.
This evening was not a good drive home. It was the first rush hour drive I have had to endure in about two years. It was just like the bad old days even though it was a Monday and the full federal workforce is still not back in the office yet. Just another little nudge towards retirement.
“A rush of international travelers is headed into the United States Monday as the COVID-19 travel ban ended at midnight Eastern time and people from dozens of countries begin flooding in, more than 600 days since they were barred from entry.“
Not so fast!
“The current pace of transmission across the 53 countries of the European Region is of grave concern…”
There were PLENTY of folks in NYC in September. I felt no deficit in the population from any of my prior visits.
“To help, the governor on Monday announced a $450 million investment in tourism.”
“A majority of that money will be used to give some 36,000 tourism workers a one-time payment of $2,750.”
“There’s $100 million that will be set aside to encourage tourism businesses to rehire those workers.“
Someone should flip Ted the big bird. I saw a big flag today that read: Jesus is my savior. Trump is my President.
Hi Corey! I think tRUMP had those uuuuge flags mass produced in Chiner.