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old man
3 years ago

Something else for the list –
U.S. projections on drought-hit Colorado River grow more dire
Lake Powell and Lake Mead have both dipped to historic lows, with a combined capacity of 39% on Wednesday, down from 49% at this time last year.
The agency’s projections show there’s a 90% chance Lake Powell will hit a level where Glen Canyon Dam that holds it back couldn’t produce power as early as July 2022 if the region has another dry winter.

3 years ago

This was so predictable. We’ve seen it before and the Last failure to fund the government over the dispute between Congress and T___p over funding for his wall and allow the debt ceiling to rise was hung around his neck by the voters, taking his approval number to its lowest level and disapproval level to its highest and he relented and signed the funding bill and suspended the debt ceiling if I remember correctly. BB could comment with more insight than I.  The Treasury Department notes that Congress has raised or suspended the debt ceiling 78 times since 1960 to allow the US to avoid defaulting on its obligations. This time the Republicans (along with Manchin and Sinema) are sticking their necks out to have the blame hung on them. We’ll see how it turns out. 

3 years ago

Bob, and NOAA predicts a warmer and drier than average winter this year for the SW. If they are right, the outlook ain’t good. 

3 years ago

BTW has anyone heard anything from Flatus or KGC?

3 years ago

How much are we saving by not being in Afghanistan?  How much would Republicans be happy to spend on another/more war? No mo yes to feed, house, or, educate the people, though.

3 years ago

  Pitchforks eventually win out over the guns.

3 years ago


“According to his most recent financial disclosure, Manchin gained $492,000 last year due to his non-public shares in a coal company called Enersystems, which records show is a contractor for a power plant in the state’s north that burns waste coal. “


“Joe Manchin, though, made half a million dollars last year off his son’s coal company, meaning that coal paid him roughly three times the $174,000 salary he made last year as a public servant. “

“Manchin has earned more than $4.5 million from Enersystems Inc. and Farmington Resources Inc., two coal industry companies he founded in the 1980s. That’s not to say Manchin isn’t also bloated with a jumbled mess of microwaved ideology about fiscal responsibility and compromise. He probably likes all the attention he’s getting, too. “

3 years ago

Pogo…  the last time we heard from Flatus he told us his eyesight was going.  I’ve seen KGC pop up on FaceBook a couple times last week.
Yeah… the repubs are back up to the same old same old…   as KGC would say…  maroons!

3 years ago

RR – Flatus also mentioned another condition with his health around the last time he posted. 

3 years ago

Sent KGC an email asking her to check in.


3 years ago


“More than 175,000 barrels of oil per day in production will shift from one major company to another.“

“For Shell, the motivation for the sale was to meet the company’s goals of shrinking its carbon dioxide emissions and increasing its share of renewable energy sources, objectives made legally binding by a Dutch court this summer. “

Hmmm, so emissions won’t decrease, they’ll just switch whose books on which they’re recorded.

Republicans will scream about protecting fossil fuel jobs, but would green jobs pay as much or more? Would health and healthcare costs of many be better? Would FEMA relief for climate disasters be mitigated even slightly? Republicans don’t care.

3 years ago

Jamie – Thanks.  I’m always happy when Corey checks in once in awhile, as well. 

3 years ago

I have sent several to Flatus, no response

old man
3 years ago

Matthew McConaughey Confirms He’s ‘Measuring’ a Run for Texas Guv

old man
3 years ago

If Matt comes out for legal pot, he’ll win going away.

old man
3 years ago


Because the crazy just ain’t loud enough  ………. 

Trump demands Abbott back election audit in Texas

old man
3 years ago

Adam Kinzinger: Republicans Are ‘Frigging Crazy’
The Illinois representative thought the GOP was filled with democracy-loving internationalists. Now he sees the party as a corrupt shell of itself.

old man
3 years ago

Hillary Clinton tried to warn us — and paid the price. Let’s at least call Republicans what they are
Still, America’s political class is unwilling to call the fascist, white supremacist Republicans what they are
During a speech in September 2016, Hillary Clinton — then the Democratic presidential nominee — warned the American people and the world of the dangers represented by Donald Trump and his followers. She described the “volatile political environment” of that moment:

You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric. Now some of those folks, they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.

old man
3 years ago

2022 –
Make America Sane Again 

old man
3 years ago

Al Gore was right as well. 

3 years ago

and both hillary and al gore won their elections

old man
3 years ago

Tech billionaire: Facebook is what’s wrong with America

New York (CNN Business)From the climate crisis to Covid, Marc Benioff sees a common thread for what ails America today: deception that is allowed to spread like wildfire on Facebook.

“This digital revolution really kind of has the world in its grip. And in that grip, you can see the amount of mistrust and misinformation that is happening,” Benioff told CNN.

I own Time and I am held accountable for what is produced on my platform…In regards to Facebook, they are not held accountable.”


The Salesforce CEO and owner of Time Magazine warned these lies tricking social media users are making it harder to solve the biggest problems gripping society.

old man
3 years ago

old man
3 years ago

Biden’s UN speech  has this nugget in it –
“We can’t send one electron from California to New York”. 
Entergy Makes $11 Billion A Year But Failed To Protect Louisiana’s Power Grid During Ida — And Why
It’s time to scrap private  utilities , and build a National Power Grid.  So that wind turbines in Wyoming can send power to Texas.
R Buckminster Fuller  had this idea –
We build a giant loop around the top of the world , and connect all the northern power grids to it.  When it’s dark in Russian those plants are feeding the grid in North  America.
This idea has 2 big pay offs .
A. We need fewer power plants 
B. It smooths out the demand curve  in any one place.
Fuller was a dreamer , but he was right.

old man
3 years ago

Entergy failed to protect Louisiana’s power grid from Hurricane Ida and many residents suffered from it. The same company is also against microgrids, which would make our grid resilient and help us weather through disasters easier and with less suffering. And now,4WWLreports that Entergy Corporation and two of its subsidiaries, Entergy Louisiana and Entergy New Orleans, are accused in a class-action lawsuit of “grossly inadequate maintenance and inspection” of a system that “would not sustain even a hurricane with wind gusts below 100 miles per hour.”

We saw the same tune with PG&E  in California and fires.
And ERCOT in Texas last winter.
Duke in the Carolinas  with their toxic fly ash pits.
The list goes on , and on. 

old man
3 years ago

More things about  electricity………….
Ford is increasing its production of the New F-150 all electric pick-up .
One reason is it’s batteries can run your house  for a week .
The revolution  in transportation is out running the CEOs at these giant corporations. 
And like all new babies that threaten greed they are trying to drown it the tub. 
When NYC was up to it’s thighs  in horse shit , the “safety bicycle” came along .  Just before cars. 
Now E – Bikes are once again changing the way we get around. 
Again it was no accident that the Wright Bros. were bike guys. 
That revolution in the last two decades of the 19th century is one of the great untold stories of America.  It’s fruits spawned so much more . 
Ford’s 1st car had bike wheels , not wagon wheels .
 This wave of E – Bikes will spawn  God knows what. 
I am so glad I lived to see it. 

old man
3 years ago

Back in the 80’s I bought a set of plans from this guy , and made one of his bikes. 
I went on to print stickers for him , and the T-shirts for this bike .  They went 85 mph on it using human legs. 
 They still make bikes .

old man
3 years ago

I went on to think about “hydraulic” bikes .
Kill the chain drive and the gears . The crank is a  hydraulic pump, the frame is part of the system , the out put motor is the rear drive .
The brakes are the key to the system , they charge the system every time they are used.  This is all possible by making part of the frame a compressed air tank. 
The braking stores energy in the bike , so when the light turns green the energy used to stop , drives you forward off the light.
Down hill braking is not wasted in the form of heat and wear , it is stored to be used to go up hill. 
I may be many things , but I have never owned a turnip truck. 

old man
3 years ago

Katherine Graham Cracker
3 years ago

I will be back more often but Mr Cracker died on September 1. He had a long and wonderful life.  

3 years ago

Bob, the combo of batteries and bikes (like the combo of batteries and anything and everything) is likely transformational. Cost is the current issue, but ask BiD how many delivery bikes she’s seeing in NYC.  It’s frankly pretty stunning.  And thy are the model Ts of electric bikes.  5 years from now this will be a VERY different conversation.  BW, I love this shit.

3 years ago

KC, please accept my sincerest condolences. Mr. Cracker may not have actively posted, but he was a member of the family.  

old man
3 years ago

old man
3 years ago

old man
3 years ago

All that hippie music was right –

old man
3 years ago

old man
3 years ago

My turnip truck  –


3 years ago

Bob, that’s one cool salad system. Is there a nifty watering system for the tubes?  

Oh, and like you I don’t own no turnip truck. But there are folks who think I came into town on one last night. 
Love the Tull cut. Ian is a musical genius. And am intrigued by the Telecaster (w/ a strat neck) Clapton played in that Blind Faith vid. I’ve seen that dozens of times but never noticed the FrankenTele until tonight. 

And before I hit the hay, RIP to Mario Van Peebles. Spike Lee put it well – we lost a giant.