And Just When You Think Things Couldn’t Be Weirder Texas Shows You You’re Wrong


A lawsuit that could test the constitutionality of the nation’s most restrictive abortion ban was filed in Texas on Monday against a doctor who admitted to performing an abortion considered illegal under the new law.

The details of the civil suit against Alan Braid, a physician in San Antonio, are as unusual as the law itself, which empowers private citizens to enforce the ban on abortion oncecardiac activity has been detected — often as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.

The plaintiff is a felon serving a federal sentence at home in Arkansas, with no connection to the abortion at issue. He said he filed the claim not because of strongly held views about reproductive rights but in part because of the $10,000 he could receive if the lawsuit is successful. A second suit filed Monday just four paragraphs long — came from a man in Chicago who asked a state court to strike down the abortion law as invalid.

Since the Texas ban took effect Sept. 1, advocates on both sides of the abortion debate have been anticipating such lawsuits, though perhaps not from a “disbarred and disgraced former Arkansas lawyer,” as Oscar Stilley described himself in his complaint.

Really, you can’t make this stuff up.


21 thoughts on “And Just When You Think Things Couldn’t Be Weirder Texas Shows You You’re Wrong”

  1. pogo, found your post from midnight on last thread also on the thread drafts page.  hope you meant it to be a thread and are okay with it being published today.

    many thanks for the contribution since it appears neither I nor fearless leader nor anyone else have come up with anything yet good enough for publication. you saved the day.

  2. Patd, thanks for that. That was my intent. I found out last night that I can’t compose a thread starter from my phone any longer so I posted what was intended to be a thread topic as a comment. I’ll have to see if the same issue that keeps me from being able to view the post as I draft it occurs on the IPad or whether I’ll be stuck with drafting on the PC.

  3. Huh? The doctor admitted to it (possibly in order to start the legal ball rolling), but folks outside of Texas are trying to claim the bounty?
    But they aren’t snitches. The doctor snitched in himself.

  4. bId – That was one interesting “feature” of that law that should result in a lot of strange claims.  The fun should be proving standing in Texas for the criminal in Arkansas.  This should be worth more popcorn.

  5. guess what today is.  hint hint

    The last day of summer
    Never felt so cold (so cold)
    Never felt so old (so old)

  6. I’m not a lawyer…  but I do know that lawsuits must make their way through the courts before it can be brought up at the SC.  So I don’t expect to see the SC take up this case until June…  if they have the balls to do it at all.

  7. Renee,  The Arkansas disgraced lawyer claimant’s case and the case challenging the law filed by the guy from Chicago are in state court in Texas.  They will ultimately make it to the Texas Supreme Court in due time.  Those cases won’t get to SCOTUS, but the case that might mean something its the case filed by DOJ n Federal Court challenging the constitutionality of the law.  Procedurally it seeks a permanent injunction against the operation of the law, but on the Roe v. Wade merits it will have to get in line behind the case challenging the Mississippi law that SCOTUS has agreed to hear this Fall.  

  8. More than 50 companies sign letter opposing Texas abortion law | TheHill


    Companies including Yelp, Lyft, VICE Media Group, Ben & Jerry’s and Reddit said Texas recently-enacted abortion law, which bans abortion after fetal cardiac activity is detected — usually around six weeks — goes against their company values.

    “Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health, independence and economic stability of our employees and customers,” the companies said in their letter. 

    “Simply put, it goes against our values and is bad for business. It impairs our ability to build diverse and inclusive workforce pipelines, recruit top talent across the states, and protect the well-being of all the people who keep our businesses thriving day in and out.”

    According to the coalition’s website, the companies who signed the letter represent more than 129,000 workers.

    “The future of gender equality hangs in the balance, putting our families, communities, businesses and the economy at risk,” they added. “We stand against policies that hinder people’s health, independence and ability to fully succeed in the workplace.”


  9. Emails and text messages obtained by POLITICO show Florida’s new election law was drafted with the help of the Republican Party of Florida’s top lawyer — and that a crackdown on mail-in ballot requests was seen as a way for the GOP to erase the edge Dems had in 2020.

  10. He’s Back!!!
    Al Franken has a new comedy tour. His targets? Former Senate colleagues.  WaPo.

    For more than eight years in the Senate, Al Franken largely stifled the funny, as though he coexisted with a powerful alter ego in desperate need of submission: Senator Franken and “Saturday Night Live” Al. He had to watch everything he said. He dared to be dull.

    No longer. Now, everything is political roadkill for his new comedy tour.

    The recovering politician visited this bucolic college town Saturday to launch “The Only Former U.S. Senator Currently on Tour Tour,” which pokes fun at several of Franken’s former colleagues. Actually, make that many.

    This is his first extended standup stint since he resigned from the U.S. Senate in January 2018 after several women accused him of groping during photo sessions and inappropriate kissing, allegations he has vigorously denied. If he no longer sits in Congress, if he did not receive the due process that he sorely wishes he had, why, Franken can bite the hands that once amicably slapped his back.

    “I have the freedom to do many things. It’s very hard as a Senator to do a comedy tour,” he said in an interview a few days before the show. A previous tour ended early because of covid.

    Unlike the Senate, Franken is bipartisan in his targets. Republicans such as Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham and former member Tom Coburn are mocked, occasionally drubbed. Also, fellow Democrats Bernie Sanders, Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer.

    But mostly, Ted Cruz.

    What wife shtick was for Henny Youngman and drug humor for Robin Williams, the Texas Republican is for Franken. He can deliver a tight five minutes.

    “I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I really hate Ted Cruz,” Franken, 70, told the nearly sold-out crowd at the 803-seat Academy of Music, which listed decidedly toward fans who were old enough to enjoy the initial years of “Saturday Night Live” live.
    For those fluent in the Frankenverse, this is a joke that he tells so often it’s emblazoned on online merch, a mug or pint glass for $20 each. Franken’s finest Cruz bit, his chef’s kiss, involves fellow Minnesota Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a luxury ocean liner and an unprintable bodily function. It rarely fails to kill.

    I’d love to think I’ll have a chance to see this – but only after a booster and hopefully in a responsibly socially distanced venue.

  11. Gov. DeathSentence doesn’t seem to understand that the Hates Florida More Than Anything Club is a pretty large one.

  12. And as a precursor to Autumn, I drove home in 70 degrees and cool rain this evening. A breath of fresh air as it was. 

  13. Another batch of “health care” workers quit rather than be vaccinated against COVID-19.  First off, they are not health care workers if they do not consider this vaccination part of stopping the infection and deaths from the virus.  So, no vaccination, no work, too bad about that job.

  14. BB, damn skippy. As general counsel of our local hospital I dealt with nurses all the time. The media is just now learning that the iconic Florence Nightingale nurse isn’t the nurse you might run into at the hospital. Some are and are very smart and very caring, some are not as smart but very caring. Both the smart and caring qualities are on spectra from little to very and they don’t necessarily parallel. What we’re seeing on TV are the not so smart and are off the low end of the caring spectrum – I’d say the stupid and don’t give a shit categories.

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