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3 years ago

We are on high alert in DC but this rally looks like a bust. Of course it only takes one truck bomb to make a mess.

3 years ago

Bink….speaking of little Johnny….he’s in class waving the hell out of his little hand after the teacher asks the class to name one thing their family needs.  Susie tells of how her mom needs a new car to get to work, and then Marcia tells how they really need a washing machine, and after several others the teacher finally has to call on little Johnny who tells her that his family doesn’t need anything. Amazed, the teach says to him, “Really, Johnny, there’s nothing your family needs?”
Little Johnny then explains, “Last night my sister called and said she’s coming for dinner, and bringing her new boyfriend, who is Muslim.  So then my dad says, Well, that’s all the fuck we need”.

3 years ago

I won’t be around to see the tv today so I guess tonight I’ll catch up to what I’m thinking will turn out to be a real Nada-Taco in the big DC.

3 years ago

Domestic terrorism isn’t terrorisn’t…and it’s not patriotism. Funny how we know what they mean by domestic v homegrown, even though both are grown here.

3 years ago

Homegrown invaders
Homegrown invaders
Where would we be without Homegrown Invaders

3 years ago

Well, then….

3 years ago

No more imports needed, right? We’ve got plenty here. 

old man
3 years ago

Nice corn .

old man
3 years ago

Trump says his heart is with ‘persecuted’ January 6 rioters as Washington DC braces for a protest in support of ‘political prisoners’
Most wingnuts are going with the false flag theory that ANTIFA  did all the dirty deeds on Jan 6th .
Yet most of the cases that have made it to court , we see guilty plea after guilty plea.
Now they fall back to their old thumb sucking position of being “Victims” .

old man
3 years ago

Today is National Dance Day and Contact an Old Friend Day. 
Nice combo. 

3 years ago

Sent Craig a vid of an anti-vaccine rally. Had to laugh at a millennial’s comment: That sign is written in cursive. Nobody can read it.

I kept moving; no need to be near supersoreaders (if they aren’t vaxxed—they could’ve been paid to do this…or maybe they are just that selfish and stupid).

3 years ago

Looks like we’re safe

old man
3 years ago

Too soon for Judy, and Mel , they’re new target is local election officials . That is to put their people in power to run elections. 

old man
3 years ago

WOW !!!

Harley-Davidson’s stunning vintage-inspired electric bikes are going on sale later this year


But they’re only making 650 of them


old man
3 years ago

I found a driver update  that lets me into my old camera, a good day indeed .  

Blue Bronc
3 years ago

Besides the insurrection failing due to lack of attendance there was a lack of enthusiasm.  This is not to say some of them won’t try later on.  Thinking about the difference between late December and early January there is one big change, employment.  Perhaps the majority of those invited decided to stay home and keep getting paid?

old man
3 years ago

Those three parts are one of the best licks I ever hit.  There 10,000 people under a bridge on the border right now. 
A sack of them , the nuts and bolts, and 10 foot joints of 1 1/2″ PVC . Along with a tarp and awning to made to fit , and Bingo you got a 20 foot domed tent that goes up in a couple of hours. 

old man
3 years ago

My last Leather Art piece , I made a boat load of hat bands. 

old man
3 years ago

I also found my Water Harvester movie . 
You folks have no idea how happy I am right now. 
My rage gland is inflamed , and all this pile of images does not have a mean bone in one pixel. 

old man
3 years ago

It’s National  Dance Day –


old man
3 years ago

Another idea I had , get the PGA to ask American grounds keepers to plant native plants  to save our wild pollinators. 
Think about it ,  it’s a big chain of green all over the country.  If they  planted milkweed we might save the Monarch Butterfly. 

old man
3 years ago

It’s the small moves kids. 

old man
3 years ago

Burns is doing Ali tomorrow night. 
Make sure to watch it .
I shook his hand in 1967 , it nearly went around mine twice. 
He was speaking along side Dr. Spock  at a anti war rally in Cheviot Hills Park. 
Just across the freeway from Century City , Johnson was hosting a Democratic fund raiser. 
The LAPD  was also there. 
In 67′ the LAPD  was not to be fucked with .
One of the fullest days of my life. 

old man
3 years ago

I love LA –
My last time there was wonderful . Then I took the job in Vegas. One of many stupid moves I made.  The junkies took my sound system after 3 days right under my nose.  The Mexican Bar next door raddled all my leather dye bottles off the shelves  every weekend. 
After a week , a customer  came in , and as I was ringing him up .
 He asked , “Well, what do you think of Vegas?” 
I did not miss a beat , “Mr. I’ve lived  in some shitholes, but this is biggest one yet”


old man
3 years ago

Vegas has installed the bath tub drain in the bottom  of  Lake Meade .
When they turn  off the  turbines at the dam. Vegas can still suck up the last drops of the river.
Where they get the power to run the AC & neon,  they may have a problem .

old man
3 years ago

old man
3 years ago

3 years ago

From the looks of the photo Poobah posted the insurrection reprisers were practicing social distancing. I guess they just don’t make insurrectionists like they used to. Stupid fuckers.

old man
3 years ago

I smoked dope in a  first floor apartment  in the spring and  early summer of 67′  to that song.  On Ave X .
Little did I know I was under one of the greatest mescaline labs Texas ever had . They did not make pure  crystal . It was brown tar in double 00  horse capsules .
Those boys made over 6,000 hits.  Near the end of that cook  they took me up stairs to see the lab .  It went  around  the kitchen . and their were around a dozen  sacks of peyote left .
They gave me a hit and told me where to find the buttons .
3 years later  I led a trip to that spot , we picked six 50 pound  sacks .
I hitched hiked to Grand Lake get my friend Jose” /
When we got back , there were 10 buttons left. 
Eating peyote is one of the most vile things you can do. 
But if you  dice it  and toss it over your taste buds then its better .
Next you throw-up. The longer the better, to avoid this. 
Then you see he way the world works  for six hours in Loony Tune colors.

old man
3 years ago

I also  had the pure thing in Austin once .
None of that bullshit to get there. 
We should give it to everyone on Earth. 
And start with our Vets.

old man
3 years ago

I ate Ergot fungus once . the Salem Witch Trial suspect .
A crazy high.  I think those people were eating  spoiled  rye. 

old man
3 years ago

Shiny side up . Rubber side down.