What is a word worth? A word like Yes. We overcome. Klansmen in suits, no hoods required, plantation portraits overhead, they spit up the past in one last gasp of dry heaves. Soon gone with the wind, finally and forever. Pass along the water. Yes. Yes. Yes.
it’s a baby drone! congrats to mama val
US Air Force Says the Valkyrie Drone Launched Another Drone (businessinsider.com)
aren’t we now another step closer to AI reproducing itself enough to take over?
AI takeover now having successfully starting to invade the middle class and wiping out middle management we are getting closer and closer to a guaranteed survival income.
Minneapolis police chief Arradondo drives a stake through Derek Chauvin’s defense. WaPo.
I can’t imagine more damaging testimony to a policeman on trial for murder’s defense, particularly when the defense of “he was doing what he was trained to do” was front and center in the opening statement.
Stacey say no boycott…..the wheels on the bus go round and and round.
a new motto “white lies matter” and a new way to protest
this GOP corp bashing is really weird
Rep. Alcee Hastings has passed away at 84 due to cancer
McConnell warns businesses of “serious consequences” after many condemn Georgia’s restrictive voting law
So what ya gonna do Mitch… hold your breath until you turn blue…. go to the nearest grocery store and throw a tantrum in an aisle… or maybe pout and refuse to talk to them…
ya know, ya quits smoking and your gut expands……it’s the law of the jungle…….I looked down at my gut this morning and my thought was, “Well, ya just gonna have to cut that thing aloose and let it run free”.
Mitch just says whatever he has to, sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t.
You may think it’s weird to have the GQP strike back at corporations, but they know they can’t win elections if there’s a level playing field. They have been backed into the proverbial corner.
Greg Abbott’s reckless, bone-headed move of the day.
“Texans are returning to normal life as more people get the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. But as I’ve said all along, these vaccines are always voluntary and never forced,” Abbott said in a video announcing the executive order.”
“Government should not require any Texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal health information just to go about their daily lives. That is why I have issued an executive order that prohibits government-mandated vaccine passports in Texas.”
Moscow Mitch threatening businesses like a mobster. Any retribution on the part of the GQP will be met with lawsuits…oh, and kiss that lobbying money buh-bye. How are Republicans gonna fund their campaigns when all of the money goes to Dems? Mitch is a sick, sick man.
Mitch McConnell Reminded of Citizens United Backing After Warning to CEOs (newsweek.com)
a song about corporation personhood – as zimmerman sings “citizens united put the mock in democracy”
Lt. Turd, Dan Patrick, is shocked! shocked! that anyone thinks BS7 (technically SB7) is racist.
So according to Michael Schmidt, Matt Gaetz (asshole) sought a blanket pardon from Dumbass as the end of the Dumbass “administration” drew near. No charges pending, no knowledge at the time of the FBI investigation. Just wanted a pardon for anything he happened to have done illegal in his past – like underage sex trafficking perhaps? How’d that Dumbass sycophancy work out for you? Too fucking rich for words.