There is a list of things Im not allowed to discuss at the dinner table!

I am extraordinarily passionate about the Black Death, which is not something most people are into. – – Mira Grant

After WWII America went on a great buying and building spree.  The pent up demand for new cars, new clothes, new radios and the new fangled television sets blew up all sorts of economic plans.  All that also had everybody wanting to get out of the parents house or apartment and get their own.  Most of the world was damaged and relied on the U.S. to supply the basics of life.  There were babies to be born and schools to be built.  The economic growth was fantastic.

As the rest of the world recovered they too joined in the economic wonderment of the post war life.  Most not all though.  The Soviet Union went on its own path.  As did Communist China.  But Japan and Korea set a pace that was great.

What will we see after enough people are vaccinated?  What number will be “enough people”? Will there be war to “capture” vaccine for a country?

I need a couple of new refrigerators, but I will wait for President Biden to sort through the rubble of what SFB caused to international trade before committing.  I just bought a new truck and new computer (a lot of separate parts to build one).  The prices are good right now because of the lack of competition for those. I might sell my house as I do have a retirement home I am rebuilding and can move into it. But, I probably will wait to do that.

We can be assured that any recovery will take years to happen as it will take years to achieve a large enough immunity to make it safe to get out and about. I have seen several happy talk (bs talk) about how fast the U.S. will reover once there is a vaccine. It will take years to vaccinate enough people. Back when the polio vaccine was brought to the public we had pancake breakfasts where the vaccine was given out. We cannot do that with this as we have to take care that infected people do not spread the virus. It will take time.


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

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4 years ago

things that will be discussed at the romney’s and sasse’s tables

Two Republican senators are criticizing President Donald Trump and his team for their efforts to pressure state and local election officials to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victories in several closely contested states.
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, one of Trump’s most vocal GOP critics, tweeted Thursday, “It is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action by a sitting American President.”

Romney accused Trump on resorting to “overt pressure on state and local officials to subvert the will of the people and overturn the election.”

Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., went after Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who held a press conference Thursday presenting a list of far-fetched, thoroughly debunked claims on the 2020 election.
In a statement, Sasse said: “Rudy and his buddies should not pressure electors to ignore their certification obligations under the statute. We are a nation of laws, not tweets.”

4 years ago

a crack in the faux wall ?


As Fox News host Tucker Carlson noted on Thursday night, he’s more than willing to give airtime to outlandish claims. “We literally do UFO segments,” he said.
But even Carlson said he was fed up with the total lack of evidence produced by Sidney Powell, one of President Trump’s attorneys, in her unfounded allegation that electronic voting systems had switched millions of ballots to favor President-elect Joe Biden.
“We invited Sidney Powell on the show. We would have given her the whole hour,” Carlson said. “But she never sent us any evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stop contacting her.”
Carlson also noted that “she never demonstrated that a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not one.”
Carlson’s rebuke of Powell marked a notable departure for a show — and a network — that has given hours of credulous coverage to false claims by Trump and his associates that fraud cost him the election. It came after Fox News aired a rambling news conference on Thursday featuring Powell and Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, making numerous false and far-fetched allegations about the election.
The segment also put Carlson at odds with other Fox News hosts like Jesse Watters, who on his Thursday show described Powell and Giuliani’s news conference as “a big shot of adrenaline.”

4 years ago

warning: the following may cause spew of coffee on your keyboard, uncontrollable guffaws, eye rolls and chuckles throughout the day

concluding sentences from above wapo link:

Carlson ended the segment by defending his decision to call Powell out.
“Why are we telling you this?” he said. “We’re telling you this because it’s true, and in the end, that’s all that matters.”

4 years ago

thinking of our trail friend patsi and how she would have enjoyed reading this

wapo article:

Garth Brooks was recently looking at the “misinformation highway” — which is what he calls the Internet — when he saw a story that falsely reported country legend Charley Pride had died. He didn’t realize right away that it was an online myth gone awry.
“I slammed the laptop and Miss Yearwood said, ‘What’s wrong?’” Brooks recalled in a phone interview, referring to his wife, fellow country music superstar Trisha Yearwood. “I said, ‘Charley Pride passed away. I blew it. I’ve had a song I wanted to sing with him for 10 years and my lazy a– didn’t get it done. It’s just one of those things where I just blew my chance.”
The next day, he found out that Pride was still, in fact, alive. That anxiety-inducing incident inspired Brooks to reach out to the 86-year-old country legend to duet on a song that he had always loved called “Where the Cross Don’t Burn,” written by Troy Jones and Phil Thomas, about the friendship between a young White boy and an older Black man. Brooks flew to Dallas and he and Pride recorded the ballad together; it appears on Brooks’s new studio album, “Fun,” which is released Friday.
[rest of article goes on about the new album and the false rumor of garth being a d’ump supporter]

4 years ago

here’s the song sung some time ago by phil thomas that garth was talking about doing with charley

4 years ago

One thing not to talk about at Thanksgiving dinner: Dumbass’ comments that disagreed with Dr. Fauci that the virus would come back in the fall and lack of efforts to prevent it by and the 250,000 relatives, friends, neighbors, and strangers- all Americans- who died as a result. Another, masks. But feel free to talk about football. 

4 years ago

4 years ago

Desperation sets in. WaPo:

Federal judge rejects bid to halt the certification of ballots in Ga.
ByAaron Schaffer

U.S. District Judge Steven Grimberg, a Trump appointee, rejected an effort Thursday to halt the certification of ballots in Georgia hours before the state deadline to do so.

Grimberg said that the attempt “to halt the certification at literally the 11th hour would breed confusion and potential disenfranchisement that, I find, has no basis in fact or in law.”

The lawsuit, which was brought by conservative lawyer L. Lin Wood, dealt a blow to the Trump campaign’s efforts to stop the certification process in Georgia. Grimberg found that Wood, who said in his lawsuit that he is a voter and donor whose “interests are aligned with those of the Georgia Republican Party for the purposes of the instant lawsuit,” did not have standing to bring the suit.

Lin Wood, despite being a RW hack who represents RW nuts bringing a specious claim with questionable standing to do so, is a somewhat credible lawyer. GA’s SOS defended the state decision to certify the results, calling the suit an attempt at disenfranchisement of Georgia’s voters. 

4 years ago

More from the previous article:

Georgia’s assistant attorney general Russell Willard called the lawsuit an effort to roll back the clock on voting rights in the state.
“The election is over, and rather than accept that his candidate has lost, plaintiff seeks the largest disenfranchisement in Georgia since the abolition of the poll tax and the vestiges of Jim Crow,” Willard thundered.

Apparently the crosses don’t burn in the GA AG office any longer.  Good.

4 years ago

We don’t even have a living, minimum wage for most workers. 

4 years ago

4 years ago

Many other countries are working on their own vaccines.  

4 years ago

Jamie – Yep.  What I keep hearing, though, is “socialism.”   Follow the dots: socialism…entitlements…POC. That’s the new dog whistle for the klan. 

4 years ago

I am outside of my office, as I don’t want to go inside until I have to do so. The very sick guy who was positive (and still had a fever on Sunday), tested negative and came back to work yesterday.  Yuck! We know how reliable rapid tests are, don’t we?

4 years ago

I would love to have dinner with Mira Grant.  The plague years, dark ages, and the resulting renaissance are one of my favorite time periods for human beings.  BTW, if the current virus was killing the same percentage of human beings as the Bubonic plague, there would now be almost 3 billion dead globally.  


4 years ago

Bill Gates in an interview saying that there are now only two countries on earth where wild polio still exists.  It is still a matter of delivery of the vaccine by the foundation, but it has almost gone the way of small pox.

I remember the polio epidemics of the 1950s and my stepsister who was paralyzed from the neck down and lived in a full body cast until her death in surgery five years later.  To from that to now most areas of globe being polio free is quite an achievement.


4 years ago

4 years ago

We all lined up like good little children and received our vaccinations from a nurse in the auditorium down at the local public school.   Pretty gruesome, but I guess not as gruesome as polio.   People today would go apeshit.

4 years ago

joni, a little late to talk about integrity, dignity and honesty isn’t it?

the hill:

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said Thursday that baseless allegations from Sidney Powell, an attorney working with the Trump campaign, claiming that down-ballot candidates paid to rig elections are “offensive.”
“To insinuate that Republican and Democratic candidates paid to throw off this election I think is absolutely outrageous, and I do take offense to that,” Ernst said during an interview with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson
Ernst was asked about comments Powell made earlier during a press conference where she alleged, without evidence, that “we have no idea how many Republican or Democratic candidates … paid to have the system rigged to work for them.”
Ernst, a member of GOP leadership who won reelection earlier this month, added that she believed the accusation was an “offensive comment.”
“For those of us that do stand up and represent our states in a dignified manner, we believe in honesty. We believe in the integrity of our election system which is why I do believe that if there is fraud out there it should be brought to the court’s attention,” Ernst said.
“To have that accusation just offhandedly thrown out there, just to confuse our voters across the United States, I think that is absolutely wrong,” she added.

4 years ago

sturge, and those needles back then weren’t as tiny and finely honed as they are now

4 years ago

LP latest

“Call them whatever you like, but don’t call them leaders”

4 years ago

No, the needles looked like they were as big as pencils.

4 years ago

Some of you have seen this before, but the March of Dimes campaign did get me kissed by Hugh O’Brian.  

Kissing History



4 years ago

Biggest star I ever kissed was Ira Louvin’s daughter.    I guess she was a star once removed.    But I shook hands with with Frank Jr oncet.  

4 years ago

Frank says, “You from down south?”
I says yes, from Carolina, and he says, “I could tell from the accent.”   I says I guess I better work on dat.

4 years ago

Nice feller and great show.  I guess his only problem mighta been he sounded exactly like Frank.

4 years ago


4 years ago

My recollection is a little dim at this point, but I seem to remember getting the sugar cube vaccine.  

4 years ago

I’m guessing old Floyd Cramer on the keys……boy had a knack.

4 years ago

The Day Rudy Dyed

4 years ago

The lady who got us our first paying job down in the old Market street stews around 63 was transvestite. I guess around 90 when I got back from the road,  I was poking around town looking up old haunts and peoples and went to Franny’s Club,  Franny being a lesbian I had known back then and asked after Rachel as they had been great friends.   Turns out Rachel was in hospital from being severely beaten up, and she died before I could get in to see her.   She was a good kind-hearted person, and had taken great care of me while I was very young and exploring in strange new worlds. Those were great days.

4 years ago

All the presidents dogs…

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I was a polio pioneer.  We lived in Louisville ky at the time.  Close to the Salk Institute and we got shots

4 years ago

I had something via a sugar cube oncet, but it was no vaccine.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

That Powell person is very scary

4 years ago

Happy Birthday President-Elect Joe Biden!

4 years ago

We only got sugar cubes. No pancakes.
 The measles vaccine in the 70s was given with a pit crew gun.  Zzzzzt!

4 years ago

Watching Kayleigh McEnany WH presser on FOX, she keeps referring election questions “to the campaign” but lately she’s also been the campaign spokesperson so she’s referring the questions to herself.

4 years ago

Kayleigh McEnany refused to call on CNN at the press briefing. Kaitlan yelled a question, Kayleigh said, 

“I don’t call on activists” 

Kaitlan Collins responds: “I’m not an activist … You took about five questions …That’s not doing your job, your taxpayer-funded job”

4 years ago

Enjoyed the President’s dogs.  Today I did a Five on Friday blog in a long time that might be called all the President’s songs.


4 years ago

They’re all so bafflingly shameless!  
An entire party of internet trolls. 

4 years ago

Contrastingly, Dems and libs/progs need to get through their thick heads that people can barely remember last Wednesday, nevermind “history being the judge” of this mendacious group of trump-enablers🙄

4 years ago

Oh, and thanks to those of you who got polio vaccines so i didn’t have to❤️

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

You are welcome Bink. It was kind of fun.  I was needle phobic so I had to get my shots at the doctor’s office.  On the other hand you got a special card identifying you as a polio pioneer. At least Louisville it was good for ice cream

4 years ago

Kyle Rittenhouse has been released from jail.  His $2 million bail was crowd funded and paid by his attorney.


4 years ago

4 years ago

Things not to talk about at the dinner table??      Circumcision

4 years ago

BB If the guy victimized the women via circumcision, I should hope they were gathered to tell him the contents of his meal just consumed–mother fucker

4 years ago

Waiting for confirmation:

Donald Trump Jr. tests positive for coronavirus, sources tell


4 years ago

Putney Swope directed by Robert Downey Sr. was a favorite of mine when it came out many many moons ago. It’s been added to the Kanopy streaming platform. I get it free with my public library account. Always has an unusual selection. Often has current films too.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

What s about Kim Un Guilfoyle 

4 years ago

Cavett still delivers. Ha!

Gargoyle may have natural immunity to the ‘rona. She’s just that scary.

4 years ago

Guildfoiled is one of the more creepier clowns in a circus just slam-bang full of creepy clowns.

4 years ago

She’s hitched her wagon to a scar.

4 years ago

Creepier by the dozen.

4 years ago

That coke habit might be the under-lying condition…

4 years ago

Scabs, scars, and scurrilous scallawags.

4 years ago

Right wing social media urging Georgia followers to write in Trump on Senate runoff ballots. Go for it!

4 years ago

“Junior” as a southern thang:
”Hey Junior……get away from that wheelbarrow—you know you don’t know nothin’ about machinery!”
—Brother Dave Gardiner

4 years ago

OMG guise, the grocery store is empty, right now- was packed 2 hours, ago😉💪

4 years ago

Free of potential spreaders, good.  How are store shelves there?

4 years ago

More GOP senators have COVID than have acknowledged that Joe Biden won

4 years ago

Would the vaccine(s) get rolled out more quickly if the presidential transition was in progress?  

4 years ago

Paper products shortages, diced tomatoes low (🤷‍♂️), vegan milks sold out (😭), ramen sold out (😭😭), plenty of food in general, though

4 years ago

Oh, i passed FULL FUCKING INDOOR RESTAURANTS on my errands.
Your generation eradicated polio- mine will never be rid of COVID

4 years ago

That word “should” is really getting a workout these days.

4 years ago

I could do a better job on Rudy’s hair than whoever di that shoepolish job.  $20,000/week!  Really?
With no federal nor presidential leadership, for many people their daily lives continue on but with the Covid thing. I’ve often wondered why schools need a principal.  Now I wonder why the US needs a president. Except for the Covid thing.

4 years ago

Bink – You can make oat milk with oatmeal if you get desperate.
Need/want apples and cranberry juice. Doing a risk/reward analysis to get groceries.  Weird. 

4 years ago

TT – We will see a marked improvement mid-January, when we have a normal adult as POTUS.  

4 years ago

Time for bed.  As for junior, you know, thoughts & prayers or whatever. Ha!

4 years ago

Cran juices in supply but picked through (in my area).
Credit where due: season 4 of “the Crown” is very well-done

4 years ago

Tomorrow night is Schitt’s Creek night.  “You keep everything inside, like a bashful clam.”  

4 years ago

Eugene Levy is the male version of Kate Winslet (gets better-looking with age)

4 years ago

Catherine O’Hara obviously made some sort of Faustian bargain, also

4 years ago

BiD, I long for regular order.

4 years ago

Holy $!?*- Iowa’s positivity rate is FIFTY PERCENT

4 years ago

BiD, on that juice outage, if you get desperate you can pulverize real apples and cranberries and throw in some sugar (or vodka)if necessary.  better for you than the bottled stuff.

4 years ago