Criminal Endangerment

DR. RAMIN OSKOUI (GUEST): ‘Well, you know, the whole idea of lockdowns obviously was to suppress viral spread, but it’s come at a huge social and economic cost, and what we have to understand from that Icon School of Medicine study that you showed, beautifully done, and with very thorough testing is that social distancing doesn’t work, quarantining doesn’t work, masks don’t work. 

This is really settled science, and those in the media, and those in the public, who want to cling to those illusions, they’re fooling themselves. And they’re hurting society.”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

 as president joe said “what the hell is wrong with these guys?”

where are they getting this script, which quack came up with this unadvisable advice?  sen. rant said the same thing:

the hill:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says that he would oppose strict coronavirus mitigation efforts if they are put forth by President-elect Joe Biden, pledging to “do everything I can to try to prevent Biden from locking us up and locking us down and forcing us to wear masks forever.”
Paul also claimed in his interview that current coronavirus mitigation strategies, such as standing 6 feet apart, frequent hand-washing and wearing masks, don’t work, contradicting the advice of most health experts.


at this rate after 94% of country gets COVID and give or take a million more die, the d’umpsters will shout “I told you so” when we have achieved herd immunity.  meanwhile their herd mentality is presenting a good case for negligent homicide. 

4 years ago

D’ump demonstrates that there is one thing that will not be tolerated in his administration- the TRUTH

President Trump on Tuesday fired a top Department of Homeland Security official who led the agency’s efforts to help secure the election and was vocal about tamping down unfounded claims of ballot fraud.

In a tweet, Trump fired Christopher Krebs, who headed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) at DHS and led successful efforts to help state and local election offices protect their systems and to rebut misinformation.

Earlier Tuesday, Krebs in a tweet refuted allegations that election systems were manipulated, saying that “59 election security experts all agree, ‘in every case of which we are aware, these claims either have been unsubstantiated or are technically incoherent.’ ”

Ben Sasse agrees with every thinking human being that he was doing his job and should not have been fired.

4 years ago

… and from the same article,   

“This is outrageous but not surprising — @realDonald­Trump has made a habit of firing those who are highly competent, have integrity and courage, and stand up for the #RuleOfLaw,” said John Mitnick, a former DHS general counsel who was fired last year during one of several DHS shake-ups under Trump.

Thomas Bossert, a former top White House cybersecurity official who was forced out in 2018, decried the move. “If the grounds of removal were insubordination, it’s a very twisted rationale,” he said. “Insubordinate to the president or insubordinate to the Constitution? I think Krebs had no choice.”

And of course the Ghoul, in his first argument in federal court in almost 30 years showed that he’s still unable to make chicken salad from chicken shit.

… the judge listened patiently for hours on Tuesday in Williamsport, then lobbed tough questions to Giuliani and other Trump lawyers. The Trump campaign has made bold swings at President-elect Joe Biden’s win in Pennsylvania, and the state’s use of mail-in ballots, claiming that two voters in Lancaster and Fayette counties couldn’t cure absentee ballots they cast with procedural mistakes in them, while those in other counties were allowed to correct ballot problems.

Tuesday, Giuliani argued that the Trump campaign has been blocked from observing ballot processing in key cities and saying Democrats could have conspired to commit election fraud by counting absentee votes — both assertions others judges have rejected repeatedly in court as unfounded or wrong. 

“If this is allowed without serious sanctions, this will become an epidemic,” Giuliani said. “It just all happened to be in big cities controlled by Democrats who all of a sudden decided you don’t have the right to inspect an absentee ballot. … You’d have to be a fool to think this was an accident.”

Brann, an Obama appointee who is a longtime Republican, pressed the campaign on why it believed it could carry forward grievances of voters in court, when the individuals themselves are not allowed to sue over broad election mismanagement in the federal system. He asked why the campaign had come to a federal court at all, when allegations about local officials could have been taken to state court.

Giuliani’s answers largely stuck with generalizations that Democratic-leaning counties had conspired to hurt the President, and that absentee voting was unfair when counties administered it differently.

At one point, Giuliani admitted the state court had dried up as an avenue for the Trump campaign complaints. At another point, when pressed, Giuliani admitted he wasn’t alleging voter fraud — but did still believe in the idea that fraud could exist.

No, your honor, we are not” alleging fraud, Giuliani said, after Brann reminded him a newer version of the Trump campaign’s lawsuit cut back those claims. It’s a “fraudulent process,” Giuliani continued.

“So you are alleging a fraud,” the judge responded, noting that would require a higher standard than suspicion to bring a case.


Ummmm, I wonder if Trudy ever knew that you have to try your case in federal court, not some other case that you think may exist in some other jurisdiction that isn’t in front of this court  

4 years ago

And the spread of COVID in the Rose Garden event for Amy Phony is proof that lack of masks and no social distancing and no testing DOES enable the spread.  These Republican asshats just say whatever suits their needs.   Goebbles is alive and well and speaking for the Republican Party. Lying to dumbasses who will believe anything they are told, if a Russian-Republican spews it.

4 years ago

None of those things work if you don’t do them.  

4 years ago

4 years ago

“his money”?

“HIS”?  when has he ever used his own money?

remember this reported by cnn back in 2016:

Kenansville, North Carolina (CNN)Donald Trump bragged Tuesday there’s “nothing like” using other people’s money, hours after a report said he used more than $250,000 from his charitable organization to litigate lawsuits against his business interests.

Trump, while calling for building safe zones in Syria financed by Gulf states, vaunted the benefits of doing business with “OPM.”
“It’s called OPM. I do it all the time in business. It’s called other people’s money,” Trump said. “There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money because it takes the risk — you get a good chunk out of it and it takes the risk.”
His comments came on the heels of a Washington Post report published earlier Tuesday, which called attention to Trump’s funneling of contributions from the Donald J. Trump Foundation to charities in order to settle lawsuits against Trump. Trump has only sparsely contributed to his foundation. Instead, the foundation is largely funded by outside donors — not Trump himself.
4 years ago

Well, yeas, the $7.9M is ultimately his money – there are more avenues to funnel campaign funds to service the debt of the candidate than Carters has pills.  If the $7.9M goes to Wisconsin for a recount it won’t be available to cover campaign debt – which will become D’ump’s debt, not that he pays his debts, but I’m just sayin’…

4 years ago

today’s marlette

4 years ago

And on the coronavirus front

New daily reported cases rose 22.9% 
New daily reported deaths rose 9% 
Covid-related hospitalizations rose 24.2% 
Among reported tests, the positivity rate was 10%.
The number of tests reported rose 11%  from the previous week.

And so you know, the positivity rate according to Johns Hopkins was 4.0% in early to mid October. That’s only a 150% increase in the positivity RATE in a month or so.

Sorry, but I don’t see any “turning the corner” good news in those figures – 2 weeks after the election. Hmmm, I wonder if that could possibly have been a factor in the increased numbers?

4 years ago
It’s time to take the freaking keys away from the tyrant toddler.  Wake up, Republicans, if you want to have a country left to pillage in years to come.

4 years ago

And if the numbers I posted above aren’t sobering enough, this from Wapo may be.

More than 3 million people in the United States have active coronavirus infections and are potentially contagious, according to a new estimate from infectious-disease experts tracking the pandemic. That number is significantly larger than the official case count, which is based solely on those who have tested positive for the virus.

The vast — and rapidly growing — pool of coronavirus-infected people poses a daunting challenge to governors and mayors in hard-hit communities who are trying to arrest the surge in cases. Traditional efforts such as testing, isolation of the sick and contact tracing can be overwhelmed when a virus spreads at an exponential rate, especially when large numbers of asymptomatic people may be walking around without even knowing they are infectious.

To put the 3 millionplusfigure in perspective: It is close to 1 percent of the population. It is about equal to the number of public school teachers in the entire country, or the number of truck drivers. If the University of Michigan’s football stadium were packed with a random selection of Americans, about a thousand of them would be contagious right now.

Columbia University epidemiologist Jeffrey Shaman said his team’s  model estimated that 3.6 million people are infected and shedding enough virus to infect others. That’s a 34 percent week-to-week increase that followed a 36 percent increase in the previous seven-day average, he said.

The estimate does not include an approximately equal number of latent infections among people who caught the virus in recent days and can’t pass it on yet because it is still incubating.

“It’s bad; it’s really, really bad,” Shaman said. “We’re running into Thanksgiving now and that’s only going to make it worse. We’re going to go through a lot of people being infected between now and the end of the year, unfortunately.”
(And it goes on)

So, go ahead and have the family over for Thanksgiving, or better yet, go to a football game.  You’ll probably be fine… 🤢
Friends, regardless of what the Republicidiots like Rand Paul and Scott Atlas are saying, this shit is deadly serious and the D’umbass administration has fucked the pooch in its response.  The ONLY thing that can arguably be said to Dumbassco’s credit is that two pharmaceutical giants have come across promising vaccines on Dumbass’ watch – but only one as part of the Dumbassadministration’s Operation Warp Speed.

4 years ago

They have gone for the discount price of two counties:  Milwaukee & Madison (the two major blue counties).  

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

$$$upfront???????   Hahahahaha. It will never happen

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

It didn’t do them any good in Georgia and made them some serious enemies 
Have they actually paid and what do they expect will happen in the recount.  Trudee Ghouleeanni has nothing down his pants to save the day

4 years ago
“Waiting” equals propping up a wanna-be dictator AND ignoring the will/votes of the American people.  This is the END OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!  

4 years ago

Milwaukee and Madison.  So, they must have a plan to disenfranchise black voters by nullifying their votes.   Probably Rudee’s plan, though.  

4 years ago
Georgia, part one, is in the homestretch.
Georgia, part two, is on track to flip the Senate. 

4 years ago
What on Earth is Erin Murphy afraid of? I don’t get it. 

4 years ago

Ha!…. reading this thread makes me feel like I’m in some crazy fantasy such as Alice in Wonderland.  Maybe the repugs are all smoking opium…

4 years ago

4 years ago


Three lawyers, including the former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, have filed an ethics complaint with the Senate against Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) for his alleged attempts to pressure a Georgia election official to toss legally cast ballots.
The complaint was filed with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics around midday Wednesday. It urges the committee, which is led by Sens. James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.), to investigate Graham’s conversations with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which he allegedly urged Raffensperger to try to discount all absentee ballots in counties with high signature-matching rejection rates.
“There can be no legitimate reason for the Judiciary Committee’s chairman to call a top election official regarding an ongoing vote count,” the complaint states. It urges the committee to investigate whether Graham threatened anyone with a Senate investigation or has taken steps to initiate such a probe. But it states that even the evidence already in hand points to conduct that constitutes an abuse of office and conduct unbecoming of a senator.
The complaint is signed by Claire Finkelstein, the faculty director of the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the University of Pennsylvania; Richard Painter, a law professor at the University of Minnesota and President George W. Bush’s chief ethics lawyer; and Walter Shaub, former director of the Office of Government Ethics.
The complaint urges the committee to impose appropriate penalties if it finds the allegations to be true.
“Any call by a sitting chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to a state election official during an ongoing count of votes is inherently coercive and points to an attempt to influence the outcome of the ballot counting,” the complaint states. “The allegation that Senator Graham placed a behind-the-scenes call to a member of his own political party, without having launched a formal investigation, suggests that he hoped to act out of public view.”

NYTimes best of late night on lindsey:

“Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger said yesterday that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham pressured him to find a way to toss legally cast absentee ballots to reverse President Trump’s loss in the state. Man, just when you think Lindsey Graham couldn’t sink any lower — why would you think that?” — SETH MEYERS
“Well, they finally found some voter fraud — and it’s always the last place you look: in the mirror.” — STEPHEN COLBERT
“I’m sure the secretary of state was terrified. I mean, how intimidating is Lindsey Graham?” — JIMMY FALLON
“Lindsey Graham had better hope Donald doesn’t see this, because on the Senate floor today, Lindsey Graham sauntered over and you see he gave a congratulatory fist bump and pat to Kamala Harris, our vice president-elect. He’s wearing a mask, he’s fist-bumping Kamala — it’s almost like Lindsey Graham is an unscrupulous opportunist who blows with whichever way the wind goes.” — JIMMY KIMMEL

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

SFB said no one would be talking about COVID after the election. What he meant was. He wouldn’t be talking about

4 years ago

With the election over, i was actually looking forward to catching-up with Republican-leaning friends, between whom and myself politics had driven a wedge, but with their leader dragging it out, they are all still off-the-radar and stewing among themselves.

4 years ago

“Presidents official work schedule“
Sleep until 10am
Watch FoxNews
Tweet on toilet
Tweet from bed
Get dressed
Go golfing
Update from Rudy
Tweet on toilet

4 years ago


Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Craig – one up for you.

4 years ago
Greg Abbott, Governor from/of hell, continues to mis-handle COVID.  Inmates are now handling dead bodies in make-shift morgues.  

4 years ago

Alexandra – 🤣

Hi! I’m Rudy Giuliani! Have you been injured in an election? Do you think you should be president, but due to an unexpected setback, you’ve wound up short by thousands of votes in key states? Hire me, and you will get the settlement you deserve! And I mean the settlement you deserve!

I put the “personal injury” in “personal injury lawyer”! Most lawyers are chasing after the ambulance, and not the reverse, but I guarantee that if you have not already suffered a strange injury, I WILL inflict one on your case, through my precise level of knowledge of the law!

Do you have a weird laptop of unclear provenance? Do you need, not a good lawyer, just someone who is technically a lawyer? Call me, the former mayor of New York, a man who has been a candidate for president and who once took down mobsters but is in a Different! Place! Now!

Have other law firms withdrawn from your litigation on the grounds that an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the election is not something they want to be a part of? I won’t! Call me! My cellphone number is readily available! Maybe TOO available, and I DO text back, even if I don’t know who you ARE!

I have almost THREE DECADES OF EXPERIENCE since the last time I was in a courtroom! But my skills remain just as sharp as my understanding of the law! Please pay me $2,000 an hour, unless you want to pay me a different amount; I’m going to leave it up to you!

With me in your corner, judges will be wowed. Most judges who have had to deal with me so far have been rendered TEMPORARILY SPEECHLESS and also MADE FACES!
(And it just gets better from here…)

I have no idea what it would be like to have this kind of a mind – but I’d love to find out.

4 years ago

If I had a mind like that I’d probably take it out and play with it……

4 years ago

America is now schizophrenic, in the clinical sense.  Welcome to the Monkey House.

4 years ago

The more I see of Murder TV the more I realize that “Fargo” is an American masterpiece of astounding perspicacity.

4 years ago

Megyn Kelly says she's leaving New York City, cites 'far-left' schools

Journalist Megyn Kelly revealed this week that she is leaving New York City and pulling her kids from “far-left” schools that she claims have now “gone off the deep end.” 

Bye bye

4 years ago

Sturg, I’m just fortunate that there’s no clasp & hinge on my skull. If there was I probably take my brain out to play with it and drop the damn thing.

4 years ago

think about it, how often do you see a word like “perspicacity” in blogs/social media nowadays?

how can you not love the trail    🙂  

4 years ago

jamie, here’s one for you


A tiny owl that was found after the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was cut down in upstate New York, then trucked to New York City, is recovering at a wildlife rehabilitation facility.

In a Facebook post Tuesday, the Ravensbeard Wildlife Center said the bird was rescued after the 75-foot Norway spruce was cut down Thursday in Oneonta, roughly 80 miles southwest of Albany and around 170 miles north of its final stop in New York City.

A worker who helped transport and secure the tree discovered the owl and his wife called the center, the post said.

“He’s got the baby owl in a box tucked in for the long ride,” the woman said, according to the post.

In fact, the owl wasn’t a baby — it was an adult male Saw-whet, the smallest variety of owl in the Northeast, the center said. He hadn’t eaten or drank in days, but began to recover after getting fluids and food.


A Ravensbeard Wildlife Center worker swaddles a saw-whet owl, the smallest owl in the northeast, that was rescued from the tree that would become the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.

4 years ago

Owl be like: “I wouldn’t need you to rescue me if you didn’t chop down my 75 year-old tree”

4 years ago

Sooooo, Dumbass has had nothing on his calendar for 4 days. Does this mean TRUMP QUIT?  Just asking. 

4 years ago

…he’s taking some “Me, Me, Me time”.

4 years ago