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Blue Bronc
4 years ago

In Finland keeping a social distance is the norm.  So are funny jokes.

4 years ago



A family from Kent England who shared a video of their living room performance of a lockdown-themed adaptation of a Les Misérables song have become a sensation online. Ben and Danielle Marsh and their four children changed the lyrics of One Day More to reflect common complaints during the covid-19 lockdown.


4 years ago

I’m following Google and am not participating in April Fools jokes or pranks this year – which is the same as last year, and the year before, and … If I find the need for a dose of AF I can always watch the SFB coronavirus update this afternoon. 

4 years ago

Jamie, that was impressive. Goes to show what talented people can do to avoid getting quite so stir crazy. 

4 years ago

Well, RCP betting odds now have Bernie in 4th place at 4.6% behind Biden (84.9), Clinton(6.3) and Cuomo(5.8). Being behind 2 folks not running among people willing to bet on you or another candidate or potential candidate, no matter how remote, has to seem like the proverbial handwriting on the wall.  And no, this is not an April Fools joke – it’s people putting their money where their mouth is. 

4 years ago

The Onion captures the Trumpian approach to ventilator shortages.


Trump Tackles Medical Supply Shortage By Awarding ExxonMobil Contract To Drill For Ventilators In Arctic
WASHINGTON—Saying there was no way the coronavirus could win with such amazing corporations on their side, President Donald Trump kicked off his plan to tackle the medical supply shortage Tuesday by awarding ExxonMobil an exclusive contract to drill for ventilators in the arctic. “Today, the heroic crews at ExxonMobil will travel to Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, where they will drill 6,000 feet below the earth in search of new, undiscovered mechanical breathing devices,” said Trump, signing the $86 billion deal that gave the oil company sole access to survey, drill, and extract from over 30,000 square miles of “vast, untapped reservoirs of respiratory ventilators.” “While this crisis is a challenge, I want to assure the American people that there are millions of medical devices lying just below the arctic surface, and all we need is ExxonMobil’s vast network of drilling rigs to find them. That’s why we’re also announcing the construction of a long-distance ventilator pipeline, as well as an exclusive, multi-billion-dollar contract with Shell to begin extracting ventilators on Native American reservations throughout South Dakota.” At press time, President Trump had reportedly once again downplayed the need for medical supplies after one of ExxonMobil’s largest offshore tankers exploded.


4 years ago

The voices of the Marsh children are impressive.  I was surprised that they weren’t at least in choirs to have that level of harmony.


4 years ago

British sage Robert Plant when asked by Dan Rather whether he perceived America as in decline dodged the question a bit, saying that he sees so many different Americans he’s not sure he could generalize about America. He then said that things here seem a bit awkward but he thinks sanity will ultimately prevail. I hope he’s right, and will be proved right in November. 

4 years ago

Pogo…  thanks for that bit by the Onion.  SFB is such a moron that one could almost believe the article is true.
My sister…  who lives in Queens…  was sick for a few days and had me very worried.  Turns out it was a sinus infection.  I’m breathing a bit easier (pun intended) this morning.

4 years ago

Renee, glad you and your sister are breathing easier. One of the clearest indications of a lack of tests is that without access to testing when people have symptoms consistent with coronavirus they can’t be tested and are left to freak out assuming that they have the virus.

4 years ago

Randy Rainbow is fighting the war from his couch


4 years ago

We may be killed by smog to avoid being killed by corona virus. This is the new ‘pro-life’.

4 years ago

Here is the piper we listen to here.

4 years ago

I spent time on Guam more than half a century ago. It is an absolutely beautiful tropical paradise. I think it’s bullshit leaving those sailors aboard their vessel. Guam is part of America. Guamanians are Americans. They will make medical space for the affected sailors. Offload them now! That’s an order.

4 years ago

Flatus, I agree. Not only for those that are sick but for those still on the ship.
Test everybody on the ship then separate and quarantine. It is the best way to stop the plague. 
Now if someone else would figure this out. If we had testing we wouldn’t have to hide in isolation. Which for those of us who live alone is almost as damaging as the virus.

4 years ago

I just sold my last rental house.  The  young man who bought my other one is wanting to move here from California. So I broke out of isolation to talk to the family and show them the house.  I took the paper work over for them to approve and discuss payment options. (i’m carrying the note)  It was fun, chatting BSing eating a plate piled high with tacos, beans, and rice that Mama insisted that I eat. lol now I know why her boys are so big.  She was polite enough to serve me food so I was polite enough to eat it.  Was it a risk?  Yeah some, but life is a risk and we can’t live it all the time in fear.  After all it is not the length of the journey but the quality that counts.  At the end of the journey we all end up in the same place.

4 years ago

Ha, Mr Jack ! 
Congratulations on the sale. You and tv may be the biggest industries left in America.

4 years ago

Mr Flatus,
Did Ms Kumcho get to enjoy Guam with you ? 

4 years ago

…please tell me you didn’t seal the deal with a handshake.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

patd – Maybe Idaho earthquake will trigger Yellowstone Caldera and really make a mess of things.
Sunshine is no more in the D.C. region.  I have video to prove it.

4 years ago

29 nursing homes in Oregon have at least one resident who is infected with Covid-19.

4 years ago

Infectious disease and the social order.
During the late middle ages, the “Black Death” killed 1/3 of the population of Europe and fundamentally changed the social order.  Because there were now fewer workers, wages rose and this completely disrupted the system of “feudalism” that had formed after the fall of the Roman Empire, and had persisted unchanged for 900 years.  The power of the aristocracy was permanently weakened and this paved the way to to the profound social changes of modern era, various revolutionary political movements, and democratic forms of government.  
I think it is reasonable to expect that Covid-19 may have a similar disruptive impact to the political status quo in  the USA, and in many other nations.   Anti-elitist critiques of the weak government response to the crisis and the lack of adequately funded social welfare systems are now everywhere. 
The “low-taxes/small government” philosophy embraced by both Republicans and “establishment” Democrats for the last 40 years is now being seen by a much larger group of voters as a corrupt and evil system that benefits only the elite.  In Europe, there is now much more criticism of “Austerity” which is the European name for conservative economic policies. 
Bernie Sanders and “Medicare for All” will now be MUCH more appealing to Democratic primary voters and Biden’s weak promise of “stability” (maintaining the status quo) will have much less appeal.
The ultimate impact of Covid-19 may be a much large mass movement in support of “Democratic Socialism” 
For example:  Wal-Mart and Amazon workers may unionize.  And that’s just the beginning.

4 years ago

Well, i don’t believe universal healthcare is a “right”, but it’s sure starting to become a public-safety and societal-security issue.

4 years ago

patd excellent cartoon for today, unfortunately.

4 years ago

I, of course, wouldn’t trust anything Russian much less medical supplies.  Don’t they need the stuff for their own people? 

4 years ago

Jack you could wear something over your nose and mouth.  Even one of your wife’s scarfs. 

4 years ago

While Scandinavia takes care if its citizen to stop the spread, the USA does more for the 1% than workers.   
I did wear a face mask on my last, two trips to the grocery store.  I bought a box a couple of years ago when they were doing some work in the office that ignited my asthma.  I got a couple of dirty looks, like how dare I have a face mask.   Foolishly, I did not wear a mask to the pharmacy last week.  
And, yes, we should all wear them because asymptotic carriers should keep their water droplets to themselves as much as cough-ers.     Outside, however, I saw many covering their mouths with bandanas and scarves today.   I was outside breathing in the fresh air and pollen & letting my hair dry in the wind because the power went out. 
You know, I bought all his food, but I haven’t had much of an appetite.  

4 years ago

Nash, very interesting take on things. Are  you the lawyer from WV?  I never kept an Excel spreadsheet on everyone. 

4 years ago

A Russian once told me to never trust Russians.   Keep your tainted, lo-jacked crap, Vlad.

4 years ago

BiD, that Russian had good advice!

4 years ago

Oh, Bernie was on The View this morning and he’s not caving. Somehow, he thinks he still has a path to the WH.   

4 years ago

BiD, you are on the wrong side of town.  When I creep out everyone has a white face mask on. After I went to the post office, I left mine on while I scrapped the green, allergens off my car because of ALLERGIES!

4 years ago

patd, I saw Cuomo say that about his brother. I thought he should have stressed that there’s a spectrum of how sick people get. While that was positive about Chris, on the other hand thousands are dying from it. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I’d like to know how Chris Cumo got the 🦠 

4 years ago

Does Devin Nunez own a chain of funeral parlors?  Dumbass.

4 years ago

Thanks, Jamie!  I love this guy!

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Universal testing.  Got to weed out the carriers 

4 years ago

Vlad is playing Donald with his gift.  Trojan horse = Moscow mule

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Oh man today’s coronavirus briefing is on the drug trade coming across the southern  border.  Wtf

4 years ago

What the hell is sfb doing?  War on drugs?

4 years ago

distraction much ?

4 years ago

Just got a recorded call from our DC mayor Muriel Bowser. Five times she said “Stay Home!“ We are but looking out window astonishing how many people still out wandering around and congregating.

4 years ago

“Never trust Russians”
Yeah, but……that would mean that you’d have to trust the Russian who told you that….

4 years ago

Texas is under a stay at home order except essential services. Here’s 3 of the essential services. Gun Stores, hunting, and churches. Yes that’s right = we’ve been told to go pray the virus away. 

4 years ago

…looking out window astonishing how many people selfish assholes still out wandering around and congregating.” -CC
…fixed that for you.

4 years ago

Book of The Plague Month:
TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE,  by John Steinbeck, wherein at one point in the narrative he throws out a bit of words to the wise and some prophecy. To paraphrase from memory it went something like: If one really wanted to survive [the coming years] one would immediately go to live someplace where no one else wanted to live.  The desert, or the frozen North, etc

4 years ago

OK, wake up and see how the Nordic way eases the burden carried by citizens while helping to speed economic recovery.  

4 years ago

Tiptoe, that lawyer from WV is me. Nash supports Bernie, I support Joe. 

I see SFB is surrounded by FFAG, a political appointee (one of his better ones) and a bunch of Sr. officers with lots of medals. Who needs scientists? Another stupid update. 

And he’s blaming his foreign policy failure with Iran on John Kerry. Stupid Pfuchk.

4 years ago

Data about temperatures needed to kill novel coronavirus:

4 years ago

They’ve taken down basketball goals here because kids are out of school & bored.  Their parents probably aren’t paying attention to home schooling them & just let them go wherever.      People are hanging out in parks, too.   They don’t get it.  Take a walk, get some sun, keep your distance.  

4 years ago

Don’t you just know that a Cowboy just hates wearing those masks ……..

4 years ago

Jeez, Bink, that’s some hearty virus.  I guess we sit in our cars with the windows rolled up at high noon?  56c is 132 American degrees.
SFB taking on Venezuela. He really thinks he can distract from Covid? 

4 years ago

Sturg- Saw quite a few fellas with bandanas over their faces.  Don’t think they were trying to hold up a train. 

4 years ago

My dad is still running around town, but he’s told me that my brother told him needs him to stay away, as he comes into contact with different folks at his clinic, too.   This 10-person limit is so arbitrary.  It takes one!   You shouldn’t be around anyone but those you live with unless you can help it.

4 years ago

“Yeah, ok…..I’ll wear a bandanna but I ain’t wearin’ one o’ them white things.”

4 years ago

I do not understand why my company isn’t considered a small business.   I think we may have had 2 dozen employees, tops.   Did the stimulus package do anything for medium-sized businesses?  We sure aren’t a big business.  

4 years ago

LP and I had to take a ride in my car to do an errand during the daily lie-fest and came up with a new drinking game. Here are the rules: 
1. Listen to vice president Mike (Number 2 dumb fuck) Pense (Now there’s an ironic name for someone who doesn’t have two functioning brain cells to rub together) and his comments after number one dumb fuck, SFB (you can figure this out), makes his daily lies. 
2. Take a shot every time Mike Pense says “the president“. 
3.!Try to stand up at the end of the daily life fest.

4 years ago

Sturg, hat?  Handkerchief? Tighty …?  

bINd, groups of 10 limits the 1st Infected person to infecting 10 people at a time. A factor of 10 potentially goes from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000 to 10000 etc. in each successive generation of contacts. You think that’s too large an infection algorithm?  

4 years ago

If I played drinking games I’d still be a drunk.
I take that shit seriously, captain.

4 years ago

If you played this one you wouldn’t have to worry about being a drunk. You’d need to worry about breathing. 

4 years ago


At the time of the Black Death, 1/3 of the population meant something.  Up until the discovery of various vaccines, war and pestilence kept the population at reasonable levels to encourage a stable middle class.  Now with medical advancements even with the decrease in family size, human beings are still on a major Ponzi scheme skyrocket.  1/3 of the population now would be about 3 billion people.   A few million is barely a drop in the bucket and replaceable in just a few months. 


4 years ago

Rest in peace, Judge Kevin Duffy. Alas, where comes such another ?

4 years ago

Duffy is granted some of the hallowed space, I’m sure.

4 years ago

A life well lived…….what’s that worth?

4 years ago

C’mon, fellers, answer the question 

4 years ago

Everything- right up to the last second. 

4 years ago

Kevin Duffy a life well lived – until CV-19 knocked. 

4 years ago

“A life well lived…….what’s that worth?”
…depends on who’s paying.

4 years ago

I talked with my son the doc in NYC ICU. They usually have 50 patients.  Now they have 200 on vents who won’t be getting off of them anytime soon. It’s bad, very bad. Being prone (face down) overnight for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress is recommended especially with the hips elevated by pillows. It promotes oxygenation. It’s the French Method.

4 years ago

Life is cheap in the West.