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5 years ago


Shooting an unarmed teen in the back of the head was justified, police said. Then video emerged.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/10/24/shooting-an-unarmed-teen-back-head-was-justified-police-said-then-video-emerged/


Do ya think that big, strong, well trained police man got his jollies from this?  Gave him a real hard on to shoot a kid in the back of the head running away from him?  Oh, wait.  He felt THREATENED. Yep, threatened. So did Amber Guyger who shot  Botham Jea in his own apartment eating ice cream.  Yep, threatened.  Oh, so did Aaron Dean who shot Atatiana Jefferson in Ft. Worth. “Jefferson was shot dead through her window after a neighbor called a non-emergency number to report that her door was open. She’d been playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew before on-duty officer Aaron Dean shot her, police said.”
No one’s safe from the well trained police these days. Young brown people or old white people. And “feeling threatened” is the police’s little, black dress. Why aren’t any of these murders capital punishment crimes, especially the two in DFW? 
The well trained (shoot to kill) police are supposed to protect and serve?   I used to believe that.
But to balance out the universe, ”
A hunter was fatally gored by the deer he thought he killed, officials say” https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/10/24/hunter-believed-his-kill-was-dead-then-buck-launched-fatal-attack/

5 years ago

Nixon had an “Enemies List”.  Apparently Trump has a “Punishment List” with the objects being the population of any conspiracy accusation no matter how insane.


5 years ago

Kellyanne finally resurfaces in a threatening tirade against reporter

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Something is smelling like bad bear with the Tulsi Gabbard campaign and her especially.  Going on the faux news channel is really not a great way to win Dems over to your side.  No links, I do not support russians or republicans.

5 years ago


Quidproquo on Twitter
Our democracy is being actively undermined by Republicans. I wish Democrats running for President would focus on that. Imagine four more years of Trump.

5 years ago

The fact that she’s now criticizing Democrats on Fox News says it all….
Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Won’t Seek Reelection to Congress as She Pursues Presidential Nomination

5 years ago

Having spent most summers in Fresno while growing up, the Armenian genocide is very familiar.  What Erdogan would do to the Kurds is all to real.  This resolution is something Armenians around the globe have wanted for a long, long time.

In rebuke of Erdogan, Armenian genocide resolution could soon pass House

“Not acknowledging the genocide is a stain on our human rights record and sends the exact wrong message to human rights abusers around the world,”


5 years ago

So strange to me the first time Kellyanne pops up since impeachment began she doesn’t mention Trump, just herself

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Once again SFB was on tv ranting and being the big fat liar he  is

5 years ago

And once again, Trump owns the biggest – budget deficit, that is.  It’s at $984B now.  WaPo:

The U.S. government’s budget deficit ballooned to nearly $1 trillion in 2019, a $205 billion increase from a year earlier, as America’s fiscal imbalance widened for a fourth consecutive year despite a sustained run of economic growth.

The country’s worsening fiscal picture runs in sharp contrast to President Trump’s campaign promise to eliminate the federal debt within eight years. The deficit is up nearly 50 percent in the Trump era. Since taking office, Trump has endorsed big spending increases and steered most Republicans to abandon the deficit obsession they held during the Obama administration.

In 2011, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives pushed to pass a constitutional amendment that would require balanced budgets. And the Obama administration created a deficit commission looking for ways to slow the growth of government debt. But those efforts have all fallen away, and now budget experts believe the country will see trillion-dollar annual deficits far into the future.

That’s not a good thing, is it?

OK, OK, under Obama, to try and keep the world economy on the rails, the deficit under the Recovery act era of 2009-12 was higher. Since then, nope.


5 years ago

Technically, grand juries can look where they want. I hope they subpoena sessions, tillerson, comey, McCabe, trump’s Russian translator, mcgahn, babydon’s exwife, melanoma, mulvaney, barr, pompeo, perry, sekulow, giuliani, nunes, pence, babydon, ivanka, and jared. Then I hope they  indict the latter twelve. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

We should be concentrating on the senate.  Joanie Ernst is down to 39%
They should have to state in no uncertain terms   Party or Country  what’s your choice?

5 years ago

…listened to some Christian radio, today on my commute, and heard a children’s program aimed at indoctrinating children into rejecting the science behind the “Theory of Evolution”, as well as encouraging them to reject anything taught in public schools that contradicts “Biblical truths”.
Among the deceptive concepts in this delightful children’s program were that scientists assert evolution happened over thousands of years, rather than hundreds of millions, and that “theories” are just speculative ideas rather than the end result of properly-applied scientific method.

Just thought i’d post something scary for Halloween.

5 years ago

oh, and i see that the Trump admin., acting as fascists do, is developing a coordinated program to intimidate and harrass journalists.
So, for all of you who like to complain about the news media, there should be plenty of job openings for you to do better.  Best wishes in your new career! 

5 years ago

RealClearPol’s  trump Approval Ratings

Rasmussen Reports
10/22 – 10/24
1500 LV

10/20 – 10/22
1204 RV

10/18 – 10/22
3447 RV

Note that even rasmussen has him way underwater.

5 years ago

I like seeing Trump under water.  Now if he would only stay there.  There must be a dunking stool around here somewhere.


5 years ago

Bink, I have to laugh about the Christian radio you were listening to. My mother, who grew up with a Baptist lay minister as a father, a Baptist lay minister as a brother, and ultimately converted to the Presbyterian Church, which I grew up in and could discern no position whatsoever regarding evolution, was a staunch disbeliever of evolution. Never quite understood it – had many discussions with her about it, all to no avail. There are none so blind as those who will not see.