President Trump‘s attorneys told a federal appeals court Thursday that they intend to take a legal battle with the House Oversight Committee over the president’s financial records to the Supreme Court.
Trump’s legal team asked the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday to review a three-judge panel’s decision earlier this month upholding the Oversight Committee’s demand for the president’s finances. They also filed a separate motion to stay the circuit court’s decision, saying that they intend to “ask the Supreme Court to review whether the Mazars subpoena exceeds the Committee’s constitutional and statutory authority.”
The president’s lawyers argued that because there’s a reasonable chance that the Supreme Court will take up their petition, the appeals court should hold off on expediting last week’s order.
The court filings come on the heels of an oral argument this week in a separate case before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals concerning a similar subpoena to the Mazars accounting firm from the Manhattan District Attorney. The two sides in that case reached an agreement to fast-track questions over the president’s legal immunity to the Supreme Court.
The D.C. Circuit panel earlier this month ruled 2-1 in favor of the House Oversight Committee, upholding a district judge ruling allowing the subpoena to go into force. The president later appealed, leaving in place a hold on the subpoena until the court fight was resolved.
In the filings to the D.C. Circuit, Trump’s lawyer’s attacked last week’s decision, arguing that the congressional committee had no legitimate legislative purpose for seeking the financial records, and that the only way they can investigate presidential wrongdoing is through an impeachment proceeding, which the House’s lawyers have not invoked in this case.
But last week, the House panel asked the appeals court to expedite the order, citing an urgency created by the newly-launched impeachment inquiry.
“The Committee is engaged in oversight activity to examine whether federal officials—including the President—are making decisions in the country’s best interest and not for their own financial gain,” the committee’s lawyers wrote in their motion.
“Further, the House is now engaged in an impeachment investigation against President Trump, which is advancing on an expedited basis, and information received in response to the Mazars subpoena could be highly relevant to that inquiry as well.”
Do ya think that big, strong, well trained police man got his jollies from this? Gave him a real hard on to shoot a kid in the back of the head running away from him? Oh, wait. He felt THREATENED. Yep, threatened. So did Amber Guyger who shot Botham Jea in his own apartment eating ice cream. Yep, threatened. Oh, so did Aaron Dean who shot Atatiana Jefferson in Ft. Worth. “Jefferson was shot dead through her window after a neighbor called a non-emergency number to report that her door was open. She’d been playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew before on-duty officer Aaron Dean shot her, police said.”
No one’s safe from the well trained police these days. Young brown people or old white people. And “feeling threatened” is the police’s little, black dress. Why aren’t any of these murders capital punishment crimes, especially the two in DFW?
The well trained (shoot to kill) police are supposed to protect and serve? I used to believe that.
President Donald Trump’s own records “strongly corroborate” the sexual assault accusations of Summer Zervos and belie the president’s denials, the former contestant on “The Apprentice” said in a court filing Thursday.
“In particular the Trump Organization has produced copies of Defendant’s calendar entries and itineraries from late 2007 through early 2008 – the period in which Ms. Zervos reported she met with and was assaulted by Defendant,” the court filing states.
One document that Zervos says she got from the Trump Organization to support her claims includes itinerary documents that show Trump flew from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on Dec. 21, 2007, and stayed at the Beverly Hills Hotel for two nights, including when Zervos has alleged Trump “grabbed and sexually assaulted her in his Beverly Hills Hotel bungalow.”
Zervos also included a copy of an email that she said was sent to the Fox News tip line with the subject line “Trump hit on me.”
“I was on the Apprentice. After the show was completed, Trump invited me to a hotel room under the guise of working for him. He had a different agenda. Please contact me to speak further as I have tried to make contact,” the email stated, according to the court filing.
There is an additional piece of evidence Zervos is seeking, an unspecified nine-page document the Trump Organization has designated confidential. Zervos has asked the judge to force the Trump Organization to lift the designation.
Trump faces a deadline of Dec. 6 to sit for a deposition in this case. In a ruling issued last week, the court ordered Trump to submit four possible deposition dates between now and then
The president argued unsuccessfully that the state had no jurisdiction over him to hear Zervos’ defamation case. He had threatened to appeal to New York’s highest court but has never followed through.
Nixon had an “Enemies List”. Apparently Trump has a “Punishment List” with the objects being the population of any conspiracy accusation no matter how insane.
Something is smelling like bad bear with the Tulsi Gabbard campaign and her especially. Going on the faux news channel is really not a great way to win Dems over to your side. No links, I do not support russians or republicans.
Quidproquo on Twitter
Our democracy is being actively undermined by Republicans. I wish Democrats running for President would focus on that. Imagine four more years of Trump.
bbronc, you referring to this from tulsi’s interview with sean reported by mediaite?
Tulsi Gabbard Echoes Republican Concerns About ‘Closed Door’ Impeachment Process on Fox News
“I think it needs to be a transparent process, I have long expressed my concern about going through impeachment proceedings in a very, very partisan way because it will only further tear apart an already divided country,” Gabbard responded. “I think that inquiry needs to be done in a very narrowly focused way, and it must be done transparently. I don’t know what’s going on in those closed doors. We as Members of Congress don’t have access to the information that is being shared. I think the American people deserve to know exactly what the facts are, what the evidence is being presented as this inquiry goes on.”
funny how gopers (and some media for that matter) forget about the closed door secret interviews, length and cost of ken starr’s pursuit of the big dawg when they chide the House dems for only letting 47 gop reps in on the investigative phase.
from newsweek last year:
Starr spent over six years on the Whitewater investigation, which eventually led to Clinton’s impeachment for lying under oath, and billed taxpayers more than $70 million. That means a rough average of under $12 million per year.
renee, yep. it would be interesting to see what an enterprising reporter could find delving into her campaign contributor records. are these real voters and real or laundered money?
Having spent most summers in Fresno while growing up, the Armenian genocide is very familiar. What Erdogan would do to the Kurds is all to real. This resolution is something Armenians around the globe have wanted for a long, long time.
not a fan of his, but this was a good quote about slapping lindsey upside the head as reported by USAToday:
WASHINGTON – Joe Walsh, a former GOP congressman from Illinois who is challenging President Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, said that if late Sen. John McCain were still alive, “he’d be slapping Lindsey Graham upside the head.”
Speaking at the CITIZEN by CNN conference in New York, Walsh was joined by fellow GOP primary contenders, former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld.
“Shame on Lindsey Graham,” Walsh said, “There are so many Republicans in the House and the Senate who have sold their soul to this president. Lindsey is just one of them.”
craig, a quote in that Kellyanne piece you linked at 9:02 was a strange thing to say by someone whose boss seems to do what she accused the reporter of at the end:
Other than it looks to me like there’s no original reporting here, you just read Twitter and other people’s stuff, which I guess is why you don’t pick up the phone when people call from the White House because, if it’s not on Twitter or it’s not on cable TV, it’s not real.”
Donald Trump is scheduled to attend World Series Game 5 at Nationals Park on Sunday, but he won’t be tossing out the first pitch — the Nationals gave that honor is to chef José Andrés, who famously earned the ire of the president by removing his restaurant from the Trump D.C. hotel.
Kellyanne also said re hubby during that interview: “He gets his power through me, if you haven’t noticed. Not the other way around.”
hubby, if he’s as clever as I think he is, will be very very careful not to refute that but will no doubt have a humorous comeback that in some way disses Donald – something like “and I’m not the only one whom she’s made powerful”
Billionaire philanthropist and liberal activist George Soros says Elizabeth Warren is the top Democrat in the field vying to take on President Donald Trump in 2020.
“She has emerged as the clear-cut person to beat,” he told The New York Times in an interview published Friday. “I don’t take a public stance, but I do believe that she is the most qualified to be president.”
Soros, a former currency trader and the target of numerous right-wing conspiracy theories, does not consider his position to be an endorsement. He said he will not endorse any candidate.
“I don’t express my views generally because I have to live with whoever the electorate chooses,” said the 89-year-old Hungarian-American, who in 1979 established the Open Society Foundations to help countries transition to democracy.
Financiers are divided on Warren, who has proposed a bevy of new taxes and criticized corporate greed.
But Soros has previously expressed views in line with the progressive Massachusetts senator, and has long called for the government to increase his taxes.
In June, Soros was among the wealthy individuals who signed a letter in support of Warren’s wealth-tax proposal. That letter, billed as “nonpartisan,” also noted that it should not be construed as an endorsement.
Warren has shot up in the polls recently and is now in second place in national surveys, behind former Vice President Joe Biden.
In the interview with the Times, Soros also criticized Trump, and in particular his foreign policy.
“Trump is still doing a tremendous amount of damage,” he said. He added that Trump’s decision to pull U.S. troops from Syria earlier this month “has been devastating for America’s influence in the world.”
Warren’s campaign declined to comment. A spokesperson for Soros confirmed his remarks to the Times and reiterated that it was not an endorsement.
And once again, Trump owns the biggest – budget deficit, that is. It’s at $984B now. WaPo:
The U.S. government’s budget deficit ballooned to nearly $1 trillion in 2019, a $205 billion increase from a year earlier, as America’s fiscal imbalance widened for a fourth consecutive year despite a sustained run of economic growth.
The country’s worsening fiscal picture runs in sharp contrast to President Trump’s campaign promise to eliminate the federal debt within eight years. The deficit is up nearly 50 percent in the Trump era. Since taking office, Trump has endorsed big spending increases and steered most Republicans to abandon the deficit obsession they held during the Obama administration.
In 2011, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives pushed to pass a constitutional amendment that would require balanced budgets. And the Obama administration created a deficit commission looking for ways to slow the growth of government debt. But those efforts have all fallen away, and now budget experts believe the country will see trillion-dollar annual deficits far into the future.
That’s not a good thing, is it?
OK, OK, under Obama, to try and keep the world economy on the rails, the deficit under the Recovery act era of 2009-12 was higher. Since then, nope.
Technically, grand juries can look where they want. I hope they subpoena sessions, tillerson, comey, McCabe, trump’s Russian translator, mcgahn, babydon’s exwife, melanoma, mulvaney, barr, pompeo, perry, sekulow, giuliani, nunes, pence, babydon, ivanka, and jared. Then I hope they indict the latter twelve.
We should be concentrating on the senate. Joanie Ernst is down to 39%
They should have to state in no uncertain terms Party or Country what’s your choice?
…listened to some Christian radio, today on my commute, and heard a children’s program aimed at indoctrinating children into rejecting the science behind the “Theory of Evolution”, as well as encouraging them to reject anything taught in public schools that contradicts “Biblical truths”.
Among the deceptive concepts in this delightful children’s program were that scientists assert evolution happened over thousands of years, rather than hundreds of millions, and that “theories” are just speculative ideas rather than the end result of properly-applied scientific method.
Just thought i’d post something scary for Halloween.
oh, and i see that the Trump admin., acting as fascists do, is developing a coordinated program to intimidate and harrass journalists.
So, for all of you who like to complain about the news media, there should be plenty of job openings for you to do better. Best wishes in your new career!
Bink, I have to laugh about the Christian radio you were listening to. My mother, who grew up with a Baptist lay minister as a father, a Baptist lay minister as a brother, and ultimately converted to the Presbyterian Church, which I grew up in and could discern no position whatsoever regarding evolution, was a staunch disbeliever of evolution. Never quite understood it – had many discussions with her about it, all to no avail. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
the hill:
President Trump‘s attorneys told a federal appeals court Thursday that they intend to take a legal battle with the House Oversight Committee over the president’s financial records to the Supreme Court.
Trump’s legal team asked the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday to review a three-judge panel’s decision earlier this month upholding the Oversight Committee’s demand for the president’s finances. They also filed a separate motion to stay the circuit court’s decision, saying that they intend to “ask the Supreme Court to review whether the Mazars subpoena exceeds the Committee’s constitutional and statutory authority.”
The president’s lawyers argued that because there’s a reasonable chance that the Supreme Court will take up their petition, the appeals court should hold off on expediting last week’s order.
The court filings come on the heels of an oral argument this week in a separate case before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals concerning a similar subpoena to the Mazars accounting firm from the Manhattan District Attorney. The two sides in that case reached an agreement to fast-track questions over the president’s legal immunity to the Supreme Court.
The D.C. Circuit panel earlier this month ruled 2-1 in favor of the House Oversight Committee, upholding a district judge ruling allowing the subpoena to go into force. The president later appealed, leaving in place a hold on the subpoena until the court fight was resolved.
In the filings to the D.C. Circuit, Trump’s lawyer’s attacked last week’s decision, arguing that the congressional committee had no legitimate legislative purpose for seeking the financial records, and that the only way they can investigate presidential wrongdoing is through an impeachment proceeding, which the House’s lawyers have not invoked in this case.
But last week, the House panel asked the appeals court to expedite the order, citing an urgency created by the newly-launched impeachment inquiry.
“The Committee is engaged in oversight activity to examine whether federal officials—including the President—are making decisions in the country’s best interest and not for their own financial gain,” the committee’s lawyers wrote in their motion.
“Further, the House is now engaged in an impeachment investigation against President Trump, which is advancing on an expedited basis, and information received in response to the Mazars subpoena could be highly relevant to that inquiry as well.”
interesting article at politico touching on floriduh’s income tax free lure
How South Florida became headquarters of the Trump-Industrial Complex
Shooting an unarmed teen in the back of the head was justified, police said. Then video emerged.
Do ya think that big, strong, well trained police man got his jollies from this? Gave him a real hard on to shoot a kid in the back of the head running away from him? Oh, wait. He felt THREATENED. Yep, threatened. So did Amber Guyger who shot Botham Jea in his own apartment eating ice cream. Yep, threatened. Oh, so did Aaron Dean who shot Atatiana Jefferson in Ft. Worth. “Jefferson was shot dead through her window after a neighbor called a non-emergency number to report that her door was open. She’d been playing video games with her 8-year-old nephew before on-duty officer Aaron Dean shot her, police said.”
No one’s safe from the well trained police these days. Young brown people or old white people. And “feeling threatened” is the police’s little, black dress. Why aren’t any of these murders capital punishment crimes, especially the two in DFW?
The well trained (shoot to kill) police are supposed to protect and serve? I used to believe that.
But to balance out the universe, ”
A hunter was fatally gored by the deer he thought he killed, officials say”
another example of a predator being gored by his prey
from ABC:
President Donald Trump’s own records “strongly corroborate” the sexual assault accusations of Summer Zervos and belie the president’s denials, the former contestant on “The Apprentice” said in a court filing Thursday.
“In particular the Trump Organization has produced copies of Defendant’s calendar entries and itineraries from late 2007 through early 2008 – the period in which Ms. Zervos reported she met with and was assaulted by Defendant,” the court filing states.
One document that Zervos says she got from the Trump Organization to support her claims includes itinerary documents that show Trump flew from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on Dec. 21, 2007, and stayed at the Beverly Hills Hotel for two nights, including when Zervos has alleged Trump “grabbed and sexually assaulted her in his Beverly Hills Hotel bungalow.”
Zervos also included a copy of an email that she said was sent to the Fox News tip line with the subject line “Trump hit on me.”
“I was on the Apprentice. After the show was completed, Trump invited me to a hotel room under the guise of working for him. He had a different agenda. Please contact me to speak further as I have tried to make contact,” the email stated, according to the court filing.
There is an additional piece of evidence Zervos is seeking, an unspecified nine-page document the Trump Organization has designated confidential. Zervos has asked the judge to force the Trump Organization to lift the designation.
Trump faces a deadline of Dec. 6 to sit for a deposition in this case. In a ruling issued last week, the court ordered Trump to submit four possible deposition dates between now and then
The president argued unsuccessfully that the state had no jurisdiction over him to hear Zervos’ defamation case. He had threatened to appeal to New York’s highest court but has never followed through.
Nixon had an “Enemies List”. Apparently Trump has a “Punishment List” with the objects being the population of any conspiracy accusation no matter how insane.
Kellyanne finally resurfaces in a threatening tirade against reporter
Something is smelling like bad bear with the Tulsi Gabbard campaign and her especially. Going on the faux news channel is really not a great way to win Dems over to your side. No links, I do not support russians or republicans.
Quidproquo on Twitter
Our democracy is being actively undermined by Republicans. I wish Democrats running for President would focus on that. Imagine four more years of Trump.
bbronc, you referring to this from tulsi’s interview with sean reported by mediaite?
Tulsi Gabbard Echoes Republican Concerns About ‘Closed Door’ Impeachment Process on Fox News
“I think it needs to be a transparent process, I have long expressed my concern about going through impeachment proceedings in a very, very partisan way because it will only further tear apart an already divided country,” Gabbard responded. “I think that inquiry needs to be done in a very narrowly focused way, and it must be done transparently. I don’t know what’s going on in those closed doors. We as Members of Congress don’t have access to the information that is being shared. I think the American people deserve to know exactly what the facts are, what the evidence is being presented as this inquiry goes on.”
The fact that she’s now criticizing Democrats on Fox News says it all….
Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Won’t Seek Reelection to Congress as She Pursues Presidential Nomination
funny how gopers (and some media for that matter) forget about the closed door secret interviews, length and cost of ken starr’s pursuit of the big dawg when they chide the House dems for only letting 47 gop reps in on the investigative phase.
from newsweek last year:
Starr spent over six years on the Whitewater investigation, which eventually led to Clinton’s impeachment for lying under oath, and billed taxpayers more than $70 million. That means a rough average of under $12 million per year.
renee, yep. it would be interesting to see what an enterprising reporter could find delving into her campaign contributor records. are these real voters and real or laundered money?
Having spent most summers in Fresno while growing up, the Armenian genocide is very familiar. What Erdogan would do to the Kurds is all to real. This resolution is something Armenians around the globe have wanted for a long, long time.
In rebuke of Erdogan, Armenian genocide resolution could soon pass House
not a fan of his, but this was a good quote about slapping lindsey upside the head as reported by USAToday:
WASHINGTON – Joe Walsh, a former GOP congressman from Illinois who is challenging President Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, said that if late Sen. John McCain were still alive, “he’d be slapping Lindsey Graham upside the head.”
Speaking at the CITIZEN by CNN conference in New York, Walsh was joined by fellow GOP primary contenders, former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld.
“Shame on Lindsey Graham,” Walsh said, “There are so many Republicans in the House and the Senate who have sold their soul to this president. Lindsey is just one of them.”
craig, a quote in that Kellyanne piece you linked at 9:02 was a strange thing to say by someone whose boss seems to do what she accused the reporter of at the end:
Other than it looks to me like there’s no original reporting here, you just read Twitter and other people’s stuff, which I guess is why you don’t pick up the phone when people call from the White House because, if it’s not on Twitter or it’s not on cable TV, it’s not real.”
[emphasis added]
the ball-less twit probably can’t pitch anyway
from FTW at usatoday :
Donald Trump is scheduled to attend World Series Game 5 at Nationals Park on Sunday, but he won’t be tossing out the first pitch — the Nationals gave that honor is to chef José Andrés, who famously earned the ire of the president by removing his restaurant from the Trump D.C. hotel.
So strange to me the first time Kellyanne pops up since impeachment began she doesn’t mention Trump, just herself
Kellyanne also said re hubby during that interview: “He gets his power through me, if you haven’t noticed. Not the other way around.”
hubby, if he’s as clever as I think he is, will be very very careful not to refute that but will no doubt have a humorous comeback that in some way disses Donald – something like “and I’m not the only one whom she’s made powerful”
more cracking heard in critterville, the hill points out about:
…resolution to condemn the House impeachment effort…
It’s notable that while 44 Senate Republicans on Thursday signed on to the resolution, nine other GOP senators did not: Collins, Gardner, Sen. Dan Sullivan (Alaska), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio), Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah), Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), Sen. Johnny Isakson (Ga.) and Sen. Mike Enzi (Wyo.).
Republicans are concerned about new revelations and unforced errors over the past week that have given Democrats new momentum.
Once again SFB was on tv ranting and being the big fat liar he is
will this from soros help or hinder her? rw probably cooking up ads as we speak.
And once again, Trump owns the biggest – budget deficit, that is. It’s at $984B now. WaPo:
That’s not a good thing, is it?
OK, OK, under Obama, to try and keep the world economy on the rails, the deficit under the Recovery act era of 2009-12 was higher. Since then, nope.
Technically, grand juries can look where they want. I hope they subpoena sessions, tillerson, comey, McCabe, trump’s Russian translator, mcgahn, babydon’s exwife, melanoma, mulvaney, barr, pompeo, perry, sekulow, giuliani, nunes, pence, babydon, ivanka, and jared. Then I hope they indict the latter twelve.
We should be concentrating on the senate. Joanie Ernst is down to 39%
They should have to state in no uncertain terms Party or Country what’s your choice?
…listened to some Christian radio, today on my commute, and heard a children’s program aimed at indoctrinating children into rejecting the science behind the “Theory of Evolution”, as well as encouraging them to reject anything taught in public schools that contradicts “Biblical truths”.
Among the deceptive concepts in this delightful children’s program were that scientists assert evolution happened over thousands of years, rather than hundreds of millions, and that “theories” are just speculative ideas rather than the end result of properly-applied scientific method.
Just thought i’d post something scary for Halloween.
oh, and i see that the Trump admin., acting as fascists do, is developing a coordinated program to intimidate and harrass journalists.
So, for all of you who like to complain about the news media, there should be plenty of job openings for you to do better. Best wishes in your new career!
RealClearPol’s trump Approval Ratings
Rasmussen Reports
10/22 – 10/24
1500 LV
10/20 – 10/22
1204 RV
10/18 – 10/22
3447 RV
Note that even rasmussen has him way underwater.
I like seeing Trump under water. Now if he would only stay there. There must be a dunking stool around here somewhere.
Bink, I have to laugh about the Christian radio you were listening to. My mother, who grew up with a Baptist lay minister as a father, a Baptist lay minister as a brother, and ultimately converted to the Presbyterian Church, which I grew up in and could discern no position whatsoever regarding evolution, was a staunch disbeliever of evolution. Never quite understood it – had many discussions with her about it, all to no avail. There are none so blind as those who will not see.