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5 years ago

Prithee fill up my glsss
till it laugh in my face
with ale that is potent and mellow.
he that whines for a lass
is an ignorant ass,
for a bumper of wine has not its fellow.
—wm congreve

5 years ago

To drink is a Christian diversion,
Unknown to the Turk or the Persian.
Let Mahometan fools live by heathenish rules,
And be damned over tea-cups and coffee.
But let British lads sing,
Crown a health to the King,
And a fig for your Sultan and sophy. 

5 years ago

 “Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant coffee, to unemployment insurance and library cards, to absinthe and good-hearted landlords, to music and warm bodies and contraceptives … and to the “good life,” whatever it is and wherever it happens to be.” (Hunter S. Thompson)

5 years ago

Pat thanks for the music,  and for your work on this blog. I know I’ve been negligent in helping what should be a community effort. 
Yesterday was  neighborhood cleanup day,  As I was by myself, putting everything up and making sure the street around the dumpsters were sweep and cleaned it drove home  just how much Sherry and I supported each other. So as I was grousing yesterday about people not staying and believing in a magic cleanup fairy,  this morning I have to admit that I have been doing the same to you. I apologize and will try to do better. Don’t know if I will, I am me. And I wouldn’t blame you a bit if you walked away. 
After all if this site is truly valuable to me and others we would be carrying more of the burden. 
One of Mrs Jacks favorite quotes was from Gandhi.  ” Actions express priorities ”

5 years ago

I’ll drink to that!

5 years ago

I doubt anyone expects anything out of you, Mr. J, other than a “grin, duck, and run” when you’re mind’s right.  Your 10 hrs. east of legal pot, if that helps.  Say “hi” to this creepy dude for me on the way:

5 years ago

Oh, nevermind.  I’m trying to post a picture of creepy wheat Jesus on I-70, but WordPress is terrible, so just search it, if you care.  Or, better yet- road trip!


5 years ago

Ok, i’m quitting all social media, because employers and governments are using it against participants, and this counts as social media, so i’ll see you all in the funny papers!

5 years ago

Rick and I are leaving for Cape Cod shortly.  I will have my phone…  but right now I’m thinking about taking the vacation as a vacay from politics too.  But I reserve the right to change my mind.

patd….  Jack is right… we all should be helping you.  I will try to do better when I return.  So let me echo the thanks for all you’ve done.

Craig…  it really is time for you to return.

Bink…  you better not go anywhere.

GO BRUINS!  We want the Cup!

5 years ago

Bink, are you a foreign agent? Are you using social media to break laws? Do we tell you to go away?
Please reevaluate your decision using above questions as being germane.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

I think they mean facebook and those nudie shots on Instagram.  I think you are safe here.   
We would all be sad if you left.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Currently, 41% supports impeachment — I think impeachers need to drum up some more support

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Jamie – take a look around for the Perry Mason books.  They are fun to read.  One thing that Earl Stanley Gardner did was to incorporate new technologies of the time into the books.  I enjoy Perry Mason so much that my protagonist, Periwinkle Jones (PJ) has this in her biography:

·Mother wanted a flower name
·Father wanted Perry after Perry Mason (he thought Perry might actually be real)

So they compromised on a flower and her nickname is Perry, which she hates, preferring PJ.  Periwinkle is an English male name, although little used these days, along with a clam name, flower name and a color.
I should finish a couple of those novels someday.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Make the Mueller Report your Book Club selection

5 years ago

Mr Bink, 
Thanks Upfront,

5 years ago

It’s not over until the fat man stings.
Congratulations to Andy Ruiz. And, thanks for the shot in the arm you gave fat men everywhere.

5 years ago

Perry mason was real but his name was Rogers, way I heared it…….Adela Rogers St. Johns’ dad
if mr bink disappears himself I’ll be worse than sad…. I’ll be disgruntled.  That’s right—-disgruntled.

5 years ago

Lawyers, just like people, come in all shapes and sizes. The good the bad and the ugly.

5 years ago

Some people build their Jesus out of straw—I’m more practical in that I like my Jesus out of bricks.

5 years ago


Thanks for the recommendation.  I tend more to Dashiell Hammet and the film noir extensions of same.  Lately I’ve been thinking about Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town”.  While I realize that 1900 US society was far from perfect, I sincerely believe that human beings really weren’t meant to live cheek by jowl and many are suffering not just from the breakdown in personal relationships, jobs, and politics, but actually being driven into a form of psychosis just fromt he pressures of population.  

5 years ago

5 years ago

If anyone would like to watch a great production, this is the 1977 version with Hal Holbrook as the Stage Manager



5 years ago

I actually think wheat field Jesus is a nice bit of folk art. It is not trying to drive the point home with a hammer like many Jesus signs along the hiway. 
Pat,  I’ll cover next Sunday

5 years ago

If you never hear from me, again, assume the worst.

Otherwise, ttyl.

5 years ago

Well, sitting in Leonardo da Vinci airport on a 7 hour layover on the way to London. The delay may make (OK, allow) my trip to not coincide with SFB’s – although I’d kinda like to see the blimp – the one flown in protest as opposed to the fat one having tea with the queen.  Beautiful new concourse (E), and not very busy. Another couple cups of coffee and I’ll be wired to the gills. Luckily there is free WiFi. Life could be worse.