Oh that 20/20 vision

By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor

2020 will be an Election year. It is not too early to ask and speculate on which candidate will produce a 20/20 vision for the country.

The recent election proved that when issues are at the fore front people will pay attention and respond. Like it or not if the matter becomes entirely a referendum on Trump he wins. He is a master at making the discussion all about him and his base approves.

Ideas like the green new deal, Medicare for all, and a tax structure that is actually fair need to be thoroughly debated and presented in such a way that the average voter can relate to them.

Democrats have the star power, but it remains to be seen if they have that 2020 vision.

Who is your choice? Let’s talk.

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6 years ago

After flirting with Kamala, a few others, I’m back to Joe Biden “Give me one term to fix this mess.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

ack ack ack
just say no to Joe
I’m sticking with Amy or Sherrod
Biden is too old school
Joe Biden protector of Banks

6 years ago

South Bend’s mayor on MJ this morning is certainly an impressive intellect with outstanding credentials of public and military service.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

20/20 Vision  great title.
My question or navel-gazing – what are people going to vote on…sort of tangent of the likeability debate.   
Is it the personality plus the ability to be inspirational or actual issues.   Or some of each for the majority of voters.
I think the Democrats have been working on the election fraud and voter suppression issues – although not always successfully.
Obama was definitely an inspirational figure.   I have not seen that in any of the 20-20 candidates.   It is almost as if they are too cool.

6 years ago

How long ago was it that folks were questioning whether the Dems had a deep enough bench to challenge SFB?  Not hearing that any longer. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Pete Buttigieg mayor of South Bend.  He is a very clever and well prepared candidate.  His argument on his experience as a mayor certainly made me look at Cory Booker differently.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

It’s easier for me to eliminate candidates
No to Joe Biden
No to Bernie Sanders
No to Hillary Clinton
Yes   Sherrod Brown
Yes   Amy Klobuchar
Yes to Kamala Harris
Yes to Cory Booker
Yes to Pete Buttigieg 
Maybe Kirsten Gillibrand

6 years ago

by the way, today’s the day!  
happy valentine’s

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I think they do like him.  He gives permission for them to be assholes and liars and self-involved and to follow the principle of “Me First Biggest.”  He’s gang leader.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

I’ve been trying to figure out if I follow the likeability factor in choosing candidates.
Mostly I think I vote on issues and performance, but there are people I haven’t voted for because I didn’t warm up to them.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Clinton certainly was victimized from the get go –remember the Republican blondes who spent their entire life attacking her very profitable for them.
I think whoever is the candidate for the Democrats will be subject to the same crap.   Trump like Bush’s brain use the tactic of going after the person’s strengths.   The vicious lies put out by the swiftboat fat liar Jerome Corsi.   And the media and Republicans are equally responsible   These were not new charges and people in Mass. knew they weren’t true as did most media personalities.  I can still remember Mike Barnacle telling the Mayor  of crazytown,Joe Scarborough, that the story has been investigated and simply wasn’t true.   
Scarborough now the mayor of stupid town, pimped the story the entire election season even knowing that it wasn’t true.   He is scum.  Other media personalities and even academics who also knew the story wasn’t true said it was Kerry’s responsibility to show it wasn’t true.
The mass media in America sucks almost as much as most voters.

6 years ago

I’m down to Brown, Booker, and Klobuchar. Any one of them can defeat any republiklan candidate. 
The only rippers who can run a competitive race are those who didn’t vote for the trump tax increase, and that means mostly mayors or governors. The only repug governors who can run competitively are those who latched onto Obamacare. It is difficult to imagine such people getting through the primaries. Perhaps nikki haley could run a good race, if she could only get through the primaries – beyond South Carolina’s. Fat chance. 
When trump comes in third in the IA Straw Poll in August, there’ll be a cloud of dust on the right as stuffed shirts, confederate flag wavers, and wife-beaters race to file in NH.

6 years ago

Btw, thanks for all the praise. I won’t let it go to my bald, bearded, grey, fat, fatuous head. much. 

6 years ago

So CNN was just reporting that Mertle said he just spoke with SFB and that SFB will sign the funding bill and that he will simultaneously issue an emergency declaration to allow him to steal the money to build his stupid wall, and that Mertle supports that.  Let the court actions begin.

6 years ago

Hot off the presses (or whatever).

6 years ago

Fascists will be fascist.

6 years ago

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Things haven’t gone today as planned.  We had a snowstorm yesterday…  so today Rick went to go skiing as it would be his first time on natural snow this year.  About 1 mile from the area he hit a patch of black ice.  It flipped his truck completely over and landed back upright.  He hit a picket fence and one of it’s poles came through his back window, landed on his dashboard just narrowly missing him.  And he just missed hitting a telephone pole.  Luckily he was wearing his seatbelt and only has a slight bump on his head.  I went and got him at the ski lodge.  He keeps saying he is fine, but I bet he’s sore and tired tomorrow.  Our Valentine’s celebration can wait.  I’m just glad he is in one piece.

Moral of this story… always wear your goddam seatbelt!

6 years ago

He needs to be examined for internal trauma, however he thinks he feels.  That sucks, best wishes.

6 years ago

If AOC has an econ degree, she has a funny way of showing it.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

maybe she studied under Richard Wolff

6 years ago

RR, sorry to hear about Rick’s accident.  Hope all is well with him after the bump goes down.  Assuming he has no internal problems sounds like a little nectar of the gods is in order to ease his aches.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

Sorry to hear about Rick’s accident – sounds like time in a hot tub would be a good thing

6 years ago

No hot tub!  Heat exacerbates inflammation.  So does booze.  Doctor!

President Pelosi!

Impeach, censure, indict, exile Our Criminal President!


Ok, shutting up now, sorry.

6 years ago

Mr Jace, re yours of 4:45pm :
On the good side, the Maginot Line was EXTREMELY expensive. Enormous fortunes were built simultaneously with the Maginot Line. 

6 years ago

Mr Bink’s right. Plus, Rick should remain standing or seated. No lying down today or tonight, to prevent blood leaking in the skull. 
Sending good wishes to you and Rick, Ms Renee

6 years ago

ann coulter’s LIL, lazy incompetent lunatic – her appellation for trump, needs another L. trump is a lill (lazy incompetent lunatic liar) or possibly even a lilly (lazy incompetent lying lunatic yellowbelly). 
Anywhat, I’m nominating ann coulter for the Nobel Prize in the fine art of Backstabbing.

6 years ago

I think we could get a darn good President, VP and Cabinet out of any combination of the following
Yes  to Amy Klobuchar
Yes to Julian Castro 
Yes to Cory Booker
Yes to Sherrod Brown
Yes to Kamala Harris

6 years ago

Oops, I forgot Julian Castro. Thanks for the reminder, Ms Jamie ! 
The Official Revised List 
Not Necessarily In Order Of Preference

6 years ago

Mr Jace, thanks for the tip.
Why didn’t I think of that ? Well, I guess I won’t submit a bid after all. 

6 years ago

 “appellation for trump, needs another L. trump is a lill (lazy incompetent lunatic liar) or possibly even a lilly (lazy incompetent lying lunatic yellowbelly)”
X-R, perfect

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Still have about three hours for SFB to rumble around in his skull case and decide to not sign the budget bill.   Although the odds of him not signing are very low, the window is still open.

6 years ago

new thread