Laugh or Cry Campaigning

By PatD, a Trail Mix Contributor

About that rather unusual campaign ad: from The Guardian:

Liberals might be unable to fathom how this could make voters more likely to vote for DeSantis, yet he clearly feels confident that he’s not the butt of the joke.

The ad serves as a reminder of Trump’s soaring approval ratings among Republican voters, and how difficult it will be for some Republican candidates to win races if they distance themselves from the White House.

DeSantis even seems well prepared for the backlash. He has come under some criticism for using his young children, but on Fox News he said such comments just show people have “no sense of humor” – a line that will surely further please a base that rails against political correctness.

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6 years ago

After many years our lime tree is finally bearing fruit!

6 years ago

Add  jury tampering to Trump’s crimes.

Just imagine how quickly Manafort’s lawyers would be filing a motion for mistrial if he had called their case a “hoax”.

This jury is not sequestered and judge’s instructions only tell them to “resist” media exposure, so it’s feasible they could be influenced by a president trashing prosecution’s case. …

Paul Manafort worked for Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other highly prominent and respected political leaders. He worked for me for a very short time. Why didn’t government tell me that he was under investigation. These old charges have nothing to do with Collusion – a Hoax!
12:17 PM – 2 Aug 2018

Looking back on history, who was treated worse, Alfonse Capone, legendary mob boss, killer and “Public Enemy Number One,” or Paul Manafort, political operative & Reagan/Dole darling, now serving solitary confinement – although convicted of nothing? Where is the Russian Collusion?
11:35 AM – 1 Aug 2018

6 years ago

Jee don, do you mean the republican surrogate campaigner, al capone ?

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

hmmm  gin and tonics

6 years ago

For goodness sake, Craig, that’s what Golden Delicious look like when they bear fruit very late in the season in Florida


Blonde Wino
6 years ago


1 1/2 oz White rum, 6 leaves of Mint, Soda Water, 1 oz Fresh lime juice, 2 teaspoons Sugar

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Wapo features the nightly kremlin annex party.
Nightly protests outside the White House began the evening that its resident made headlines in Helsinki. Now in its third week, it has morphed into equal parts demonstration, roast and dance party.
Unlike the Women’s March or March for Our Lives — single-day events attended by thousands — the modest, day-to-day rally dubbed the “Kremlin Annex” has a different flavor. Organizers welcome those who want to confront President Trump daily, at high volume.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

Compare this to the protest inside the nixon WH…back in 1972 when Carol Feraci protested with back-up from her group, the Ray Conniff singers.

6 years ago

Our house limes are gorgeous, can’t wait for time to make our guacamole recipe (we do measurements by taste):

  • Avocado, soft on surface of skin, ripe.  If the inside of the avocado is hard then it’s a no o.
  • Fine chop onion
  • Fresh cilantro
  • Mince garlic
  • Chopped jalapeno
  • Chopped cherry tomato
  • Mix above ingredients.
  • Before serving, sprinkle with fresh lime juice.

Don’t let it sit with lime juice mix

6 years ago


If you are in the mood for a good long wait, plant an avocado.  A generation from now will thank you for a great climbing tree and a wonderful fruit. This is in line with Chinese wisdom.

When is the best time to plant a tree? Twenty years ago. When is the second best time to plant a tree? Today.

6 years ago

BW, don’t forget – muddle the mint leaves…

And Poobah, nothing goes with a Mojito quite as well as fresh guacamole – and that recipe sounds righteous.  My mouth is beginning to water.

6 years ago

Patd, does ANYONE believe the SFB administration gives a flying phuch about Russians in our embassies?  Still?  Schitte no. No one believes that.

6 years ago

If you missed this Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on C-Span, you might want to check out the recording.  Foreign Influence on Social Media

6 years ago

Avocados are very helpful by providing their own ripeness scale.  In addition to the soft, but not squishy, pop the little bit where it was connected to the tree.  It changes color and when  ripe it will be dark yellow to brown to indicate ready to use.  If in a hurry, my local Safeway makes fresh pico de gallo to substitute for all the chopping.  Add minced garlic and season to taste.  I prefer the “from scratch” a la Craig, but needs must sometimes.

6 years ago

ahhhhh…  poor, poor trump supporters…


6 years ago

Cilantro is one of those herbs that makes me want to take cover; wish I didn’t have that reaction.

6 years ago

I use raw sugar for virtually all table and cooking needs. Why not cocktails, too?

6 years ago

Sorry to hear that Flatus. Cilantro is my all-time favorite for so many dishes.

6 years ago

With health care uppermost on my mind these days — and appreciating the wonders of free care at the VA — and watching Trump repeatedly bragging lately about gutting and “finishing off” Obamacare, touting the “wonderful” care Republicans have replaced it with:

This means he and GOP must own the huge premium spikes/loss of coverage coming soon because of what they’ve done, just in time for the Midterms.

Dems only need Trump’s rally quotes to hang the blame on them.

6 years ago

Craig, you might be interested in this article from Vox.

President trump admits he’s trying to kill Obamacare.  That’s illegal.

Blonde Wino
6 years ago

From VF’s The Hive.

Mueller’s indictment may not name the five Americans, but he drops clues as to their identities. More intriguing are his hints of unknown unknowns. 

The fifth and murkiest American, “a candidate for U.S. Congress,” sought and obtained damaging information on his or her opponent, according to Mueller. Speculation has centered on four Florida Republicans: Carlos Curbelo, Brian Mast, Matt Gaetz, and Ron DeSantis. Democrat opponents of each had to contend with the public release of hacked internal campaign information; all four won their races, and all four have denied any link to Guccifer. (DeSantis has called for an end to Mueller’s investigation, and Gaetz introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.)

Blue Bronc
6 years ago

Well, today I sort of watched catching catfish and carp on Youtube while working.  The man has a passion for fishing, in particular catfish and carp.  It is fun, he takes along his toddler children where he fishes too.  I learned how to fish in Iowa farm ponds and sloughs of the small streams which are dammed up to provide water ponds and flood control.  My takings were almost always pan fish and catfish, primarily bullheads.  To this day I do enjoy a dinner of hush puppies and catfish.

I am learning that we need to take a step back from the reflex of immediate response to SFB spews.  He does stuff like I have seen with ill men who might have been suffering from things they did in their earlier days or had the bad luck of suffering from something which made them throw feces at their loved ones.

Stepping back you learn to not be in the front row.  You leave the three ring circus and go outside to the sunshine and fresh air.  You wait for the fool to stumble out the door and you realize he is nothing more than a very fat, old, low intelligence man.

Mika has provided cover for many of us to be able to quote her about she knows him and is stating he is off his rocker.

6 years ago

Are all these repubs going to pay when butina claims to be pregnant ?

What if she’s is pregnant like Octomom, with 8 foeti, but from 8 different fathers ? That’s a horribly cruel thing to think, but also a hoot for those of us who suffer from darkside humor. Maybe butina will publish her memoirs, complete with all the pervy things that these pious ripoffs wanted to do – backed by video recordings and dna samples, of course. Such a memoir would make zillion$.