Dems Can Win By Losing Shutdown

Progressive Democrats are understandably upset their Senate leaders caved on the shutdown, but think through this. Losing a shutdown fight can lead to a Midterm victory. That’s what happened when Republicans forced a shutdown, and ultimately gave in before their massive 2014 Midterm victory. Initially they lost face in their vain attempt to defund Obamacare with a shutdown, but it gave them a cause in the next election.

Likewise, Democrats face an opportunity to rally their voters to the notion that this shutdown demonstrates how limited their options are without control of the House and Senate.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

Well, without a buy in from McConnell, Ryan and SFB, only a blue wave in November will offer a positive outcome from this – and that won’t help the Dreamers between March 2 and then – and maybe not even after that.

7 years ago

pogo, could be (taking the cynical view) gopers let daca be voted on with much tearing of hair and screaming about security BUT it’s their brer rabbit briar patch routine and as a bonus they let some of their vulnerable members in blue/purple districts vote compassion.  if it passes, they’ve diminished a major cause, voter bloc and fund raising opportunity for the dems for November.   ironic, ain’t it?

7 years ago

Sounds good to me, Boss. Dems should campaign positively & joyously on

Xrepublican’s 12 Point Plan to Make America Happy Again. MAHA !

1. ending political corruption : a. taking $$$ out of politics, b. exposing names of dark money men, c. ending dark money, d. exposing names of contributors to, and their contributions, all tv, radio, and facebook, twitter, etc political ads. d. re-institute the tv and radio to the fairness doctrine.

2. medical care for all, via a single payor system.

3. re-institution of the Obama regulations regarding poisons in the environment. a. market this as saving fetuses, young children and pregnant women from birth defects, mental disorders, or death.  b. market this as making American food product standards more acceptable to foreign buyers.

4. Guns : a. re-institute regulations that prohibit lunatics from procuring guns and ammo. Add bi-polar, schizophrenic, and borderline personality disorder to the list m.d.s must report as unable to keep or bear arms. b. make ALL gun owners responsible to government control, through mandated state militias. This does not impinge upon the right to keep and bear arms, rather it adds the responsibilities cited in the 2d Amendment to those who do keep and bear arms.

5. Re-commit to our international treaties and agreements especially to Paris, NATO, and NAFTA.

6. make America independent of carbon-sourced energy. a. market this point as a national security necessity, freeing us from tyrants of the Middle East and russia. b. also market this as cleaning the beaches, preventing wildlife kills, and saving the tourism industry. Forget about the global warming pitch, ‘cuz people can’t see it happening. However, they can see dead fish, whales, seals, and birds. c. stiff prison sentences for oil/drilling execs who cause spills. d. grow solar and liquid metal battery (w/heat co-generation) production. e. promote e85hybrid, all-electric, and fuel cell energy for transportation. f. end all subsidies to the oil industry. g. The US Navy shall no longer be responsible for the safety of foreign-owned or foreign-flagged oil tankers or the sea trains that nourish oil consuming nations.

7. re-institute DACA and immigration reform.

8. re-institute net neutrality. The internet is a public utility, not a private commodity.

9. Arraign, try, and execute the native born russian and commieChinese spies, who infiltrated the White House and Congress.

10. re-institute Glass-Steagall. The money market/banking is a public utility, not a private commodity. rescind the most recent changes to the patent and copyright durations to encourage market competition.

11. rescind the Tax Act of 2017.

12. legalize marijuana. Let the marijuana prisoners go.

Immediately post-election, hammer all this out, so the new Congress can pass it all in their first 30 days.

7 years ago

All For Tradition.

For the 57th year in a row I say, wait’ll next year.

And, that’s all I have to say about that until next December.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I’ll sign up for x-r’s 12 step program to happiness

7 years ago

“I feel terribly sorry for the Dreamers but I fear they might have to wait until November to get justice.”

craig, if they’re still alive.  until that time…..8 long months…  there are those who will not be able to get life-saving medical care, there are those who will become ill but will be unable to seek help, and there are those who will commit suicide.

Blue Bronc
7 years ago

Sitting in the official recliner for furloughed employee I am enjoying the crap on MSNBC.  I liked it better when it was a freaking liberal network.  With all the republican hosts and view points I find it hard to enjoy (even with a martini).  Did Schumer cut a deal with the evil ones?  Yes.  Did the Dems cave? I think so.  But, at this moment we need to see how the House votes.  There is a chance the strange critters in the House will not vote for the Senate amendment.  And, it may go to the WH where SFB would sign the CR and his staff take the pen away.

An important note to all the idiocy going on in D.C., McCain has not rejoined the Senate, as I guessed would happen.  Although I disagree with much of his politics, the man deserves our respect for his life in public service.  I do not expect him to return to his seat in the senate. I am prepared to hear he has passed, and that very soon.  One of the notices of these past couple days was his COS sending out McCains comments, not McCain himself.

7 years ago

patD – You are correct.  GoOPerz are playing the long con.

And,  if folks still feel good about the economy this fall, Repugz will take credit for it & that will help to quell that blue wave.

7 years ago

Sometimes Twitter isn’t all angry or even when it is offers up some wisdom.  One of my favorite poets is Joseph Brodsky.  His was one of the few autographs I’ve ever wanted, but he passed away before I could be in the same place at the same time.  A present to myself was a a signed copy of “A Part of Speech”.

Today, I had a tweet about recent events with a quote that instantly reminded me of the penchant Republicans have for rewording and naming things.  Of course a refugee Russian would have something to say about the habit:

“One of my teachers at Columbia was Joseph Brodsky…and he said ‘look,’ he said, ‘you Americans, you are so naïve. You think evil is going to come into your houses wearing big black boots. It doesn’t come like that. Look at the language. It begins in the language.”


For those who aren’t familiar here’s the WIKI

I would suggest his collected essays: Less Than One

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The economy isn’t going to change from what it is today and it is generally good

but people have already shown they aren’t going down that road again.

The election in alabama may be a one-off but the one in Virginia was not.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I think we should give out mean nicknames and lets start with Susan Collins and the things Mitch promised her

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Dems just won…big.

In a decision that could tilt the congressional balance of power in a key swing state in favor of Democrats, Pennsylvania’s highest court decided Monday that the state’s GOP-drawn congressional districts violate its Constitution, and ordered all 18 districts redrawn in the next few weeks.

7 years ago

crackers – I hope you are correct, but it’s a long way to November.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

I with you, Craig, it was fun to ruin trump’s weekend, plus mel left him in DC.  After Stormy and the current affair?  I wonder if she is going to Davos?

trump’s delegation to Davos.
But while it’s unsurprising for a globalization enthusiast such as Clinton to embrace Davos, it is more surprising for Trump, who, press secretary Sarah Sanders announced, will travel to Switzerland later this week with chief of staff John Kelly, national security advisor H.R. McMaster, and director of the national economic council Gary Cohn as well as some other White House staff.
The presidential group will be joining the official delegation, led by secretary of the treasury Steven Mnuchin, which will include six cabinet secretaries and several other officials including the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.
The rest of the delegation will comprise:

Rex Tillerson, secretary of state
Wilbur Ross, secretary of commerce
Alex Acosta, secretary of labor
Elaine Chao, secretary of transportation
Rick Perry, secretary of energy
Kristen Nielsen, secretary of homeland security
Robert Lighthizer, US trade representative
Thomas Bossert, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism
Mark Green, USAID administrator
Scott Gottlieb, commissioner for food and drugs

7 years ago

jamie – Since information/disinformation travels so much faster, and language morphs more quickly, are we on a runaway train?  Is there any safe way to disembark?

7 years ago

Maybe Kristjen Nielsen will meet someone from the Norwegian contingent in Davos; they can fill her in on their country’s demographics.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

so some of the organizers of the women’s marches are saying they delivered a base and the senate democrats are cowards…wtf

7 years ago

I have a feeling that melanoma just had her ivana/marla moment. He’d better start wearing a bp vest around the residence. Maybe she’ll retaliate by having an affair with dennis rodman.

7 years ago

Ms Cracker, I’m sorry to disagree with you about the economy.  I mean that I am deeply sorry in every way.

I see the price of oil continue rising from the present $64/bbl to $100-$110/bbl (WTI) between now and the end of May. This rapid rise in energy costs will be a crushing burden for the economy. There goes the big tax break, and the gas hog pickup truck market, too. Fortunately, a lot of our energy now comes from solar and wind power. That will be something of a cushion.

Gold and silver are also rising again. This means the dollar is weakening. Foreign banks are shedding $$$, because the madman is undependable, untrustworthy, and a russian saboteur masquerading as a raging goofball. Weak $$$ are good for exports, but lousy for financing your non-exporting business or getting a home loan. Job-growing entrepreneurs tend to begin their enterprises in domestic businesses rather than in export, so job growth will stall and then fall. The rise in wages will come to a shrieking halt, and workers will take home less purchasing power.

Also, stop-and-go government will depress government vendors, and decrease spending by states, counties, and municipalities.

By Autumn things will be falling apart, as the trump recession hits. No more MAGA. Guess who will blame this enormous mess on the Dems and Mexicans?

7 years ago

Doom looms. – The undertaker in Walt Kelly’s Pogo (no relation )

7 years ago

bw, looking at that roster of trump’s delegation to Davos am wondering if they’re
setting up an offshore country,
all on the lam beyond the long Mueller arm of justice,
planning to retire in luxury elsewhere as ex-pats,
know something sinister and terror related about to happen
or all the above.

7 years ago

xr, re your take on economy future, tend to agree with you except that the down turn won’t start until after the November election…and therefore will certainly be blamed on the dems if they win big or even if they lose little.

7 years ago

xr, your doom looms reminds me of the “doom and gloom” tommy steele sang about in finian’s rainbow… a wonderfully prescient movie re nowadays immigrants.  here’s a bit of dialogue:

Senator Billboard Rawkins: You’ve been violating the law, here.

Finian McLonergan: Since when?

Senator Billboard Rawkins: This afternoon. I just finished drafting this.

Senator Billboard Rawkins: [reading] Local ordinance number 7428: be it known that in the county of Rainbow Valley, it is a felony for members of the Caucasian and Negro races…

Finian McLonergan: But it seems to me that this law could not be a legal law…

Senator Billboard Rawkins: Of course it’s legal! I don’t know where you immigrants get these radical, foreign ideas!

Sharon McLonergan: From a wee book the immigration officer handed us. It’s called ‘The United States Constitution.’

Finian McLonergan: Haven’t you read it?

Senator Billboard Rawkins: I don’t have time to read it, I’m too busy defending it!

7 years ago


7 years ago

business insider: OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Trump signs temporary funding bill to end government shutdown

President Donald Trump signed a short-term funding bill Congress passed on Monday, officially ending the three-day federal government shutdown.

The key vote came in the Senate, where most members supported a key procedural vote to let the funding bill proceed without a filibuster. The cloture vote easily cleared the 60-vote threshold with a final vote of 81 to 18. Two Republicans, Sens. Rand Paul and Mike Lee, voted against the measure, as did 16 Democrats.

The deal will keep the government funded until February 8, eight days earlier than the date in the House-passed funding bill that the Senate rejected on Friday.

The final bill passed in the Senate a few hours later with the same vote as the cloture measure. The delay between the cloture vote and the final vote was due to members working out language that will allow federal workers to receive back-pay for the days the government was closed, per reports.

The House then agreed to the deal, passing the measure shortly after the Senate by a vote of 266 to 150. 45 Democrats voted for the funding bill, while six Republicans crossed party lines to vote no.


The impasse was broken after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed to hold an open debate process on a bill to codify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration program. Securing a vote on DACA was a key priority for Democrats, but the deal with McConnell appears to have fallen short of the party’s original request.

Despite McConnell’s commitment, there is nothing binding the House to the deal. A 2013 immigration bill received bipartisan support in the Senate but never made it to the floor of the House.

McConnell previously promised Republican Sen. Jeff Flake there would be a DACA vote by the end of January, which does not look likely.

Schumer said that if McConnell did not hold a good-faith vote on the DACA issue by February 8, the Republican leader “will have breached the trust” of Senate Democrats.


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago


i was talking about the fake news economy


7 years ago


7 years ago

meanwhile back through the traitor gate and down the trump hole

daily mail:
Mueller interviews mystery Bannon protege who claims to be close to key Middle Eastern power-brokers twice in Russia probe

 Special counsel Robert Mueller has twice met with George Nader
 Nader is a Bannon associate
One conversation with investigators occurred last week 
He has been connected Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi
White House visits to Bannon
Bannon agreed to cooperate with Mueller’s team after getting a subpoena 


7 years ago

also from daily mail a couple of days ago:
Deutsche Bank ‘has evidence Jared Kushner made suspicious transactions and is ready to hand it over to Mueller’

Deutsche Bank reportedly has evidence linking Kushner to suspect transactions
Bank has shared the information with German regulators, a report on Friday says
Mueller probe has reportedly subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for the records
Kushner, Trump’s advisor and son-in-law, made millions as a real estate investor 
Follows Steve Bannon’s remarks that probe will target ‘greasy’ Kushner deals

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

To mel, that sancho door swings both ways.   She looked pretty chummy with putin and that would be the best revenge.   Mrs. Kennedy knew that.

7 years ago

excerpt from the week re comedians’ comment on shutdown:
Trevor Noah recapped the brief government shutdown on Monday’s Daily Show, and he was really unimpressed with the whole ordeal. After failed negotiations, “lawmakers left the Capitol unsatisfied, like it was a salad night at Paula Deen’s house,” he began. “And no one was more upset than the toddler-in-chief, because the shutdown ended up running his 1-year birthday party.” But Trump didn’t just have to skip his anniversary party at Mar-a-Lago, “he had to work on the weekend — or at least pretend to work.” Noah made fun of the White House photo purporting to show Trump “working” by talking on the phone, comparing it to more successful “I’m working” shots by Trump’s predecessors.
For whatever reason — the House gym running out of towels “or the threat of voter backlash — Democrats and Republicans reached a deal this afternoon to end the shutdown,” at least for a “pathetic” three weeks, Noah said. “American lawmakers are priceless. They want credit for fixing the thing that they broke? And not like really fixing it, like barely fixing it. …. America is the richest country in the world, and the government is out here basically paying rent week to week.” This is not normal, Noah added, using his native South Africa as an example. “You don’t hear of governments in the rest of the world just shutting down because they refuse to fund themselves. Where I come from, if the government shuts down, it’s because the rebels have taken over.”

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

This is my ten year anniversary with the trail and a thank you to Craig and David and all of the tolerant mixers for allowing me to freeload as of late.  It has been a rugged ten years during the recession.  I like many have fallen on the economic ladder and just have resigned myself to living a better, yet smaller life.  But,  more than anything the trail has been a most wonderful invention.  The trail allowed me to talk back to cable tv and Craig’s ‘AI’ sent that first email message to join the crowd on the trail.  You were with Roll Call at the time, Craig.   A voice on a trail…I was so drunk during the 2008 primary season and election.  Onward.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Since Fire and Fury?  Loving the gossip of the presidents.  Craig had mentioned the beauty of Jackie Kennedy last week on the trial.  An interesting quote from the blog on everything aristotole.

The October 1963 cruise wasn’t the first time Onassis and Jackie had laid eyes on each other. One night in 1958, while then-Senator John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline were vacationing in the south of France, Onassis had invited them onto his yacht to meet former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, one of JFK’s idols. Churchill wanted to meet JFK, whom he considered “Presidential timber.” Remember, this was 1958. While Kennedy and Churchill talked, Onassis met Jackie for the first time, and noticed everything about her, from her clothing to her short dark hair blowing in the evening breeze. He told Costa Gratsos, one of his most confidential aides, “There’s something damned willful about her, there’s something provocative about that lady. She’s got a carnal soul.” Gratsos tried to talk Onassis out of his obvious intense interest in the young Jacqueline Kennedy, telling him he was too old for her.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Holy Diapers…Kimberly Clark to lay-off 5,000 worldwide.

Although the birth rate is low in the US, the graying of America should be a signal for the company to move to disposable adult briefs and panties.  Plus with a big flu season upon us?  Kleenix brand should be moving pretty fast.  It is difficult to determine how the company’s restructuring will affect American plants and workers from the recent news.  However, massive tax cuts did not work for the paper giant.


7 years ago

In three weeks what will happen?  McMertle will let the bipartisan bill on DACA, destined for a complete and utter death in the House, come to a vote.  Wall funding will end up in the funding bill (where it should be anyway), all semblance of fiscal responsibility by the pugns will be laid to rest, the House version of the funding bill will start to show cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, the Dow will continue to rise with oil prices leading the way, and Dems will realize that until November they are screwed.

A side note.  Don  Blankenship, former head of Massey Energy when 29 miners were killed in the Upper Big Branch Mine, is running for senate against Joe Manchin.  His campaign is about what a great guy he was, leading the way on mine safety. It takes republican up is down and black is white to a new level even I could never have predicted. I want to know where the DSCC is with counter ads pointing out that he is and was exactly opposite what his commercials portray.  It should be something like this:

 “Don Blankenship has commercials with a couple of Massey Coal miners telling you what a great guy he is and what a leader in mine safety he was when he led Massey.  The families of the 29 miners who died in the Upper Big Branch Mine because of his failure to employ mine safety measures and his attempts to cover up his greed would disagree. The federal court that found him guilty of one misdemeanor charge of conspiring to wilfully violate mine safety and health standards and sentenced him to 1 year in jail and fined $250,000 would also disagree.” Or something like that.  SFB will support him of course.  Maybe that’s what he means by bringing coal back.

7 years ago

In our small Florida community, we had several adult congregate living facilities. These high-rise old age homes were hotbeds of venereal disease. I have no difficulty at all remaining celibate; but, then, I’m still in love with KumCho.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Sadly, the weekly school shooting…this time Kentucky.

Flatus, how wonderful to be in love.  My parents used to say the same thing about their condo community and rampant sexually communicated diseases.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

someone needs to tell those old folks about safe sex

There is nothing wrong with sex at all as long as it is between two consenting adults — the more the better

7 years ago

Another sad farewell in the music Industry:
Hugh Masekela, South African jazz legend, dies at age 78

7 years ago

The one everyone has heard:  Grazing In The Grass (which you can now do legally in California where Masekela first played it.)


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Stinky zinke and PROOF.
Zinke Didn’t Bother Disclosing His Shares in a Gun Company that Does Business With the Government

7 years ago

BW, happy 10th.  Have enjoyed your presence and insights.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Likewise, pogo…and that other Alabaman, sessions, has his tumble in the barrel.

Mueller investiation interviews jeff.

7 years ago

XR, I’m generally in agreement with your rules, but nr. six gives me pause–especially the last phrase about the role of our Navy, indeed any respectable navy, at sea.

We simply can’t have piracy. Recall a few years ago when one of our cargo ships was taken by pirates off the horn of Africa. It was a terrible affair that was finally resolved by our armed forces against the pirates and the nation that gave them succor. That is how it must be.

Petrol economics are more than interesting. My thinking is that we must maintain a strategic reserve that will carry us and our treaty allies through a protracted war. Logically, these stocks could be in underground caverns, untapped reserves, earmarked above ground storage, etc.. Once we have those reserves, the price we must pay for oil on the open market will be unremarkable.

I would also add rule 14: Stop using our military people as the backdrop for partisan political activities.

7 years ago

Flatus, you are one honorable person.

7 years ago

Flatus, I think the vessel you are referring to is the Maersk Alabama – the hijacking was the subject of the Tom Hanks film “Captain Phillips”, which I watched last weekend and thoroughly enjoyed.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

from google news feed regarding sessions and his interview with the Moscow Mueller team.

Mosaic theory of intelligence collection.

The trumpence junta mosaic artwork continues with head artist, Mueller.  sessions IS the first cabinet member to be interviewed by the special prosecutor.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Dems need better messaging, cohesion and leadership.   They didn’t cave, they used a repug tool and it didn’t fit them.   They did get attention for the plight of the dreamers, but showed they are truly a minority party.   The slippery slope of trying to gain high, moral ground is tricky when the other side just views all dems as ‘baby killers.’

Dems must be careful in making one group of the big tent more important than any other group.  They also need to put on their listening ears while opening palms for more donations.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

There is a  bit in the new yorker about the outrageousness of Stinky Zeinke – he’s a tool

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Wray almost quits over sessions nagging to fire McCabe.  sessions was referred to as a mongoose on SNL Christmas WH segment in December.  The mongoose who wants to bite-off the head of the snake (deep state).

Craig linked this story earlier (yesterday).

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

I would love to see Moscow Mueller’s Mosaic.   If allowed to finish?   The Art of the Takedown!   If not, some fine ‘art’ being destroyed by the repugs and the trumpence junta.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Unlike Nixon Trump will not go quietly

I think SFB is down because Melanoma now is in the check writing seat

Mel’s rare public appearances will be come rarer

7 years ago

Blonde -There was a school shooting in TX yesterday.  I guess it didn’t make the news, because the kid who opened fire in the cafeteria at breakfast only managed to shoot one girl.

7 years ago

Would Donny be able take Barron away from her?  That’s the only card (and that’s probably just how his daddy views him) that he might hold.

Is anyone looking into the shill company set up in DE to pay off Stormy?  Any other such companies set up by Trump’s attorney?

Zinke is from Whitefish, MT, home of that strange, little energy company with almost no employees that magically got the bid for Puerto Rico…until it didn’t…but now it does, I guess.

7 years ago

Pogo, thanks for refreshing me about the name of the vessel, etc. Didn’t realize that it is going on nine years since the hijack occurred. I did find this blivet on the movie v reality, fwiw:

Maersk Hijacking

7 years ago

Blue, I think her and Barron’s lives would be completely and utterly destroyed. She realizes that and walks on eggshells; her life must be hell.

7 years ago

the guardian:

Trump’s tariffs on panels will cost US solar industry thousands of jobs

Trump’s decision to impose a 30% tariff will cost the US around 23,000 jobs and risks slowing the growth of clean energy, advocates warn

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I think Mel has the upperhand now….an affair with a PORN star the very thing she is accused of being….hmmm

he has never shown any intererst in child custody

7 years ago

Can’t comment on what a NY court might do, but in WV Family Court, SFB would not fare well with respect to Barron.  By all accounts Melania raised him, SFB would have to pay a ton of child support – $88,000 per month if his monthly AGI is $1,000,000.  That would be a big hit for her – just over $1M per year (tax free).  Certainly if his AGI is more, child support would be more (essentially 8.8% of AGI above $15K).

7 years ago

patd,  that’s the law of unintended consequences.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

She could bring into court all the women who have accused him.  She could end up owning Trump whatever it is.

7 years ago

This could get interesting.  Chief of Staff to the Director of the FBI, James Rybicki, has quit.

Rybicki was one of the 3 people Comey spoke to directly about Trump meetings.  The others being James Baker and Andrew McCabe.  He will probably be a witness in Mueller’s investigation.


7 years ago

jamie, rybicki grilling by house committee might have been the last straw


the hill via msn:

Two House panels on Thursday questioned former FBI Director James Comey’s former chief of staff during a closed-door interview that lasted over seven hours.

FBI official James Rybicki faced questions from lawmakers on the House Judiciary and Oversight committees as part of a joint investigation into the way the bureau handled the investigation into former secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Lawmakers of both parties filtered in and out of interview tight-lipped on the details of the interview, although they largely indicated that Rybicki was cooperating with the questions. Without divulging particulars, Gowdy described it as turning up previously unknown information. Like a similar marathon interview with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in December, the briefing was confidential but not classified.
Rybicki – flanked by Greg Brower, the bureau’s chief liaison to Capitol Hill, and Scott Schools, a senior career attorney at the Justice Department – declined to comment on the interview.

7 years ago

(CNN)President Donald Trump denied Tuesday that FBI Director Christopher Wray threatened to resign in the wake of pressure from Attorney General Jeff Sessions to make staffing changes among the senior ranks at the FBI.

Sessions communicated to Wray, who was hand-picked by Trump and sworn in in August, that he needed a fresh start with his senior team at the FBI, a source familiar with the conversation told CNN. Sessions specifically suggested the bureau’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, and its top lawyer, James Baker, should go.
It is not clear if Sessions explicitly told Wray to fire the two men or simply reassign them, according to the source. Wray, in turn, threatened to quit if McCabe was removed or reassigned from his post. Baker was reassigned late last year.

Asked Tuesday about reports of Wray’s threat to quit, Trump said: “He didn’t at all. He did not even a little bit. Nope. And he’s gonna do a good job.”

7 years ago

Ms Cracker,

Thank you for your clarification. I agree with you. Please accept my apology for the rant. (blush)

7 years ago

Mr Flatus, You are right about #6. We have a duty to protect our shipping and the shipping of nations that are bound to us by treaty from pirates.

I don’t think we have a duty to protect commieChinese, russian, Indian, Cuban, Sudanese, Iranian, etc shipping from pirates.

7 years ago

“Looks like Donald Trump poked his head out of the White House and saw his shadow. Three more weeks of government.”

– Samuel Alexander

7 years ago

Next is pence.

Then comes the First ‘Exotic Dancer’ of the United States. She served as translator for trump and kislyak.

Only then do we get to the John-in-Chief.