User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Closing In
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
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72 thoughts on “Closing In”
septuagenarian’s OJ- in- SUV chase
“if he isn’t fit, don’t acquit”
xr, you so rightly advised last thread “Forget 2016. We have 2018 to think about.”
and we must beware of ever present Russian bots adding new fuel to the feud and encouraging the political picking at scabs
wapo:Rogue Twitter employee on last day of job deactivated Trump’s personal account, company says
President Trump’s personal Twitter account was briefly deactivated by a departing company employee, Twitter said Thursday night, raising serious questions about the security of a social-media tool the president wields to set major policy agendas, connect with his voter base and lash out at his adversaries.
The deactivation sparks deep and troubling questions about who has access to the president’s personal account, @realDonaldTrump, and the power that access holds. The deactivation also came at a time when the social network is under scrutiny for the role it played in spreading Russian propaganda during the 2016 presidential election.
Trump’s account disappeared at around 7 p.m. ET Thursday, when visitors to the page were met with the message, “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” For about an hour, even after the account returned, the Twittersphere joked about the short-lived window of history without @realDonaldTrump.
sooo, is the @realDonaldTrump really the real one? maybe his grandkids are playing with pawpaw twit’s tweet…. or maybe vlad?
At least a little good news. The first egg of the season has been laid by Juliet (supported by Romeo pacing) at the NE Florida nest.
on this tax cut plan, that $1 trillion of it’s $1.5 trillion in costs are for corporate rate cuts tells me about all I need to know
The real tip off is that when talking about the “Middle Class” Ryan and company keep using numbers like $500K for who gets the goodies. The last time I checked the median income in the US is $60K. So they are gouging the real middle class, the blue states, the debt, and infrastructure to shovel more cash to Scrooge McDuck.
Enabled by Putin, billionaires, and rage, GOP is looting the country. They’re allowing *45 to pick us apart and then pick our wallets. At this point, we’re held together by rule of law, and our top law enforcement official is a mendacious cookie pusher.
Poobah, love the cartoon. And listening to the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee spewing the same disproven republican “tax cuts generate growth” and “family farms, small business, death tax” talking points and telling Steve Ratner that up is down and black is white tells me all I need to know. Ratner pointed out that only estates in excess of $11 million actually get hit by the tax. It’s a sop to the rich, nothing more, nothing less.
Mr. DS, a mendacious cookie pusher caught in his third lie to congress about his knowledge of trump campaign-russian contacts.
If we tell ourselves lies then there is no way to improve on our past mistakes.
The basic assumption behind the “Bernie would have won” stands on the belief that all HRC voters would have voted for Bernie. Given the inroads HRC made with suburban Republican/independent women I don’t think that is valid. So Bernie looses most of them, they aren’t going to vote for a socialist. There are more of them than there are Bernie bros that didn’t vote for HRC.
Trump attracted working class democrats not for economic reasons, it was his racially tinged nativism that attracted them. So no votes there for Bernie unless he goes in that direction which then loses him more votes than he gains.
IMO, Clinton lost the race because she went too far left and fought last years war. Trump presented her campaign with an unusual strategy. Team Clinton made the decision to gin up the base vote with out realizing that part of the Democratic base was very attracted to the white nationalism of the Trump campaign. So they went into Michigan and visited the Black neighbor and didn’t work at attracting suburban Republican voters voters that were uncomfortable with Trump. It was a loud statement by team Clinton and probably cost them the election given how close the rust belt elections were.
Now after the far left wing has shot the Dem party in the foot again, while handing weapons to the GOP, here come the corrections.
Kevin Drum has put together some interesting charts. Wonder what the chart would look like with $1 trillion being transferred from corporate to individual?
In the meantime… Frump is still president… and the gop is doing it’s darnedest to help the wealthy.
Jamie, gist of that article you linked says it best:
Either someone is too lazy to read the actual DNC documents for themselves, or they are lying on purpose.
add to that what really happened to the $$:
Here are the facts: of the $529 million Clinton raised under the Agreement, more than $107 million eventually went to the DNC while state parties received about $264 million. She only kept $158 million for her own campaign.
Note to middle class. Don’t spend your tax cut all in one place.
Jamie, this captures the essence o fthe article you linked IMHO:
Because regardless of what we may think of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton won the nomination with a margin of four million Democratic voters — a wider gap than her popular vote win in November. The DNC didn’t do that. Clinton did. If she really, truly had the power to “rig” elections, Clinton would be the president of the United States right now instead of Donald Trump.
Donna isn’t doing the party she briefly headed any favors by getting the facts wrong.
al writes a “dear jeff letter”
explained and reported by tpm
Franken Blasts Sessions: Papadopoulos Docs Show ‘You Failed To Tell The Truth’
interesting conflicting statements as reported this march in salon piece “Donna Brazile apologizes for passing debate questions during Clinton-Sanders primary battles”
looks like donna 1st denied cheating, then admitted cheating, then was annoyed at being cast as a Clinton supporter and finally she blamed the Russians for the whole thing.
49 percent of Americans think Trump likely committed a crime (POLL)
About half the respondents in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll suspect that President Donald Trump broke the law during the presidential campaign, and just 3 in 10 Americans surveyed think that alleged wrongdoing ends with those who were charged this week by the special counsel.
The poll finds substantial support for the investigation, with 58 percent approving of how special counsel Robert Mueller is handling it, and more — 68 percent — approving of the filing of federal charges against Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and one of his associates.
Flatus, curious about your take on the Burgdahl decision.
jace – that means we’ll have to go to more than one convenience store?
Donna Brazile- in charge of get out the vote in 2014
Brazile … what’s the motivation, beyond book sales? I don’t get it. Why give GOP and Russians any help with division?
jack – Agreed. This place is still a pro-Hillary echo chamber.
Were Bernie supporters persuaded to vote for Hillary? Nope.
This is the longest presidential trip to Asia since Bush Sr. threw up on Japan’s Prime Minister.
mrdd, perhaps she’s somehow backed by the same bros (in addition to Bernie bros) that are backing the guy in the new Yorker article “The Danger of President Pence”….those particular bros seem to be everywhere these days. here’s an excerpt in that regard:
Trump began to appoint an extraordinary number of officials with ties to the Kochs and to Pence, especially in positions that affected Koch Industries financially, such as those dealing with regulatory, environmental, and fiscal policy. Short, who a few months earlier had tried to enlist the Kochs to stop Trump, joined the White House as its director of legislative affairs. Scott Pruitt, the militantly anti-regulatory attorney general of Oklahoma, who had been heavily supported by the Kochs, was appointed director of the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt, in turn, placed Patrick Traylor, a lawyer for Koch Industries and other fossil-fuel companies, in charge of the E.P.A.’s enforcement of key anti-pollution laws. As the Times has reported, a document called “A Roadmap to Repeal,” written by Koch operatives, has guided the E.P.A.’s reversal of Obama Administration clean-air and climate regulations. Don McGahn, who had done legal work for Freedom Partners, became White House counsel. Betsy DeVos, a billionaire heiress, who had been a major member of the Kochs’ donor network and a supporter of Pence, was named Secretary of Education. The new director of the C.I.A. was Mike Pompeo, the congressman who represented Charles Koch’s district, in Wichita, Kansas; before Pompeo ran for office, the Kochs had invested in his aerospace business. Pompeo, the former transition-team member said, “wasn’t even on Trump’s radar, but he was brought in to meet him and got appointed, like, the next day.” A recent analysis by the Checks & Balances Project found that sixteen high-ranking officials in the Trump White House had ties to the Kochs. The pattern continued among lower-level political appointees, including in Pence’s office, which was stocked with Koch alumni. Pence reportedly consulted with Charles Koch before hiring his speechwriter, Stephen Ford, who previously worked at Freedom Partners. Senator Whitehouse, the Rhode Island Democrat, believes that the Kochs “will stick one hundred of their own people into the government—and Trump will never notice.” As a result, he said, “the signs of a rapprochement are everywhere.” Whitehouse continued, “One by one, all the things that Trump campaigned on that annoyed the Koch brothers are being thrown overboard. And one by one the Koch brothers’ priorities are moving up the list.” Trump’s populist, nationalist agenda has largely been replaced by the agenda of the corporate right. Trump has made little effort at infrastructure reform, and he abandoned his support for a “border-adjustment tax” after the Koch network spent months campaigning against it, and after Pence and Short discussed it privately with Charles Koch at a meeting in Colorado Springs this summer. Bannon’s proposal to create a higher tax bracket for citizens earning upward of five million dollars was dropped. The Kochs enthusiastically support the White House’s proposed tax-cut package, which, according to most nonpartisan analyses, will disproportionately benefit the super-rich. (The proposed elimination of the estate tax alone would give the Koch brothers’ heirs a windfall of billions of dollars.) Americans for Prosperity recently announced plans to spend four and a half million dollars on ads that will press three Democratic senators in red states to support the tax cuts. On September 25th, Trump dined at the White House with Tim Phillips, the head of Americans for Prosperity, along with Short and a handful of other conservative activists. After keeping a careful distance from one another during the campaign, Pence and the Kochs reunited openly for the first time on October 13th, when Pence attended a summit of Koch donors in New York.
[btw, even tho very long, the article is a must read given the likelihood of #45’s impeachment and pence ascendency to #46…. god forbid]
craig, since we’re in this looking glass upside down world now, instead of our prez barfing on their prez it will be the other way around.
looks like maher is sharpening his wit for tonight’s real time show… one of his latest tweets
Trump so anxious to distract from Russia he took a page out of Weinstein’s book and jacked into a potted plant. Then realized it was Jared..
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I am sure the media and SFB will spend a few hours trying to convince the world that the 2015-6 DNC was the worst thing to hit America since Stalin took Berlin.
I am waiting for SFB to go off the deep end in the Philippines. Maybe he will do a little tongue with the leader there.
What would make my day is if there are new rumours of indictments coming Monday.
wow, Jennifer rubin at wapo on a tear this afternoon with her
“Trump’s latest impeachable actions”
she’s really giving congress critters what for for not speaking up.
bbronc, think we have extradition agreements with china? you know just in case those indictments Monday are for the twit.
Blue, here’s the difference between “this place” now and from back in 2008 – Hillary supporters in 2008 licked their (our) wounds then went all in for Obama – knowing the choice was Obama vs. McCain in November. As a result, Obama beat a war hero by a decently large margin. Hillary voters blamed Mark Penn for fucking up in the caucus states by relying on a super Tuesday strategy and blamed the Michigan Dem party for being stupid and scheduling the MI dem primary too early. They did not blame Obama for stealing the election. Obama won more states, got more delegates, (and got more popular votes, not counting Michigan) and accordingly Obama won the nomination. Still, Michigan or not, 2008 was razor thin. 2016 – not so much. Hillary got more popular votes, won more primary contests and got more delegates than Bernie – by substantial margins. After it was over, sour grapes led Bernie and Bernie supporters to give lackluster support to the HRC side of the HRC v. SFB contest in November.
And for what it’s worth, I don’t see where you get the HRC echo chamber comment. Going forward she’s not part of my equation – and I speak only for me – until she wades back into the fray. If anything, its an anti-trump echo chamber – as any “place” with thinking commenters should be.
“I don’t see where you get the HRC echo chamber comment“
pogo, could be the reverberations of my (and maybe Jamie’s) painful cries on hrc behalf getting rocks thrown at her not only by the twit but by her fellow dems for whom she worked her ass off and helped fund. hard not to refute lies and renounce the beatings on a dead horse (sorry, hil).
we should be looking forward, unified and fighting (not amongst ourselves) to restore the democracy that twit is trying his best to destroy and remake in his image.
Pogo… right on… this blog is largely an anti-trump place. Hillary is not president and I’d bet good money on her never running for any office and/or joining any Democratic administration ever again.
Even though I was a Hillary supporter back in 2008, I gladly voted for Obama twice. I wish Hillary well and I wish Bernie well…. but most of all…. I wish the Democratic Party well.
The GOP, Trump, his whiny supporters and anyone else connected to the farce can go to hell!
Bernie Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He was and is an Independent who caucuses with the Dems.
Donna Brazille is for Donna only. Why publish her dislike of HRC now? Most likely for the money. I do not think she will be much more than a talking head, if anyone actually wants her on their program.
HRC said she is done, I believe her. She might as well enjoy her last couple of decades having some fun. Her sense of fun may not be yours. Bill does not look healthy, again.
Obama and Michelle appear to be enjoying themselves. I wish them well for what they have accomplished in spite of the racist members of the Congress determined to not let a black man succeed, country be damned too.
House GOP Votes To Fund Children’s Insurance With Cuts To Public Health
More than a month after Congress allowed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and community health centers to lapse, sending states scrambling to find emergency funding, the House of Representatives voted Friday on a bill to reauthorize the programs. Almost every Democrat voted no because the bill pays for CHIP by cutting more than $10 billion from Obamacare’s public health and prevention fund, and by raising Medicare fees for higher-income senior citizens.
I just decided my candidate if she wants the job is Kirstin Gillibrand who has the good sense not to bash other Democrats.
Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand is an American attorney and politician serving since 2009 as the junior United States Senator from New York, alongside the Democratic Leader of the United States Senate, Chuck Schumer. Wikipedia
Born: December 9, 1966 (age 50), Albany, NY
Office: Senator (D-NY) since 2009
Previous office: Representative, NY 20th District (2007–2009)
Spouse: Jonathan Gillibrand (m. 2001)
Education: UCLA School of Law (1989–1991), Dartmouth College (1985–1988), Emma Willard School
Books: Off the Sidelines, Off the Sidelines: Speak Up, Be Fearless, and Change Your World
Jamie, Kirsten is a good choice. I’ll vote for any Dem candidate who can achieve sufficient critical mass to mount a credible, and hopefully winning, challenge to SFB. She’s among a double handful or so of younger, smart, articulate dems who should be the foundation of the party’s future.
Renee, me, too. I voted very enthusiastically for him in 2012 and would have voted for him in 2016 if he coulda run.
pogo – Obama beat a war hero for one reason: Palin.
If he had picked Mittens, or pretty much anyone else, I would’ve felt comfortable staying home. Heck, I might even have voted for McCain if it looked close,
No, this was not about party unity. This was about potentionial vice presidential lunacy.
Speaking of VPs, Biden might be the only one who can unify Dems.
I did not vote for Obama a second time. He proved himself to be the empty suit he seemed to be in 2008.
Although not asked, I am still trying to process the Private Bergdahl sentence. Most of me is good with it. He is a lot screwy, and from his known history, a loser. That men were injured looking for him is important, but what he provided after being returned saved lives. He suffered in captivity and he attempted to escape several times, which is what a POW is supposed to try (if possible). He is busted from E-? down to E-1, okay. I do have issues with the no VA health care part. For the most part I do not agree with dishonorable discharge resulting in no health care. Yes it is a benefit of service, but it can also keep someone from serious actions, especially if he or she has mental issues such as PTSD.
That said. I think it is a just sentence for someone who deserted his command, but was not looking to join the enemy. The intelligence he brought back with him saved many lives and must be considered.
No one gives a shit about Hillary anymore much less Bernie or the guy from Baltimore. Only the bitter-enders who always have an excuse for not doing anything are still arguing about what happened.
PG/SFB continues to shock and amaze and of course the goopers with their heads up his butt I don’t get the goops who he has insulted and demeaned and who happily help him…must be Stockholm syndrome.
And in the mean time as has been pointed out here over and over again he is destroying the social fabric of this country.
Donna Brazile – she must be desperate for money. I hope it was a lot bcause no one should hire her again. First of all she’s not that good and second she is happy to kiss and tell
Obama beat McCain because the goopers had tanked the economy
Palin was a hail mary that ended being more “Hell Mary”
With friends like Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic party doesn’t need enemies. If the actions today screw up the Tuesday elections and affect 2018, they could be seeing flaming torches and pitchforks.
Tomorrow is Blog Blast 4 Peace. Considering that I’ve spent the day with steam coming out of my ears, it is arriving just barely in time. Do stop by my blog for the whole article if you get the chance.
In the meantime, my globe is above with a whole article & music to follow tomorrow.
KGC – those who know Brazille, have opinons. I have mine and that is as far as I go.
One of these days, this weekend, I will don my alt (jeez I hate that acronym) identity and so into the red zone. If I survive I will report.
Soviet/Russian report – FSB/SRV/GRU (KGB) are attacking my website. You would think they would have figured out my password by now. PuT1NL0VesSH0rtDickSmallHands Do not understand why they do not like me?
After his failed USCG enlistment, he should not have been enlisted in the other branches. Because his personal disaster, although most regrettable was foreseeable; the Army owes him, and all the troops who were subsequently injured, a humble apology.
His discharge should be changed to a General Discharge under Honorable Conditions. That will allow him medical care and veteran’s benefits.
So far as I can tell, his conduct as a prisoner was stellar.
BB & Flatus, I can’t say how much I appreciate your insights into military matters, having no insight of my own to contribute to the conversation. I’ve been of 2 minds on Bowe. My lay instinct has been to cut him a break and my first reaction to his sentence was split- first I was glad he wasn’t getting more jail time – he got enough of that. Second I thought it was too harsh that he was given a DD. You’ve confirmed that instinct.
Ya know, Bowe reminds me of a neighbor down in the country, not the sharpest tool in the shed but the army found a spot for him.
Bowe’s main problem is he liked to take unapproved walks, not the smartest thing. His other problem was he did it while Obama was president and thus became a political foot ball. IMO justice was for the most part served. I’m glad the silly bastard didn’t do any more jail time. Being captive of the Taliban was punishment enough for his stupidity. imo
Jack, Dylan. Hard Rsin’s one of my favorites. I’m considering going to see him over Thanksgiving. Not quite there but think I may get there.
speaking of a hard rain…..
Maria, my neighbor down the street called me last week. Seems her niece and husband were living with her. They were hurricane refugees from Miami. They needed a place to live and I had a vacant rental house, told them it would be a few days and if they would do cleanup I would give them a weeks rent free. I gave them a key yesterday so they could clean. this morning I went over to finish a few repairs and they had already moved in. Maria must be a real pain in the — to live with. Mean while Fema is going to pay their first months rent and security deposit. Be interesting to see how long it takes before I get my money. My last renters were always having problems but they always managed, I joked to Mrs Jack that they were my children, looks like I have new children. they seem to be good people, now if I can get the rent. BTW, last Christmas Mrs jack made sure that our previous renter children had a good Christmas, lol we spent $100 on christmas presents for them. lol what can I say
Pogo, I have eclectic tastes, I’ve also been listening to Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys. A favorite of my mother who went to see them as a teenager in the 30’s on the Oklahoma/Kansas border.
one last one
fyi in re donna’ s so-called dirty deal
from nbc news: Memo Reveals Details of Hillary Clinton-DNC Deal
The Democratic National Committee struck a fundraising deal with Hillary Clinton in 2015 that gave her campaign input on some party personnel and spending decisions, but only as they related to the general election and with the provision that other candidates could make similar arrangements, according to a memo of the agreement obtained by NBC News.
The document provides more context to the explosive claims made by former DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile in a forthcoming book, an excerpt of which was published this week.
…the memo made clear it pertained only to the general election, not the primary season, and it left open the possibility it would sign similar agreements with other candidates.
“Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC’s obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process. All activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary,” the memo states.
“Further we understand you may enter into similar agreements with other candidates,” it continues.
The Clinton campaign agreed to make an initial payment of $1.2 million to DNC, which was crippled by debt, and provide a monthly allowance and other funds. The agreement appears intended to give the campaign oversight over their money was money was spent.
The Joint Fundraising Agreement was first reported over a year and a half ago, but gained new attention this week with Brazile’s book.
The August 26, 2015, memorandum of understanding from Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook to DNC CEO Amy Dacey, which supplemented a standard Joint Fundraising Agreement, more fully explains the relationship between Clinton and the DNC long before she won her party’s nomination.
the hillThe Memo: Trump tries to deepen Dem divisions
President Trump is trying to foment tensions in the Democratic Party, after new revelations about last year’s primary campaign emerged from Donna Brazile, who served as interim head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
But Democrats in both the pro-Hillary Clinton and pro-Bernie Sanders wings of the party insist that Trump’s interjections will only bring them together.
“Nothing unites the Democratic Party like Trump,” said Tad Devine, who was a senior advisor to Sanders during last year’s primary but was speaking to The Hill in a personal capacity. “If he gets in the middle, it brings us together. If he had a little more patience, he would have let the thing go for a day or two — but he can’t help himself.”
Karen Finney, who was a senior advisor to Clinton during the campaign and is also a former communications director of the DNC, agreed.
“When Trump does that, it serves to refocus and remind people of what is at stake and what is really important,” Finney said.
which leads me to wonder, given this is worse time – ie va gov race election – for such a divisive move, if donna isn’t a trumpian mole
“I don’t like him,” George H.W. Bush said in a new book. “I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.” The book, titled “The Last Republicans” by author Mark K. Updegrove, explores the connection between the elder bush and his soon, former President George W. Bush. In the book, the elder Bush confirms he voted for Clinton over President Trump, and the younger bush says he voted for “none of the above,” according to The New York Times. The elder Bush also says in the book that Trump is motivated by “a certain ego,” according to The Times.
Papadapoulos to Trump et alia:
“Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts” ~~~
Forty-five* issues in the art of the treason, Greco-Russian style.
What will be of interest is what pops out of the special cake come Monday, or maybe a little hint this weekend will give us a tease. With SFB going all out on his desire to be a dictator right now there must be something going on.
[…] The latest revelations about Page’s trip in the summer of 2016 differ from the details he has shared with the news media over the last several weeks. When Page spoke with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Friday afternoon, he said he had only met with academics and a few business people whom he had “known for over a decade.” In his interview with Tapper, Page also confirmed that before going on the trip he mentioned his plans to travel to Russia to then-Sen. Jeff Sessions as well as “a few people” on the Trump campaign. When Tapper asked if Sessions, now the US attorney general, was “the only one on the campaign that knew about the trip,” Page replied: “I mentioned it to a few people.” “Who else?” Tapper asked. “You know, it’ll come out,” Page said. “Things keep leaking in this.” Although Page said his comment to Sessions was only in passing and the trip was unrelated to the campaign, he statements call into question Sessions’ testimony to Congress regarding the Trump campaign and any potential ties between it and Russia.
Seldom have I encountered a more self serving article than Brazil’s. Still not sure what she thinks she has to gain by coming out with it now.
Absent the Clinton fund raising prowess the DNC would not have been able to afford postage stamps during the General election. That fact alone speaks volumes about the various dems in charge of the DNC.
in the final analysis the Democratic Party spent it’s funds on the only democrat in the field. Why exactly should they have done otherwise?
As for Sanders and company, if you desire to have all the advantages of party organization, contacts, fundraising and infrastructure, join the party and go to work. Until then shut the fuck up!
in re cartoon and article of his posted here earlier
I want to apologize to Times readers — and to Sarah Huckabee Sanders — for a description that was insensitive and failed to meet the standards of our newspaper. It also failed to meet the expectations I have for myself. It surely won’t be my last mistake, but this particular error will be scrupulously avoided in my future commentaries. I’ve removed the offending description.
— David Horsey
I will repeat S.S. Huckabee is “strikingly beautiful.”
Doodlesdog — you got it!
I wonder how much rural gooper virginians know about chinless ed – their candidate for go
Having seen chinless ed’s ads I think the Dems should run ads about what a lying sack of shit chinless Ed is and why
These are strange, strange times.
We have what is being called the “Weinstein effect” on calling out sexual assault and harassment, and at the same time, we have a “president” who admits to sexual assault. In fact, he has done it so often he developed a strategy (Tic Tacs & Tango). Same “president” was probably elected with Russian help (cyberwar) and we have a Hooters restaurant chain. Who exactly holds moral authority in this country? We have no Walter Cronkite, no religious leaders … Whataboutism is everywhere. A lying, scornful and mean WH PressSec receives an apology from an editorial cartoonist for deadly accuracy. People are still fighting over the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, the winner of which went on to win the general election by roughly 3 million votes (over the Russian/Groper/Goper). The Russian Idiot can’t let that go, either.
What is going on? Where is our Gregory Peck?
Saturday Twitter Creativity
As I lay me down to sleep I pray the Feds are poised to leap If they indict before I wake I pray Don Jr. is the one they take.
By Greg Hogben
Added to by “A Lover and Writer” And if I wake & he’s been nailed I pray his dad’s the next one jailed.
septuagenarian’s OJ- in- SUV chase
“if he isn’t fit, don’t acquit”
xr, you so rightly advised last thread “Forget 2016. We have 2018 to think about.”
and we must beware of ever present Russian bots adding new fuel to the feud and encouraging the political picking at scabs
wapo: Rogue Twitter employee on last day of job deactivated Trump’s personal account, company says
President Trump’s personal Twitter account was briefly deactivated by a departing company employee, Twitter said Thursday night, raising serious questions about the security of a social-media tool the president wields to set major policy agendas, connect with his voter base and lash out at his adversaries.
The deactivation sparks deep and troubling questions about who has access to the president’s personal account, @realDonaldTrump, and the power that access holds. The deactivation also came at a time when the social network is under scrutiny for the role it played in spreading Russian propaganda during the 2016 presidential election.
Trump’s account disappeared at around 7 p.m. ET Thursday, when visitors to the page were met with the message, “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” For about an hour, even after the account returned, the Twittersphere joked about the short-lived window of history without @realDonaldTrump.
sooo, is the @realDonaldTrump really the real one? maybe his grandkids are playing with pawpaw twit’s tweet…. or maybe vlad?
At least a little good news. The first egg of the season has been laid by Juliet (supported by Romeo pacing) at the NE Florida nest.
on this tax cut plan, that $1 trillion of it’s $1.5 trillion in costs are for corporate rate cuts tells me about all I need to know
The real tip off is that when talking about the “Middle Class” Ryan and company keep using numbers like $500K for who gets the goodies. The last time I checked the median income in the US is $60K. So they are gouging the real middle class, the blue states, the debt, and infrastructure to shovel more cash to Scrooge McDuck.
Enabled by Putin, billionaires, and rage, GOP is looting the country. They’re allowing *45 to pick us apart and then pick our wallets. At this point, we’re held together by rule of law, and our top law enforcement official is a mendacious cookie pusher.
Poobah, love the cartoon. And listening to the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee spewing the same disproven republican “tax cuts generate growth” and “family farms, small business, death tax” talking points and telling Steve Ratner that up is down and black is white tells me all I need to know. Ratner pointed out that only estates in excess of $11 million actually get hit by the tax. It’s a sop to the rich, nothing more, nothing less.
Mr. DS, a mendacious cookie pusher caught in his third lie to congress about his knowledge of trump campaign-russian contacts.
If we tell ourselves lies then there is no way to improve on our past mistakes.
The basic assumption behind the “Bernie would have won” stands on the belief that all HRC voters would have voted for Bernie. Given the inroads HRC made with suburban Republican/independent women I don’t think that is valid. So Bernie looses most of them, they aren’t going to vote for a socialist. There are more of them than there are Bernie bros that didn’t vote for HRC.
Trump attracted working class democrats not for economic reasons, it was his racially tinged nativism that attracted them. So no votes there for Bernie unless he goes in that direction which then loses him more votes than he gains.
IMO, Clinton lost the race because she went too far left and fought last years war. Trump presented her campaign with an unusual strategy. Team Clinton made the decision to gin up the base vote with out realizing that part of the Democratic base was very attracted to the white nationalism of the Trump campaign. So they went into Michigan and visited the Black neighbor and didn’t work at attracting suburban Republican voters voters that were uncomfortable with Trump. It was a loud statement by team Clinton and probably cost them the election given how close the rust belt elections were.
Now after the far left wing has shot the Dem party in the foot again, while handing weapons to the GOP, here come the corrections.
Primary Error: Donna Brazil mixed up two Clinton DNC Agreements
Kevin Drum has put together some interesting charts. Wonder what the chart would look like with $1 trillion being transferred from corporate to individual?
Jack… Jamie… thank you.
In the meantime… Frump is still president… and the gop is doing it’s darnedest to help the wealthy.
Jamie, gist of that article you linked says it best:
Either someone is too lazy to read the actual DNC documents for themselves, or they are lying on purpose.
add to that what really happened to the $$:
Here are the facts: of the $529 million Clinton raised under the Agreement, more than $107 million eventually went to the DNC while state parties received about $264 million. She only kept $158 million for her own campaign.
Note to middle class. Don’t spend your tax cut all in one place.
Jamie, this captures the essence o fthe article you linked IMHO:
Donna isn’t doing the party she briefly headed any favors by getting the facts wrong.
al writes a “dear jeff letter”
explained and reported by tpm
Franken Blasts Sessions: Papadopoulos Docs Show ‘You Failed To Tell The Truth’
interesting conflicting statements as reported this march in salon piece “Donna Brazile apologizes for passing debate questions during Clinton-Sanders primary battles”
looks like donna 1st denied cheating, then admitted cheating, then was annoyed at being cast as a Clinton supporter and finally she blamed the Russians for the whole thing.
abc news
49 percent of Americans think Trump likely committed a crime (POLL)
About half the respondents in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll suspect that President Donald Trump broke the law during the presidential campaign, and just 3 in 10 Americans surveyed think that alleged wrongdoing ends with those who were charged this week by the special counsel.
The poll finds substantial support for the investigation, with 58 percent approving of how special counsel Robert Mueller is handling it, and more — 68 percent — approving of the filing of federal charges against Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and one of his associates.
Flatus, curious about your take on the Burgdahl decision.
jace – that means we’ll have to go to more than one convenience store?
Donna Brazile- in charge of get out the vote in 2014
Brazile … what’s the motivation, beyond book sales? I don’t get it. Why give GOP and Russians any help with division?
jack – Agreed. This place is still a pro-Hillary echo chamber.
Were Bernie supporters persuaded to vote for Hillary? Nope.
This is the longest presidential trip to Asia since Bush Sr. threw up on Japan’s Prime Minister.
mrdd, perhaps she’s somehow backed by the same bros (in addition to Bernie bros) that are backing the guy in the new Yorker article “The Danger of President Pence”….those particular bros seem to be everywhere these days. here’s an excerpt in that regard:
Trump began to appoint an extraordinary number of officials with ties to the Kochs and to Pence, especially in positions that affected Koch Industries financially, such as those dealing with regulatory, environmental, and fiscal policy. Short, who a few months earlier had tried to enlist the Kochs to stop Trump, joined the White House as its director of legislative affairs. Scott Pruitt, the militantly anti-regulatory attorney general of Oklahoma, who had been heavily supported by the Kochs, was appointed director of the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt, in turn, placed Patrick Traylor, a lawyer for Koch Industries and other fossil-fuel companies, in charge of the E.P.A.’s enforcement of key anti-pollution laws. As the Times has reported, a document called “A Roadmap to Repeal,” written by Koch operatives, has guided the E.P.A.’s reversal of Obama Administration clean-air and climate regulations. Don McGahn, who had done legal work for Freedom Partners, became White House counsel. Betsy DeVos, a billionaire heiress, who had been a major member of the Kochs’ donor network and a supporter of Pence, was named Secretary of Education. The new director of the C.I.A. was Mike Pompeo, the congressman who represented Charles Koch’s district, in Wichita, Kansas; before Pompeo ran for office, the Kochs had invested in his aerospace business. Pompeo, the former transition-team member said, “wasn’t even on Trump’s radar, but he was brought in to meet him and got appointed, like, the next day.” A recent analysis by the Checks & Balances Project found that sixteen high-ranking officials in the Trump White House had ties to the Kochs. The pattern continued among lower-level political appointees, including in Pence’s office, which was stocked with Koch alumni. Pence reportedly consulted with Charles Koch before hiring his speechwriter, Stephen Ford, who previously worked at Freedom Partners.
Senator Whitehouse, the Rhode Island Democrat, believes that the Kochs “will stick one hundred of their own people into the government—and Trump will never notice.” As a result, he said, “the signs of a rapprochement are everywhere.” Whitehouse continued, “One by one, all the things that Trump campaigned on that annoyed the Koch brothers are being thrown overboard. And one by one the Koch brothers’ priorities are moving up the list.” Trump’s populist, nationalist agenda has largely been replaced by the agenda of the corporate right. Trump has made little effort at infrastructure reform, and he abandoned his support for a “border-adjustment tax” after the Koch network spent months campaigning against it, and after Pence and Short discussed it privately with Charles Koch at a meeting in Colorado Springs this summer. Bannon’s proposal to create a higher tax bracket for citizens earning upward of five million dollars was dropped. The Kochs enthusiastically support the White House’s proposed tax-cut package, which, according to most nonpartisan analyses, will disproportionately benefit the super-rich. (The proposed elimination of the estate tax alone would give the Koch brothers’ heirs a windfall of billions of dollars.)
Americans for Prosperity recently announced plans to spend four and a half million dollars on ads that will press three Democratic senators in red states to support the tax cuts. On September 25th, Trump dined at the White House with Tim Phillips, the head of Americans for Prosperity, along with Short and a handful of other conservative activists. After keeping a careful distance from one another during the campaign, Pence and the Kochs reunited openly for the first time on October 13th, when Pence attended a summit of Koch donors in New York.
[btw, even tho very long, the article is a must read given the likelihood of #45’s impeachment and pence ascendency to #46…. god forbid]
craig, since we’re in this looking glass upside down world now, instead of our prez barfing on their prez it will be the other way around.
looks like maher is sharpening his wit for tonight’s real time show… one of his latest tweets
Bill MaherVerified account @billmaher 22h22 hours ago
Trump so anxious to distract from Russia he took a page out of Weinstein’s book and jacked into a potted plant. Then realized it was Jared..
643 replies 1,411 retweets 10,025 likes
I am sure the media and SFB will spend a few hours trying to convince the world that the 2015-6 DNC was the worst thing to hit America since Stalin took Berlin.
I am waiting for SFB to go off the deep end in the Philippines. Maybe he will do a little tongue with the leader there.
What would make my day is if there are new rumours of indictments coming Monday.
wow, Jennifer rubin at wapo on a tear this afternoon with her
“Trump’s latest impeachable actions”
she’s really giving congress critters what for for not speaking up.
bbronc, think we have extradition agreements with china? you know just in case those indictments Monday are for the twit.
Blue, here’s the difference between “this place” now and from back in 2008 – Hillary supporters in 2008 licked their (our) wounds then went all in for Obama – knowing the choice was Obama vs. McCain in November. As a result, Obama beat a war hero by a decently large margin. Hillary voters blamed Mark Penn for fucking up in the caucus states by relying on a super Tuesday strategy and blamed the Michigan Dem party for being stupid and scheduling the MI dem primary too early. They did not blame Obama for stealing the election. Obama won more states, got more delegates, (and got more popular votes, not counting Michigan) and accordingly Obama won the nomination. Still, Michigan or not, 2008 was razor thin. 2016 – not so much. Hillary got more popular votes, won more primary contests and got more delegates than Bernie – by substantial margins. After it was over, sour grapes led Bernie and Bernie supporters to give lackluster support to the HRC side of the HRC v. SFB contest in November.
And for what it’s worth, I don’t see where you get the HRC echo chamber comment. Going forward she’s not part of my equation – and I speak only for me – until she wades back into the fray. If anything, its an anti-trump echo chamber – as any “place” with thinking commenters should be.
“I don’t see where you get the HRC echo chamber comment“
pogo, could be the reverberations of my (and maybe Jamie’s) painful cries on hrc behalf getting rocks thrown at her not only by the twit but by her fellow dems for whom she worked her ass off and helped fund. hard not to refute lies and renounce the beatings on a dead horse (sorry, hil).
we should be looking forward, unified and fighting (not amongst ourselves) to restore the democracy that twit is trying his best to destroy and remake in his image.
Pogo… right on… this blog is largely an anti-trump place. Hillary is not president and I’d bet good money on her never running for any office and/or joining any Democratic administration ever again.
Even though I was a Hillary supporter back in 2008, I gladly voted for Obama twice. I wish Hillary well and I wish Bernie well…. but most of all…. I wish the Democratic Party well.
The GOP, Trump, his whiny supporters and anyone else connected to the farce can go to hell!
Bernie Sanders is not a member of the Democratic Party. He was and is an Independent who caucuses with the Dems.
Donna Brazille is for Donna only. Why publish her dislike of HRC now? Most likely for the money. I do not think she will be much more than a talking head, if anyone actually wants her on their program.
HRC said she is done, I believe her. She might as well enjoy her last couple of decades having some fun. Her sense of fun may not be yours. Bill does not look healthy, again.
Obama and Michelle appear to be enjoying themselves. I wish them well for what they have accomplished in spite of the racist members of the Congress determined to not let a black man succeed, country be damned too.
House GOP Votes To Fund Children’s Insurance With Cuts To Public Health
More than a month after Congress allowed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and community health centers to lapse, sending states scrambling to find emergency funding, the House of Representatives voted Friday on a bill to reauthorize the programs. Almost every Democrat voted no because the bill pays for CHIP by cutting more than $10 billion from Obamacare’s public health and prevention fund, and by raising Medicare fees for higher-income senior citizens.
I just decided my candidate if she wants the job is Kirstin Gillibrand who has the good sense not to bash other Democrats.
Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand is an American attorney and politician serving since 2009 as the junior United States Senator from New York, alongside the Democratic Leader of the United States Senate, Chuck Schumer. Wikipedia
Born: December 9, 1966 (age 50), Albany, NY
Office: Senator (D-NY) since 2009
Previous office: Representative, NY 20th District (2007–2009)
Spouse: Jonathan Gillibrand (m. 2001)
Education: UCLA School of Law (1989–1991), Dartmouth College (1985–1988), Emma Willard School
Books: Off the Sidelines, Off the Sidelines: Speak Up, Be Fearless, and Change Your World
Jamie, Kirsten is a good choice. I’ll vote for any Dem candidate who can achieve sufficient critical mass to mount a credible, and hopefully winning, challenge to SFB. She’s among a double handful or so of younger, smart, articulate dems who should be the foundation of the party’s future.
Renee, me, too. I voted very enthusiastically for him in 2012 and would have voted for him in 2016 if he coulda run.
pogo – Obama beat a war hero for one reason: Palin.
If he had picked Mittens, or pretty much anyone else, I would’ve felt comfortable staying home. Heck, I might even have voted for McCain if it looked close,
No, this was not about party unity. This was about potentionial vice presidential lunacy.
Speaking of VPs, Biden might be the only one who can unify Dems.
I did not vote for Obama a second time. He proved himself to be the empty suit he seemed to be in 2008.
Although not asked, I am still trying to process the Private Bergdahl sentence. Most of me is good with it. He is a lot screwy, and from his known history, a loser. That men were injured looking for him is important, but what he provided after being returned saved lives. He suffered in captivity and he attempted to escape several times, which is what a POW is supposed to try (if possible). He is busted from E-? down to E-1, okay. I do have issues with the no VA health care part. For the most part I do not agree with dishonorable discharge resulting in no health care. Yes it is a benefit of service, but it can also keep someone from serious actions, especially if he or she has mental issues such as PTSD.
That said. I think it is a just sentence for someone who deserted his command, but was not looking to join the enemy. The intelligence he brought back with him saved many lives and must be considered.
No one gives a shit about Hillary anymore much less Bernie or the guy from Baltimore. Only the bitter-enders who always have an excuse for not doing anything are still arguing about what happened.
PG/SFB continues to shock and amaze and of course the goopers with their heads up his butt I don’t get the goops who he has insulted and demeaned and who happily help him…must be Stockholm syndrome.
And in the mean time as has been pointed out here over and over again he is destroying the social fabric of this country.
Donna Brazile – she must be desperate for money. I hope it was a lot bcause no one should hire her again. First of all she’s not that good and second she is happy to kiss and tell
Obama beat McCain because the goopers had tanked the economy
Palin was a hail mary that ended being more “Hell Mary”
With friends like Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic party doesn’t need enemies. If the actions today screw up the Tuesday elections and affect 2018, they could be seeing flaming torches and pitchforks.
Tomorrow is Blog Blast 4 Peace. Considering that I’ve spent the day with steam coming out of my ears, it is arriving just barely in time. Do stop by my blog for the whole article if you get the chance.
Jamie’s Place For Stuff
In the meantime, my globe is above with a whole article & music to follow tomorrow.
KGC – those who know Brazille, have opinons. I have mine and that is as far as I go.
One of these days, this weekend, I will don my alt (jeez I hate that acronym) identity and so into the red zone. If I survive I will report.
Soviet/Russian report – FSB/SRV/GRU (KGB) are attacking my website. You would think they would have figured out my password by now. PuT1NL0VesSH0rtDickSmallHands Do not understand why they do not like me?
BB’s 1807 largely captures my thoughts.
After his failed USCG enlistment, he should not have been enlisted in the other branches. Because his personal disaster, although most regrettable was foreseeable; the Army owes him, and all the troops who were subsequently injured, a humble apology.
His discharge should be changed to a General Discharge under Honorable Conditions. That will allow him medical care and veteran’s benefits.
So far as I can tell, his conduct as a prisoner was stellar.
BB & Flatus, I can’t say how much I appreciate your insights into military matters, having no insight of my own to contribute to the conversation. I’ve been of 2 minds on Bowe. My lay instinct has been to cut him a break and my first reaction to his sentence was split- first I was glad he wasn’t getting more jail time – he got enough of that. Second I thought it was too harsh that he was given a DD. You’ve confirmed that instinct.
Ya know, Bowe reminds me of a neighbor down in the country, not the sharpest tool in the shed but the army found a spot for him.
Bowe’s main problem is he liked to take unapproved walks, not the smartest thing. His other problem was he did it while Obama was president and thus became a political foot ball. IMO justice was for the most part served. I’m glad the silly bastard didn’t do any more jail time. Being captive of the Taliban was punishment enough for his stupidity. imo
Jack, Dylan. Hard Rsin’s one of my favorites. I’m considering going to see him over Thanksgiving. Not quite there but think I may get there.
speaking of a hard rain…..
Maria, my neighbor down the street called me last week. Seems her niece and husband were living with her. They were hurricane refugees from Miami. They needed a place to live and I had a vacant rental house, told them it would be a few days and if they would do cleanup I would give them a weeks rent free. I gave them a key yesterday so they could clean. this morning I went over to finish a few repairs and they had already moved in. Maria must be a real pain in the — to live with. Mean while Fema is going to pay their first months rent and security deposit. Be interesting to see how long it takes before I get my money. My last renters were always having problems but they always managed, I joked to Mrs Jack that they were my children, looks like I have new children. they seem to be good people, now if I can get the rent. BTW, last Christmas Mrs jack made sure that our previous renter children had a good Christmas, lol we spent $100 on christmas presents for them. lol what can I say
Pogo, I have eclectic tastes, I’ve also been listening to Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys. A favorite of my mother who went to see them as a teenager in the 30’s on the Oklahoma/Kansas border.
one last one
fyi in re donna’ s so-called dirty deal
from nbc news: Memo Reveals Details of Hillary Clinton-DNC Deal
The Democratic National Committee struck a fundraising deal with Hillary Clinton in 2015 that gave her campaign input on some party personnel and spending decisions, but only as they related to the general election and with the provision that other candidates could make similar arrangements, according to a memo of the agreement obtained by NBC News.
The document provides more context to the explosive claims made by former DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile in a forthcoming book, an excerpt of which was published this week.
…the memo made clear it pertained only to the general election, not the primary season, and it left open the possibility it would sign similar agreements with other candidates.
“Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC’s obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process. All activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary,” the memo states.
“Further we understand you may enter into similar agreements with other candidates,” it continues.
The Clinton campaign agreed to make an initial payment of $1.2 million to DNC, which was crippled by debt, and provide a monthly allowance and other funds. The agreement appears intended to give the campaign oversight over their money was money was spent.
The Joint Fundraising Agreement was first reported over a year and a half ago, but gained new attention this week with Brazile’s book.
The August 26, 2015, memorandum of understanding from Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook to DNC CEO Amy Dacey, which supplemented a standard Joint Fundraising Agreement, more fully explains the relationship between Clinton and the DNC long before she won her party’s nomination.
the hill The Memo: Trump tries to deepen Dem divisions
President Trump is trying to foment tensions in the Democratic Party, after new revelations about last year’s primary campaign emerged from Donna Brazile, who served as interim head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
But Democrats in both the pro-Hillary Clinton and pro-Bernie Sanders wings of the party insist that Trump’s interjections will only bring them together.
“Nothing unites the Democratic Party like Trump,” said Tad Devine, who was a senior advisor to Sanders during last year’s primary but was speaking to The Hill in a personal capacity. “If he gets in the middle, it brings us together. If he had a little more patience, he would have let the thing go for a day or two — but he can’t help himself.”
Karen Finney, who was a senior advisor to Clinton during the campaign and is also a former communications director of the DNC, agreed.
“When Trump does that, it serves to refocus and remind people of what is at stake and what is really important,” Finney said.
which leads me to wonder, given this is worse time – ie va gov race election – for such a divisive move, if donna isn’t a trumpian mole
also from the hill today:
“I don’t like him,” George H.W. Bush said in a new book. “I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.”
The book, titled “The Last Republicans” by author Mark K. Updegrove, explores the connection between the elder bush and his soon, former President George W. Bush.
In the book, the elder Bush confirms he voted for Clinton over President Trump, and the younger bush says he voted for “none of the above,” according to The New York Times.
The elder Bush also says in the book that Trump is motivated by “a certain ego,” according to The Times.
Papadapoulos to Trump et alia:
“Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts” ~~~
Forty-five* issues in the art of the treason, Greco-Russian style.
What will be of interest is what pops out of the special cake come Monday, or maybe a little hint this weekend will give us a tease. With SFB going all out on his desire to be a dictator right now there must be something going on.
Time to get out the old Mueller Bingo Card.
more trouble for sessions
The latest revelations about Page’s trip in the summer of 2016 differ from the details he has shared with the news media over the last several weeks. When Page spoke with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Friday afternoon, he said he had only met with academics and a few business people whom he had “known for over a decade.”
In his interview with Tapper, Page also confirmed that before going on the trip he mentioned his plans to travel to Russia to then-Sen. Jeff Sessions as well as “a few people” on the Trump campaign.
When Tapper asked if Sessions, now the US attorney general, was “the only one on the campaign that knew about the trip,” Page replied: “I mentioned it to a few people.”
“Who else?” Tapper asked.
“You know, it’ll come out,” Page said. “Things keep leaking in this.”
Although Page said his comment to Sessions was only in passing and the trip was unrelated to the campaign, he statements call into question Sessions’ testimony to Congress regarding the Trump campaign and any potential ties between it and Russia.
Seldom have I encountered a more self serving article than Brazil’s. Still not sure what she thinks she has to gain by coming out with it now.
Absent the Clinton fund raising prowess the DNC would not have been able to afford postage stamps during the General election. That fact alone speaks volumes about the various dems in charge of the DNC.
in the final analysis the Democratic Party spent it’s funds on the only democrat in the field. Why exactly should they have done otherwise?
As for Sanders and company, if you desire to have all the advantages of party organization, contacts, fundraising and infrastructure, join the party and go to work. Until then shut the fuck up!
in re cartoon and article of his posted here earlier
from la times:
I want to apologize to Times readers — and to Sarah Huckabee Sanders — for a description that was insensitive and failed to meet the standards of our newspaper. It also failed to meet the expectations I have for myself. It surely won’t be my last mistake, but this particular error will be scrupulously avoided in my future commentaries. I’ve removed the offending description.
— David Horsey
I will repeat S.S. Huckabee is “strikingly beautiful.”
Doodlesdog — you got it!
I wonder how much rural gooper virginians know about chinless ed – their candidate for go
Having seen chinless ed’s ads I think the Dems should run ads about what a lying sack of shit chinless Ed is and why
These are strange, strange times.
We have what is being called the “Weinstein effect” on calling out sexual assault and harassment, and at the same time, we have a “president” who admits to sexual assault. In fact, he has done it so often he developed a strategy (Tic Tacs & Tango). Same “president” was probably elected with Russian help (cyberwar) and we have a Hooters restaurant chain. Who exactly holds moral authority in this country? We have no Walter Cronkite, no religious leaders … Whataboutism is everywhere. A lying, scornful and mean WH PressSec receives an apology from an editorial cartoonist for deadly accuracy. People are still fighting over the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, the winner of which went on to win the general election by roughly 3 million votes (over the Russian/Groper/Goper). The Russian Idiot can’t let that go, either.
What is going on? Where is our Gregory Peck?
Saturday Twitter Creativity
As I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Feds are poised to leap
If they indict before I wake
I pray Don Jr. is the one they take.
By Greg Hogben
Added to by “A Lover and Writer”
And if I wake & he’s been nailed
I pray his dad’s the next one jailed.