Own it Democrats. You can win the House and Senate next year by promising to impeach Donald Trump. You are the majority. Act like it. You’ll turn out your base and fire up Trump voters to nominate beatable fringe GOP candidates.
User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
sooo will the congressional primaries be about who can introduce impeachment bills the fastest?
also will there be any of the endangered specie moderate gopers left to hint impeachment?
xr, totally agree with what you said in the wee small hours: “ [trumpster cast of thousands]…will all go down for non-russkie related criminal activity.” foresee many to be simple perjury (lying on fed forms or to investigation interrogators) and for income tax violations.
will penalties dangled before the indicted like jail, loss of license to do business, forfeiture of retirement, fortune and property (if r.i.c.o. applies) be enough to get them to turn and squeal on the big orange whale up the chain?
hope stories like this will increase
politico: John Boehner Unchained
The former House speaker feels liberated—but he’s also seething about what happened to his party.
wapo: John Boehner, retired and a little bitter, f-bombs some old GOP enemies
Today should be a very interesting day, more so if your name is SFB. It looks like someone took his tweeting device away. The moron has been “quiet” for many hours. I can hardly wait until he finds it after his friends and family have been arrested.
Will he fire Mueller? It may be too late as the courts have the indictment(s) in hand to execute today. Sure Dorothy Sessions could refuse to prosecute, but that might be enough to get the republicans to act.
Its manafort….surrendering today.
manafort and rick gates (who knows about this guy?) to surrender. From the NYT.
rick gates, america first policies.
“Gates was one of six former Trump campaign aides who joined forces after the campaign to form the nonprofit after Trump was elected president in November. Gates was one of the group’s top officials alongside the Trump campaign’s digital director Brad Parscale and longtime Mike Pence aide Nick Ayers, both of whom remain at the helm of the nonprofit.’
Roll-out the barrel —
gates worked with parscale the digital fiend and pences’s cos, ayers, the power behind pence. This appears to also be hitting the digital group behind the election heist much to my delight. The white shadow prez is involved, too.
The first of the low fruits and nuts are stopping by to say “Hi” to Mueller. Manafort was one of the high probability of being a Russian agent and active at it too. But, the key take away is manafort and gates were both on the campaign as top level manager and assistant manager. Manafort was also deeply involved in the FSB meeting with SFB jr and the Russian lawyer. Things are going to be fun.
manafort offered campaign private briefing to ruskie billionaire and kremlin messenger….from faux news sellout, kurtz.
BB, while manafort ‘went away,’ gates stayed on to work with trump in the WH. Real time criminality.
excerpt on rick gates from ny times via msn:
Also charged was Mr. Manafort’s former business associate Rick Gates, who was also told to surrender on Monday, the person said.
Mr. Gates is a longtime protégé and junior partner of Mr. Manafort. His name appears on documents linked to companies that Mr. Manafort’s firm set up in Cyprus to receive payments from politicians and businesspeople in Eastern Europe, records reviewed by The New York Times show.
Mr. Manafort had been under investigation for violations of federal tax law, money laundering and whether he appropriately disclosed his foreign lobbying.
well, that money laundering charge should kick in r.i.c.o. … let the fun begin.
Apologies for over commenting….I have been waiting for this for a long time and my excitement of it being a reality rather than a hoax, a witch hunt is causing some hyperactivity.
One more — stone has been kicked-off of twitter and is texting, emailing, etc., but his twitpower is gone. stone and manafort are old buddies…back in the campaign days of reagan. black, manfort, stone & kelly —
The firm was one of the first political consulting firms to work for Ronald Reagan’s presidential candidacy in 1980
this a.m. on morning joe:
NYT reporter offers more info on Rick Gates
The New York Times’ Michael Schmidt discusses Rick Gates, who along with Paul Manafort was told to surrender Monday to federal authorities as part of Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.
Comment away….going to be an interesting day.
from RT news —
Ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort indicted on 12 counts, incl. conspiracy against US
A quick look confirms the manafort paperwork includes the most import phrase, “. . . with others. . .” That little piece means the indictment is not exclusive to manafort and gates. There could be other indictments filed, but are sealed and will not be acted on for a while. Those effectively put the statute of limitations (SOL) on hold for all of them. By tossing manafort today it puts pressure on him to try to cut a deal.
I want to know more about the russian spy ring, famous for Anna Chapman, and the SFB family. And where manafort and gates fits in. Hopefully that will be up this round.
bw, no no no way are you overdoing trail maintenance! don’t stop. great to see all those cites of yours. they give a good cross-the-board look at the action afoot. hope the citizenry get as excited as you are about this.
What a way to start the week. Halloween will seem like an afterthought. We might need a new holiday when this is over . . . something like Guy Fawkes?
Perhaps these soon to be jail birds will sing a song of ‘Trumpence’.
There is nothing quite like the smell of immunity in the morning.
It’s been a busy 36 hour period with family issues… Rick and I are fine. Trying to keep up with the news. Grateful for the fact that we are high and dry…. and the good news… finally indictments. 2 down… many more to go!
The barrel is no longer empty, kelly…it is filled with gopper operatives, ruskies, crooks and liars, party favorites, digital hacks and billionaires….all the way back to nixon and reagan.
Have to wonder if there are any overlaps between manafort’s companies and SFBjr?
from reuters:
Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for U.S. President Donald Trump, and an associate were indicted by a federal grand jury on 12 counts including conspiracy against the United States and money laundering, the federal special counsel’s office said on Monday.
“The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts,” the statement said.
BW go for it, take all the bandwidth you need.
On the bright side for some, Paul Ryan is eyeing the Presidency as some place to go when the Dems take back the House. lol
Just sent pearce an email…impeachment on my mind and I mentioned America First Policies…a member of the group now charged with conspiracy against our country. pearce is running for gov and pays more attention these days to his state citizens. I asked him to put citizens first over party and personality. I also asked for a response about this attack on our country. It is an attack on our country, first and foremost.
The crime spree by the trumpence junta….finally some sunlight on the underworld of trump.
“Conspiracy against the U.S.” — does that translate into the common term, “treason”? And the “others” is that leaving it open for Manafort and Gates to flip/sing/squeal?
As much as I’m been waiting for our system of laws and justice to counterpunch Trump, this news strikes me as incredibly sad. The campaign chair and deputy campaign chair of a sitting President have been indicted for conspiracy against the U.S.
And this is just the beginning.
How long before we start hearing stories of hush money coming from the White House?
Manafort may give a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘the art of the deal’.
Thanks for checking in RR and on a personal note here, I was not crawling on my stomach a la breaking bad in front of the altar. However, last week the pushback on Mueller by the trump media vassals (thanks tapper) had me thinking of it.
Hey Bink — join the indictment party.
Conspiracy against the United States? Does that mean we can subpoena Vlad?
Today is as important as the day Watergate hearings started showing WH co-conspirators in hearings admitting that they were involved. The excitement around here is approaching dancing around the banana plants level.
Reports are that SFB is bringing pence and Dorothy Sessions to lunch today. I bet they do not talk about how PG did cheating at golf on Saturday.
Intelligent things that you don’t expect a CNN commentator to say as you wonder how many got the reference:
Asha Rangappa, “Birnam Wood is creeping closer to the White House”
Witches and boiling cauldrons just in time for Halloween.
Well her Twitter description explains it:
Fmr FBI Special Agent, Counterintelligence Division. Tiger(ish) mom. @CNN analyst. Editor @just_security. Karaoke, golf, and Shakespeare aficionado. Views mine.
Wonder what this means for Flynn, perhaps he’s flipping.
Another indictment: George Papadopoulos, Trump foreign policy advisor.
I watched Boris Karloff in “The Mummy” the other day. One of my scary-movie favorites since childhood, although I haven’t watched it in years. A couple of things: it reminded me very much of Lugosi’s “Dracula,” in that it appeared stagey. So much so that the other Doodle was bored. The Mummy’s curse, and the single-minded mission, his unstoppability? There’s a direct link to James Cameron’s “The Terminator.”
I also thought of Mueller.
here it comes …
Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????
10:25 AM – Oct 30, 2017
God, *45 is lame.
George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to lying to the FBI. He flipped. Does he have a link between SFB and Putin? Perhaps. He was the person pushing for SFB and Putin get together.
Wonder if they took manafort’s belt and shoe laces away?
Today is one of those days in American history which is critical and needs to be taught to the young ‘uns.
interesting headlines
sfgate: Court papers: Former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to lying to FBI agents in Mueller probe
Trump Campaign Foreign Policy Adviser Pleads Guilty In Russia Probe
George Papadopolous admitted lying to the FBI.
A foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has pleaded guilty to a charge of lying to FBI agents.
George Papadopoulos, 30, pleaded guilty on Oct. 5, 2017, but the case wasn’t unsealed until Monday, when two other Trump associates were indicted by a federal grand jury. Papadopoulos reached a plea deal with prosecutors, and has since been cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Prosecutors’ statement of the offense alleges Papadopoulos “made material false statements and material omissions” during a Jan. 27, 2017, interview with the FBI. He was arrested July 27.
might be also interesting to look back at what twit was tweeting and doing around the 1/27 and 7/27 dates. distraction action?
from preet’s tweet
Preet BhararaVerified account @PreetBharara 15m15 minutes ago
Special Counsel Mueller appears to have a cooperating witness, George Papadopoulos. That is significant. Time will tell how significant.
From this point forward, Papadopoulos will be known as P-los. Damn the first to flip has such a long and crazy last name, almost like ‘greek to me.’
“Wonder if they took manafort’s belt and shoe laces away?”
bbronc, given some of the putie poisonings of late, mueller better keep track of who serves him tea and sympathy between now and when they have a flip from him in writing/on tape secured.
Thank you, Mueller and investigative team.
Roger Stone was a business partner of Paul Manipedi and all of them have apts in PG’s tower of trash
Yay indictments and Beat LA
If tweets are proven to be demonstrably false, can they be used as evidence?
jamie, your 9:58…change ‘could be’ to IS.
trump is not calling this fake news anymore.
AP on the America First Policies.
From January of this year —
Six of President Donald Trump’s top campaign aides have banded together to start a nonprofit called “America First Policies” to back the White House agenda.
The group includes Trump’s digital and data director Brad Parscale, onetime deputy campaign manager Rick Gates and two campaign advisers to Vice President Mike Pence, Nick Ayers and Marty Obst.
Now the wait on how pardon-proof the investigation will be as Mueller hired a specialist on pardons and is working with NY AG. You have to anticipate the sfb, pging potus will use his pardon like he did with sheriff joe. The pardon may backfire like with joe as the pardon may also be an obstruction of justice by trump.
From the article —
In particular, Trump’s conversation with Sessions and subsequent decision to pardon Arpaio could shed new light on Trump’s motives in speaking to James Comey, then the FBI director, one day after former national security adviser Michael Flynn resigned about ending the investigation into Flynn.
But some legal analysts also said the pardon and Trump’s previous actions may serve as an important piece of evidence to Robert Mueller, the special counsel leading the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. That investigation has reportedly expanded to include whether the president attempted to obstruct justice.
P-los worked for ben carson, too. P-los arrested at Dulles in July and did his plea in October…some background on him and his campaign advising.
“Your client agrees to plead guilty to the Criminal Information, a copy of which is attached, charging your client with making false statements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in violation of I 8 U.S.C. § 100 I. Your client understands that a violation of I 8 U.S.C. § 100 I carries a maximum sentence of 5 years’ imprisonment; a fine of $250,000, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 357l(b)(3); a term of supervised release of not more than 3 years, pursuant to 18 U .S.C. § 3583(b )(2); and an obligation to pay any applicable interest or penalties on fines and restitution not timely made.”
More popcorn please
big message to the Trumpians still on the hot seat from their leader “We will disavow you immediately.”
Can’t wait for Jared’s day in court…PG will say…must be a different Jared Kushner
from their leader “We will disavow you immediately.”
kgc, with so many looks like he’ll be needing a bigger bus under which to throw them….maybe an air bus
some fun thoughts on the other news we may have forgotten happened last week
KGC – I read the label on the bag of popcorn. It is not calorie free. But in these trying times it is something to forget and enjoy with extra butter.
Forget the bus, even the “biggest bus.” Forty-five* is willing to throw everyone who works for him under the flaming Hindenburg.
History arrives for *45.
Heard a very understated assessment few minutes ago, “If you’re Paul Manafort it’s not a good day for you.” I’d say that’s fair.
Oh, and I’m waiting for SF’s “PAUL WHO? NO COLLUSION!!” tweet.
My hunch: Mueller indicting Manafort is telling Flynn to flip or your next.
Clearly Manafort was working for Putin and Trump hired him.
21st paragraph of Manafort indictment alleges he “briefed” the President on his Russia lobbying.
he “briefed” the President on his Russia lobbying
craig, another way of saying he gave the prez a wedgie?
Money laundering – boy howdy – Isn’t that SFB/PG’s mo
We are in municipal elections here and hubby says we should put our ‘Hillary for President’ sign back up.
(a year ago)
I would like to know who introduced who to whom. I think Trump did more of the introducing then the other way around
Craig – I have been pondering for a long time, the last seven years starting January 20, about the hiring of so many Russian agents on the campaign, transition and staff. Why all the Russian and Chinese spies in the trumpf tower and in the Florida place? I am not convinced that Putin did not dictate the hiring of so many “bad people”. With today’s start on the indictments I am now thinking that Mueller and team are taking the bottom bricks out of the stack with the intention the collapse ending up with the orange brick sticking out ready to be put in prison. He does not need to pull all of them out, at least not at the start, just enough to make all the rest very unstable.
I don’t now about flipping flynn as he reminds me of gordon liddy. His son ‘junior’ however can be targeted. mg flynn had his halloween face on his twitter feed last night, but switched to his son’s cute pic today…his pic last night reminded me of sardo numpsa of The Golden Child movie. I remember sardo had an applause and laugh track that followed him like trump. The villains of democracy.
I have obviously moved into the wine with the popcorn.
Joke of the day
suckabee with a double dose of coal on her eyes (she could barely open her eyes) said the following —
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said today that indictments handed down by special counsel Robert Mueller have “nothing to do” with President Trump or his campaign.
from faux news.com
Nothing ever has anything to do with PG/SFB
Suckabee will still be saying that when they perp walk him across the whitehouse lawn…I hope I get to see that
bw, good picture, good idea about the sign. perhaps bumper stickers will become popular saying “don’t blame me, I voted for Hillary” and “sHe told you so”
Compare the two Democrats on this list, with the Republicans. Now imagine how many indictments & convictions Trump’s Admin will have.
When it comes to political shenanigans, nobody does it better than the GOP
We have been busy today helping our niece and her hubby clean out the flooded cellar of their house. It used to be Rick’s parent’s house. They moved into it 3 years ago and helped take care of Grandpa while he was still alive. It’s wonderful to still have the house within the family.
My god… what a mess. They woke up this morning to 5 ft of water in the cellar when a nearby brook overflowed it’s banks from all the rain we’ve had here in the Northeast for a couple of days. It looks like all the appliances down there…. washer, dryer, and freezer are lost. The furnace needs fixing. But the one thing left standing and still working is the old refrigerator my in-laws bought second hand in 1950. They really did build things to last back then.
Maybe PG will work himself into a frenzy…
RR – although it is flood water, check with the insurance company(ies) which might cover things which got wet. Flood insurance is one of those things in the SFB kill range. Except a lot of his “support” live in flood zones.
This day has been the best day in almost a full year.
Have to wonder who SHS has helping with her make-up, or she was practicing for Halloween.
Listening to the analysis of the morning activities on MSNBC has been very encouraging. The smart people have had hours to read and think about the manafort/gates charges and the Papalopadous charges and plea. There is a lot in the charges and the guilty plea. It looks like SFB is going to be running the shredder tonight, but too late.
A salute to Mueller. . . or as a T-shirt I saw at the VA med center Thursday, “It’s Mueller Time”.
Frenzy, anyone?
Oh, he’ll be chewing the scenery tonight, by golly……
Note to self – go find one of those Mueller Time t-shirts.
Great photo, Blonde Wino. Yes, put that sign out.
Another chilly day here in North Florida, so I’m making some Indictment Day Chili.
I think it may be time to consider bringing Flynn back to active duty. There are lots of charges that can be brought while not robbing Meuller of the opportunity of pursuing the great big one. I would just love seeing his ass in the USDB at Ft Leavenworth. The NCOs there would show him the path to enlightenment.
comey is tweeting today with scripture
Reinhold Niebuhr @FormerBu
“Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” Reinhold Niebuhr
From TPM
The same article has this tweet —
Jeet Heer
Too bad Niebuhr never said anything about how FBI directors shouldn’t mess with democracy by issuing statements right before election. https://twitter.com/FormerBu/status/925070993692987394 …
RR…what a mess. I always see commercials on tv with the pros coming in to a disaster house dropping by rope, coming in vans and cleaning it back to normal in minutes. Never happens in real life…most have to immediately clean by themselves. Standing water is so toxic. It was good of you to help and I hope your wore a mask. Climate disasters this year are costing, but the loss to humans is immeasurable.
Probe for stinky zinke….Watchdog group asks for FEC to investigate campaign accounts.
A watchdog group is alleging an RV transaction conducted by Ryan Zinke’s congressional campaign could be illegal and has asked the Federal Election Commission to investigate the Interior secretary’s old campaign accounts.
In a 20-page complaint filed Monday, the Campaign Legal Center said the FEC should consider whether Zinke violated campaign finance laws during his campaigns for Congress.
George Papadapolous? What must Ma’am & Webster think?
And Hukster-ess can’t confirm Donny won’t be foolish enough to fire Mueller?
Can they charge anyone with a non-Fed crime that wouldn’t be pardonable?
The point of Tony P taking a powder? Is Mueller casting a non-partisan net?
rr – Glad u & Rick are OK.
corporal flynn would fit well into the Leavenworth DB. Not exactly a tennis prison, I shouldn’t think.
Blue, sit back and buckle up. The ride’s just beginning.
Man, Rep. Nan Hayward just said I don’t have any sense. From her I take that as a compliment, being that she is an idiot.
She has trumpshit all over her nose. She needs better makeup.
A Mueller musical interlude
some of our internal codes such as SFB are confusing occasional readers, I’m getting questions and I don’t even remember what that stands for. Please decode now and then.
SFB = Shit for brains; Stoopid Fat Bastard, etc. when in doubt fill in your own meaning based on context if it’s discernible.
thanks Pogo